Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

Funny how a large number of those thread titles are ginned up by leftist like you. Your title for this thread is a perfect example, you know it's bullshit, we know it's bullshit, but you never seem to let that stop you.

Thats another thing about RW'ers. Whatever you accuse them of their response is always "Nuh uh, YOU ARE!"

Dont believe me, call them something like a war monger or a racists or hating gays and sit back and laugh at their response

"The Left are the REAL Racists!" *chuckle*

"The LEFT LOVES WAR!" *Guffaw*

"No No...the LEFT are the real ones who hate GAYS" *doubled over in laughter*

Great list of imaginary tools the left try to use all the time, good job. If the left wasn't trying to deride and ridicule others they would have pretty much nothing to say, and your little list are just the tools they uses to that end. Carry on.

Told you! He just accused me of doing what he did. Great example
Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

Why do Leftists reason through ceaseless waves of perverse fallacy? (Straw reasoning seems to be your particular gift...)

What's up with that? Were you not educated sufficiently to understand that fallacy is unsound reasoning and as such, is disqualified from consideration by soundly reasoned people?
If "sound reasoning" was coming from the right-wingers, we could work with that. What we get instead is "fags are icky, blacks are lazy criminals, and wetbacks are stealing our jobs". Can't really do much with that.
Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

Why do Leftists reason through ceaseless waves of perverse fallacy? (Straw reasoning seems to be your particular gift...)

What's up with that? Were you not educated sufficiently to understand that fallacy is unsound reasoning and as such, is disqualified from consideration by soundly reasoned people?
If "sound reasoning" was coming from the right-wingers, we could work with that. What we get instead is "fags are icky, blacks are lazy criminals, and wetbacks are stealing our jobs". Can't really do much with that.

Actually what I have often run into, is that if I say anything about black criminals, or any problem affecting the black population, instead of a response on the problem is, wait for it...

Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

Why do Leftists reason through ceaseless waves of perverse fallacy? (Straw reasoning seems to be your particular gift...)

What's up with that? Were you not educated sufficiently to understand that fallacy is unsound reasoning and as such, is disqualified from consideration by soundly reasoned people?
If "sound reasoning" was coming from the right-wingers, we could work with that. What we get instead is "fags are icky, blacks are lazy criminals, and wetbacks are stealing our jobs". Can't really do much with that.

Actually what I have often run into, is that if I say anything about black criminals, or any problem affecting the black population, instead of a response on the problem is, wait for it...

So, don't respond to a knee-jerk response in kind. If I said the weather was nice in Israel today I'd be called an anti-Semite.
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

Funny how a large number of those thread titles are ginned up by leftist like you. Your title for this thread is a perfect example, you know it's bullshit, we know it's bullshit, but you never seem to let that stop you.

Thats another thing about RW'ers. Whatever you accuse them of their response is always "Nuh uh, YOU ARE!"

Dont believe me, call them something like a war monger or a racists or hating gays and sit back and laugh at their response

"The Left are the REAL Racists!" *chuckle*

"The LEFT LOVES WAR!" *Guffaw*

"No No...the LEFT are the real ones who hate GAYS" *doubled over in laughter*

Great list of imaginary tools the left try to use all the time, good job. If the left wasn't trying to deride and ridicule others they would have pretty much nothing to say, and your little list are just the tools they uses to that end. Carry on.

Told you! He just accused me of doing what he did. Great example

I said:
... Were you not educated sufficiently to understand that fallacy is unsound reasoning and as such, is disqualified from consideration by soundly reasoned people?
If "sound reasoning" was coming from the right-wingers, we could work with that. What we get instead is "fags are icky, blacks are lazy criminals, and wetbacks are stealing our jobs". Can't really do much with that.


How cool is THAT?

She feeds back Leftist straw reasoning, as examples of American reasoning...

The Reader should recognize the above as a demonstration of delusion; which is to say an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

It's worth noting that in our little micro-community here, most of those who present with such, also present with either the profession that they are either sexually abnormal themselves, or they're proponents of normalizing sexual abnormality.

See how that works?
Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

Why do Leftists reason through ceaseless waves of perverse fallacy? (Straw reasoning seems to be your particular gift...)

What's up with that? Were you not educated sufficiently to understand that fallacy is unsound reasoning and as such, is disqualified from consideration by soundly reasoned people?
If "sound reasoning" was coming from the right-wingers, we could work with that. What we get instead is "fags are icky, blacks are lazy criminals, and wetbacks are stealing our jobs". Can't really do much with that.

Actually what I have often run into, is that if I say anything about black criminals, or any problem affecting the black population, instead of a response on the problem is, wait for it...

So, don't respond to a knee-jerk response in kind. If I said the weather was nice in Israel today I'd be called an anti-Semite.

Of course... because that is straw-reasoning (unsound reasoning) and that is the best you can do. And that simply means that you suffer a deficient, sub-standard cognitive acuity, which presents with the inability to reason objectively.

(The Reader should recognize here that the concept 'evil' rests entirely upon that precise intellectual circumstance. In truth, such is Evil's stock in trade.)
WOW....I didn't expect this thread to be discussed so much.....

The O/P was my reaction to the several other threads (and media reports) actually supporting the Indiana moronic law, and the constant barrage of posts that, essentially, try to sabotage any peaceful resolution to the Iran vs. Israel nuke issues.

I fully understand that the term "conservative" means just that......To CONSERVE a status quo that, like trying to stop a clock from advancing with every tick-tock, is impossible......Ergo, for conservatives ANY change threatens a perceived status.....and rather than adapting to the inevitable changes, conservatives judge the changes as "bad."
Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

Why do Leftists reason through ceaseless waves of perverse fallacy? (Straw reasoning seems to be your particular gift...)

