Why are republicans such drama queens when it comes to guns?

We already have background checks, Idiot

And those background checks serve a purpose idiot.
What point is it that you are trying to make?

That it is already difficult and expensive enough to be able to exercise a protected right we need not make it more difficult or expensive

We have thousands of gun laws on the books detailing every possible crime that can be committed with a gun what will adding more laws to the list do besides make them even harder to enforce than they already are?

And why don't we require the same type of scrutiny for all of our rights? You want 4th amendment protection then you have to pay and get a permit, you want to plea the fifth, get a permit. You want to write a book, get a fucking permit.
Using a gun and committing a crime with a gun are 2 entirely different things you moron

You really don't know what the fuck you are talking about do ya?

Commit a crime with a gun involved, life in prison. And raise your taxes to pay for that increased prison time.

Are you to fucking stupid to understand that idea?

So what? It's not worth it to get criminals off the streets to you?

You don't think enacting more gun laws will cost you anything?
Timeline for San Bernardino mass shooting

San Bernardino claimed 14 lives and got America talking about guns. Again.[/paste:font]
The debate -- again -- puts two sides in opposition. One argues there are too many weapons, and it's too easy for the wrong people to get their hands on them. But the other side says gun ownership is a right and part of the country's fabric, and more restrictions won't stop killers from killing.

The creation of a system for federal background checks is one of the only major gun safety policies to get past that partisan blockade in recent decades.

The FBI, which runs the background checks, says they help keep people safe while assuring legal access to guns. Still, debate over their effectiveness continues. Here's how they work.

1. The FBI is doing more gun background checks than ever

The FBI processed 19,827,376 background checks this year through November. That means 2015 will likely set the record for most ever. The current record was set in 2013, when the twin massacres in Aurora, Colorado, and Newtown, Connecticut -- five months apart in the second half of 2012 -- sparked a gun control push in Washington and a surge in gun sales.


These AR-15-style rifles and semiautomatic handguns were used in the San Bernardino mass shooting.

2. Checks are conducted nearly around the clock

The FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System, also known as NICS, operates seven days a week, 17 hours a day, out of a facility in Clarksburg, West Virginia. It is open on holidays, except Christmas.

All federally licensed gun dealers must run checks on all buyers -- whether the purchase is made in a store or at a gun show.

The federal checks work like this: A buyer presents his or her ID to the seller and fills out ATF Form 4473 with personal information such as age, address, race and criminal history, if any.

The seller then submits the information to the FBI, via a toll-free phone line or over the Internet. The FBI checks the applicant's info against databases. The process can take a few minutes.

Of course, many guns are bought and sold illegally, without any background check. And the NICS system is only used by gun sellers with a federal license. Some states have passed additional gun control laws on top of the federal law, but others have relatively lax rules.
in another hit to the anti gun crowd

the Supreme Court sided with the 2nd Amendment yesterday

that Stun guns are a protected class of weapon
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.

You are in denial

You have about a 1 in 300 chance to become the victim of a violent crime
If those were lottery odds you'd be buying every ticket you could
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.

You are in denial

You have about a 1 in 300 chance to become the victim of a violent crime
If those were lottery odds you'd be buying every ticket you could

Show me your math. I think your paranoia is getting the best of you.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.

You are in denial

You have about a 1 in 300 chance to become the victim of a violent crime
If those were lottery odds you'd be buying every ticket you could

Show me your math. I think your paranoia is getting the best of you.

Number of violent crimes in 2014 1,165,383

Population in 2014 318.9 million

So 1 in every 274 people were victims of a violent crime in 2014
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?
First off its a right, and Barry knows nothing of firearms...
So called "gun violence" is mostly done by gangbangers and deadbeats, and putting suicides in with homicides is a Lie...

Career politicians can never be trusted to do the right thing, especially when it comes to firearms... You speak of small penises? control freaks are the ones with small penises... To make up for their inadequacies. Lol
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.

You are in denial

You have about a 1 in 300 chance to become the victim of a violent crime
If those were lottery odds you'd be buying every ticket you could

Show me your math. I think your paranoia is getting the best of you.

Number of violent crimes in 2014 1,165,383

Population in 2014 318.9 million

So 1 in every 274 people were victims of a violent crime in 2014

Ok that is a start. Who are typically victims? Are they often involved in some criminal activity themselves? Are most these crimes going down in high crime cities? I'm a lawful, white male living in a low crime area. My chance is not anywhere near 1 in 300, hence why neither me or anyone I know has recently been a victim of violent crime.
So what?

