Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.

No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Based on linguistics alone, it is part and parcel with the ideology that conservatives do not want or like change. Why? Because they fear it.

What you meant to say, was that conservatives are not buying into the Gay and Black Liberal based shit and that we oppose the lazy, entitled, vile and perverted.

There is no fear, just disgust and hatred for abominations of both God and man ........................
"Afraid"? So when conservatives disagree with a policy, they're "afraid," but when liberals disagree with something--why, that's just progressive enlightenment?

Gee, how would you characterize the recent liberal threads that screamed "treason" over the GOP 47 letter to Iran and that claimed that the letter "undermined America's position at the negotiations"? (I notice you guys fell silent when, a couple weeks later, some 100 House Democrats joined House Republicans in signing a strongly worded open letter to President Obama regarding the Iran negotiations. Obviously, those House Democrats were "fearful" about the kind of deal that Obama has been negotiating.)

And the right-wing thread titles are no more bombastic and polemical than the left-wing thread titles.

The problem is that you and other liberals here have zero objectivity and seem to have never taken a logic or critical thinking course.
Yep, you got it. Progressives are for progress. Conservatives are for being stick in the muds. As far as the Iran issue, that's not about change...duh.

If you all aren't so fearful of change, why did all of you react so strongly to the claim implicit in the OP? Gotcha going didn't it?
Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the high rate of illegitimacy in this country or if he would like to change it.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the high level of illegal immigration in this country or if he would like to change it.

We want to conserve the qualities that made US great or even go back to the principles that we are founded on.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the way liberals love to misrepresent what conservatives believe in or change it and actually have a meaningful debate.

Those are some great questions. And after you ask this conservative those three or four (I'm not sure about the last one) fine questions, don't forget to follow that up with; how, how and how? And HOW DO you want to do those things?

(this seems to be the hard part where there aren't a lot of easy answers)
Conservatives are all about preserving the status quo.

were you born stupid or got that way by attending liberfools schools ?

"status quo".., i'll bet you can not even begin to explain what that means.
I'd be mad also If I were as ignorant as you.

Conservative - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
": believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism

Conservative : of or relating to the conservative party in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada

: not liking or accepting changes or new ideas

I'l play poker with you any day :anj_stfu:
No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Actually most people are afraid of change, which is can be so very hard to make happen.

The Fall of the Soviet Union was a big change. Conservatives weren't scared by that. We loved it.

Well, reality would contradict what you two have stated......

Just in our recent history.......

The ACA (a.k.a. Obamacare) imposed a change in a health care system that only an idiot would state did not need fixing.....and look at conservatives' reaction.

Climate change and the need for us to change our suicidal tendency to pollute our only planet is undisputable (except for some paid-to-play "scientists") and we must correct the trend......and look at conservatives' reaction.

The first ever, mixed race president ascends to the WH, and such a change elicited birthers to begin, from day one, to label him a Muslim, Kenyan, Communist, Constitution-destroyer, etc...and we all know what the conservatives' reaction has been.

So my friends, to state that you conservatives "welcome" change and that you're not afraid of such changes, defies the reality....don't you think?
Has anybody else latched onto the supreme irony of the OP...the progressive party, which states we can't be trusted with guns, that the state must oversee our religion, that anybody who votes republican *hates* homos and therefore must be subjected to rigorous oversight and restriction in every aspect of their life...is saying WE'RE afraid?
No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Actually most people are afraid of change, which is can be so very hard to make happen.

The Fall of the Soviet Union was a big change. Conservatives weren't scared by that. We loved it.

Well, reality would contradict what you two have stated......

Just in our recent history.......

The ACA (a.k.a. Obamacare) imposed a change in a health care system that only an idiot would state did not need fixing.....and look at conservatives' reaction.

Climate change and the need for us to change our suicidal tendency to pollute our only planet is undisputable (except for some paid-to-play "scientists") and we must correct the trend......and look at conservatives' reaction.

The first ever, mixed race president ascends to the WH, and such a change elicited birthers to begin, from day one, to label him a Muslim, Kenyan, Communist, Constitution-destroyer, etc...and we all know what the conservatives' reaction has been.

So my friends, to state that you conservatives "welcome" change and that you're not afraid of such changes, defies the reality....don't you think?

I think it's time for us to go to war against ^^^^^^ progressive nutbags.

