Why are republicans such drama queens when it comes to guns?

Buy more guns and ammo.. More guns less crime.
You mean more cops shot and killed.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.
Buy more guns and ammo.. More guns less crime.
You mean more cops shot and killed.

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

So, unless you change a culture, people will continue to die from violence. Look at Brussels today, 30 plus dead a hundred plus injured and no guns. It's the culture.
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

So, unless you change a culture, people will continue to die from violence. Look at Brussels today, 30 plus dead a hundred plus injured and no guns. It's the culture.

Nor would guns have stopped any of it.
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

So, unless you change a culture, people will continue to die from violence. Look at Brussels today, 30 plus dead a hundred plus injured and no guns. It's the culture.

Guns make killing easy. Anything that is easy is going to be done more often than if it was more difficult.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

It's a dick thing.

Male insecurity.

Small, tiny pricks... compensation etc.
Sorry Hazelnut!

I must disagree. It has nothing to do with penis size, male insecurity or compensation for anything.

It's the law of the land. There are no more concessions.

The law is settled.

You're a denier.

We've had it with the insults, unnecessary demands, etc.

Being armed does not affect you in any way.

I've been armed for most of my life. I never thought that I would need to use a firearm against anyone, other than in the service of my Country.

Until I got a phone call from my daughter, who called from her bedroom closet, where she and my grandchild were crying, in hiding while someone broke down her door and was at the bedroom door, kicking it in.

Luckily I was not far away, the police were on the way, but I got there before them.

He had just broken the bedroom door down when I ran into the room.

At that moment I could have and should have ended his life.

I chose to let him live. I regret that decision to this day.

I should have put him down.

The only thing that stopped me was having to clean up the mess that I would have left had I have killed him.

The officers who arrived were surprised I let him live.


As I stated. We are tired of the insults and vilification.

What we do is none of your business.

None of you will be satisfied until we are disarmed. That is my opinion.

You fixation on penis size and insecurity do nothing to resolve issues related to this matter.

The discussion is over.

You need to focus on criminal behavior and mental illness and mind your own business.

Again! I am not a Republican nor right wing.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

It's a dick thing.

Male insecurity.

Small, tiny pricks... compensation etc.
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

So, unless you change a culture, people will continue to die from violence. Look at Brussels today, 30 plus dead a hundred plus injured and no guns. It's the culture.

Nor would guns have stopped any of it.

Did I say it would? What a dumb answer.
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

So, unless you change a culture, people will continue to die from violence. Look at Brussels today, 30 plus dead a hundred plus injured and no guns. It's the culture.

Guns make killing easy. Anything that is easy is going to be done more often than if it was more difficult.

Still 30 died, no guns, it's a culture thanks for avoiding the obvious. Of course why would you, it wouldn't fit your agenda.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
You are full of it.
We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

So, unless you change a culture, people will continue to die from violence. Look at Brussels today, 30 plus dead a hundred plus injured and no guns. It's the culture.

Guns make killing easy. Anything that is easy is going to be done more often than if it was more difficult.

Still 30 died, no guns, it's a culture thanks for avoiding the obvious. Of course why would you, it wouldn't fit your agenda.

And the same people often use guns.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
You are full of it.

Why? Most people will never need a gun for anything in their entire life, yet so many act like they are most important thing in the world.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
Gun violence is a nonissue, because the assholes put in suicides with homicides… that being an lie...

The most likely person to be shot and killed is definitely the gun owner himself.
Shit happens... Millions upon millions have not shot themselves... Lol

Well about 20,000 a year kill themselves. That makes them by far the most likely person to be shot and killed. Is that one of your selling points when you are trying to sell to a customer?
That's their problem. Not ours!
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
You are full of it.

Why? Most people will never need a gun for anything in their entire life, yet so many act like they are most important thing in the world.
It's not your concern.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
You are full of it.

Why? Most people will never need a gun for anything in their entire life, yet so many act like they are most important thing in the world.
It's not your concern.

So scared and paranoid stands. Thanks.
I have nothing to be scared nor Paranoid about. But YOU, on the other hand seem to be the one soiling his panties when it comes to a tool that is inanimate until loaded and fired.

Again. Insults and childish rants will not resolve the violence.

Grow up and mind your own business.
I have nothing to be scared nor Paranoid about. But YOU, on the other hand seem to be the one soiling his panties when it comes to a tool that is inanimate until loaded and fired.

Again. Insults and childish rants will not resolve the violence.

Grow up and mind your own business.

I'm not scared at all. I go out every day unarmed and I am fine. You on the other hand seem pretty scared.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

It's a dick thing.

Male insecurity.

Small, tiny pricks... compensation etc.
Sorry Hazelnut!

I must disagree. It has nothing to do with penis size, male insecurity or compensation for anything.

It's the law of the land. There are no more concessions.

The law is settled.

You're a denier.

We've had it with the insults, unnecessary demands, etc.

Being armed does not affect you in any way.

I've been armed for most of my life. I never thought that I would need to use a firearm against anyone, other than in the service of my Country.

Until I got a phone call from my daughter, who called from her bedroom closet, where she and my grandchild were crying, in hiding while someone broke down her door and was at the bedroom door, kicking it in.

Luckily I was not far away, the police were on the way, but I got there before them.

He had just broken the bedroom door down when I ran into the room.

At that moment I could have and should have ended his life.

I chose to let him live. I regret that decision to this day.

I should have put him down.

The only thing that stopped me was having to clean up the mess that I would have left had I have killed him.

The officers who arrived were surprised I let him live.


As I stated. We are tired of the insults and vilification.

What we do is none of your business.

None of you will be satisfied until we are disarmed. That is my opinion.

You fixation on penis size and insecurity do nothing to resolve issues related to this matter.

The discussion is over.

You need to focus on criminal behavior and mental illness and mind your own business.

Again! I am not a Republican nor right wing.

Sounds like you should thank phones more than anything.

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