Why are so many people - including many Jews - so critical of Israel; are they simply driven by antisemitism?

Naw, surada's never said that, and she is not an antisemite anymore than you or I.

the holocaust happened, and Russia and Ukraine are still fighting over Jews and the authority of the Eastern Orthodox Church. But, one cannot dispute that the Palestinians bore the Nazi's crimes despite Jews in Palestine being generally left alone.

But I don't see the point in relitigating what has happened and what cannot be changed, even if we wanted it changed .... and there's not consensus even in the US on what we want. Rapture on, bible bangers? LOL

Netanyahu's entire political life is tied to one tenet: don't negotiate a separate state for Palestinians because the goal is Israel based on it's greatest biblical borders. Netanyahu's political life is down to weeks.

So, where do we go? There's no way to kill every Hamas terrorist. But there's no way Israel will ever, or should ever, consider a peace with Hamas.
The question was why so many people are Anti Semitic and her response was that’s what happens when Netanyahu is in power . The Head of Hamas came out and publicly announced to the Worlld the goal was Israel’s destruction .
I don't know any Jews being killed nor anyone killing them, nor any Jews killing anyone.

You seem to know a lot, do you know some Jews killing babies in Gaza?
You are playing a silly game

Of course Arab children are dying in Gaza

Now admit that Arabs murdered Jews first - about 1 month ago
Get it right. According to you, Jews are killing babies in Gaza. They're not suddenly dying accidentally.
And the Arabs began the killing by murdering Jews in Israel - correct?
According to you, that's because Jews are killing babies in Gaza. Babies there are not suddenly dying accidentally.
In a way they are

Israel targets Hamas fighters who hide among civilians

The civilians are “collateral damage” but not the intended targets
Since 1950 .. they used to run weekly incursions into Syria and Lebanon to steal topsoil and kill a few angry farmers with hoes .
Always talking about post 1948 and never about 1920, 1921 and 1929 massacre by Arabs on non Zionist Jews. How exactly did they murder that baker in Hebron then? Or those rapes-jihad at the time (1929 Hebron or 1941 Baghdad)? Ori Ansbacher in Feb 2019 was not the first...nor Oct/7/23
Arab muslims do not accept the Jewish state’s right to exist

And that means no peace in palestine
There has never been and never will be peace in the holy land until the primitive and violent abrahamic religions vanish from the land.
It takes an IQ over 5 to notice this "Hamas Attack" is 100% FRAUD and there are no hostages.

Supporters of Israel in America largely fall in the IQ under 5 category.

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