What's up with that? Were you not educated sufficiently to understand that fallacy is unsound reasoning and as such, is disqualified from consideration by soundly reasoned people?
If "sound reasoning" was coming from the right-wingers, we could work with that. What we get instead is "fags are icky, blacks are lazy criminals, and wetbacks are stealing our jobs". Can't really do much with that.

Actually what I have often run into, is that if I say anything about black criminals, or any problem affecting the black population, instead of a response on the problem is, wait for it...

So, don't respond to a knee-jerk response in kind. If I said the weather was nice in Israel today I'd be called an anti-Semite.

I try not to.

But you didn't address my point that I was NOT saying "blacks are lazy criminals" but the Left responds as though that IS what I said.

Here, a very recent example, Bucs90 posted this.

"Another "shootout" this time seems.like a rolling one. Two adults dead. A child wounded. Fresh off a triple murder last week. Makes me wonder....WHAT makes these criminals so BOLD that they roll around with a car full.of guns...hunting down victims?

Dont they know that they could easily get stopped by police and their guns and warrants will.be discovered. ..........Oh. Wait. Nevermind. St Louis region cops dont do that anymore. They only respond to the dead bodies now.

OH....and the NFLs Rams are all.but guaranteed to be fleeing this shithole."

This is a valid point about the effect recent events have supposedly had on law enforcement, and the posters opinion that these changes are emboldening criminals.

Yet the lib posters reacted as though this post was nothing but "Blacks are lazy criminals".
WOW....I didn't expect this thread to be discussed so much.....

The O/P was my reaction to the several other threads (and media reports) actually supporting the Indiana moronic law, and the constant barrage of posts that, essentially, try to sabotage any peaceful resolution to the Iran vs. Israel nuke issues.

I fully understand that the term "conservative" means just that......To CONSERVE a status quo that, like trying to stop a clock from advancing with every tick-tock, is impossible......Ergo, for conservatives ANY change threatens a perceived status.....and rather than adapting to the inevitable changes, conservatives judge the changes as "bad."

Your understanding of conservative is lacking.

Conservatism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"In the United States, conservatism is rooted in the American Revolution and its commitment to republicanism, sovereignty of the people, and the rights and liberties of Englishmen while expelling the king and his supporters. Most European conservative writers do not accept American conservatism as genuine; they consider it to be a variety of liberalism. Modern American liberals in the New Deal do not disagree with that consensus view, but conservatives spend much more emphasis on the Revolutionary origins, with the Tea Party advocates using an episode from the 1770s for their name and some even dress in costumes from that era at their rallies.

Historian Gregory Schneider identifies several constants in American conservatism: respect for tradition, support of republicanism, "the rule of law and the Christian religion," and a defense of "Western civilization from the challenges of modernist culture and totalitarian governments.""
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.

No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Actually most people are afraid of change, which is can be so very hard to make happen.
No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Actually most people are afraid of change, which is can be so very hard to make happen.

The Fall of the Soviet Union was a big change. Conservatives weren't scared by that. We loved it.
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.

No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Based on linguistics alone, it is part and parcel with the ideology that conservatives do not want or like change. Why? Because they fear it.
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.

No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Based on linguistics alone, it is part and parcel with the ideology that conservatives do not want or like change. Why? Because they fear it.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the high rate of illegitimacy in this country or if he would like to change it.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the high level of illegal immigration in this country or if he would like to change it.

We want to conserve the qualities that made US great or even go back to the principles that we are founded on.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the way liberals love to misrepresent what conservatives believe in or change it and actually have a meaningful debate.
WOW....I didn't expect this thread to be discussed so much..... The O/P was my reaction to the several other threads (and media reports) actually supporting the Indiana moronic law ...

Which prevents homosexuals from usurping the means of Christians to exercise their God-given rights.

So as you have established in those other threads, you are overtly claiming that Homosexuals are entitled to usurp the means of Christians to exercise their God-given, inalienable rights.

Got it... .
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.

No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Based on linguistics alone, it is part and parcel with the ideology that conservatives do not want or like change. Why? Because they fear it.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the high rate of illegitimacy in this country or if he would like to change it.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the high level of illegal immigration in this country or if he would like to change it.

We want to conserve the qualities that made US great or even go back to the principles that we are founded on.

Ask a conservative if he wants to conserve the way liberals love to misrepresent what conservatives believe in or change it and actually have a meaningful debate.

Precisely... the American, OKA: The US Conservative, is one who seeks to conserve the recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to the principles that define sustainable individual liberty, AKA: Freedom; which are the principles that define America.
Change is the only thing that is constant, why would anyone fear change??
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.

No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Based on linguistics alone, it is part and parcel with the ideology that conservatives do not want or like change. Why? Because they fear it.

You keep parroting that same moronic point that a whole class of political opposition "fear" change ...............


You keep repeating a buzz word but can not substantiate your allegations, just plain old MORONIC BULL SHIT!!
"Afraid"? So when conservatives disagree with a policy, they're "afraid," but when liberals disagree with something--why, that's just progressive enlightenment?

Gee, how would you characterize the recent liberal threads that screamed "treason" over the GOP 47 letter to Iran and that claimed that the letter "undermined America's position at the negotiations"? (I notice you guys fell silent when, a couple weeks later, some 100 House Democrats joined House Republicans in signing a strongly worded open letter to President Obama regarding the Iran negotiations. Obviously, those House Democrats were "fearful" about the kind of deal that Obama has been negotiating.)

And the right-wing thread titles are no more bombastic and polemical than the left-wing thread titles.

The problem is that you and other liberals here have zero objectivity and seem to have never taken a logic or critical thinking course.

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