Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

You know what, I voted GOP in every election back to 1980. This will be the first year I vote for the Democrat, and hopefully the GOP will get it's head out of its ass and it'll be the last time I'll have to do it.

You have to ask yourself WHY half of America is on assistance? Because guys like Mitt Romney busted up the good manufacturing jobs and sent them overseas and replaced them with bullshit Retail "McJobs".

Most people who get Food Stamps, Medicaid or Section 8 housing have jobs, but can't make ends meet because the Mitt Romney's of the world have driven down working class wages to make themselves richer.

Frankly, I'm appalled that we have so many people on assistance. But I know where the blame is.

This thread is 11 pages long, and you have yet to make one post in it that doesn't constitute a damned pity party. No doubt you live in section 8 which is how you have time to sit and post on a forum all day. Since you know so much, how about you tell us about the underground economy of the generational poverty class!

actually, I only post for about an hour in the morning and an hour or two in the evening, and the rest of the time, I'm working for a living.

Now, while It is obviously that you LACK THE INTEGRITY to address my point, you are also showing the othe reason the GOP needs to be run out on a rail..

It lacks compassion.

But when 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth, and that STILL isnt' enough for them, you are heading down the fast track to disaster.

No doubt you are as ignorant of history as you are of anything else, but look up France 1787, Russia, 1917, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979.... It usually ends very badly for everyone involved.

And JoeBigot will be right there, leading the American Marxist Revolution.

This thread is 11 pages long, and you have yet to make one post in it that doesn't constitute a damned pity party. No doubt you live in section 8 which is how you have time to sit and post on a forum all day. Since you know so much, how about you tell us about the underground economy of the generational poverty class!

actually, I only post for about an hour in the morning and an hour or two in the evening, and the rest of the time, I'm working for a living.

Now, while It is obviously that you LACK THE INTEGRITY to address my point, you are also showing the othe reason the GOP needs to be run out on a rail..

It lacks compassion.

But when 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth, and that STILL isnt' enough for them, you are heading down the fast track to disaster.

No doubt you are as ignorant of history as you are of anything else, but look up France 1787, Russia, 1917, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979.... It usually ends very badly for everyone involved.

And JoeBigot will be right there, leading the American Marxist Revolution.


Yeah, JoeB wants poor people in charge! He thinks poor people have the best handle on economics both domestic and global.
actually, I only post for about an hour in the morning and an hour or two in the evening, and the rest of the time, I'm working for a living.

Now, while It is obviously that you LACK THE INTEGRITY to address my point, you are also showing the othe reason the GOP needs to be run out on a rail..

It lacks compassion.

But when 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth, and that STILL isnt' enough for them, you are heading down the fast track to disaster.

No doubt you are as ignorant of history as you are of anything else, but look up France 1787, Russia, 1917, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979.... It usually ends very badly for everyone involved.

And JoeBigot will be right there, leading the American Marxist Revolution.


Yeah, JoeB wants poor people in charge! He thinks poor people have the best handle on economics both domestic and global.

JoeAmpad has repeatedly said that we should hang CEOs who outsource jobs. IOW, Joe would have hung the late Steve Jobs. He'd hang Bill Gates. And Warren Buffett. And virtually every other CEO in America.

Yes, like every other extremist leftard, Joe understands business, economics and job creation.

And like every thug, he understands violence!

The title of this thread is flawed in itself....but also speaks volumes about how rdean and many see the President.

The President is not in place to run our lives.....and those that see otherwise had better change their thinking...for we are not designed to be run by a dictator.

That being said, we have a government who, overall, believes it can "fix" the economy. I disagree, but both sides of the aisle are determined to do so......and if that is the case, I much prefer someone who understands how a buisness owner thinks as opposed to someone who thinks business owners are clueless.

Enough said.

Most business owners are clueless.

Our only two businessman Presidents. Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush.

Nuff said.

What are you? The janitor at the Secret Service?

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I actually have employment and don't post on company time. What a difference!

well, I actually type quicky... but most of my posts are between 6 AM and 7 30 AM or after 6 PM and before 10 PM.

I wish I had a government job. They still have decent benefits and solid management.

Now, um, what does that have to do with my point? My point - two Businessmen were president, and they were both EPIC FAILURES!!!! I'll leave you to figure it out.
This thread is 11 pages long, and you have yet to make one post in it that doesn't constitute a damned pity party. No doubt you live in section 8 which is how you have time to sit and post on a forum all day. Since you know so much, how about you tell us about the underground economy of the generational poverty class!

actually, I only post for about an hour in the morning and an hour or two in the evening, and the rest of the time, I'm working for a living.

