Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

Spin it all you want. The GOP abolished slavery and fought Jim Crow Laws. The Dems are still trying to keep blacks as an under class. Why you STILL support them is pretty sad.

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Were they the conservatives of the time, yes or no?

Its a very straightforward and easy question.

All Democrats.

So if you want to destroy monuments and all other reminders of slavery, why don't you go straight to the source.
All Democrats.

So if you want to destroy monuments and all other reminders of slavery, why don't you go straight to the source.
Your answer has nothing to do with my question.

Again, were they the conservatives of their time?
Yes, they were conservatives.
At last!!!.....an HONEST contemporary conservative.


Do you have any idea why your contemporaries aren't able to be honest about this issue?
It's not something normally discussed or even thought about... I fell into that trap as well. Hell, I was even pretty rude about the whole thing, and was warned several times... Ate crow on that one. Damnit.
Are the cops saying that black people are inferior?
Some cops sure treat them as inferior.
No they dont. That is an absurd statement.
Statistics show the blacks get stopped more than whites.

Maybe because blacks are committing more offenses than whites?
So racial profiling is now OK?

Who said it is? The statistics show that blacks are committing more crimes. Let's look at last year data.

According to a 2019 report by the Bureau of Justice, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations between blacks and whites.
Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed less than 10 percent.

Bureau of Justice Statistics
Stopping people based on race is racial profiling.

Criminals are not stopped based on race. They're sopped because they're committing crimes.
That’s how it works on Sunday morning cartoons but not in the real world.

It seems you're still watching those. Let me tell you something, unicorns are not real.
BLM is not about racial equality. It is about income and wealth redistribution and stealing from others.

Conservative Playbook

Muslim guy does something terrible: "WE NEED TO RID THE WORLD OF ISLAM!"

Hispanic guy does something terrible: "WE NEED TO BUILD THE WALL!"

Black guy does something terrible: "BLACK LIVES MATTER IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!"

White guy does something terrible: "My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this incident. Now is a time of mourning, my friends. We must not politicize this terrible tragedy."
Nailed it!!!!
Conservative Playbook

Muslim guy does something terrible: "WE NEED TO RID THE WORLD OF ISLAM!"

Hispanic guy does something terrible: "WE NEED TO BUILD THE WALL!"

Black guy does something terrible: "BLACK LIVES MATTER IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!"

White guy does something terrible: "My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this incident. Now is a time of mourning, my friends. We must not politicize this terrible tragedy."
Nailed it!!!!
Umm... Do you agree with Marxism? Kind of a yes or no question. I mean the phrase Black lives matter I get. I agree. But the organization is Marxist. Do you support Marxism?
Don't act like you don't know. When you claim someone is innocent, and it's not, that is fake incident. When you claim someone was not resisting arrest, and video shows otherwise, that is a fake incident. When you claim someone was not high on drugs, while he could barely stand and blood work shows he was, that is a fake incident. Only thing that is not fake is that thug died. Unfortunately, it happened, very rarely.

Got it?
Uh huh. Sure.
Don't act like you don't know. When you claim someone is innocent, and it's not, that is fake incident. When you claim someone was not resisting arrest, and video shows otherwise, that is a fake incident. When you claim someone was not high on drugs, while he could barely stand and blood work shows he was, that is a fake incident. Only thing that is not fake is that thug died. Unfortunately, it happened, very rarely.

Got it?

It shouldn't be happening at all. That's the point.
Did you see what happened in Venezuela you failed CFP? First they took down the statues, then the street signs and then Democracy vanished. People who lived there thought it would never happen but it did. That’s why. BLM has nothing to do with actual black people’s lives and everything to do with Marxism and destruction of America. You’re an uneducated buffoon.

You left out the parts where the Venezuelan people voted for socialism, and we attempted two coups against their Democratically elected government and hit them with 20 years of sanctions to ruin their economy.

Given our society has completely fallen apart in the last few months, we really don't have much business criticizing Venezuela...
BLM has nothing to do with actual black people’s lives...
You’re an uneducated buffoon.
I'm going to pause for moment and allow the iron
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
How about the fact that it is a commie front group and a fundraising apparatus for the demcrat communist party???

Hmm. Seems like you pulled that from your ass. Any sources?

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