Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

Sounds like you have some class envy. Why hate the rich? You realize every president we've had in the last 50 years has been wealthy, correct? You also consider anyone that has conservative views to be morons, yet call them closed minded and full of hate? Pot calling the kettle black here?

I do not have any problems with someone succeeding regardless of their race. I know I'll never be The POTUS, and I commend Barack Obama for this accomplishment. I don't dislike the man personally. I do disagree with his policies and the country he wants the US to become. We have completely different outlooks on the world, but I do not hate him or even dislike him personally. He seems like a great man, a great father, husband. But as President, I don't think he's doing the job he campaigned he would do.

Sounds like you have some class envy. Envy? ... Not at all. I admire some of our wealthy. Spent 5 months helping build Bill Gates compound in Medina..helped design build and installed most of the computer controlled window shades screens and treatments thruout the project. Gates and those like him have my ultimate respect. Romney is a punk that was fortunate to have been born into money. What he ended up doing with it was leverage troubled companies into debt and put thousand of people out of work while he gutted the carcasses of the companies assets and the holdings that represented the retirements of the men and women that actually were the backbone of the mismanaged companies for the managers and corporate executives stupid and pathalogically greedy enough to hire him. Him taking credit for Staples and a couple of successes of the dozens he ruined is laughable. Any good team could have made Staples a success. All Romney can say is his team was better than the idiots that WERE in charge of Staples. Big whoop!

every president we've had in the last 50 years has been wealthy Really? What was Obama's personal net worth when he decided to run for president?

Romney is a rich kid punk. Obama is a self made successful man.

Obama's problem wasn't his campaign promises..it was the DNC dropping the ball thinking they could get anything done with a slight majority in the senate and a comanding majority in the house ...overlooking fact that the southern democrats (the dinos) would never support the changes he was attempting to implement or the outright hatred from the republican leadership and sworn mission to ensure Obamas failure. If anything he failed to realise what he was up against and gear up for that.

So now you think I am an Obamabot. Not so. As a small business entrapenure I thought he had some great ideas. Single payer as I envisioned health care reform would have been fantastic for small business and start ups. Many of the best available candidates in the work force go to the big companies that can provide health care which just isn't always in the budget of smaller starter uppers. I don't blame the economy on Obama. There is only so much he could do and he did what absolutely had to be done that was in his authority or percieved authority to do. The automobile corp action saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. Romney would have let them fail..he said so at the time. He is a greedy self absorbed fool. He has never been put in a position when everything was on the line like Obama has had to do several times in his life. Obama has had to seek out wisdom and help using his own resources and Romney has been "handled" by well paid self serving experts his whole life. If short my leaning toward Obama is not a republican(which I am) or democrat thing..it's about character and who I would trust at the helm. I'll take the guy that figured it out mostly on his own over the over paid and under challenged recipient of the lucky gene pool any day of the week.

Um....Huggy...if you're gonna be one, you might want to learn how to spell it!


Does that mean I'll never be a great wealthy successful business owner or that I really need a secretary?
That would probably make it easier for them to succeed but they are republicans and by definition morons that vote and act against thier own best interests so for 99 % of em even that wouldn't do the trick.

That's a quote from your post. In your last reply you described yourself as a republican. I'm confused here.

I don't feel healthcare should have anything to do with government. Government should be small and stay within their boundaries. Our fed spends 200 billion more per day than they receive. I can understand your views also though and I will not bash you for it.

We just disagree on our outlook of what the government should be able to do, fair enough.

Fair enough. Ike built the interstate highway system ..could have been done privately.. As well? I doubt it. Too big a job for one man or company as is health care for all Americans. As in a well functioning transportation system is a HUGE benefit for businesses and commerce.
Ummm, yeah... why not address the issue.

How is putting ourselves in bed with a dictatorship that conducts itself like China does doing anyone any good.

Runnig over people with tanks when they demand free speech.
Forcing women to have abortions.
Killing people to harvest their organs for transplants.
Censoring the internet...