Now, while It is obviously that you LACK THE INTEGRITY to address my point, you are also showing the othe reason the GOP needs to be run out on a rail..

It lacks compassion.

But when 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth, and that STILL isnt' enough for them, you are heading down the fast track to disaster.

No doubt you are as ignorant of history as you are of anything else, but look up France 1787, Russia, 1917, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979.... It usually ends very badly for everyone involved.

You are wrong. 1% of the population controls 95% of the wealth. Now go buy another hanky. Your pity party just got kicked up a notch!

Um, no, they don't. It isn't that bad, yet... but you guys are working on it.

I'm just not sure why you think it's a great idea for people to have billions of dollars they'll never spend while children are going to bed hungry, and this is all so fine with you.

It isn't about "pity", it's about pragmatism. Eventually, people will just get fed up. I'm old enough to live through the last time people got fed up with the status quo... I'm not sure I want to live through it again.
And JoeBigot will be right there, leading the American Marxist Revolution.


Yeah, JoeB wants poor people in charge! He thinks poor people have the best handle on economics both domestic and global.

JoeAmpad has repeatedly said that we should hang CEOs who outsource jobs. IOW, Joe would have hung the late Steve Jobs. He'd hang Bill Gates. And Warren Buffett. And virtually every other CEO in America.

Yes, like every other extremist leftard, Joe understands business, economics and job creation.

And like every thug, he understands violence!

I think it's the only thing some people understand. But unlike you, I'd like to fix the problem than let it fester to the point where that happens.

And, yeah, I'm not sure why you think that CEO's who send American jobs over to a country where they force women to have abortions and murder people to harvest their organs for transplant are anything other than traitors?

Oh, but their RICH Traitors. That's the important thing.

(Shhhhh..... don't tell the funditards about the forced abortions... )
They want a strong and authoritarian ruler telling them what to do - it's their model for God, for Presidency, and for being a husband and father. They rule over their households with an iron fist, beat their children, in some cases beat their wives, and they demand a President who will beat (i.e., kill or at least starve) all the people they dislike. They believe in a God who is a bearded white man sitting on a throne on top of clouds above the flat, 6,000-year-old Earth waiting to dish out punishment. Yeah, Republicans are real sick puppies. Unfortunately, it's not possible to authoritatively order them to think for themselves and stop being psychotic - they just wouldn't understand the command. There's not a lot of conscious thought involved in Republican politics, just a lot of passive absorption of messages and identification of targets for their hate.

good grief...:lol:
And JoeBigot will be right there, leading the American Marxist Revolution.


Yeah, JoeB wants poor people in charge! He thinks poor people have the best handle on economics both domestic and global.

JoeAmpad has repeatedly said that we should hang CEOs who outsource jobs. IOW, Joe would have hung the late Steve Jobs. He'd hang Bill Gates. And Warren Buffett. And virtually every other CEO in America.

Yes, like every other extremist leftard, Joe understands business, economics and job creation.

And like every thug, he understands violence!


But there would then be another group who is richest, having taken their places, then he'd have to waste them too, and so on down the line until he got to himself. Just sayin'. :eusa_whistle:

JoeB is your typical lazy as hell government worker.
Last edited:
They want a strong and authoritarian ruler telling them what to do - it's their model for God, for Presidency, and for being a husband and father. They rule over their households with an iron fist, beat their children, in some cases beat their wives, and they demand a President who will beat (i.e., kill or at least starve) all the people they dislike. They believe in a God who is a bearded white man sitting on a throne on top of clouds above the flat, 6,000-year-old Earth waiting to dish out punishment. Yeah, Republicans are real sick puppies. Unfortunately, it's not possible to authoritatively order them to think for themselves and stop being psychotic - they just wouldn't understand the command. There's not a lot of conscious thought involved in Republican politics, just a lot of passive absorption of messages and identification of targets for their hate.

good grief...:lol:

Yeah, I've already negged him for that!
Yeah, JoeB wants poor people in charge! He thinks poor people have the best handle on economics both domestic and global.

JoeAmpad has repeatedly said that we should hang CEOs who outsource jobs. IOW, Joe would have hung the late Steve Jobs. He'd hang Bill Gates. And Warren Buffett. And virtually every other CEO in America.

