Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

Yes, most those on food stamps are either children, disabled, or the elderly. But if someone works and receives food stamps, their employer should be taxed that amount. Otherwise, food stamps are merely subsidizing the wages of the lowest paid workers.

I was a manager of a grocery department a long time ago. I got so pissed hearing the employees bitch and moan about food stamps that I called a meeting. I started out by proclaiming the our store was no longer going to accept food stamps. After the applause wore off I told them that food stamps accounted for over 15% of the business and they could go ahead and pick the one out of six employees we were going to lay off. They never bitched about food stamps again.
It's good to see someone keeping fairytales alive and well. Did you ever think maybe the reason the employees aren't paid more is because of the current tax load on business owners? And your solution to that is taxing them more? That results in less employees or even more that need government assistance to live.

As for the last part of your story it only happened in your head. Nice fantasy but never really happened. You know how I can tell? Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage. So based on your original paragraph they would be the ones on food stamps because you were a cheap ass and wouldn't pay them more money yet you expect me to believe you threatened your employees for bitching about "others" on food stamps and they cheered your awesomeness. And then suddenly realized because you are such a great public speaker you meant they would lose their jobs if they couldn't take the food stamps most of them were already on.

You know what a better lesson would have been in this fantasy of yours? If you had told them the reason they make minimum wage is because the taxes and regulations on such an operation are keeping profits at such low levels they can't get a raise. Then you could explain to them how if you actually taxed the store owner the amount any of their employees spent on food stamps it would result in not only them losing their jobs but you as well. The greatest motivational speaker in all of grocery sales history. Because there wouldn't be a grocery store for any of you to work at.

Obviously, you know absolutely nothing about the grocery business. At the time, I was a market manager, that is the meat department. My employees all made pretty good money, most certainly too much for food stamps. My father spent his entire career with one company in the grocery business, he retired a millionaire with the maximum Social Security benefit. Furthermore, you know absolutely nothing about business if you believe low profit margins are due to government regulations and taxes. Low profit margins are a direct result of competition. That is basic Micro. Do highly regulated highly taxed monopolies have low profit margins? Like, say, the NFL?

But again, that was long ago, when a 1.5% profit margin was considered pretty damn good and wages were higher. Today, well a 3% profit margin might barely get you by, and wages are lower. A direct result of market consolidation and a decrease in competition.

But, it is coming back. You might want to look into Walmart. The average hourly employee has a total compensation package in excess of $35,000. They have a 6%match on 401K contribution from day one, part time or full time. Walmart stock is offered at a 15% discount. They promote seven thousand hourly employees into management each year. A typical Super Walmart store manager knocks down around $175,000 a year. I know former employees of Dad's now knocking down over two hundred grand, AT THE STORE LEVEL, with NO college education. I know of only a couple of industries in which that can happen.

What? So you telling me that zit face picture of a kid behind the Walmart return desk is making $175,000 a year?

Holy fuck... I screwed up..

Yes, most those on food stamps are either children, disabled, or the elderly. But if someone works and receives food stamps, their employer should be taxed that amount. Otherwise, food stamps are merely subsidizing the wages of the lowest paid workers.

I was a manager of a grocery department a long time ago. I got so pissed hearing the employees bitch and moan about food stamps that I called a meeting. I started out by proclaiming the our store was no longer going to accept food stamps. After the applause wore off I told them that food stamps accounted for over 15% of the business and they could go ahead and pick the one out of six employees we were going to lay off. They never bitched about food stamps again.
It's good to see someone keeping fairytales alive and well. Did you ever think maybe the reason the employees aren't paid more is because of the current tax load on business owners? And your solution to that is taxing them more? That results in less employees or even more that need government assistance to live.

As for the last part of your story it only happened in your head. Nice fantasy but never really happened. You know how I can tell? Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage. So based on your original paragraph they would be the ones on food stamps because you were a cheap ass and wouldn't pay them more money yet you expect me to believe you threatened your employees for bitching about "others" on food stamps and they cheered your awesomeness. And then suddenly realized because you are such a great public speaker you meant they would lose their jobs if they couldn't take the food stamps most of them were already on.

