Why are rare,infrequent EXCEPTIONS require more rules,regulations???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Liberals/progressives/democrats use exceptional, infrequent events and situations ALL the time to make new laws!

In almost ALL cases these exceptional infrequent events ARE ALREADY covered by laws that are not enforced!

First example: The Anti-gun, gun banning advocates movement.
A) Exceptional IN FREQUENT EVENTS mass shootings.. only 8 people killed per year in 2 shootings per year over the last 30 years!
Since 1982 there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and 7 of them have taken place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

So why are these 8 deaths a year a cause for more laws?
But instead of enforcing ALREADY existing gun laws enforcement is down 40% from the Bush administration?
Yet Obama, et.al are calling for MORE LAWS?? WHY when they aren't enforcing the ones we already have?

Despite his calls for greater gun control, including a new assault weapons ban that extends to handguns,
President Obama's administration has turned away from enforcing gun laws,
cutting weapons prosecutions some 40 percent since a high of about 11,000 under former President Bush.
Gun prosecutions under Obama down more than 45 percent | WashingtonExaminer.com

So why are these exceptional rare events motivating the MSM/Obama to write more laws when existing laws aren't enforced?

This is just the first of several examples where hysterical,hyperbolic EXCEPTIONS to the rule are creating more LAWS that simply aren't needed and all
the while existing LAWS are not enforced. Hint for the next example. WHY does MEDICARE pay 6,000% markup over costs?
That article tells more of the story than its flakiness might suggest. First it complains that Obama isn't prosecuting gun offenses enough, but then ends by saying:

' Second Amendment advocates said on background that they expect Obama to press ATF to boost prosecutions and use the Sandy Hook case, and other mass shootings, to move gun control to the top of his second term agenda. "It's in his DNA to push this issue," said one gun-rights official, speaking on background. "This would be his crowning achievement, if he can ban guns," added the official '

This damned if you do--damned if you don't strategy couldn't be any more transparent :doubt:
The point of this is an example.
Our country is being managed based on the exception and not what is the norm or rule.
Why the big issue over Sandy Hook when over the past 30 years 62 shootings and an average of 8 per year!
Why not just enforce the laws we have? Making new laws appears to be just a feel good exercise... see we are doing something!
When in reality just enforce the current damn Laws!
That article tells more of the story than its flakiness might suggest. First it complains that Obama isn't prosecuting gun offenses enough, but then ends by saying:

' Second Amendment advocates said on background that they expect Obama to press ATF to boost prosecutions and use the Sandy Hook case, and other mass shootings, to move gun control to the top of his second term agenda. "It's in his DNA to push this issue," said one gun-rights official, speaking on background. "This would be his crowning achievement, if he can ban guns," added the official '

This damned if you do--damned if you don't strategy couldn't be any more transparent :doubt:

Or any more partisan.
This is just the way they are. Standing on a pile of dead children and providing a Pavlovian response to a decades old wet dream.
Since when did rich liberals follow any laws they passed? They are the exception kings......notice they never want to jettison ALL tax deductions?
Bad cases make bad laws, is the rule. It is the politicians' response to "do something" about whatever. If we had a 6 month moratorium on new laws after any incident we'd all be better off.
If the present trends continue, gun deaths in the US will be greater than auto accident deaths. Yet the gun nuts and the NRA continue to state that the cure to the problem is more guns in our society. In no other first world nation are there anywhere near the kind numbers and kind of gun violence we see here in the US.

We have a problem, a serious one, and the 'Conservatives' are stating, "ignore it, it is not important".
Liberals/progressives/democrats use exceptional, infrequent events and situations ALL the time to make new laws!

In almost ALL cases these exceptional infrequent events ARE ALREADY covered by laws that are not enforced!

So why are these exceptional rare events motivating the MSM/Obama to write more laws when existing laws aren't enforced?

So by your logic, all the things we did in the aftermath of 9/11 were uncalled for, because, hey, let's be honest, only 4 of the 35000 planes in the air that day crashed into buildings.