The real problem for your traitors is that the shit is really going to hit the fan with China, eventually, and we'll all remember who got us this deeply entangled with them.

Obama has ALREADY put us in bed with the Chinese dictator. We won't be out of it in my lifetime and likely not in the lifetime of my children. Maybe you should check about how much money he has borrowed form them and how much we are actually capable of paying back! You are the dumbass of the century.

Again, we wouldn't have to borrow money from China if 1) We didn't move all the good middle class jobs there and 2) We actually taxed the rich Douchebags at even the rate Reagan taxed them at.

That's why we are borrowing money.

But that's okay, keep kneeling at their table, some day your plutocratic masters will recongize your worth... truly.

You are such a fucking idiot. It is the likes of YOU who kneels at tables. Especially Obama's. So tell us...............
Sounds like you have some class envy. Envy? ... Not at all. I admire some of our wealthy. Spent 5 months helping build Bill Gates compound in Medina..helped design build and installed most of the computer controlled window shades screens and treatments thruout the project. Gates and those like him have my ultimate respect. Romney is a punk that was fortunate to have been born into money. What he ended up doing with it was leverage troubled companies into debt and put thousand of people out of work while he gutted the carcasses of the companies assets and the holdings that represented the retirements of the men and women that actually were the backbone of the mismanaged companies for the managers and corporate executives stupid and pathalogically greedy enough to hire him. Him taking credit for Staples and a couple of successes of the dozens he ruined is laughable. Any good team could have made Staples a success. All Romney can say is his team was better than the idiots that WERE in charge of Staples. Big whoop!

every president we've had in the last 50 years has been wealthy Really? What was Obama's personal net worth when he decided to run for president?

Romney is a rich kid punk. Obama is a self made successful man.

Obama's problem wasn't his campaign promises..it was the DNC dropping the ball thinking they could get anything done with a slight majority in the senate and a comanding majority in the house ...overlooking fact that the southern democrats (the dinos) would never support the changes he was attempting to implement or the outright hatred from the republican leadership and sworn mission to ensure Obamas failure. If anything he failed to realise what he was up against and gear up for that.

So now you think I am an Obamabot. Not so. As a small business entrapenure I thought he had some great ideas. Single payer as I envisioned health care reform would have been fantastic for small business and start ups. Many of the best available candidates in the work force go to the big companies that can provide health care which just isn't always in the budget of smaller starter uppers. I don't blame the economy on Obama. There is only so much he could do and he did what absolutely had to be done that was in his authority or percieved authority to do. The automobile corp action saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. Romney would have let them fail..he said so at the time. He is a greedy self absorbed fool. He has never been put in a position when everything was on the line like Obama has had to do several times in his life. Obama has had to seek out wisdom and help using his own resources and Romney has been "handled" by well paid self serving experts his whole life. If short my leaning toward Obama is not a republican(which I am) or democrat thing..it's about character and who I would trust at the helm. I'll take the guy that figured it out mostly on his own over the over paid and under challenged recipient of the lucky gene pool any day of the week.

Um....Huggy...if you're gonna be one, you might want to learn how to spell it!


Does that mean I'll never be a great wealthy successful business owner or that I really need a secretary?

Hire the secetary who knows how to use spell check.
That would probably make it easier for them to succeed but they are republicans and by definition morons that vote and act against thier own best interests so for 99 % of em even that wouldn't do the trick.

That's a quote from your post. In your last reply you described yourself as a republican. I'm confused here.

I don't feel healthcare should have anything to do with government. Government should be small and stay within their boundaries. Our fed spends 200 billion more per day than they receive. I can understand your views also though and I will not bash you for it.

We just disagree on our outlook of what the government should be able to do, fair enough.

Fair enough. Ike built the interstate highway system ..could have been done privately.. As well? I doubt it. Too big a job for one man or company as is health care for all Americans. As in a well functioning transportation system is a HUGE benefit for businesses and commerce.