You know what a better lesson would have been in this fantasy of yours? If you had told them the reason they make minimum wage is because the taxes and regulations on such an operation are keeping profits at such low levels they can't get a raise. Then you could explain to them how if you actually taxed the store owner the amount any of their employees spent on food stamps it would result in not only them losing their jobs but you as well. The greatest motivational speaker in all of grocery sales history. Because there wouldn't be a grocery store for any of you to work at.

Obviously, you know absolutely nothing about the grocery business. At the time, I was a market manager, that is the meat department. My employees all made pretty good money, most certainly too much for food stamps. My father spent his entire career with one company in the grocery business, he retired a millionaire with the maximum Social Security benefit. Furthermore, you know absolutely nothing about business if you believe low profit margins are due to government regulations and taxes. Low profit margins are a direct result of competition. That is basic Micro. Do highly regulated highly taxed monopolies have low profit margins? Like, say, the NFL?

But again, that was long ago, when a 1.5% profit margin was considered pretty damn good and wages were higher. Today, well a 3% profit margin might barely get you by, and wages are lower. A direct result of market consolidation and a decrease in competition.

But, it is coming back. You might want to look into Walmart. The average hourly employee has a total compensation package in excess of $35,000. They have a 6%match on 401K contribution from day one, part time or full time. Walmart stock is offered at a 15% discount. They promote seven thousand hourly employees into management each year. A typical Super Walmart store manager knocks down around $175,000 a year. I know former employees of Dad's now knocking down over two hundred grand, AT THE STORE LEVEL, with NO college education. I know of only a couple of industries in which that can happen.

What? So you telling me that zit face picture of a kid behind the Walmart return desk is making $175,000 a year?

Holy fuck... I screwed up..


Most certainly, if it is a Super Walmart and he is the manager. If he is a shift manager for that department he is knocking down at least sixty grand. If he is just the assistant manager than it is a little less than fifty.

Willing to bust your ass, work hard, anytime and all the time--then yep, Walmart might be the quickest way to six figures. Insurance and restaurant would be the other two industries that can get you there quick, provided you are willing to put in the work and able to learn.
Yes, most those on food stamps are either children, disabled, or the elderly. But if someone works and receives food stamps, their employer should be taxed that amount. Otherwise, food stamps are merely subsidizing the wages of the lowest paid workers.

I was a manager of a grocery department a long time ago. I got so pissed hearing the employees bitch and moan about food stamps that I called a meeting. I started out by proclaiming the our store was no longer going to accept food stamps. After the applause wore off I told them that food stamps accounted for over 15% of the business and they could go ahead and pick the one out of six employees we were going to lay off. They never bitched about food stamps again.
It's good to see someone keeping fairytales alive and well. Did you ever think maybe the reason the employees aren't paid more is because of the current tax load on business owners? And your solution to that is taxing them more? That results in less employees or even more that need government assistance to live.

As for the last part of your story it only happened in your head. Nice fantasy but never really happened. You know how I can tell? Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage. So based on your original paragraph they would be the ones on food stamps because you were a cheap ass and wouldn't pay them more money yet you expect me to believe you threatened your employees for bitching about "others" on food stamps and they cheered your awesomeness. And then suddenly realized because you are such a great public speaker you meant they would lose their jobs if they couldn't take the food stamps most of them were already on.

You know what a better lesson would have been in this fantasy of yours? If you had told them the reason they make minimum wage is because the taxes and regulations on such an operation are keeping profits at such low levels they can't get a raise. Then you could explain to them how if you actually taxed the store owner the amount any of their employees spent on food stamps it would result in not only them losing their jobs but you as well. The greatest motivational speaker in all of grocery sales history. Because there wouldn't be a grocery store for any of you to work at.

Obviously, you know absolutely nothing about the grocery business. At the time, I was a market manager, that is the meat department. My employees all made pretty good money, most certainly too much for food stamps. My father spent his entire career with one company in the grocery business, he retired a millionaire with the maximum Social Security benefit. Furthermore, you know absolutely nothing about business if you believe low profit margins are due to government regulations and taxes. Low profit margins are a direct result of competition. That is basic Micro. Do highly regulated highly taxed monopolies have low profit margins? Like, say, the NFL?

