Why are the Republicans stopping START??

My prediction is that the Democrats and the Obamy are going to start floating that "Crisis" word on this very soon. It's always all about that "Crisis" when they want to jam something through. Prepare for the "START Treaty Crisis" rhetoric. Stay tuned.
Why not? It certainly worked for Bush
They have already said their main goal while in power was to make Obama a one termer.

That means they put everything second or less including the countries self defense.

This act is just proof of what they have already said.

Wasn't that the main goal of the Democrats and Bush? Or did the Democrats actively work to get him reelected?

Where did the dems ever say their top priority was to make Bush a one termer?

They said things like ending the war or stopping the deaths of Americans for lies.

Are you complaining because the Rs are more honest than the Ds?
The world’s nuclear wannabes, starting with Iran, should send a thank you note to Senator Jon Kyl. After months of negotiations with the White House, he has decided to try to block the lame-duck Senate from ratifying the New Start arms control treaty
The treaty is so central to this country’s national security, and the objections from Mr. Kyl — and apparently the whole Republican leadership — are so absurd that the only explanation is their limitless desire to deny President Obama any legislative success.

The Republicans like to claim that they are the party of national security. We can only hope that other senators in the party will decide that the nation’s security interests must trump political maneuvering.

Accepting once again that facts should never stand in the way of a firm opinion, what might Iran have to do with this treaty?

This is a treaty between Russia and the USA.

Clinton calls for Senate to act on nuclear treaty - Yahoo! News

The treaty would reduce U.S. and Russian limits on strategic warheads to 1,550 for each country from the current ceiling of 2,200. It also would set up new procedures to allow both countries to inspect each other's arsenals to verify compliance.

Apparently he has bought into the fear mongering that without this traeaty we cannot track Russian nuclear weapons. We haven't been able to track all of them under START I, and no one has said that this treaty does anything to address the problems we have with that. They just want to scare us, not actually make a difference.
The world’s nuclear wannabes, starting with Iran, should send a thank you note to Senator Jon Kyl. After months of negotiations with the White House, he has decided to try to block the lame-duck Senate from ratifying the New Start arms control treaty
The treaty is so central to this country’s national security, and the objections from Mr. Kyl — and apparently the whole Republican leadership — are so absurd that the only explanation is their limitless desire to deny President Obama any legislative success.

The Republicans like to claim that they are the party of national security. We can only hope that other senators in the party will decide that the nation’s security interests must trump political maneuvering.

Accepting once again that facts should never stand in the way of a firm opinion, what might Iran have to do with this treaty?

This is a treaty between Russia and the USA.

Clinton calls for Senate to act on nuclear treaty - Yahoo! News

The treaty would reduce U.S. and Russian limits on strategic warheads to 1,550 for each country from the current ceiling of 2,200. It also would set up new procedures to allow both countries to inspect each other's arsenals to verify compliance.

What it has to do with Iran is it allows them to call us a bunch of hypocrites for demanding they stop developing nukes while refusing an offer to reduce our own

We do not need a treaty to reduce our nuclear stockpile. Even if we reduced it to nothing, it would not stop Iran from building a weapon of its own. Or from them callings us hypocrites. In case you missed it, The One did not manage to convince Iran that we are a friend after he got elected. Nor did he convince them not to develop nuclear power. One day history just may look back on November 2008 as the even that led to a new nuclear arms race.

Yet you keep spouting the same partisan talking points.
The world’s nuclear wannabes, starting with Iran, should send a thank you note to Senator Jon Kyl. After months of negotiations with the White House, he has decided to try to block the lame-duck Senate from ratifying the New Start arms control treaty
The treaty is so central to this country’s national security, and the objections from Mr. Kyl — and apparently the whole Republican leadership — are so absurd that the only explanation is their limitless desire to deny President Obama any legislative success.

The Republicans like to claim that they are the party of national security. We can only hope that other senators in the party will decide that the nation’s security interests must trump political maneuvering.

It amazes me that people who criticize others for not knowing what a treaty is about demonstrate their own lack of understanding immediately afterward. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty has nothing to do with preventing countries like Iran from developing nuclear weapons, that would be the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Since that was signed, and ratified, already the Senate does not have to worry about it, and you cannot blame Kyl, or anyone else, for Iran not paying attention to it.

I guess you could blame Obama for not doing enough to discourage Iran from ignoring it, but I doubt you will.

Well yes, Obama could decide to just nuke Iran (as many loons have suggested) which would touch of a nuclear conflagration all over the region. Irony intended. Or, he could decide to invade Iran, pull troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, run them through a fourth and fifth deployment to bloody their bodies and minds in yet another shithole, using armor and heavy equipment so battered by war they're not worth scrap metal. Yes, he could do that too. So yes, I guess by choosing the other option of sanctions and diplomacy are simply not enough to satisfy the old neocon mindset.

