Why are so many racial minorities, gays, women and scientists avoiding the Repugs?

There was a time when Republicans stood up for the rights of blacks, workers, immigrants and women. They made a conscious decision to use them as scapegoats for what is wrong with this country in an attempt to wrest the Bible belt away from the Dems.

It worked and allowed them to build a coalition of Red States that can get them elected. Problem is that the numbers are now working against them and they need to either change the song they are singing or cease to be relevant
he is enlisted and serving overseas.

In Germany or France, if I recall.

Well, that proves the old saying, "The Army Is For Dummies."

I mean, they had McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald. Why am I not surprised they have Fhaglo?

Hold it pal...

beats floating around with the gear in the rear.

See I can play.

More importantly Oswald was a marine.

McVeigh has way more in common with Repugs, he was anti-government as destroyed a government building with government employees in it.
Ah, all you guys are silly. The Air Force is the only way to go. After all, we have the only group of enlisted men smart enough to send the Officers out to do the fighting.
If all these people I mentioned are not avoiding the Repugs just who makes up the core of the repug voting base? LMFAO!
Why are they more likely to be in other parties than in the Repugs?

why do they go with the Democrats?.....cant they see how they are being used and manipulated?....why did the big Lib Al Sharpton say that the Democrats had better stop taking the Black Community for granted,they get up here and tell us how they are with us.....but we never get invited over to dinner.....for that matter why does anyone stay with either of these two Manipulative lying Parties........
Why are there no FUNNY conz? I mean, we have TONS of liberal comics. Who is a conservative comic? There are none. At least none of which to speak of.

Then I got to thinking...there were no funny SOVIETS...or funny Nazis either.

I don't think so.

I don't trust a man who can't tell a joke.

Bush was pretty funny.....
Why are they more likely to be in other parties than in the Repugs?

Because Scientist need money so they will support which ever party provides the most government money. We all know which party that is.

As far as the minorities it is not all. I live in Miami and 90% of the Cubans here are republican. They know a communist party when they see one. Which is why they hate and I mean hate Democrats.
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Well, that proves the old saying, "The Army Is For Dummies."

I mean, they had McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald. Why am I not surprised they have Fhaglo?

Hold it pal...

beats floating around with the gear in the rear.

See I can play.

More importantly Oswald was a marine.

McVeigh has way more in common with Repugs, he was anti-government as destroyed a government building with government employees in it.

You are full of shit as always. McVeigh retaliated because of two incidents where black booted thugs overstepped authority. Idiot, those incidents happened under two different admins.

I doubt you will ever retain enough information for a plausible argument.
Why are they more likely to be in other parties than in the Repugs?

Because Scientist need money so they will support which ever party provides the most government money. We all know which party that is.

As far as the minorities it is not all. I live in Miami and 90% of the Cubans here are republican. They know a communist party when they see one.

White Cubans, lol.
The constant fear mongering done by the left.

All but a few outlets propagate the utter lies about wars and hate.

sadly, done over years and years, free thinking becomes a challenge, and as we know the left to do, punished.

Fear mongering about what? Give and exmaples or STFU talking bullshat.

the fear mongering that they do to the Latinos in S.Cal anytime someone wants to get tough on ILLEGAL Immigration....your called a racist....
If all these people I mentioned are not avoiding the Repugs just who makes up the core of the repug voting base? LMFAO!

not saying they arent more likely to vote "D".....They are...you asked why....

I gave you reasons why..and whereas yopu responded, you only responded with the "opinion" itself...but did not address what I was sayiung...it is not the "opinion"...it is why such an "opinion" is deemed as fact by the likes of you.

It is deemed as fact becuase you are told it is fact.

Even though there is equal proof that it may be the exact opposite.

But you opt to accept opinion as fact.

As many do.
Democrats are Americans, so are gays, blacks, scientists and those who support women's rights. The repugs you elect are the government, part of it at least, you make it sound like Democrats and liberals are the government.


not even close.

