Why Are So Many Jews Leaving Israel?

Ungrateful Jews:eek:

"The King David Hotel bombing was an attack carried out on July 22, 1946 by the right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.[1][2][3] 91 people of various nationalities were killed and 46 were injured.[4]"

King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Smart Jews, those... hitting at the Brits some years later when it became clear that the Brits had no intention of giving the Jews their own homeland after all, and that after having fought for the Empire in droves, just the previous year and beyond...
So the Brits renegaded on giving land occupied by Arabs to the "chosen people?"
What about this part?

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Brits held out such a promise as part of Balfour et al during WWI and the immediate post-war years...

Trouble is, that promise had zero chance of materializing, due to the Arab Consent poison pill...

Something that Balfour was almost certainly aware of at the time he issued the proposal...

Something that the Jews of Palestine were almost certainly aware of at the time as well...

So... given that this was the best offer yet to surface in the matter... the Jews cherry-picked Balfour and viewed it as a promise and sublimated and set-aside the impractical and deal-breaking Arab Consent poison pill...

Hoping that they could hold the Brits to that promise and deal with the poison pill later, or just ignore it, most Palestinian Jewish folk and most of their political factions ended-up siding with the Brits during WWII and fought for the Brits both individually and in Jewish units, in the hopes that this loyalty to the Empire in wartime would be rewarded with the Empire's backing of the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, without the goddamned Poison Pill (Arab Consent) that would surely kill the deal otherwise...

The Brits cooled to the idea post-WWII, as it became clear to the Brits just how anxious and eager and impatient the Jews had become for independence, and as they re-thought the impact upon their relations with the Arab world, and as it became clear even to the worst dullards amongst the Brits that the Jews could not have their homeland unless they set aside the Poison Pill, and as the Brits began to hamstring the Jews so that they could not import arms and people to establish and defend themselves and as the Brits allowed their fellow Jews to continue rotting in D(isplaced) P(ersons) Camps in Europe and the Med...

After all that waiting (since WWI years) and after all that loyalty (fighting for the Brits in WWII, and, I believe, WWI, as well, on a lesser scale), the Jews finally got pissed-off at the Brits and the consensus for guerrilla warfare against the Brits began to broaden beyond the one or two factions in which it already had gained traction...

The loyalties and attitudes of the Jews changed quickly after WWII...

There is no inconsistency in any of this, if that's what you were hinting...

The Jews of Palestine might very well have been naive to hope-against-hope that they could convince the Brits to implement Balfour without the Arab Consent Poison Pill Deal-Breaker, but that seems to have been their hope, nevertheless...

A hope paid for by the Jewish blood and treasure and energy spent siding with the Brits during WWII.

From their perspective, by the end of the war, they figured that they had paid their dues, and, with the firm resolution of thousands of Jewish British Army veterans returning to their homes in Palestine, they decided the time was right to call-in the marker, and to call upon the marker-holder to set aside the Poison Pill in grateful recognition of their loyalty and efforts during WWII.

When the Brits balked, the Jews got pissed, and stayed pissed, and devoted more energy to working around the soon-to-be-departing Brits, rather than working with them.

One thing led to another, and they were soon killing each other on a part-time basis.

The Brits withdrew from Palestine before it could get too far out of hand.

It's not the way in which either the Brits or the Jews wanted that to play out, but... shit happens... situations change... the practical 'loyalty' of most Jewish factions in Palestine, in the period 1939-1945, was quickly replaced by the 'animosity' of 1946-1948.

Once the Brits made it clear that the Poison Pill would not be set aside, the Jews, fresh from losing 6,000,000 of their own in Europe, threw up their hands, said 'Fuck it', and decided to carve out their own destiny and to fight for a little corner of the world that their people could call their own.

At that point, they had very little choice, and they had very little to lose in trying to create a choice.

Hell, the story even has a Revolution Against the British Empire element to it...

Another of several reasons, perhaps, why that story resonates so well with The West, and especially in the US, who rumbled with the Brits twice themselves, and won, even though they were long-odds underdogs.
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"Arab consent poison pill deal breaker" = Democratic plebiscite in Mandate Palestine circa 1948.
"These critical days in November will be remembered for years to come. The free world stands before a fork in the road with a clear choice: Either stand strong and insist Iran dismantles its nuclear-weapons program, or surrender, cave in and allow Iran to retain its 18,500 centrifuges. Years from now, when an Islamic terrorist blows up a suitcase in New York, or when Iran launches a nuclear missile at Rome or Tel Aviv, it will have happened only because a bad deal was made during these defining moments."


Check your suitcase, drivel, those malignant Persians may have mined it.
"Arab consent poison pill deal breaker" = Democratic plebiscite in Mandate Palestine circa 1948. Is that the gist of your argument?
Absolutely yes.

There is no snowball's chance in hell that the Arabs would have approved.

Therefore, the Balfour Declaration was a Dead Deal before it even got off the ground.

Balfour must certainly have known that when he inserted that Poison Pill (Deal Breaker) - the Arab Consent provision.

Mind you, it was right of Balfour to stipulate thus, but, in essence, it eliminated the possibility of the establishment of a Jewish State from the moment the words were penned.

The Jews cherry-picked what they wanted from Balfour and ignored the rest.

In their shoes I probably would have done the same.
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"Arab consent poison pill deal breaker" = Democratic plebiscite in Mandate Palestine circa 1948. Is that the gist of your argument?
Absolutely yes.

There is no snowball's chance in hell that the Arabs would have approved.

Therefore, the Balfour Declaration was a Dead Deal before it even got off the ground.

Balfour must certainly have known that when he inserted that Poison Pill (Deal Breaker) - the Arab Consent provision.

Mind you, it was right of Balfour to stipulate thus, but, in essence, it eliminated the possibility of the establishment of a Jewish State from the moment the words were penned.

The Jews cherry-picked what they wanted from Balfour and ignored the rest.

In their shoes I probably would have done the same.
I suspect I might have done likewise if I had found myself in the shoes of many Jewish migrants in Palestine during the first half of the 20th Century; it's impossible to ignore the acts of terror that drove many of them from their homelands. What happens next to all those living between the River and the sea is best decided by the ballot and not the bullet, IMHO.
I suspect I might have done likewise if I had found myself in the shoes of many Jewish migrants in Palestine during the first half of the 20th Century; it's impossible to ignore the acts of terror that drove many of them from their homelands. What happens next to all those living between the River and the sea is best decided by the ballot and not the bullet, IMHO.
And palistanians have their own palistan where they can do both balloting and bulleting, of course.
No...it's not Iran's non-existent bomb.

"Official data indicate that the increasing flight of Israel’s finest scientists, mostly due to the lack of research means, threatens the country's security and welfare no less than the unborn Iranian bomb.

"Israel’s strategic asset, dubbed its 'qualitative advantage,' is eroding. Israel has these scientists, who enjoyed generous research and development budgets, to thank for the advanced military means acquired by it throughout its 65 years of existence."

Brain Drain: Existential Threat For Israel - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

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