Why are so many washed up Hollywood actors committing Trump Derangement Suicide ?

Little Bobby is at it again.
De Niro Publicly Shames Millions of Americans Who Voted for Trump that he'll REGRET Forever

You have no idea just how stupid your post is. First of all, your TDS is completely irrelevent. It's dead. Second, a Survival Packet? Now, that's a laugh. Are you people so scared that you will fall for anything and send any crackpot that advertises with your dipsticks your money for anything? Sheesh, just how low can you go.
You have no idea just how stupid your post is. First of all, your TDS is completely irrelevent. It's dead. Second, a Survival Packet? Now, that's a laugh. Are you people so scared that you will fall for anything and send any crackpot that advertises with your dipsticks your money for anything? Sheesh, just how low can you go.
So I'm stupid for not reminding you to skip the infomercial ?
I understand if you don't agree with his politics, but "washed up"? At 77 years old he's still one of the most recognizable people on the planet. Sure, he's not as successful as Scott Baio, Stephen Baldwin, or Jon Voight, but he's done alright for himself. :dunno:
I understand if you don't agree with his politics, but "washed up"? At 77 years old he's still one of the most recognizable people on the planet. Sure, he's not as successful as Scott Baio, Stephen Baldwin, or Jon Voight, but he's done alright for himself. :dunno:
Then he should keep his mouth shut like Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman. Even Eastwood's Obama empty chair stunt pales in comparison to Hollyweird now.
Little Bobby is at it again.
De Niro Publicly Shames Millions of Americans Who Voted for Trump that he'll REGRET Forever

Angelo, narcissism has nine distinct symptoms. In the video below you will meet a person IN THE OPENING F that DISPLAYS three OF THOSE NINE SYMPTOMS
Little Bobby is at it again.
De Niro Publicly Shames Millions of Americans Who Voted for Trump that he'll REGRET Forever

Angelo the below link is the answer to your question. I'm sure you can get it @ a library. If nothing else make sure to read CHAPTERS #6 & #12.

They're all narcissists who are total fashion victims, sociopaths who rely on taking on the coloring of their peer groups so they can land jobs and get the adoration of the tabloid press. they all go 'left wing', despite their own obvious greed and self-indulgence, because they think their fans are all stupid losers who are all left wingers who hate 'Da Man' !!! n Stuff, as most middle class dopers do; these are the self-absorbed halfwits with high self-esteeem who like to think they're all 'individualists' but as we all can see they're just a herd of feckless ass kissers who wish they could be real individualists but lack the character to actually be one.
They're all narcissists who are total fashion victims, sociopaths who rely on taking on the coloring of their peer groups so they can land jobs and get the adoration of the tabloid press. they all go 'left wing', despite their own obvious greed and self-indulgence, because they think their fans are all stupid losers who are all left wingers who hate 'Da Man' !!! n Stuff, as most middle class dopers do; these are the self-absorbed halfwits with high self-esteeem who like to think they're all 'individualists' but as we all can see they're just a herd of feckless ass kissers who wish they could be real individualists but lack the character to actually be one.
Picaro you are not green on the subject! Yes indeed the only diff between a sociopath & psychopath is a sociopath LEARNS to become a sociopath one SYMPTOM @ a time. A psychopath is BORN without empathy meaning they cannot naturally exhibit the human emotion of empathy & to the contrary are life threatening to other human beings. Psychopaths have been known to be extremely cunning.

What’s the Difference Between a Psychopath and a Sociopath? And How Do Both Differ from Narcissists?
They're all narcissists who are total fashion victims, sociopaths who rely on taking on the coloring of their peer groups so they can land jobs and get the adoration of the tabloid press. they all go 'left wing', despite their own obvious greed and self-indulgence, because they think their fans are all stupid losers who are all left wingers who hate 'Da Man' !!! n Stuff, as most middle class dopers do; these are the self-absorbed halfwits with high self-esteeem who like to think they're all 'individualists' but as we all can see they're just a herd of feckless ass kissers who wish they could be real individualists but lack the character to actually be one.
Picaro you are not green on the subject! Yes indeed the only diff between a sociopath & psychopath is a sociopath LEARNS to become a sociopath one SYMPTOM @ a time. A psychopath is BORN without empathy meaning they cannot naturally exhibit the human emotion of empathy & to the contrary are life threatening to other human beings. Psychopaths have been known to be extremely cunning.

What’s the Difference Between a Psychopath and a Sociopath? And How Do Both Differ from Narcissists?

Affluenca, drugs, and porn have desensitized a lot of weak willed people and reduced human empathy, which is why the massive increase in blood sport fantasies dominate kids gaming as well as 'adult' entertainment.
I, too, wish that Mr. De Niro had kept out of the electoral debate.

We do not know why he entered it.

Yes, maybe he wanted to kiss up to the Hollywood liberals (who usually only talk the talk but seldom walk the walk).

But maybe that is his sincere opinion and he feels he must express it publicly.

I have noticed that some liberals feel that Donald J. Trump was an incipient A. Hitler. So they felt it was their moral duty to speak out & try to oust him.

Well, he should be happy that millions and millions of Americans (let's assume that the election was reasonably honest by American standards. We ain't Scandinavians, after all) agreed with him, and now within several weeks, the incipient A. Hitler will be a ordinary citizen and -- many Dems are praying -- even a felon.
Little Bobby is at it again.
De Niro Publicly Shames Millions of Americans Who Voted for Trump that he'll REGRET Forever

Little Bobby is at it again.
De Niro Publicly Shames Millions of Americans Who Voted for Trump that he'll REGRET Forever

Speaking of which..how's John Voight doing now that Trump has lost?

I don't think he's starred in a movie in decades. Unlike that washed up Deniro. Always starring in stuff.
They just need to entertain us, as they do best. Not use their notoriety, money to talk about THEIR political views.

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