I don't want the Three Branches gone, I want the rest of it shrunk down to an affordable level so we can pay off our debt, so that our money is stronger, so we can buy more stuff that will get taxed so we can pay down our debt, making our money stronger so we can buy more stuff that can be taxed......

repeat until glory.

rolleyes, you don't get it, want less government you have to get rid of the Senate and House, you could never shrink shat to the levels of government you see in old country Western movies, thats truly facking bacwards thinking


How the fuck did you get out of HS?

The constant fear mongering done by the left.

All but a few outlets propagate the utter lies about wars and hate.

sadly, done over years and years, free thinking becomes a challenge, and as we know the left to do, punished.

Fear mongering about what? Give and exmaples or STFU talking bullshat.

the fear mongering that they do to the Latinos in S.Cal anytime someone wants to get tough on ILLEGAL Immigration....your called a racist....

You mean the fear mongering Repugs do when they say the border is being overran with criminals who cut off heads and left them in the desert?
If all these people I mentioned are not avoiding the Repugs just who makes up the core of the repug voting base? LMFAO!

not saying they arent more likely to vote "D".....They are...you asked why....

I gave you reasons why..and whereas yopu responded, you only responded with the "opinion" itself...but did not address what I was sayiung...it is not the "opinion"...it is why such an "opinion" is deemed as fact by the likes of you.

It is deemed as fact becuase you are told it is fact.

Even though there is equal proof that it may be the exact opposite.

But you opt to accept opinion as fact.

As many do.

You didn't answer my question Marine.
The constant fear mongering done by the left.

All but a few outlets propagate the utter lies about wars and hate.

sadly, done over years and years, free thinking becomes a challenge, and as we know the left to do, punished.

Fear mongering about what? Give and exmaples or STFU talking bullshat.

the fear mongering that they do to the Latinos in S.Cal anytime someone wants to get tough on ILLEGAL Immigration....your called a racist....

Just last night, Bobn Beckel was saying how the republicans are very much against "immigration" and it will be their demise.

Only one problem with that STATEMENT OF FACT....

Repubglicans have an issue with ILLEGAL IMMMIGRATION......not IMMIGRATION.

It is how the left operates.

Like Santorum.....it is widely accepted by the left that he wants to outlaw contraception

It is known as spinning and controlling the electorate.

not even close.

I don't want the Three Branches gone, I want the rest of it shrunk down to an affordable level so we can pay off our debt, so that our money is stronger, so we can buy more stuff that will get taxed so we can pay down our debt, making our money stronger so we can buy more stuff that can be taxed......

repeat until glory.

rolleyes, you don't get it, want less government you have to get rid of the Senate and House, you could never shrink shat to the levels of government you see in old country Western movies, thats truly facking bacwards thinking


How the fuck did you get out of HS?


Meltdown mode already? LMAO! You're almost as insecure and fragile as daveman
If all these people I mentioned are not avoiding the Repugs just who makes up the core of the repug voting base? LMFAO!

not saying they arent more likely to vote "D".....They are...you asked why....

I gave you reasons why..and whereas yopu responded, you only responded with the "opinion" itself...but did not address what I was sayiung...it is not the "opinion"...it is why such an "opinion" is deemed as fact by the likes of you.

It is deemed as fact becuase you are told it is fact.

Even though there is equal proof that it may be the exact opposite.

But you opt to accept opinion as fact.

As many do.

You didn't answer my question Marine.

What question soldier?
he is enlisted and serving overseas.

In Germany or France, if I recall.

Well, that proves the old saying, "The Army Is For Dummies."

I mean, they had McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald. Why am I not surprised they have Fhaglo?

Hold it pal...

beats floating around with the gear in the rear.

See I can play.

More importantly Oswald was a marine.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5IWK9sRYTs]Full Metal Jacket - Charles Whitman - Lee Harvey Oswald - YouTube[/ame]

assuming the movie is factual, since I hate googling real facts up for a troll thread

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