But again, that was long ago, when a 1.5% profit margin was considered pretty damn good and wages were higher. Today, well a 3% profit margin might barely get you by, and wages are lower. A direct result of market consolidation and a decrease in competition.

But, it is coming back. You might want to look into Walmart. The average hourly employee has a total compensation package in excess of $35,000. They have a 6%match on 401K contribution from day one, part time or full time. Walmart stock is offered at a 15% discount. They promote seven thousand hourly employees into management each year. A typical Super Walmart store manager knocks down around $175,000 a year. I know former employees of Dad's now knocking down over two hundred grand, AT THE STORE LEVEL, with NO college education. I know of only a couple of industries in which that can happen.

What? So you telling me that zit face picture of a kid behind the Walmart return desk is making $175,000 a year?

Holy fuck... I screwed up..


Most certainly, if it is a Super Walmart and he is the manager. If he is a shift manager for that department he is knocking down at least sixty grand. If he is just the assistant manager than it is a little less than fifty.

Willing to bust your ass, work hard, anytime and all the time--then yep, Walmart might be the quickest way to six figures. Insurance and restaurant would be the other two industries that can get you there quick, provided you are willing to put in the work and able to learn.

I always thought they were making money, but now you are putting two and two together for me to comprehend.

It's good to see someone keeping fairytales alive and well. Did you ever think maybe the reason the employees aren't paid more is because of the current tax load on business owners? And your solution to that is taxing them more? That results in less employees or even more that need government assistance to live.

As for the last part of your story it only happened in your head. Nice fantasy but never really happened. You know how I can tell? Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage. So based on your original paragraph they would be the ones on food stamps because you were a cheap ass and wouldn't pay them more money yet you expect me to believe you threatened your employees for bitching about "others" on food stamps and they cheered your awesomeness. And then suddenly realized because you are such a great public speaker you meant they would lose their jobs if they couldn't take the food stamps most of them were already on.

You know what a better lesson would have been in this fantasy of yours? If you had told them the reason they make minimum wage is because the taxes and regulations on such an operation are keeping profits at such low levels they can't get a raise. Then you could explain to them how if you actually taxed the store owner the amount any of their employees spent on food stamps it would result in not only them losing their jobs but you as well. The greatest motivational speaker in all of grocery sales history. Because there wouldn't be a grocery store for any of you to work at.

Oh brother . The tax load is keeping wages Down? When companies post big profits and then pay employees shit it's cause of taxes !?

What are these big profits you think are magically out there?

Take Walmart for example . Big successful company . Executives make millions . Workers make shit and are subsidized with food stamps . Which Walmart also benefits from as the recipient of that food stamp welfare money .

I must say they have improved wages because of public pressure .

You have that backwards Walmart subsidize the government welfare programs...

With out Walmart people wouldn't have jobs.


Walmart is not the only employer out there .

What would Walmart be if the gov didn't susbsidize their workforce?
Walmart is playing by the same rules as other businesses.
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying

I would like stricter restrictions on what food stamps could be used for. They should be used for generic foods that are nutritious. They shouldn't be used for Frosted Flakes and oreos. I think that fresh produce should be free up to a certain quantity.

Also, I think that people using food stamps should be required to buy their food stamp groceries and then leave the store prior to returning and purchasing cigarettes, chips, candy, and soda.

Can we get some drug testing on those "job creator" tax subsidies and make sure they use it to benefit the USA instead of Cayman offshore accounts too?


I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying

I go to the grocery store every Saturday and I monitor the purchases of people using food stamps.

You are correct...they never purchase canned tuna. Occasionally canned lump crabmeat or canned chicken...but never tuna.

"I monitor the purchases of people using food stamps. "

LMAOROG, Sure you do. How can you tell the difference of EBT cards vs debit cards?

I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying

Why can't they have the same quality of food as anyone else? Some have special diets and can't eat of your list.

Just because you don't see what they buy & where, doesn't mean they don't buy canned tuna
I think the point is that people should not be able to use SNAP to buy junk food or luxury foods.

I feel the same way about Corp subsidies and wars with MY tax money!
i had some hip hopper type millenial tell me that he'd buy a 20 dollar piece of meat with his food stamps and then he'd sell it to me for 5 bucks cash .