No not privately, but states could have tried it. States should have more power than they have now. Letting states try things on their own like education for example, could give other states lessons on what works or what doesn't. It's a great research environment, once other states see that Ohio for example has test scores through the roof, other states could copy their procedures. Individual states should have more power over what happens in their own state than the federal government, but it rarely happens this way.
That's a quote from your post. In your last reply you described yourself as a republican. I'm confused here.

I don't feel healthcare should have anything to do with government. Government should be small and stay within their boundaries. Our fed spends 200 billion more per day than they receive. I can understand your views also though and I will not bash you for it.

We just disagree on our outlook of what the government should be able to do, fair enough.

Fair enough. Ike built the interstate highway system ..could have been done privately.. As well? I doubt it. Too big a job for one man or company as is health care for all Americans. As in a well functioning transportation system is a HUGE benefit for businesses and commerce.

No not privately, but states could have tried it. States should have more power than they have now. Letting states try things on their own like education for example, could give other states lessons on what works or what doesn't. It's a great research environment, once other states see that Ohio for example has test scores through the roof, other states could copy their procedures. Individual states should have more power over what happens in their own state than the federal government, but it rarely happens this way.

States should have more power than they have now. I guess it just boils down to what we want as "Americans". Back in the start of the second millenium few people not living in the most populated centers even knew what country they lived in...spoke thier own languages..etc. All they knew of thier "nation" was rumor as few if any residing in thier local community ever met anyone directly associated with the heads of state. There was no printed communication for the comon masses. Now an average citizen is better informed about his "country" than a sitting president was a hundred years ago. You can call, e-mail or tweet Obama and if you have accomplished anything outstanding in your life even possibly get him to answer the phone or "get back to you". My guess is that when Billy Gates rings up Obama on his smart phone he fucking answers the call. "Yes sir, Mr. Gates...Whuzzup?"

The real reason that the "states" have taken a back seat to Washinton DC is that the American population knows where the real "clout" is and the states can never compete with that kind of power. States should probably keep all the power they have now..but get more? Not likely. Your governor has no authority to send your kid or your neighbors kid to some foreign country to get killed. The stakes and consequences are far higher nationally and that is not about to change no matter how invested you may be in your state bird. When push comes to shove the only bird that all look up to is the fucking bald eagle.
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Well of course states shouldn't have the power to declare war. That is in the constitution as a federal action.
My doctor has quit private practice because it no longer was profitable. More and more companies are opting to pay the fine rather than offering healthcare to their employees and going on Obama care where the coverage is not as good.

More and more private businesses are closing their doors and limiting my options on where to shop. I want to "buy American". Do you know how hard that is when more and more "American" companies are opting to manufacture out of this country to avoid the high cost of manufacturing here? I would like to buy a new car but can't afford it because of this lousy economy. My brother is out of work. Has been for two years.

1) If your doctor was a doctor to make a profit, he was a doctor for the wrong reasons.

2) More and more companies are dropping health care anyway. That's why we have 46 million uninsured and 100 million who depend on government programs. Unfortunately, Obamacare didn't offer a public option, which is why the reform has serious weaknesses, but better than nothing.

3) Businesses are closing their doors to crush the middle class in this country. Guy, you really think that moving stuff overseas is just about profits? :lol:

4) Whose fault is the lousy economy? Frankly, it's been lousy since 2007. IN some ways, it's been lousy since 2001.
But that's okay, keep kneeling at their table, some day your plutocratic masters will recongize your worth... truly.

You are such a fucking idiot. It is the likes of YOU who kneels at tables. Especially Obama's. So tell us...............

No, I'm voting to finally fix the problems. True, I voted for the GOP for years, so I own some of this mess.

But Free Trade is an awful idea, and so is giving big tax breaks to rich douchebags so it will "trickled down".

Sorry, you can stay on your knees all day, but nothing is going to "trickle down" on you.
Ummm, yeah... why not address the issue.

How is putting ourselves in bed with a dictatorship that conducts itself like China does doing anyone any good.

Runnig over people with tanks when they demand free speech.
Forcing women to have abortions.
Killing people to harvest their organs for transplants.
Censoring the internet...