If the Rent-a-cops at the Airlines had JUST ENFORCED THE RULES, those terrorists would have been stopped. We didn't need all these extra rules like reinforced cockpit doors and full body scans and x-raying people's shoes and creating the TSA.

Okay, do you understand how absurd your argument is now? Getting it?

This is just the first of several examples where hysterical,hyperbolic EXCEPTIONS to the rule are creating more LAWS that simply aren't needed and all
the while existing LAWS are not enforced. Hint for the next example. WHY does MEDICARE pay 6,000% markup over costs?

It doesn't. In fact, the big whine from doctors is that MediCare doesn't pay as much as private insurance does, which is why they don't want to take more medicare patients.
Bush used 9/11, a very exceptional event, to invade Iraq,

and the OP, ironically, is this board's biggest fan of that disaster.
Another example: Illinois has very stringent rules and regulations regarding well construction and the handling of fluids. It's called The Illinois Oil and Gas Act. And it's a whopper.

In step the Illinois Democrats... adding over 150 pages of additional rules and $13,000 per well fees to address hydraulic fracturing alone.

Yet, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson had long ago told Congress: "I am not aware of any proven case where the fracking process itself has affected water."
Bush used 9/11, a very exceptional event, to invade Iraq,

and the OP, ironically, is this board's biggest fan of that disaster.

I was just trying to limit the conversation to ONLY things we did related to air travel, using his standard that only one in a thousand flights that day were hijacked.

But yeah, good point. Obama has nothing on getting things through like Bush did using a disaster.
This is just the way they are. Standing on a pile of dead children and providing a Pavlovian response to a decades old wet dream.

Bush murdered more children in the first 24 hours of the Iraq war than were killed at Sandy Hook,

and those murders had no bigger fan than you. Coupled with your above post, you seem to evince a rather disturbing amount of glee of the deaths of the young.

Why is that, exactly?
Bad cases make bad laws, is the rule. It is the politicians' response to "do something" about whatever. If we had a 6 month moratorium on new laws after any incident we'd all be better off.

Good suggestion!

This "do something" response is also fed by the MSM's NEED to generate readership. The adage "if it bleeds it leads" is never more true today with the MSM "Twit news cycle"!
If the present trends continue, gun deaths in the US will be greater than auto accident deaths. Yet the gun nuts and the NRA continue to state that the cure to the problem is more guns in our society. In no other first world nation are there anywhere near the kind numbers and kind of gun violence we see here in the US.

We have a problem, a serious one, and the 'Conservatives' are stating, "ignore it, it is not important".

Yes gun deaths are rising. BUT again read carefully the following:
1) NOT ONE auto decided to kill anyone. For that reason we aren't outlawing autos.
2) NOT ONE gun decided to fire itself.

And guess what else. Neither autos or guns can read any laws against them!

As far as violence... take a look at this:
The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.


Britain, The Most Violent Country In Europe: Violence Rate Is 4.36 Times Worse Than in The U.S.
Liberals/progressives/democrats use exceptional, infrequent events and situations ALL the time to make new laws!

In almost ALL cases these exceptional infrequent events ARE ALREADY covered by laws that are not enforced!

So why are these exceptional rare events motivating the MSM/Obama to write more laws when existing laws aren't enforced?

So by your logic, all the things we did in the aftermath of 9/11 were uncalled for, because, hey, let's be honest, only 4 of the 35000 planes in the air that day crashed into buildings.

If the Rent-a-cops at the Airlines had JUST ENFORCED THE RULES, those terrorists would have been stopped. We didn't need all these extra rules like reinforced cockpit doors and full body scans and x-raying people's shoes and creating the TSA.

Okay, do you understand how absurd your argument is now? Getting it?

This is just the first of several examples where hysterical,hyperbolic EXCEPTIONS to the rule are creating more LAWS that simply aren't needed and all
the while existing LAWS are not enforced. Hint for the next example. WHY does MEDICARE pay 6,000% markup over costs?

It doesn't. In fact, the big whine from doctors is that MediCare doesn't pay as much as private insurance does, which is why they don't want to take more medicare patients.

