Why are republicans okay with Trump not having a solo press conference since February?

Oh right because the press is "mean"! How could I forget? He is such a snowflake and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Can you imagine how cons would react if Obama had this lack of transparency to the press? They would be bitching about it to this day.

Let's not forget the amount of Fox News interviews Obama did. Even if you want to call CNN or MSNBC "fake news", people, you know, still watch them. Trump is too much of a pussy to go near them because he's terrible at hardball questions. Seriously is anyone ever impressed by him doing a Fox interview?

Because he tells us what he's doing and what is going on via Twitter. I don't need his words filtered through the left wing media.

Lol. Please , he just wants to avoid questions.
He already knows that's the reason. It's just denial with cons these days.

What's with you liberals? Are all of you suddenly unable to understand what you read? It's a form of illiteracy. Oh, you can read the words, but can't understand the sentences.
Oh right because the press is "mean"! How could I forget? He is such a snowflake and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Can you imagine how cons would react if Obama had this lack of transparency to the press? They would be bitching about it to this day.

Let's not forget the amount of Fox News interviews Obama did. Even if you want to call CNN or MSNBC "fake news", people, you know, still watch them. Trump is too much of a pussy to go near them because he's terrible at hardball questions. Seriously is anyone ever impressed by him doing a Fox interview?

Well....when they are making up stories about Russia...why should he reach out to them?
Remember how he would complain about Hillary not having pressers? Those were the days !

Trump flip flop #127.
Not really. Refresh my memory.

Ask and u shall be refreshed!

Why Doesn't Hillary Clinton Have More Press Conferences?

"So, it's been 235 days since crooked Hillary Clinton has had a press conference," Trump told reporters and supporters who gathered in Miami on July 27. "You, as reporters who give her all of these glowing reports, should ask yourselves why."

She was running for President you dope...and Trump was holding press conferences almost every day....then, when he won, they lied about him and Russia....and hid her collusion with putin....screw them.
Oils be that the press conference on the daily is just pointless. I mean all it is is a given amount of time for Jim Acusta to cry on TV. That and Russia, Russia, Russia. Every day it was Russia. The press corps is dishonest. They are nothing but a bunch of Jerry springers jammed into a room with all of them posturing to be the one reporter to stick it to the not half Black Jesus. That and it's fake news. Even the news guys say so. They admit it.

So then, why would he give those people any time or respect when all they want to do is make him look bad?
There are 10,000 news outlets there. Trump needs to stop his bitching thay they are all liars.

The press is the biggest check on gov power . Suddenly righties trust the government without question! !??
Oh right because the press is "mean"! How could I forget? He is such a snowflake and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Can you imagine how cons would react if Obama had this lack of transparency to the press? They would be bitching about it to this day.

Let's not forget the amount of Fox News interviews Obama did. Even if you want to call CNN or MSNBC "fake news", people, you know, still watch them. Trump is too much of a pussy to go near them because he's terrible at hardball questions. Seriously is anyone ever impressed by him doing a Fox interview?

The media deserves nothing but contempt. At best.

If he held a "press conference" and just walked on stage and pepper sprayed the reporters, I would love it.
I've never felt I was missing any news from him either way, with or without the press conferences! What will you worry about on Trump next about? Whether he puts on a sock and a sock or a sock and a shoe first? Or why he hasn't gotten a White House dog? Maybe he hates animals?
There are 10,000 news outlets there. Trump needs to stop his bitching thay they are all liars.

The press is the biggest check on gov power . Suddenly righties trust the government without question! !??

No, the PEOPLE are the biggest check on government power.
Oh right because the press is "mean"! How could I forget? He is such a snowflake and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Can you imagine how cons would react if Obama had this lack of transparency to the press? They would be bitching about it to this day.

Let's not forget the amount of Fox News interviews Obama did. Even if you want to call CNN or MSNBC "fake news", people, you know, still watch them. Trump is too much of a pussy to go near them because he's terrible at hardball questions. Seriously is anyone ever impressed by him doing a Fox interview?

Hitler had a "comfortable" bunker.......
Why bother having a press conference when the liberal media just distorts and lies their assess off?

Trump should just keep Tweeting - it's just as accurate as the snowflake Fake News Media...even more so. :p
Why bother having a press conference when the liberal media just distorts and lies their assess off?

Trump should just keep Tweeting - it's just as accurate as the snowflake Fake News Media...even more so. :p

The major media can get all of their news directly from the White House! They don't need these conferences------ they were designed for the smaller news agencies that don't have direct links to the White House. That is the truth. All this rancor over these conferences by the MSM is just more fake news by them.
Oh right because the press is "mean"! How could I forget? He is such a snowflake and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Can you imagine how cons would react if Obama had this lack of transparency to the press? They would be bitching about it to this day.

Let's not forget the amount of Fox News interviews Obama did. Even if you want to call CNN or MSNBC "fake news", people, you know, still watch them. Trump is too much of a pussy to go near them because he's terrible at hardball questions. Seriously is anyone ever impressed by him doing a Fox interview?

Good Lord. The man has been on TV almost every day giving interviews to somebody. The only reason the WH press corps wants one is to get themselves on air.
Oh right because the press is "mean"! How could I forget? He is such a snowflake and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Can you imagine how cons would react if Obama had this lack of transparency to the press? They would be bitching about it to this day.

Let's not forget the amount of Fox News interviews Obama did. Even if you want to call CNN or MSNBC "fake news", people, you know, still watch them. Trump is too much of a pussy to go near them because he's terrible at hardball questions. Seriously is anyone ever impressed by him doing a Fox interview?

Good question.

The righties sure had a problem with this last year.
Search Results for Query: Clinton press conference | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
There are 10,000 news outlets there. Trump needs to stop his bitching thay they are all liars.

The press is the biggest check on gov power . Suddenly righties trust the government without question! !??
Suddenly righties trust the government without question! !??

Wasn't that supposed to be a left thing?
Oh right because the press is "mean"! How could I forget? He is such a snowflake and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Can you imagine how cons would react if Obama had this lack of transparency to the press? They would be bitching about it to this day.

Let's not forget the amount of Fox News interviews Obama did. Even if you want to call CNN or MSNBC "fake news", people, you know, still watch them. Trump is too much of a pussy to go near them because he's terrible at hardball questions. Seriously is anyone ever impressed by him doing a Fox interview?
I've heard enough from the guy. Melania may be the only non-sociopath in the entire lot of them.
Mainstream news is fake news. They are obsolete in this age of the internet. Why does Trump need middlemen reporters to get his message out? That's like when people had to go to church to find out what's in the Bible. The media can go fuck itself.
It's easier for Trump to make low class personal twitter attacks on reporters he does not like than to face them in person.
Mainstream news is fake news. They are obsolete in this age of the internet. Why does Trump need middlemen reporters to get his message out? That's like when people had to go to church to find out what's in the Bible. The media can go fuck itself.
The only "message" Trump puts out is a non-stop stream of lies, exaggerated self-aggrandizing achievements, and puerile attacks on people he does not like.

"I rented a bed used by Obama and had some hookers piss on me. Best President ever!"
Mainstream news is fake news. They are obsolete in this age of the internet. Why does Trump need middlemen reporters to get his message out? That's like when people had to go to church to find out what's in the Bible. The media can go fuck itself.
Did you believe every press release that the Obama administration put out, without question?
Mainstream news is fake news. They are obsolete in this age of the internet. Why does Trump need middlemen reporters to get his message out? That's like when people had to go to church to find out what's in the Bible. The media can go fuck itself.
Did you believe every press release that the Obama administration put out, without question?

Of course not. Obama is a socialist liar.

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