The real problem for your traitors is that the shit is really going to hit the fan with China, eventually, and we'll all remember who got us this deeply entangled with them.

Obama has ALREADY put us in bed with the Chinese dictator. We won't be out of it in my lifetime and likely not in the lifetime of my children. Maybe you should check about how much money he has borrowed form them and how much we are actually capable of paying back! You are the dumbass of the century.

Again, we wouldn't have to borrow money from China if 1) We didn't move all the good middle class jobs there and 2) We actually taxed the rich Douchebags at even the rate Reagan taxed them at.

That's why we are borrowing money.

But that's okay, keep kneeling at their table, some day your plutocratic masters will recongize your worth... truly.

We wouldn't have to borrow money if the Federal Government would stop wasting money trying to curb the American people into buying electric cars and going "green". This through tighter Federal regulations that drive up the cost of energy in this country, to try and push Americans into alternative energy. He has thrown away billions of taxpayer dollars to promote his "ideology", while crushing those jobs that are against his plans for alternative energy. This stagnant economy is the wrong place for Obama and the Democrats to be playing "russian roulette" with our money while he chooses which companies he'd like to see succeed, which end up financially going bankrupt, and punish those businesses that are actually trying to CREATE jobs. Taxing the rich is not the answer, stopping the reckless spending by the Federal Government IS.
We wouldn't have to borrow money if the Federal Government would stop wasting money trying to curb the American people into buying electric cars and going "green". This through tighter Federal regulations that drive up the cost of energy in this country, to try and push Americans into alternative energy. He has thrown away billions of taxpayer dollars to promote his "ideology", while crushing those jobs that are against his plans for alternative energy. This stagnant economy is the wrong place for Obama and the Democrats to be playing "russian roulette" with our money while he chooses which companies he'd like to see succeed, which end up financially going bankrupt, and punish those businesses that are actually trying to CREATE jobs. Taxing the rich is not the answer, stopping the reckless spending by the Federal Government IS.

Hey, guy, instead of whining about "electric cars", how about making a list of all the programs you'd cut.

And somehow, I doubt you'd get to 100 billion.

The big ticket items - Social Security, Defense, Medicare - are items no politician would ever actually touch. So the alternatives are

1) Taxing the Rich at an appropriate rate.

2) Getting rid of this free trade foolishness that moves manufacturing overseas.
We wouldn't have to borrow money if the Federal Government would stop wasting money trying to curb the American people into buying electric cars and going "green". This through tighter Federal regulations that drive up the cost of energy in this country, to try and push Americans into alternative energy. He has thrown away billions of taxpayer dollars to promote his "ideology", while crushing those jobs that are against his plans for alternative energy. This stagnant economy is the wrong place for Obama and the Democrats to be playing "russian roulette" with our money while he chooses which companies he'd like to see succeed, which end up financially going bankrupt, and punish those businesses that are actually trying to CREATE jobs. Taxing the rich is not the answer, stopping the reckless spending by the Federal Government IS.

Hey, guy, instead of whining about "electric cars", how about making a list of all the programs you'd cut.

And somehow, I doubt you'd get to 100 billion.

The big ticket items - Social Security, Defense, Medicare - are items no politician would ever actually touch. So the alternatives are

1) Taxing the Rich at an appropriate rate.

2) Getting rid of this free trade foolishness that moves manufacturing overseas.

It couldn't be done in a single year. But within 4 years it wouldn't be difficult. Alot of things the fed handles, individual states could handle.

1) The rich are taxed at very appropriate rates already, and if you're referencing the super rich that receive tax breaks, then I can almost understand that. But because someone makes 300k per year, it's ok to tax them at 30% is rediculous. I would implement a flat tax rate of 12% of income for every person, regardless of income level. There is absolutely NO reason the rich should be taxed more than anyone else. It's absolutely unfair and causes higher unemployment rates. No tax refunds. We've made up some ground already. Everyone pays their share.

2) Manufacturing going overseas is caused by rabid business taxes, over-regulations, over taxation of profits. There is too much risk, too much regulation for people to start a business in our economy. How can there be any substantial growth?

