Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

More jealousy. You people are in a perpetual snit over anyone who happens to be wealthier than you.
Misery is your motto. If you're not miserable, something is wrong.

Not about being miserable or jealous, guy. It's about recognizing that a guy who never had to worry about a mortgage payment or a grocery bill in his life isn't going to be able to ever relate to the majority of us who do.

So why the fuck do you want to vote for Obama????

Again, Obama wasn't born rich. He struggled to get through in life and did a lot things on his own. That's admirable.

Incidently, I don't want to vote for Obama. I've voting AGAINST Romney. I'm not going to be a happy guy the morning of November 8th regardless of who wins.
Oh, yeah, I don't think there really was a Jesus, but the people who made him up were pretty clear on his views of the wealthy.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God".

Romney is working on a real huge needle while the Koch brothers are trying to find a really tiny camel.

Again, Jesus was not poor. Look it up. That quote does not indicate he was poor. He never said he was poor. Ever. Neither did anyone wo ever wrote about him. That quote is in the same vein as a doctor or nurse saying that doctors and nurses make the worst patients.

again- I don't think Jesus was actually a real person. Quite the contrary, I think he was entirely made up in the late first century by mystics who eventually called themselves "Christians". There are very few mentions of him in contemporary non-Christians sources, and there should be.

The quote is exactly what it is. Let's be honest, actual base Christian writings are pretty damned socialist.

"If a man asks for your coat, give him your shirt as well."

"render unto Caesar what is Caesars!"

"You cannot worship both God and Money".

But pretending for a moment he was a real person who was his own father and his mother was a virgin and he rose from the dead and all that silly superstitious nonsense. Do you really think Carpenters in the first century were wealthy?
This thread is evidence that Barack Obama's class warfare theme is alive and well. He can't run on his pitiful record so he pits the common man against the wealthy.

What a goddamned joke Obama is!

...and you Obamabots are fools, all of you!
Yawn... that's the best you got?

Frankly, I often think what I would do if I ever became rich, and "putting a bunch of people out of jobs" like Mitt Romney did isn't one of them.

I've had to fire people- both people who I supervised and vendors I've done business with. I've never "liked" to do it. Someone boasting how he "likes to be able" to do that is kind of telling that there is a level of douchebaggery that separates Romney from normal people.

I think the worship of wealth, which Jesus had more than a few bad things to say about, "Christians", is a large part of the problem in this country.

I've known rich people, too. Most of them are kind of dull, and really no better and in some cases worse than good honest folks who just earn an honest living.


working people = honest
rich people = dishonest

No wonder virtually every right-winger thinks you're a leftist, uby.

The only ones who do are the dumb asses who think they will get to share the crumbs that fall off the table.

No one here is rich... So as you get coffee for the rich guys, hoping to some day be one of them, just hoping you'll be a good little tool. And they'll let you cheat Granny out of her house, just like them.

I do fine, uby. But I do know lots of rich guys - I mean really stinking rich, the guys you hate (but there are so many you hate, it's hard to narrow down) - and it's amusing to watch you spew your opinions about them as if it mattered.

BTW, there is a long list of right wingers here who think you're a leftist. It's not surprising, of course, because many of your views are on the extreme left, far far to the left of our resident liberals. Like your post I quoted above.
If that's what he meant, then that's what he should have said.

let's put it in context. He was in a room full of his fellow rich douchebags. And he blurted out that he likes to use his money to push people around.

Now, let's play pretend that he was merely talking about insurance providers and not just getting off in his magic underpants at the thought of being able to fire people like he did at AmPad, DDi, GS Steel and anywhere else where people who work for a living were standing between him and a bag full of money.

Most of us who get insurance don't have the option of "firing" our insurance carrier. We get it through our employers, and we hope that we don't get so sick that our insurance companies tell our employers to fire us (illegal, but it still happens. It happened to me.)
More jealousy. You people are in a perpetual snit over anyone who happens to be wealthier than you.
Misery is your motto. If you're not miserable, something is wrong.

Not about being miserable or jealous, guy. It's about recognizing that a guy who never had to worry about a mortgage payment or a grocery bill in his life isn't going to be able to ever relate to the majority of us who do.