What was her name?
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying

How do you know ?

When I was young I worked at a supermarket. Most tried to get the bang for the buck . Sure u suspected some frauds . No one is for that .

Logistically , it would be more trouble to pull off your plan . And what's the point really?
------------------------------------------- Seems to me that any saved money can be used rebuilding the USA Military or put to work funding TRUMPS Border wall Timmy !!

Holy shit . You want examples of waste , the military spending is where it's at .

At least food stamp spending gets recycled into our economy.

Sure does, Pelosi says every $1.00 dollar is like $1.72....must be some of that Obama math.

Low informed one, NOT Pelosi

SNAP Stimulates Economic Activity During an Economic Downturn

The Food Assistance National Input-Output Multiplier (FANIOM) Model and Stimulus Effects of SNAP

The report found that:

  • An increase of $1 billion in SNAP expenditures is estimated to increase economic activity (GDP) by $1.79 billion. In other words, every $5 in new SNAP benefits generates as much as $9 of economic activity.
USDA ERS - Economic Linkages
Oh brother . The tax load is keeping wages Down? When companies post big profits and then pay employees shit it's cause of taxes !?

What are these big profits you think are magically out there?

Take Walmart for example . Big successful company . Executives make millions . Workers make shit and are subsidized with food stamps . Which Walmart also benefits from as the recipient of that food stamp welfare money .

I must say they have improved wages because of public pressure .

You have that backwards Walmart subsidize the government welfare programs...

With out Walmart people wouldn't have jobs.


Walmart is not the only employer out there .

What would Walmart be if the gov didn't susbsidize their workforce?
Walmart is playing by the same rules as other businesses.

Never said they weren't .

Just saying they gain a benefit from the food stamp program on two fronts . It subsidizes their employees so they can stay on at that pay, and the directly benefit from eBt and food stamp payments .
i had some hip hopper type millenial tell me that he'd buy a 20 dollar piece of meat with his food stamps and then he'd sell it to me for 5 bucks cash .

Weird some guy offered me a Corp tax cut of $20,000,000 for the low, low price of $10,000. I think he was from Nigeria? Your guy too?
Yes, most those on food stamps are either children, disabled, or the elderly. But if someone works and receives food stamps, their employer should be taxed that amount. Otherwise, food stamps are merely subsidizing the wages of the lowest paid workers.

I was a manager of a grocery department a long time ago. I got so pissed hearing the employees bitch and moan about food stamps that I called a meeting. I started out by proclaiming the our store was no longer going to accept food stamps. After the applause wore off I told them that food stamps accounted for over 15% of the business and they could go ahead and pick the one out of six employees we were going to lay off. They never bitched about food stamps again.
It's good to see someone keeping fairytales alive and well. Did you ever think maybe the reason the employees aren't paid more is because of the current tax load on business owners? And your solution to that is taxing them more? That results in less employees or even more that need government assistance to live.

As for the last part of your story it only happened in your head. Nice fantasy but never really happened. You know how I can tell? Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage. So based on your original paragraph they would be the ones on food stamps because you were a cheap ass and wouldn't pay them more money yet you expect me to believe you threatened your employees for bitching about "others" on food stamps and they cheered your awesomeness. And then suddenly realized because you are such a great public speaker you meant they would lose their jobs if they couldn't take the food stamps most of them were already on.

You know what a better lesson would have been in this fantasy of yours? If you had told them the reason they make minimum wage is because the taxes and regulations on such an operation are keeping profits at such low levels they can't get a raise. Then you could explain to them how if you actually taxed the store owner the amount any of their employees spent on food stamps it would result in not only them losing their jobs but you as well. The greatest motivational speaker in all of grocery sales history. Because there wouldn't be a grocery store for any of you to work at.

"Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage"

LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure

He was talking about a LONG TIME AGO, before Reaganomics killed the unions, in 1980's my (now ex) brother in law working at grocery store was making about $25 an hour!

Taxes are the problem huh? *SHAKING HEAD*

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness
When companies post big profits and then pay employees shit it's cause of taxes !?
yes when taxes are cut the free market demands that the money goes to workers, customers, or owners. This is econ 101

It's trickle down economics. A proven failure.
If that's the proven failure why does it work every time?