Lower the business tax to 3%, Captial gains tax at 5%, remove over-regulations to start up a business. Investments would continue, business entrepeneurs would emerge. Unemployment would go down. Business owners that are making a profit could now expand, unlike now.

Reform welfare. Strict time limits. 2 years max. Gradually attempt to get people back to work. Reform disability, lower the fraud. Remove Obamacare, reform healthcare costs in different ways without socialized medicine.

Let states handle education. This should be a state power, not a federal power.

Congress/Senate members will no longer receive lifetime benefits for 4 years of service. That includes healthcare, retirement benefits, unless they serve 20 years. Pay reduced 15% across the board, including the POTUS. Americans are suffering, it's time to sacrifice. Public service should be service, not luxury.

The war on drugs is lost. Legalize marijuana, tax it. Dramatically slim down the ATF, FBI, DEA, and other agencies.

After these issues congress should focus on bills specifically directed to the economy and making jobs for 2 years. No debates over social issues like abortion. Economy, and spending cut bills. Cutting the debt would be the only focus.
Manufacturing is going overseas because our government is more interested in protecting corporate profits than American workers. Period.

Put appropriate tariffs and require labelling that tells folks what they are buying, and they won't. (I'd personally like to see "Made in China" labels with a tortured dissident on them being required for all items manufactured in China.)

Anyone who blames regulations for corporations screwing America and Americans are as contemptable as those who blame rape vicitms for dressing slutty. they almost don't deserve to be talked to.

Sorry, a 40% tax rate on someone making 300K is NOT unreasonable. They still have plenty of money. Especially since Social Security and Medicare are capped out at 100K.
Again, we wouldn't have to borrow money from China if 1) We didn't move all the good middle class jobs there and 2) We actually taxed the rich Douchebags at even the rate Reagan taxed them at.

That's why we are borrowing money.

But that's okay, keep kneeling at their table, some day your plutocratic masters will recongize your worth... truly.

Ooookay, keep telling yourself that.

Fact is, the middle class incomes aren't there, that's a large part of the reason the revenues aren't there.

So as long as the rich are the only ones making money, we should raise their taxes to the roof rather than borrowing from China.
Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

Dunno? Makes more sense and more reasonable that they should all try and get adopted by morman governor millionaires and have an unlimited letter of credit and a multimillion dollar nest egg to start out in life with. That would probably make it easier for them to succeed but they are republicans and by definition morons that vote and act against thier own best interests so for 99 % of em even that wouldn't do the trick. It really chaps thier hides that a half black man has succeeded to a station that 99.999999% of them will never acheive with or without the multimillion dollar boost so it makes more sense that they follow Obamas lead but thier egos won't go there. It should be obvious to any sane person that Obama has gotten a lot more out of his opportunity and existance than Romney. But...sensible to a republican means crapping on our nation four four years with it's only goal an unlikely defeat of the mullato's second term. I don't get it...How do YOU spell success?

Sounds like you have some class envy. Why hate the rich? You realize every president we've had in the last 50 years has been wealthy, correct? You also consider anyone that has conservative views to be morons, yet call them closed minded and full of hate? Pot calling the kettle black here?

I do not have any problems with someone succeeding regardless of their race. I know I'll never be The POTUS, and I commend Barack Obama for this accomplishment. I don't dislike the man personally. I do disagree with his policies and the country he wants the US to become. We have completely different outlooks on the world, but I do not hate him or even dislike him personally. He seems like a great man, a great father, husband. But as President, I don't think he's doing the job he campaigned he would do.

