Why Are The Left Fine With The Vaccinated Spreading Covid To Others?

I am unvaxxed and I have better immunity than ANYONE with the vax and I don't have to worry about the side effects of an unproven experimental substance.
You are no different than the millions of unvaxxed idiots clogging up hospitals everywhere costing us $25,000 each, then crying they should have gotten the vaccine. I want congress to stop paying medical bills for the unvaccinated or hospitals should stop treating them.

You probably believed Rush Limbaugh when he claimed cigarettes don't cause cancer, then he died of lung cancer, dyeing 34 years younger than his parents. All the while he enjoyed blowing cancer causing smoke at liberals & all other citizens.
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You are no different than the millions of unvaxxed idiots clogging up hospitals everywhere costing us $25,000 each, then crying they should have gotten the vaccine. I want congress to stop paying medical bills for the unvaccinated or hospitals should stop treating them.

You probably believed Rush Limbaugh when he claimed cigarettes don't cause cancer, then he died of lung cancer, dyeing 34 years younger than his parents. All the while he enjoyed blowing cancer causing smoke at liberals & all other citizens.
Fuck you moron. Six of my family members contracted the scam virus. We went and got tested--same as you and went home and recovered. No treatment whatsoever. Keep running your ignorant mouth, you keep everyone informed as to your stupidity.
I don't get it. Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread Covid to others. I mean there is scientific proof of this. Don't the left accept the science and listen to the experts? Why do they say that the unvaccinated are responsible for Covid surging when the vaccinated are also spreading the virus? When the most vaccinated countries on the planet are experiencing surges then why do the left think if we get to the same vaccination percentage as those countries, our cases will no longer be surging? Where is the science that shows if we hit the same vaccination rate as the highest vaccinated countries in the world and their cases are surging, our cases will decline instead? Why are left fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus but they want to stop the unvaccinated from spreading the virus? It seems to me like the left are so damned obsessed with blaming the unvaccinated and their quest to stick it to the unvaccinated that they completely ignore the fact that vaccinated people are spreading the virus, even in the most highly vaccinated countries on the planet.
You could be right about America's cases declining but 2000 deaths a day just isn't a great talking point right now. Perhaps revisit the question in a month or two?

Singapore only has 136 deaths so far, but they could be lying commies like China.
Yeah, that's probably it!
This is a lie – they’re not.

Which is why the ‘left’ also advocates for wearing masks and social distancing, along with other health and safety measures.
Masking is a total failure. Even the N-95 mask starts filtering at between 2.5 and 5 microns. This virus inside wet encapsulation is just 1.657 microns in size and dry (where it can still live for 12-24 hours floating in the air) it is only 0.137 microns in size..

How is that screen door working out on the submarine? Even the CDC's own data on mitigation failures shows masking failing in excess of >90% week to week. It is a useless mitigation attempt at stopping a virus far to small for them to be useful.

Please note the attachment is not to actual size but it is to comparison size. that little speck vs a 100 micron hole in your mask..


  • University of BC - COVID19 size -Screenshot 2021-10-02 .png
    University of BC - COVID19 size -Screenshot 2021-10-02 .png
    48.8 KB · Views: 20
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A vaccinated person who wears a mask is prevented from spreading the virus to others.

One wears as mask to protect others, not himself.

Doing something to the benefit others is clearly foreign to the selfish, self-centered right.
Wrong again... A simple look at the physical attributes of the mask disprove your BS.
because that is how they play.
I’m starting to believe that that is actually the case.
When I first came onto this board, I reminded myself frequently that every poster is an individual and made an effort to not label somebody until they self-labeled, and even then, ask them what that label implies. For instance, the word “moderate” can mean 50 different things to 50 different people.
I know it’s probably a bit off but I’m being honest here and I am a lot more negative about the Democrats since I’ve been on this board. There are good Democrats and I happen to know many, they’re just not posting on this board or maybe I’m missing their posts lol If any leftist believes they are winning arguments, I’ve yet to see it happen.

It’s becoming too predictable with certain posters, who never contribute to the thread, don’t read posted sources, and use elementary tactics of debate because they have nothing.

This message board strengthens the conservative party without question.
If boosters aren't approved soon, most of the vaxxed will become unvaxxed again. Then what? The vax-nazis should think on that.
I don't get it. Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread Covid to others. I mean there is scientific proof of this. Don't the left accept the science and listen to the experts? Why do they say that the unvaccinated are responsible for Covid surging when the vaccinated are also spreading the virus? When the most vaccinated countries on the planet are experiencing surges then why do the left think if we get to the same vaccination percentage as those countries, our cases will no longer be surging? Where is the science that shows if we hit the same vaccination rate as the highest vaccinated countries in the world and their cases are surging, our cases will decline instead? Why are left fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus but they want to stop the unvaccinated from spreading the virus? It seems to me like the left are so damned obsessed with blaming the unvaccinated and their quest to stick it to the unvaccinated that they completely ignore the fact that vaccinated people are spreading the virus, even in the most highly vaccinated countries on the planet.
I’m not fine with anybody spreading Covid but that’s going to happen. The vaccines slow the spread and keep people out of the hospital. So be a good citizen and get the jab if you haven’t already
I’m not fine with anybody spreading Covid but that’s going to happen. The vaccines slow the spread and keep people out of the hospital. So be a good citizen and get the jab if you haven’t already
There is no evidence the experimental treatment slows the spread. There is evidence the experimental treatment poses a risk to healthy people. None of that takes into account the virus is still 99+% survivable.
There is no evidence the experimental treatment slows the spread. There is evidence the experimental treatment poses a risk to healthy people. None of that takes into account the virus is still 99+% survivable.
Of course there is. Plenty of evidence. Scientific. It’s called efficacy… look it up
Of course there is. Plenty of evidence. Scientific. It’s called efficacy… look it up
Nope, if you actually read it, it's all speculation. There is no evidence. Read it again, with a critical eye, you can't miss it. If you don't believe me, post your 'proof' and I'll show you.
Point it out more specifically. If you can. Just throwing around websites doesn't prove your point.
I’m not throwing out websites. I posted a page that clearly explains and cites the research done to show vaccine effectiveness. Read it
I’m not throwing out websites. I posted a page that clearly explains and cites the research done to show vaccine effectiveness. Read it
You post a page with multiple unrelated information. Either get to the point or admit you are wrong. What you are doing is intellectually dishonest. A common tactic here when people can't back their claims.
You post a page with multiple unrelated information. Either get to the point or admit you are wrong. What you are doing is intellectually dishonest. A common tactic here when people can't back their claims.
Are you high? The link I posted doesn’t have multiple unrelated information, it has exactly what you asked for. It explains the different ways effectiveness is tested and then it cites 5 specific studies/publications that were conducted which you can click on and read details about…. Here’s the first one:

Are you high? The link I posted doesn’t have multiple unrelated information, it has exactly what you asked for. It explains the different ways effectiveness is tested and then it cites 5 specific studies/publications that were conducted which you can click on and read details about…. Here’s the first one:

Did you actually read any of it? The link above is from May, it not representative of the general public and in no way shows what you claim.
Did you actually read any of it? The link above is from May, it not representative of the general public and in no way shows what you claim.
Of course I read it and it represent exactly what you asked about… vaccine efficacy. What’s wrong with you? it isn’t difficult to understand.

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