Well using your "logic" then we should never been involved in WWII because it was a failure on FDR at Pearl Harbor right?
And Yes to airlines enforcing the rules... how many EL AL Israel Airlines have been hijacked? They followed their rules before 9/11. Simple rules.

The FACT is you are confusion hospitals and physicians in the payment example.
THE FACT is I've access to a 6,000 hospital database that shows exactly how much hospitals bill Medicare and what it costs the hospital to perform the service.
YOU obviously never heard of the 1986 law known as EMTALA. Take a little time and see WHY Medicare accepts these gross overcharges.
For example:

In 2009 University Community Hospital in Tampa billed Medicare on 2,110 claims for performing CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged: $2,635 again this is what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $43 a mark up 6,127.91%

And Medicare is OK with these gross overcharges! WHY because they know the hospitals have to abide by EMTALA ... LOOK IT UP!!
If the present trends continue, gun deaths in the US will be greater than auto accident deaths. Yet the gun nuts and the NRA continue to state that the cure to the problem is more guns in our society. In no other first world nation are there anywhere near the kind numbers and kind of gun violence we see here in the US.

We have a problem, a serious one, and the 'Conservatives' are stating, "ignore it, it is not important".

Yes gun deaths are rising. BUT again read carefully the following:
1) NOT ONE auto decided to kill anyone. For that reason we aren't outlawing autos.
2) NOT ONE gun decided to fire itself.

And guess what else. Neither autos or guns can read any laws against them!

As far as violence... take a look at this:
The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.


Where do you come up with this horseshit?

Leaving aside South Africa for the moment, because it's a third world country that has undergone years of instituationalized racism and near civil war.

Let's look at murder numbers for the Ango-Sphere countries.

US- 15,9536
United Kingdom - 724
Canada - - 610
Australia- - 217

Just looking at the GUn numbers.

US- 11,101
United Kingdom - 27
Canada - - 173
Australia- - 30

Sorry, man, your numbers just don't hold up.

Using a generic term like "violence rate" doesn't take into account that countries count different things. The UK might count an assault in a bar fight while the US doesn't.
The point of this is an example.
Our country is being managed based on the exception and not what is the norm or rule.
Why the big issue over Sandy Hook when over the past 30 years 62 shootings and an average of 8 per year!
Why not just enforce the laws we have? Making new laws appears to be just a feel good exercise... see we are doing something!
When in reality just enforce the current damn Laws!

It's the liberal concept of equality. If one man has a gun and is crazy as a loon, EVERY man that has a gun is as crazy as a loon, because all are equal. In absolute equality, there are no exceptions. There are no rare occurrences.

What's interesting is how the liberal concept of equality is applied. Muslims are equal, therefore they are all peaceful people. There are no violent jihadists (just ask the presidebt), because all muslims are equally nice peaceful people who wouldn't hurt anyone.

Well using your "logic" then we should never been involved in WWII because it was a failure on FDR at Pearl Harbor right?
And Yes to airlines enforcing the rules... how many EL AL Israel Airlines have been hijacked? They followed their rules before 9/11. Simple rules.

Why, yes, if you want to be an apartheid police state that treats its own citizens like second class people, you can probably control terrorism in one area.

Of course, Arabs don't need to hijack planes to kill Jews in Israel...All they have to do is strap on a bomb and walk down the street.


The FACT is you are confusion hospitals and physicians in the payment example.
THE FACT is I've access to a 6,000 hospital database that shows exactly how much hospitals bill Medicare and what it costs the hospital to perform the service.
YOU obviously never heard of the 1986 law known as EMTALA. Take a little time and see WHY Medicare accepts these gross overcharges.
For example:

And Medicare is OK with these gross overcharges! WHY because they know the hospitals have to abide by EMTALA ... LOOK IT UP!!

I have.

EMTALA.COM - Resources and information

Has nothing to do with Medicaid.

Has EVERYTHING to do with not letting hospitals dump sick and injured people off on other hospitals or refuse them treatment because they are poor.

Again, EMTALA wouldn't be necessary if we had universal health care. Emergency rooms would be for Emergencies, as they should be.

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