I honestly don't think it would take long to cull them and eliminate the worst criminals from our political administrations.....they're cowardly, and in terms of numbers, there aren't that many.
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

It's not fear, it's disgust. Conservatives are raised on the idea that there are only two viewpoints in the world..... RIGHT (Conservatism) and WRONG (everything else). That's what makes it so easy for us to quickly make determinations on things without needing extended research, polling, etc.....

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

Better to die out in this world and accept our rewards in the next than to live in the sort of society you folks are pushing on humanity these days.
WOW....I didn't expect this thread to be discussed so much..... The O/P was my reaction to the several other threads (and media reports) actually supporting the Indiana moronic law ...

Which prevents homosexuals from usurping the means of Christians to exercise their God-given rights.

So as you have established in those other threads, you are overtly claiming that Homosexuals are entitled to usurp the means of Christians to exercise their God-given, inalienable rights.

Got it... .

Well, not quite.......What our freedom-loving country CANNOT accept is overt discrimination (and in the case of Indiana) sanctioned by statute....

The same case was made by slave owners who tried to claim that their God-given, inalienable "property rights" were being infringed.
I have a better idea. Instead of dumbing down the world to such an incredible degree by adopting the attitude that here are just two tribes, and these are called liberal/conservative or right/left, how about showing intelligence, instead, by learning to discuss various ideas without this need to frame the discussion as if it were cowboys and indians?

I have a better idea. Instead of dumbing down the world to such an incredible degree by adopting the attitude that here are just two tribes, and these are called liberal/conservative or right/left, how about showing intelligence, instead, by learning to discuss various ideas without this need to frame the discussion as if it were cowboys and indians?


Relativism. The assumption that there is no right, no wrong, and everybody is exactly the same.

Screw that.
(I notice you guys fell silent when, a couple weeks later, some 100 House Democrats joined House Republicans in signing a strongly worded open letter to President Obama regarding the Iran negotiations. Obviously, those House Democrats were "fearful" about the kind of deal that Obama has been negotiating.)

I, for one, would never state that elected democrats are any less susceptible to corruption and political self-survival.....After all, the Israeli lobby is one of the strongest one we've ever had (along with the NRA) and they succumb to extortion by lobbyist, just as much as right wingers.
Well, not quite.......What our freedom-loving country CANNOT accept is overt discrimination (and in the case of Indiana) sanctioned by statute....

The same case was made by slave owners who tried to claim that their God-given, inalienable "property rights" were being infringed.

Science has established that there is no genetic component to sexual deviancy. That's not even a debatable point.


The slave comparison is beyond absurd... as are all comparisons which set choices made from deviant cravings with former circumstances of people with dark pigmentation.

Proving once again that the entire case being advance by the Advocacy to Normalize the Mental Disorder which presents as Sexual Deviancy, is a lie.
Relativism. The assumption that there is no right, no wrong, and everybody is exactly the same.

Screw that.

No shit. We wouldn't have a reason to trash each other out if we weren't trying to make each other's side look wrong.and different.
What would be the fun in that? It's not like we can do anything about anything. Right?
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

Conservatives always lose on the social issues, over time. Currrently, the gay rights issue is being settled,

and they're losing. And they're hysterical over it.

It's the final battle, and they're like Hitler in the bunker,

drafting old men and children into the army and throwing them into battle.

Now that is funny,the right is hysterical,yet it clowns like yourself,that have started most ot the threads,bashing a whole state any everyone in it,your right it is hysterical.
I think it's time for us to go to war against ^^^^^^ progressive nutbags.

I honestly don't think it would take long to cull them and eliminate the worst criminals from our political administrations.....they're cowardly, and in terms of numbers, there aren't that many.

Well, you can always go practice that stance by joining ISIS, I believe your attitude would be welcomed by them.
Relativism. The assumption that there is no right, no wrong, and everybody is exactly the same.

Screw that.

No shit. We wouldn't have a reason to trash each other out if we weren't trying to make each other's side look wrong.and different.
What would be the fun in that? It's not like we can do anything about anything. Right?

Try to make it, don't try to make it 'look wrong'. The advocacies of the Ideological Left are INSANE.

Now, you may disagree and that's fine. All I would ask is that you offer an example of a Leftist Advocacy which you feel is soundly reasoned.

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