Sounds like you have some class envy. Envy? ... Not at all. I admire some of our wealthy. Spent 5 months helping build Bill Gates compound in Medina..helped design build and installed most of the computer controlled window shades screens and treatments thruout the project. Gates and those like him have my ultimate respect. Romney is a punk that was fortunate to have been born into money. What he ended up doing with it was leverage troubled companies into debt and put thousand of people out of work while he gutted the carcasses of the companies assets and the holdings that represented the retirements of the men and women that actually were the backbone of the mismanaged companies for the managers and corporate executives stupid and pathalogically greedy enough to hire him. Him taking credit for Staples and a couple of successes of the dozens he ruined is laughable. Any good team could have made Staples a success. All Romney can say is his team was better than the idiots that WERE in charge of Staples. Big whoop!

every president we've had in the last 50 years has been wealthy Really? What was Obama's personal net worth when he decided to run for president?

Romney is a rich kid punk. Obama is a self made successful man.

Obama's problem wasn't his campaign promises..it was the DNC dropping the ball thinking they could get anything done with a slight majority in the senate and a comanding majority in the house ...overlooking fact that the southern democrats (the dinos) would never support the changes he was attempting to implement or the outright hatred from the republican leadership and sworn mission to ensure Obamas failure. If anything he failed to realise what he was up against and gear up for that.

So now you think I am an Obamabot. Not so. As a small business entrapenure I thought he had some great ideas. Single payer as I envisioned health care reform would have been fantastic for small business and start ups. Many of the best available candidates in the work force go to the big companies that can provide health care which just isn't always in the budget of smaller starter uppers. I don't blame the economy on Obama. There is only so much he could do and he did what absolutely had to be done that was in his authority or percieved authority to do. The automobile corp action saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. Romney would have let them fail..he said so at the time. He is a greedy self absorbed fool. He has never been put in a position when everything was on the line like Obama has had to do several times in his life. Obama has had to seek out wisdom and help using his own resources and Romney has been "handled" by well paid self serving experts his whole life. If short my leaning toward Obama is not a republican(which I am) or democrat thing..it's about character and who I would trust at the helm. I'll take the guy that figured it out mostly on his own over the over paid and under challenged recipient of the lucky gene pool any day of the week.

yeah, Obama is self made (except that inheritance he received from his banker grandparents)... and has never run a company or employed a single person to fire..
so folks, you decide?
Ooookay, keep telling yourself that.

Fact is, the middle class incomes aren't there, that's a large part of the reason the revenues aren't there.

So as long as the rich are the only ones making money, we should raise their taxes to the roof rather than borrowing from China.

I have no problems raising taxes on upper income folks. I have said that many times here. We are going to have to raise taxes on everyone and/or slash social programs and defense because the math simply does not work.

However we do not have big deficits and debts because of offshoring. That is nonsense.
Manufacturing is going overseas because our government is more interested in protecting corporate profits than American workers. Period.

Put appropriate tariffs and require labelling that tells folks what they are buying, and they won't. (I'd personally like to see "Made in China" labels with a tortured dissident on them being required for all items manufactured in China.)

Anyone who blames regulations for corporations screwing America and Americans are as contemptable as those who blame rape vicitms for dressing slutty. they almost don't deserve to be talked to.

Sorry, a 40% tax rate on someone making 300K is NOT unreasonable. They still have plenty of money. Especially since Social Security and Medicare are capped out at 100K.

Companies absolutely should leave what's become a hostile environment and go somewhere more hospitable. Your problem is that you think that companies owe workers something simply by virtue of being there. Employees generally feel toward companies the way the GSA feels toward the country. Get what they can squeeze out while doing as little as possible.

Everyonce in a while someone shows up who is interested in doing the job for which they were hired. It's easier and cheaper to take them and pay relocation expenses.
Companies absolutely should leave what's become a hostile environment and go somewhere more hospitable.

wtf is wrong with you. Were you born stupid or have you "developed" your stupidity?

And after the rethugs have their asses kicked in Nov, hostility towards Rethugs will rise. Will you please move somewhere else "more hospitable"?
Companies absolutely should leave what's become a hostile environment and go somewhere more hospitable.

wtf is wrong with you. Were you born stupid or have you "developed" your stupidity?

And after the rethugs have their asses kicked in Nov, hostility towards Rethugs will rise. Will you please move somewhere else "more hospitable"?

why should businesses or people remain in hostile environments?

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