Or he could just ship all of out nukes to them.

Unlike you, I am not spouting talking points, I simply pointed out that the two treaties are totally separate. There are already enough nuclear weapons missing that i am not worried about a few more getting out while people make wise choices. I didn't begrudge Obama taking a few months to decide his Afghan strategy, why do you begrudge the full Senate enough time to understand the ramifications of a major treaty?
Ever since the black guy one, the GOP base has come out of the woodwork

Didn't you just get snotty about the way someone else used language? The difference is he used a legitimate, and more modern, wording, and you simply used the wrong word.

The truth is he is a closet racist. He supports eugenics, and believes in a master plan. He also projects a lot.
It's his pathetic way of injecting Nazi into a thread and nothing more.:cuckoo:

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Only a liberal fascist loony communist america hater would want to to disarm america..
Ask yourself...

What would Reagan do?

You, Sir...are a complete idiot.

Apparently you have NO KNOWLEDGE OF REAGAN...if you think he didn't want to disarm us.

Apparently you have NO KNOWLEDGE OF REAGAN...if you dont know that this START program had his full approval.

If you knew about the man, you'd know that his idea of "Trust but Verify" is what START was all about.

I fucking love when people are braindead.

The entire idea behind stopping this is simply to hurt Obama. And there are dumbasses who can't see that. You simply post "libs are dumb" and "ur just protekting Obamanation!"

No, fucktards. Get your head out of your ass. There is no reason to delay this. In fact, the REPUBLICAN Senator that said this was SUPER important to pass...suddenly changed his mind when Obama got on-board.

There is no NEW Republican party. We're back to Politics as USUAL.
Why are the Republicans stopping START? - The Week

Republican lawmakers are blocking a push by the Obama administration to get a major nuclear arms treaty ratified this year. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) was signed by Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev back in April. The deal, which needs to be aproved by the Senate, would cut both countries' nuclear stockpile by about 30 percent. But Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the GOP point man on the issue, said he does not want to schedule a vote during the lame-duck session of Congress because there's not enough time to overcome complex and unresolved issues. What's behind the delay?

Because it favors the russians and does not adeqately address the threats from Iran and North Korea.
Why are the Republicans stopping START? - The Week

Republican lawmakers are blocking a push by the Obama administration to get a major nuclear arms treaty ratified this year. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) was signed by Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev back in April. The deal, which needs to be aproved by the Senate, would cut both countries' nuclear stockpile by about 30 percent. But Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the GOP point man on the issue, said he does not want to schedule a vote during the lame-duck session of Congress because there's not enough time to overcome complex and unresolved issues. What's behind the delay?

Because it favors the russians and does not adeqately address the threats from Iran and North Korea.

Patently false. This was the same system that has worked for decades. It's all political.
It proves that you're retarded, since you can't tell it's in response the post immediately preceding it- which you posted
Ever since the black guy one, the GOP base has come out of the woodwork

Didn't you just get snotty about the way someone else used language? The difference is he used a legitimate, and more modern, wording, and you simply used the wrong word.
It was the black guy one

coulda been the woman one

I'm sure they had both playbooks ready :cool:
Only a liberal fascist loony communist america hater would want to to disarm america..
Ask yourself...

What would Reagan do?

You, Sir...are a complete idiot.

Apparently you have NO KNOWLEDGE OF REAGAN...if you think he didn't want to disarm us.

Apparently you have NO KNOWLEDGE OF REAGAN...if you dont know that this START program had his full approval.

If you knew about the man, you'd know that his idea of "Trust but Verify" is what START was all about.

I fucking love when people are braindead.

The entire idea behind stopping this is simply to hurt Obama. And there are dumbasses who can't see that. You simply post "libs are dumb" and "ur just protekting Obamanation!"

No, fucktards. Get your head out of your ass. There is no reason to delay this. In fact, the REPUBLICAN Senator that said this was SUPER important to pass...suddenly changed his mind when Obama got on-board.

There is no NEW Republican party. We're back to Politics as USUAL.
right over your head...
I love how all these Goose Stepping Wingnuts are cheerleading for this Treaty without even knowing what the hell they're talking about. Apparently it's a perfect Treaty because their Hopey Changey One says so. Such silly stuff. The Congress has a responsibility to actually read & comprehend the Treaty thoroughly before voting on it. I know that seems so strange considering what the Democrats have done to our Congress but it's actually what Congress should do before voting on anything.

Pelosi & Reid likely haven't even bothered to read this Treaty so i'm just not interested in their whining about a delay in its ratification. This is not something the Lameduckers should decide anyway. This can wait till January. Civilization will not collapse if it's not rammed through. So don't give me that "Crisis" shit. People are pretty sick of that. Congress needs to study this Treaty more before voting on it. And that's the way it should be.

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