Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

That's always your final conclusion...both sides....both sides....both sides; you Commie cocksucker!!!
Now hold on motherfucker... You take that back. I happen to be very fond of cocksuckers. They get a bad rap.


I've been alone too long.

Edit: I can use the term "motherfucker" because I have indeed had sex with someone elses mother. It's not hate speech, because I am a motherfucker. Just saying.
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is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.

That's always your final conclusion...both sides....both sides....both sides; you Commie cocksucker!!!
Did I call it?
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.

BLM is a Maduro-type Marxist thug group with the aim of turning the USA into Venezuela.
It's nothing but a Commie contrived smokescreen! And the sooner that Americans get hip to this, the better off we'll be!!
Yeah. If you look at examples of the rioters and statue destroyers being arrested, they look like a combination of adults that live in their mommies and daddies basements, sucking off them, because they've always been too lazy to get out of the basement and get a job and thus like the idea that the Democratic Party put forth of, "even if you don't want to work, we'll give you an income." Simply put, those are worthless sponges. The others, well they appear to be drug addled losers, mixed with a few angry blacks actually believing that they are victims, yet are actually, just criminals who believe that they should be able to not be arrested for their criminal behavior.

You sized these sleazebags up well!
is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.

That's always your final conclusion...both sides....both sides....both sides; you Commie cocksucker!!!
Did I call it?

You called exactly shit!
Maduro would be proud of the way that you talk out of the side of your mouth like a stroke victim!
is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.
Ahhh good. All is right with my world again.

Side note... Maybe it's Covid still, but I had to google who David... Um.. Whatever his name is. I didn't know who he was either. I don't know if that means anything to the topic, things are getting hard to follow. And my give a shit seems to be going down by the hour. Can you guys like pause this topic until... I dont' know... maybe Tuesday? I don't seem to be getting worse, but I'm not getting any better the last three days either. I figure that'll be a good upswing day.
Trump knew quite well who David Duke is. He claimed not to know anything about Duke when he was running for President, and had earlier said that Duke was "a bigot and a problem". Trump knew what he was doing and he knew who he was playing to when he said that.
is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.

That's always your final conclusion...both sides....both sides....both sides; you Commie cocksucker!!!
Did I call it?

You called exactly shit!
Maduro would be proud of the way that you talk out of the side of your mouth like a stroke victim!
Are the cops saying that black people are inferior?
Some cops sure treat them as inferior.
No they dont. That is an absurd statement.
Statistics show the blacks get stopped more than whites.

Maybe because blacks are committing more offenses than whites?
So racial profiling is now OK?

You're a white snowflake know-nothing pajama boy!
I got you pegged, didn't I? :auiqs.jpg:
Welll..is only fair to list some White domestic terror groups, right? You know..like the 3%ers and the Proud Boys?

Oh wait I found a few more!

But we don't have any racist whites today, remember???!???

Not to any significant degree that is.

You're finally wising up.
This be true.
is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.
Ahhh good. All is right with my world again.

Side note... Maybe it's Covid still, but I had to google who David... Um.. Whatever his name is. I didn't know who he was either. I don't know if that means anything to the topic, things are getting hard to follow. And my give a shit seems to be going down by the hour. Can you guys like pause this topic until... I dont' know... maybe Tuesday? I don't seem to be getting worse, but I'm not getting any better the last three days either. I figure that'll be a good upswing day.

You're not that important to request a pause.
True story.
Conservative Playbook

Muslim guy does something terrible: "WE NEED TO RID THE WORLD OF ISLAM!"

Hispanic guy does something terrible: "WE NEED TO BUILD THE WALL!"

Black guy does something terrible: "BLACK LIVES MATTER IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!"

White guy does something terrible: "My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this incident. Now is a time of mourning, my friends. We must not politicize this terrible tragedy."
Are the cops saying that black people are inferior?
Some cops sure treat them as inferior.
No they dont. That is an absurd statement.
Statistics show the blacks get stopped more than whites.

Maybe because blacks are committing more offenses than whites?
So racial profiling is now OK?

You're a white snowflake know-nothing pajama boy!
I got you pegged, didn't I? :auiqs.jpg:

I heard you that liked to be pegged. Most Trumpettes love to bend overt & have Trump keep pegging them over & over. " Oh please, can I have some more".
Are the cops saying that black people are inferior?
Some cops sure treat them as inferior.
No they dont. That is an absurd statement.
Statistics show the blacks get stopped more than whites.

Maybe because blacks are committing more offenses than whites?
So racial profiling is now OK?

You're a white snowflake know-nothing pajama boy!
I got you pegged, didn't I? :auiqs.jpg:

I heard you that liked to be pegged. Most Trumpettes love to bend overt & have Trump keep pegging them over & over. " Oh please, can I have some more".

Won't happen.
Unless you have a mindless mob behind you, holding me down!
I bet you'd jerk-off over that fantasy you STD infected homo!
That sounds like the BLM strategy today..........like Antifa..........bringing pallets of bricks for protesters to throw

I believe that's a twisted winger theory not rooted in reality.

bust up businesses.........cars.......with the owners have nothing to do with Floyd.

People commit crimes every day, regardless of whether there's protests happening or not. :dunno:

I wonder why some of us really don't give a damn about this movement..........man that is a tough one.

Not my problem. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.

Well............You are a bunch of Fucking Terrorist..

You sound like a pretty irrational person. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.
Perhaps you should make me a sandwich..........I don't care what you have to say or advise......................This is group is burning and pillaging this country........I have ZERO RESPECT FOR IT.........NONE.........And no Fucks to give over it to you.

I've no fucks for you either, 'bro'. You are insignificant. I'm just following the conversation.
Now see we are getting somewhere........you demand we give a Fuck and we refuse......

We have no fucks to give.....and you the same.....now get your ass back on the other side of the line.......don't step on Mac on the way back. Mr. Tribal man saying he's in the center trying to save Humanity.........LOL

You know I wonder if he's paid to do it.......or really believes it.......kinda funny when you think about it sarcastically.

It’s funny isn’t it?

He hates racism and is in the center, yet all his quotes were from “conservatives”.

He must have missed all the racist things tigerred, IM2, Marc and asslips have spewed around here.

How convenient.

No wonder no one with a brain takes the OP serious.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Because BLM SUCKS. BLM is an organization comprised of racist, hateful morons, whose only goal is to start trouble. Thank you.
Are the cops saying that black people are inferior?
Some cops sure treat them as inferior.
No they dont. That is an absurd statement.
Statistics show the blacks get stopped more than whites.

Maybe because blacks are committing more offenses than whites?
So racial profiling is now OK?
Yes, of course. Stop the people you know are committing the most crime.
is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.

That's always your final conclusion...both sides....both sides....both sides; you Commie cocksucker!!!
Did I call it?

You called exactly shit!
Maduro would be proud of the way that you talk out of the side of your mouth like a stroke victim!

I was ready to call bullshit on that. Of course, I looked to make sure it was before I did. I fuck'n hate hypocrites.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.
  • Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993). Quoted in "Crime: New Frontier - Jesse Jackson Calls It Top Civil-Rights Issue" by Mary A. Johnson, 29 November 1993, Chicago Sun-Times (ellipsis in original). Partially quoted in "In America; A Sea Change On Crime" by Bob Herbert, 12 December 1993, New York Times.

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