Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
they are scared of the right. So scared that daily they post these idiotic threads as part of their therapy work.
Science has established that there is no genetic component to sexual deviancy. That's not even a debatable point.

What is the medically defined illness for someone such as yourself, who when confronted with the fact that gay people have been around as long as there have been people and this person (such as yourself) is unwilling or unable to come to terms within himself that these people have as much right to exist as you do, WHAT IN THE FUCK DO THEY CALL THIS ILLNESS YOU HAVE???


Here's a clue scamp... mental disorder has been around as long as people have been around.

That you need to pretend that it doesn't exist and that tolerance of the mentally disordered must equate to acceptance of the perverse behavior which comes as a consequence of such, is your problem, while simultaneously designating you as being representative of: THE PROBLEM.

But you need to come to grips with the FACT, that such nonsense in no way establishes an obligation on the part of anyone else.

See how that works?
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

There is no secret that conservatism is based on fear.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.
H. L. Mencken

There is even scientific proof...

Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains

Political opinions are considered choices, and in Western democracies the right to choose one's opinions -- freedom of conscience -- is considered sacrosanct.

But recent studies suggest that our brains and genes may be a major determining factor in the views we hold.

A study at University College London in the UK has found that conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate -- the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism.

If the study is confirmed, it could give us the first medical explanation for why conservatives tend to be more receptive to threats of terrorism, for example, than liberals. And it may help to explain why conservatives like to plan based on the worst-case scenario, while liberals tend towards rosier outlook.
when they finished the study, their brains fell out! Doh!!!!!!
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
insecure comes to mind, stupid fits most of the time.
Tis But A Scratch
By our math, this change means the city just shaved off nearly 1,200 shootings from 2014 alone.

“Mayor Emanuel announced today that he is asking the Chicago Police Department to change the way it counts victims of gun violence. No longer will the CPD count gunshot wounds to a victim’s extremities. Instead, Emanuel is asking the CPD to only count those wounds that are deemed serious or critical to the victim’s health. Typically these would include only gunshot wounds to the torso or head.

“By asking our detectives to not waste time on non-life threatening wounds and knowing that the shooters will never be caught anyway, I’m asking [Chicago Police] Superintendent McCarthy to focus his resources on those that are seriously injured,” Emanuel told reporters at a recent campaign event.

Emanuel is facing a tough runoff election with Jesus “Chuy” Garcia where crime and city finances have been points of debate. Emanuel is touting the change as a cost cutting move that could save the city’s taxpayers millions plus would also serve to cut the crime rate in half.

“I’ve said repeatedly that we’re a city that cares. Therefore, if you want police assistance and top quality medical care, get shot in a place that will leave you seriously wounded. Otherwise, rub some dirt on it and quit your bitching,” Emanuel said.

For his part, Garcia said he’d look into appointing a panel and auditing the city’s crime data set but didn’t provide any additional details.

How fucking funny, the bros in Chi town are gonna cut down gunshots reported by simply changing standards of damage done.
How fucking cute .......

Shall we discuss Detroit next??
So you're suggesting that she join a collectivist tyranny, as a means to contest collectivist tyranny?

Zeke... see what I mean?

"Brilliant"........so you are openly equating our current society to the one that ISIS is trying to establish........Well, I heard that there are designer-bomb vests for the more fashion conscious right wingers....like you.
got yours already eh?

Edit, I mean how would one know of such a thing anyway?
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All change, and anything that isn't absolute, is a profound threat to the right-wingers. Their mentalites, their religions, their very lives are based upon tradition and certainly. Take that away you have exposed them to the core, which cannot stand up to the light of day.

They are grounded in fear, and strike out in the same manner when threatened.

YAWN. left-wingers run around hollering "change" and change stuff just because their over-bloated egos say so. after more than 6 years of obama "change" and 8 straight years where Progressives were the majority of the US government; the very richest are richer than they ever were under right-wing governance; the poorest are poorer than they EVER were under Republicans. The laughable Left wallows in collective denial.
So you're suggesting that she join a collectivist tyranny, as a means to contest collectivist tyranny?

Zeke... see what I mean?

"Brilliant"........so you are openly equating our current society...

Yet another SWING AND A MISS!

But... in fairness...
IF anything in the comment which you cited as the subject of your response, could reasonably lead a reasonable person to such a perverse conclusion... THAT would have been a terrific point.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
The fact that most conservatives fear change and diversity is a legitimate political topic.