Failed in the late 80s and failed under GW. Shit always comes crashing down.
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Why do people that identify and vote democrat think that pumping out kids to increase their welfare and food stamps is a way of life?

When are CONservatives going to grow a brain and get off right wing infotainment complex BS?
Yes, most those on food stamps are either children, disabled, or the elderly. But if someone works and receives food stamps, their employer should be taxed that amount. Otherwise, food stamps are merely subsidizing the wages of the lowest paid workers.

I was a manager of a grocery department a long time ago. I got so pissed hearing the employees bitch and moan about food stamps that I called a meeting. I started out by proclaiming the our store was no longer going to accept food stamps. After the applause wore off I told them that food stamps accounted for over 15% of the business and they could go ahead and pick the one out of six employees we were going to lay off. They never bitched about food stamps again.
It's good to see someone keeping fairytales alive and well. Did you ever think maybe the reason the employees aren't paid more is because of the current tax load on business owners? And your solution to that is taxing them more? That results in less employees or even more that need government assistance to live.

As for the last part of your story it only happened in your head. Nice fantasy but never really happened. You know how I can tell? Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage. So based on your original paragraph they would be the ones on food stamps because you were a cheap ass and wouldn't pay them more money yet you expect me to believe you threatened your employees for bitching about "others" on food stamps and they cheered your awesomeness. And then suddenly realized because you are such a great public speaker you meant they would lose their jobs if they couldn't take the food stamps most of them were already on.

You know what a better lesson would have been in this fantasy of yours? If you had told them the reason they make minimum wage is because the taxes and regulations on such an operation are keeping profits at such low levels they can't get a raise. Then you could explain to them how if you actually taxed the store owner the amount any of their employees spent on food stamps it would result in not only them losing their jobs but you as well. The greatest motivational speaker in all of grocery sales history. Because there wouldn't be a grocery store for any of you to work at.

"Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage"

LMAOROG, Sure Bubs, sure

He was talking about a LONG TIME AGO, before Reaganomics killed the unions, in 1980's my (now ex) brother in law working at grocery store was making about $25 an hour!

Taxes are the problem huh? *SHAKING HEAD*

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness
Your brother in law never fucking made 25 an hour at a grocery store in the 80's as an employee. Go sell your bullshit somewhere you can find a retard to believe it.
When companies post big profits and then pay employees shit it's cause of taxes !?
yes when taxes are cut the free market demands that the money goes to workers, customers, or owners. This is econ 101

It's trickle down economics. A proven failure.
If that's the proven failure why does it work every time?

Failed in the late 80s and failed under GW. Shit always comes crashing down.
Fixed the Carter failure, fixed the Clinton failure. Funny how that works.
Let's really think about this for a moment. I mean just some fundamental Macroeconomics.

We have two dollars. One dollar is the dollar that goes to the food stamp beneficiary. The other dollar is a taxcut to the wealthy business owner. Replacing the first dollar with the second dollar is beyond stupid, it is a drain on the economy.

The food stamp dollar, it goes directly into the economy, every single penny of it. The velocity, if you understand that concept, is high. The multiplier, another macroeconomic concept, is greater than one.

But the tax cut dollar, in the current environment, not all of it goes into the economy. In fact, in today's economy almost all of it is SAVED. That results in a lower velocity and a multiplier less than one. For those that understand Macroeconomics on even a fundamental level, we should be done. But let me help.

When the dollar is saved, as opposed to invested, and I will be happy to explain the difference, it becomes a drain on the economy. That dollar is not invested, it is RENTED, and that requires INTEREST. That interest creates nothing, makes nothing, and drains the economy.

I mean it should be more than obvious. The reason the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, the reason the vast amount of benefit to our growing economy has went to the wealthy, the reason growth has stagnated, is because of ever increasing RENTS.

Don't believe me. What about interest rates. I mean interest rates are kind of my thing. For more than thirty years I have been damn near prescience concerning interest rates. I am able to sit my ass at home, actually enjoy raising my children, and live rather comfortably because of my ability to predict interest rates. It has been almost too easy.