Why should I have to jump through all those hoops, be fingerprinted like a common criminal pay upwards of $500 and have to do it every 5 years simply to exercise a Constitutionally guranteed right?

How much would you be whining if every Constitutionally guaranteed right was subject to the same licensing process

Maybe we should make people take classes, get fingerprinted and pay fees for a Fourth Amendment Permit
Okay what exactly are all there hoops you're referring to? Besides finger printing, what else?

You can't treat all amendments the same. That's ridiculous. Obviously freedom of speech is completely harmless in comparison. It still however has limitations. It has limitations based on the consequences of law. We need to keep guns out of the wrong hands. Wouldn't you prefer to keep them out of hands of terrorists? How else would we do that?

I already told you some of the hoops I had to jump through and that it's every 5 years not just once

A right is a right as far as I'm concerned.

We have already seen that it is impossible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals so I don't see how making harder and more expensive for law abiding people to exercise their legal rights does anything to stop that
Oh Christ just because criminals still get guns, it doesn't mean we shouldn't pass laws that try to prevent it. That's like saying "well robbery still happens anyway. We may as well legalize it!"

Laws don't prevent crime. If they did we would have no crime

And you still haven't told me how making it even harder and more expensive than it is now for law abiding people to exercise their legal rights will do anything to stop criminals from getting guns
You people cannot be this stupid. I really don't know what to make of it.

What state are you in? Because obviously the ease in obtaining a gun widely varies. Seriously getting a gun in Texas is pretty damn easy. Do we even need to go into the gun show loophole?
No such thing as a gun show loophole dumbass
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

It's a dick thing.

Male insecurity.

Small, tiny pricks... compensation etc.
By control freaks... Like yourself. dumbass
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

What is your idea of "COMPROMISE"?

Why do we need "COMPROMISE" on a right?
Gun registration and thorough background checks. End the guns how loophole.

Every right has compromise. Including the 1st amendment.
Gun registration is unconstitutional you dumbass
Why do liberals only seek to address the means (guns) and not the root (behavior)? The same motivation to shoot up an office or a school is the same behavior and motivation to wield a knife at innocents on a college campus or behead a co-worker.

For 171 years following the 2nd Amendment, US History shows no random shootings of schoolhouses or innocents from a disgruntled person. In the last 50 years starting with The University of Texas shooting, we've seen countless campus and workplace shootings from mentally disturbed individuals.

How do you explain that? My explanation is that there has been a tremendous drop in personal accountability.
It's the progressive mindset - it's all fucked up, these people don't have a lick of commonsense
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
Gun violence is a nonissue, because the assholes put in suicides with homicides… that being an lie...
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

What is your idea of "COMPROMISE"?

Why do we need "COMPROMISE" on a right?
Gun registration and thorough background checks. End the guns how loophole.

Every right has compromise. Including the 1st amendment.
Gun registration is unconstitutional you dumbass

That's why his claim to compromise is silly, there has been a huge compromise already, he just wants to gain more ground and if he can't he will claim the gun owners won't compromise, which is blatantly false.
Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?
We have. Some states barely have any gun rights. obama and Hillary have made some alarming comments, no question they would clamp down on legal gun ownership if they could. If the SCOTUS gets stacked with another lib, like they want, we could be on a serious downhill problem.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
Gun violence is a nonissue, because the assholes put in suicides with homicides… that being an lie...

The most likely person to be shot and killed is definitely the gun owner himself.
The GOP aren't drama queens.

The Constitution establishes their right to bear arms. The drama queens are the anti-constitution libs who believe the only people who should have guns are their body guards and the Mexican Drug Cartels and terrorists to whom they choose to give guns. They think 'just one more law' will prevent criminals from using guns in crimes... because criminals abide by laws ... but they don't believe in punishing criminals - they release them...or at least the illegal alien ones...

They will not be happy until all law-abiding citizens are disarmed.
Christ. This is what I am talking about. You people live in a fantasy land. No democrat in ofiice has EVER proposed confiscating guns and abolishing the 2nd amendment. The large majority of Americans - myself included - are not asking for that. What you're talking about is non sense. Are you completely incapable of critical thinking?

We don't need critical think lectures from you Billy.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
Gun violence is a nonissue, because the assholes put in suicides with homicides… that being an lie...

Is it an issue with police shootings? This is the only civilized country where police are regularly shot and killed.

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