Yes, like every other extremist leftard, Joe understands business, economics and job creation.

And like every thug, he understands violence!

I think it's the only thing some people understand. But unlike you, I'd like to fix the problem than let it fester to the point where that happens.

And, yeah, I'm not sure why you think that CEO's who send American jobs over to a country where they force women to have abortions and murder people to harvest their organs for transplant are anything other than traitors?

Oh, but their RICH Traitors. That's the important thing.

(Shhhhh..... don't tell the funditards about the forced abortions... )

You are so jealous your font turns green when you type.
I'm just not sure why you think it's a great idea for people to have billions of dollars they'll never spend while children are going to bed hungry, and this is all so fine with you.

IMO, Rethugs are in awe of the ultra wealthy and have somehow convinced themselves that ultra rich people are better than they are. And as a result, the ultra rich are to be worshipped and served.

And that is exactly what Rethugs do. Worship and serve the ultra rich.

Weird shit.

In terms of kids going to bed hungry. With rethugs, as long as it is not their kids hungry, they can live with it. And most likely, they blame the parent(s) for not providing for their kids. Of they just don't believe that kids in the USA are hungry.

Hard for me to tell what they believe.
Yeah, JoeB wants poor people in charge! He thinks poor people have the best handle on economics both domestic and global.

JoeAmpad has repeatedly said that we should hang CEOs who outsource jobs. IOW, Joe would have hung the late Steve Jobs. He'd hang Bill Gates. And Warren Buffett. And virtually every other CEO in America.

Yes, like every other extremist leftard, Joe understands business, economics and job creation.

And like every thug, he understands violence!

I think it's the only thing some people understand. But unlike you, I'd like to fix the problem than let it fester to the point where that happens.

And, yeah, I'm not sure why you think that CEO's who send American jobs over to a country where they force women to have abortions and murder people to harvest their organs for transplant are anything other than traitors?

Oh, but their RICH Traitors. That's the important thing.

(Shhhhh..... don't tell the funditards about the forced abortions... )

JoeHarvestOrgans thinks that the best way to create jobs is to scare the shit out of job creators. JoeHarvestOrgans is pretty clueless about how the world works.
I'm just not sure why you think it's a great idea for people to have billions of dollars they'll never spend while children are going to bed hungry, and this is all so fine with you.

IMO, Rethugs are in awe of the ultra wealthy and have somehow convinced themselves that ultra rich people are better than they are. And as a result, the ultra rich are to be worshipped and served.

And that is exactly what Rethugs do. Worship and serve the ultra rich.

Weird shit.

In terms of kids going to bed hungry. With rethugs, as long as it is not their kids hungry, they can live with it. And most likely, they blame the parent(s) for not providing for their kids. Of they just don't believe that kids in the USA are hungry.

Hard for me to tell what they believe.

That's a good point.

When I was in the National Guard, we had a Captain who was a member of a prominantly rich Chicago Family that shall remain nameless. All the officers were absolutely in awe of this guy, but the men laughed at him as he waddled his fat ass in front of the formation and tried to be impressive.

And looking at people like Toro and Sunshine, probably the same mentatlity, which is kind of sad, really.
JoeB131 wants a poor man or woman running the country!

Lets see if you all can remember this President; A. Lincoln. Born dirt poor. How did he do?

Yea we have had some pretty rich Presidents. George Bush was pretty rich. Howd that work out for us?

Seems like the sucko Presidents were rich and the better Presidents started from lowly backgrounds.

So I am with Joe. Fuck the rich running the country for their benefit only.
come on folks, we know we should have the Poor Millionaire in the white house now run our lives instead of the one who is a richer Millionaire..

sheeesh what's wrong with you people

they refuse to accept the concept of limited government. probably because they dont want to take responsibility
JoeAmpad has repeatedly said that we should hang CEOs who outsource jobs. IOW, Joe would have hung the late Steve Jobs. He'd hang Bill Gates. And Warren Buffett. And virtually every other CEO in America.

Yes, like every other extremist leftard, Joe understands business, economics and job creation.

And like every thug, he understands violence!

I think it's the only thing some people understand. But unlike you, I'd like to fix the problem than let it fester to the point where that happens.

And, yeah, I'm not sure why you think that CEO's who send American jobs over to a country where they force women to have abortions and murder people to harvest their organs for transplant are anything other than traitors?