Supply and demand. That is all that drives interest rate. The supply of money available TO RENT, and the demand for that money in order to INVEST. Interest rates are low, and I make a damn good living, because there are literally BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars looking for RENT. The supply is through the damn roof. But the demand for that money, those actually willing to pay that rent, is in the cellar. Hence, more than a decade of absolutely almost zero interest rates.
Yes, most those on food stamps are either children, disabled, or the elderly. But if someone works and receives food stamps, their employer should be taxed that amount. Otherwise, food stamps are merely subsidizing the wages of the lowest paid workers.

I was a manager of a grocery department a long time ago. I got so pissed hearing the employees bitch and moan about food stamps that I called a meeting. I started out by proclaiming the our store was no longer going to accept food stamps. After the applause wore off I told them that food stamps accounted for over 15% of the business and they could go ahead and pick the one out of six employees we were going to lay off. They never bitched about food stamps again.
It's good to see someone keeping fairytales alive and well. Did you ever think maybe the reason the employees aren't paid more is because of the current tax load on business owners? And your solution to that is taxing them more? That results in less employees or even more that need government assistance to live.

As for the last part of your story it only happened in your head. Nice fantasy but never really happened. You know how I can tell? Grocery workers don't get paid a lot, as in minimum wage. So based on your original paragraph they would be the ones on food stamps because you were a cheap ass and wouldn't pay them more money yet you expect me to believe you threatened your employees for bitching about "others" on food stamps and they cheered your awesomeness. And then suddenly realized because you are such a great public speaker you meant they would lose their jobs if they couldn't take the food stamps most of them were already on.

You know what a better lesson would have been in this fantasy of yours? If you had told them the reason they make minimum wage is because the taxes and regulations on such an operation are keeping profits at such low levels they can't get a raise. Then you could explain to them how if you actually taxed the store owner the amount any of their employees spent on food stamps it would result in not only them losing their jobs but you as well. The greatest motivational speaker in all of grocery sales history. Because there wouldn't be a grocery store for any of you to work at.

Oh brother . The tax load is keeping wages Down? When companies post big profits and then pay employees shit it's cause of taxes !?

What are these big profits you think are magically out there?

March 30, 2016

Corporate profits are near record highs. Here’s why that’s a problem.

As the cover story in this week’s Economist highlights, the rate of profitability in the United States is at a near-record-high level, as is the share of corporate revenue going to capital. The stock market is valued very highly by historical standards, as measured by Tobin’s q ratio of the market value of the non-financial corporations to the value of their tangible capital. And the ratio of the market value of equities in the corporate sector to its GDP is also unusually high.

Larry Summers: Corporate profits are near record highs. Here’s why that’s a problem.

September 21, 2016

U.S. corporations earn record high profits, pay record low taxes

U.S. businesses have amassed an overseas cash hoard of $2.4 trillion because they aren’t paying their fair share of taxes, according to two think tanks. But that view is at odds with how Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump and fiscal conservatives see it. They say the U.S. corporate tax rate is too high.
U.S. corporations earn record high profits, pay record low taxes

Jul 30, 2013
Profits At High, Wages At Low
If You're Wondering What's Wrong With America, Look At These Four Charts

1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Why do people that identify and vote democrat think that pumping out kids to increase their welfare and food stamps is a way of life?
You're fucking stupid if you think the monthly benefit of food stamps even comes close to the overall cost of raising a kid. We are talking about $133 per month in benefits in comparison to the total costs per month for raisIng a kid. We are talking basic mathematics here. You just believe that stupid myth because it makes you feel superior pretending these mothers are nothing but leeches.
I didn't say the monthly benefit came close to the cost of raising a kid now did I? No. But it increases with each kid, known fact, and it's also a known fact that there's welfare case families that live on welfare their entire lives, generations of them, and they know if they have more kids, their welfare checks go up.

Deny that, idiot.

These people can't afford feeding their children, THEN THEY SHOULDN'T BE HAVING KIDS, PERIOD.


Nov 16, 2010 - As part of the welfare reform act signed into law by former president Bill Clinton in 1996, the federal government placed a five-yearlifetime limit on participation in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.

Bill puts 5-year limit on welfare


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