Romney will be an awesome president for rich people. It's just the rest of us i worry about.

But a guy who ate dogs, can't pronounce Corpsmen but has a first rate Arabic accent, tells us to inflate our tires to help pay for gas and thinks there are 57 states in the USA get your vote.
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Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?
You should first ask that about the man who owns President Obama--George Soros, his chief sponsor who has $8.3 billion after spending a quarter of his foundation money and other assets on building a House of Cards against the Bush family. Notice how Obama does Soros-friendly crap like beat the Bushes all the time? It's still Bush fault this and Bush fault that, and an ineffectual ninnyhammer saying it over and over as though the Texas convict book "Favorite Son" had one iota of proof after the con man author wrote something the Democrats used as their party platform in E2000, and much to my amused surprise, their party platform in E2004. In E2008, the Democrats were ready for the lie becoming their win--it was Favorite son Bush bad this lie and Favotite Son Bush bad that lie.

So your billionaires pull puppet strings. Ours work for a living and earn their way traditionally.

Mr. Jones you have such funny notions about stuff. :rolleyes:
If that's what he meant, then that's what he should have said.

let's put it in context. He was in a room full of his fellow rich douchebags. And he blurted out that he likes to use his money to push people around.

Now, let's play pretend that he was merely talking about insurance providers and not just getting off in his magic underpants at the thought of being able to fire people like he did at AmPad, DDi, GS Steel and anywhere else where people who work for a living were standing between him and a bag full of money.

Most of us who get insurance don't have the option of "firing" our insurance carrier. We get it through our employers, and we hope that we don't get so sick that our insurance companies tell our employers to fire us (illegal, but it still happens. It happened to me.)
More jealousy. You people are in a perpetual snit over anyone who happens to be wealthier than you.
Misery is your motto. If you're not miserable, something is wrong.

Not about being miserable or jealous, guy. It's about recognizing that a guy who never had to worry about a mortgage payment or a grocery bill in his life isn't going to be able to ever relate to the majority of us who do.

Romney will be an awesome president for rich people. It's just the rest of us i worry about.
" It's about recognizing that a guy who never had to worry about a mortgage payment or a grocery bill in his life isn't going to be able to ever relate to the majority of us who do."...
This is a non sequitur. Fact is most US presidents either came form money or amassed great wealth while in office or shortly after leaving.
In any event, the US president lives for 4 years in a luxury setting that less than a few hundred of us will ever realize. So your point about Romney is moot.
What makes you think Obama is any less in tune with this country's super wealthy?
Grow up....GUY....Obama has just as many of not more $10,000 per plate fund raisers than anybody.
If making your house payment is causing you pain, the guy who can 'feel your pain' with regard to your house payment, is a real sorry presidential candidate simply because it means he is as lousy with money as you are. Not presidential material.
More jealousy. You people are in a perpetual snit over anyone who happens to be wealthier than you.
Misery is your motto. If you're not miserable, something is wrong.

Not about being miserable or jealous, guy. It's about recognizing that a guy who never had to worry about a mortgage payment or a grocery bill in his life isn't going to be able to ever relate to the majority of us who do.

Romney will be an awesome president for rich people. It's just the rest of us i worry about.

But a guy who ate dogs, can't pronounce Corpsmen but has a first rate Arabic accent, tells us to inflate out tires to help pay for gas and think there are 57 states in the USA get your vote.

THose are really the best things you could come up with? He mispronounced a word, he ate dog meat when he was a kid, and he is micromanaging gas saving tips? Seriously?

Frankly, I desperately wanted the GOP to nominate someone I could support in good conscience. ANYBODY. They nominated the Weird Mormon Robot.
I mean, you keep following me around even though I'm really not all that interested in anything you have to say at this point... that's just weird.

Hey, at least get some new material, okay?


Of course you don't.
A working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders[

LOL... the Democrat Party used to be a party for the "working man". Now it's a party for those who don't want to work. I think you have your wires crossed. Why would any working person vote for a president who wants to spread the wealth to those who do squat? With half of America on some type of government assistance, keep voting for those who keep them government dependent, and watch how much more of your money it will take to support them.

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