Why Are Some Liberal/Leftists Commentators Saying"A President That Is So Hated"?,According To Who?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee
You guys complained about Obama but Obama's approval numbers were better than Trumps. We understand a lot of Trump supporters still support him but a lot have left. They are disappointed. He hasn't done shit for them.

And don't forget you guys were complaining this time in 2009. In a couple days we will be looking forward to the 2010 midterms. The Republicans have really let us down. We need new leadership. What have we got to lose right?
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee

Did you write this even though Hillary won the popular vote?

An Historic Election! Trump Beats Hillary By A Record 13.7 Million Votes! Trump: 72,475,961....The Beast: 59,696,333. No Wonder 59 Million Babies Are Still Sobbing. BooHooHoo
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee

A recent poll here showed that 75% liked Trump and only 20% disliked him. Of that 20, only 14% hated him. Telling the truth has never worked out well for Democrats, that's why they own just about every major news media outlet in the country so they can write their own news.
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee
The left live in a tiny bubble world sealed with a small group of inner circle friends who are just as left as they are. Leftists never ever hang out with anyone to the right of Stalin.
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee
The left live in a tiny bubble world sealed with a small group of inner circle friends who are just as left as they are. Leftists never ever hang out with anyone to the right of Stalin.
god, would i love to been anyone on that show with a leftist commentator, if he/she had said that there was so much hatred for Trump, I would of then said in return,,,"Well there is also so much hate for elizabeth warren, maxine waters and shelia jackson lee' !!!
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee
The left live in a tiny bubble world sealed with a small group of inner circle friends who are just as left as they are. Leftists never ever hang out with anyone to the right of Stalin.
god, would i love to been anyone on that show with a leftist commentator, if he/she had said that there was so much hatred for Trump, I would of then said in return,,,"Well there is also so much hate for elizabeth warren, maxine waters and shelia jackson lee' !!!
100% probability she would look at you like you just grew horns and was speaking Klingon.
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee
The left live in a tiny bubble world sealed with a small group of inner circle friends who are just as left as they are. Leftists never ever hang out with anyone to the right of Stalin.
god, would i love to been anyone on that show with a leftist commentator, if he/she had said that there was so much hatred for Trump, I would of then said in return,,,"Well there is also so much hate for elizabeth warren, maxine waters and shelia jackson lee' !!!
100% probability she would look at you like you just grew horns and was speaking Klingon.
I am still waiting on some footage of trump saying. I hate the N word. I hate the S word.and the J word. Until then.everyone loves Trump
The president that was truly hated was obama. Liberals loved him. Since he left office, the media made an obama that never was.
:2up: I think it was today/last night when I was overhearing a "Pow-Wow" on Fox Business News. A commentator using the term/phrase, "Who Is So Hated" when they were predicting the 2018 elections.
Really? how many people voted for Trump? How many people showed up at his rallies? And even the post election rallies?,,and yet Trump is so hated by all Americans?
Just another liberal lie. Whatever it takes to make 65% of America to believe that everyone hates Trumps, therefore you need to vote for all Democrats this November, even though they are all as bone-headed as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee

"Why Are Some Liberal/Leftists Commentators Saying"A President That Is So Hated"?,According To Who?"

Nothing's changed since January 20th.
Trump is still hated by corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.
Part of me is starting to feel sorry for the deranged wackos that just can't stand the thought of a higher grade society. Poor Loonies.


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