Oh, but their RICH Traitors. That's the important thing.

(Shhhhh..... don't tell the funditards about the forced abortions... )

JoeHarvestOrgans thinks that the best way to create jobs is to scare the shit out of job creators. JoeHarvestOrgans is pretty clueless about how the world works.

Ummm, yeah... why not address the issue.

How is putting ourselves in bed with a dictatorship that conducts itself like China does doing anyone any good.

Runnig over people with tanks when they demand free speech.
Forcing women to have abortions.
Killing people to harvest their organs for transplants.
Censoring the internet...

The real problem for your traitors is that the shit is really going to hit the fan with China, eventually, and we'll all remember who got us this deeply entangled with them.
I think it's the only thing some people understand. But unlike you, I'd like to fix the problem than let it fester to the point where that happens.

And, yeah, I'm not sure why you think that CEO's who send American jobs over to a country where they force women to have abortions and murder people to harvest their organs for transplant are anything other than traitors?

Oh, but their RICH Traitors. That's the important thing.

(Shhhhh..... don't tell the funditards about the forced abortions... )

JoeHarvestOrgans thinks that the best way to create jobs is to scare the shit out of job creators. JoeHarvestOrgans is pretty clueless about how the world works.

Ummm, yeah... why not address the issue.

How is putting ourselves in bed with a dictatorship that conducts itself like China does doing anyone any good.

Runnig over people with tanks when they demand free speech.
Forcing women to have abortions.
Killing people to harvest their organs for transplants.
Censoring the internet...

The real problem for your traitors is that the shit is really going to hit the fan with China, eventually, and we'll all remember who got us this deeply entangled with them.

Obama has ALREADY put us in bed with the Chinese dictator. We won't be out of it in my lifetime and likely not in the lifetime of my children. Maybe you should check about how much money he has borrowed form them and how much we are actually capable of paying back! You are the dumbass of the century.
JoeHarvestOrgans is pretty clueless about how the world works.[/QUOTE

I take it that you don't believe that China harvests organs from the prisioners they execute.
Actually this is one of those areas where the rich are driving demand. They need a kidney, some poor sonuvabitch in a third world country needs money. He sells a kidney. The rich buys the kidney. Commerce is good eh? If you are rich.
JoeHarvestOrgans thinks that the best way to create jobs is to scare the shit out of job creators. JoeHarvestOrgans is pretty clueless about how the world works.

Ummm, yeah... why not address the issue.

How is putting ourselves in bed with a dictatorship that conducts itself like China does doing anyone any good.

Runnig over people with tanks when they demand free speech.
Forcing women to have abortions.
Killing people to harvest their organs for transplants.
Censoring the internet...

The real problem for your traitors is that the shit is really going to hit the fan with China, eventually, and we'll all remember who got us this deeply entangled with them.

Obama has ALREADY put us in bed with the Chinese dictator. We won't be out of it in my lifetime and likely not in the lifetime of my children. Maybe you should check about how much money he has borrowed form them and how much we are actually capable of paying back! You are the dumbass of the century.

Again, we wouldn't have to borrow money from China if 1) We didn't move all the good middle class jobs there and 2) We actually taxed the rich Douchebags at even the rate Reagan taxed them at.

That's why we are borrowing money.

But that's okay, keep kneeling at their table, some day your plutocratic masters will recongize your worth... truly.
JoeHarvestOrgans is pretty clueless about how the world works.

I take it that you don't believe that China harvests organs from the prisioners they execute.
Actually this is one of those areas where the rich are driving demand. They need a kidney, some poor sonuvabitch in a third world country needs money. He sells a kidney. The rich buys the kidney. Commerce is good eh? If you are rich.

Actaully, it's a little bit worse. The Chinese Government is EXECUTING people to get their organs.

Executed prisoners are main source of Chinese organ donations | World news | The Guardian

Two-thirds of organ donors in China are executed prisoners, state media reported today, as health officials launched a national donation system.

The authorities have previously acknowledged that corneas, kidneys and other body parts from criminals have been transplanted. But the new figure offers a startling insight into the scale of the country's reliance on death-row inmates, despite laws supposed to curb the use of their organs.

Officials hope the new scheme will tackle the thriving black market in body parts, and encourage voluntary donation, which remains far below demand. The state newspaper China Daily said that about one million people needed transplants each year – but only 1% received them.

"Transplants should not be a privilege for the rich," said Huang Jiefu, vice-minister for health.

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