Your post also reflects the propensity of most conservatives to seek to compel conformity.
look at the places left-wingers govern; they are case studies of everything the Left says they are against; racism, you can get killed in a liberal-run city for being in the wrong neighborhood if you are the wrong color, heck even WEARING the wrong color. Gunfire rings out at night across cities run by the Left; gun nuts are everywhere and they are USING THEIR GUNS ON EACH OTHER. In the morning, especially on weekends, the streets of liberal cities are stained red with the blood of young minorities. And yet the Left loves to go around accusing others of violence and ignorance. Why SHOULDNT people on the Right fear the mindless, breathless hypocrisy coming from the Left? you cant even get the people closest to you to live by the Left's own stated values. But you got their votes so it seems you dont care.

Whitey has to pay for his sins. Get whitey!

lol! this thread exists and was started by a lefty because the Left is AFRAID. The more the Left tries to insist the Right is on it's way to extinction; the more it looks like the Left is a collection of people deep in denial that need the Right to blame left-wing failure on.
So you're suggesting that she join a collectivist tyranny, as a means to contest collectivist tyranny?

Zeke... see what I mean?

"Brilliant"........so you are openly equating our current society to the one that ISIS is trying to establish........Well, I heard that there are designer-bomb vests for the more fashion conscious right wingers....like you.

YAWN; it is the Left rationalizing and making excuses and moral relativist arguments for the world's worst religious fanatics. The Left is so cowardly they cant even bring themselves to mention the words Mohammad, Islam, or Muslim when discussing the barbaric CURRENT acts of people telling them right in their faces who they did what they did in the name of.
doesn't seem like the right is scared here! 3.7% out of hundred. Hmm.. seems someone has brought in the wrong party to the thread.

doesn't seem like the right is scared here! 3.7% out of hundred. Hmm.. seems someone has brought in the wrong party to the thread.
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
The fact that most conservatives fear change and diversity is a legitimate political topic.

Your post also reflects the propensity of most conservatives to seek to compel conformity.

i guess it would be more legitimate if you had something at all to offer other than conjecture. for the sake of argument thought let's say it's true; so what?
hey, so curious, if the rightwingers are the ones afraid, why is it that the climate is even any question. Hey, the rightwingers say all is good with the earth. Who is it stating doom and gloom on the planet. Which group has the sky falling, the sea's acidification at hand, chasing whalers on the pacific. What party exactly is so concerned? Come now, all you warmer leftist fools can answer can't you?
From November of 2006 when Democrats took both chambers of Congress with majorities that from Day one when they were seated were BIGGER than any Republican majority bush had, until just over 2 months ago when the 8-YEAR majority Progressive rule ended; Poverty has reached a FIFTY-YEAR HIGH; record numbers are on food stamps and welfare; 14 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then there were when Bush left office; record numbers of WORKING-AGE, and ABLE-BODIED Americans arent participating in the Labor Market; race relations have been set back decades.................................this is the legacy of the Left. their excuses for this FAILURE are to blame "obstruction" from a smaller number of people the Left INSISTS it is better than intellectually, morally, ethically...etc. it is only right to "fear" a bunch of moronic hypocrites wallowing in projection and denial.
From November of 2006 when Democrats took both chambers of Congress with majorities that from Day one when they were seated were BIGGER than any Republican majority bush had, until just over 2 months ago when the 8-YEAR majority Progressive rule ended; Poverty has reached a FIFTY-YEAR HIGH; record numbers are on food stamps and welfare; 14 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then there were when Bush left office; record numbers of WORKING-AGE, and ABLE-BODIED Americans arent participating in the Labor Market; race relations have been set back decades.................................this is the legacy of the Left. their excuses for this FAILURE are to blame "obstruction" from a smaller number of people the Left INSISTS it is better than intellectually, morally, ethically...etc. it is only right to "fear" a bunch of moronic hypocrites wallowing in projection and denial.
but it is what they want. they want humans gone. They say so, ask them in an environmental moment. They'd rather a rightwinger die than deal with us.
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness

You missed the whole point. I talk to a radical right and can see and hear the fear in their voices. The Hatred and fear just bubbles out. For the next less than 2 years, republicans are on trial. Either they get it done or they are done. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. In this case, you got your wish but it's a trial. Fail it and the results will be a showing of many republicans the door. Succeed and it means more will be elected. So far, the trial has been a failure.
you don't get to judge me

true story, your opinion is utterly meaningless

hatred and fear? pfft, leftist thrive on it, this op is nothing but projection
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.
research shows you are a liar

but there's no point discussing the obvious
What exactly am I supposed to be afraid of?

why does not wanting my country destroyed by stupid people make me afraid of anything?
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness
It isn't a flame thread. Research shows that conservatives are afraid of change. That is a reasonable topic to put under discussion.
The only affraid of change we have is the ultra left goes to far jumps into something with out a plan, like obama care" lets just pass it to see whats in it" or electing obama, lets just elect someone out of a Chicago phone book and sees what happens.
the fundamentals of America are freedom and liberty

they voted for someone that said he would and did change those.

yes, I fear we will lose more freedoms b/c leftist want us to lose more, and they will take more

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