Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.
How about the fact that it is a commie front group and a fundraising apparatus for the demcrat communist party???
Maybe you didn't fully read what I said.

There is the actual BLM group -- and yes, plenty of people in the group who have gone FAR too far and who might well be causing a lot more harm than good -- and then there is the idea, shared by millions of Americans who have had enough of what they have seen.

I'll say this for the zillionth time: On one end we have the White Nationalists and enablers of racism who refuse to admit the obvious. On the other, we have the illiberal, authoritarian PC/Identity Politics nutters who damn well seem determined to make things even worse.

Both groups are feeding the other. They NEED each other. And that's why things are deteriorating.
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'Black Lives Matter' and "black lives matter" are two separate issues.

I don't know of anyone other than some very hardcore KKK types who do not believe that black lives matter.

However, 'Black Lives Matter' is a Marxist organization. They are anti-western culture and anti-capitalist who are a danger to this country should they obtain enough power.

If you care anything about America, and the American dream, you should make sure and not have any association with this group whatsoever!
“Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?”

As already correctly noted: scary, uppity black people; criminals and thugs, each and every one – no better way to energize the Trump base than to vilify BLM.
Nailed it!!!!!
Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.
How about the fact that it is a commie front group and a fundraising apparatus for the demcrat communist party???
Maybe you didn't fully read what I said.

There is the actual BLM group -- and yes, plenty of people in the group who have gone FAR too far and who might well be causing a lot more harm than good -- and then there is the idea, shared by millions of Americans who have had enough of what they have seen.

I'll say this for the zillionth time: On one end we have the White Nationalists and enablers of racism who refuse to admit the obvious. On the other, we have the illiberal, authoritarian PC/Identity Politics nutters who damn well seem determined to make things even worse.

Both groups are feeding the other. They NEED each other. And that's why things are deteriorating.

Even the "idea" contains the false premise that America as a whole has been operating under the belief that BLack Lives DON'T matter.

And that is a lie, designed to fan racist hate in blacks against whites.
Did you see what happened in Venezuela you failed CFP? First they took down the statues, then the street signs and then Democracy vanished. People who lived there thought it would never happen but it did. That’s why. BLM has nothing to do with actual black people’s lives and everything to do with Marxism and destruction of America. You’re an uneducated buffoon.

You left out the parts where the Venezuelan people voted for socialism, and we attempted two coups against their Democratically elected government and hit them with 20 years of sanctions to ruin their economy.

Given our society has completely fallen apart in the last few months, we really don't have much business criticizing Venezuela...
Even the "idea" contains the false premise that America as a whole has been operating under the belief that BLack Lives DON'T matter.

And that is a lie, designed to fan racist hate in blacks against whites.
Your statement is proven wrong by your own actions, as you are among the whites who ERUPTS in rage and protest at the mere mention of #BlackLivesMatter.
Even the "idea" contains the false premise that America as a whole has been operating under the belief that BLack Lives DON'T matter.

And that is a lie, designed to fan racist hate in blacks against whites.
Your statement is proven wrong by your own actions, as you are among the whites who ERUPTS in rage and protest at the mere mention of #BlackLivesMatter.

Except I don't do that. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else.
Worse because they are paying blacks to do the job of the KKK it’s pretty sad what democrats have done to the black education.
Worse huh? How many whites have #BlackLivesMatter lynched?

good question. The coronavirus stats are NEWS
each day-----but the BLM riot deaths are not being
reported. Two either dying or dead already---just
around the corner in my neighborhood. How many
blacks have been lynched in the past ten years in
your neighborhood?
Except I don't do that. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else.
Uh huh. Sure.

I go off on people, who are assholes to me, when their shitty asshole behavior calls for it.

I don't get upset about people disagreeing with me on issues.

And, i've pointed that out to people, many, many times.

Have you really missed that, or are you just trying to gaslight me?

My point about blm stands. It is an idea with a false premise designed to fan racist hate in blacks and we see the results in the violence in the streets.

Good job libs.

The only question is, is America today, the America that finds such behavior disgusting and will push back at the polls come November,

or have we degenerated to the point that we, as a whole, will accept this and reward the Left with the White House?
good question. The coronavirus stats are NEWS
each day-----but the BLM riot deaths are not being
reported. Two either dying or dead already---just
around the corner in my neighborhood. How many
blacks have been lynched in the past ten years in
your neighborhood?
Nuff sed.
good question. The coronavirus stats are NEWS
each day-----but the BLM riot deaths are not being
reported. Two either dying or dead already---just
around the corner in my neighborhood. How many
blacks have been lynched in the past ten years in
your neighborhood?
Nuff sed.

People being killed in the streets by mobs, is something that should be talked about.

Are you insane?
good question. The coronavirus stats are NEWS
each day-----but the BLM riot deaths are not being
reported. Two either dying or dead already---just
around the corner in my neighborhood. How many
blacks have been lynched in the past ten years in
your neighborhood?
Nuff sed.

not enough------a few months ago----a cop sitting
in his cop-car----in a very neutral area of the neighborhood----got his brain blown out by----well ...
nevah mind. It is silly to cite the death rates unless
you are willing to CITE ALL OF THEM----by agreement-----in my town "race of murderer" is not broadcast
in the news
Did you see what happened in Venezuela you failed CFP? First they took down the statues, then the street signs and then Democracy vanished. People who lived there thought it would never happen but it did. That’s why. BLM has nothing to do with actual black people’s lives and everything to do with Marxism and destruction of America. You’re an uneducated buffoon.

You left out the parts where the Venezuelan people voted for socialism, and we attempted two coups against their Democratically elected government and hit them with 20 years of sanctions to ruin their economy.

Given our society has completely fallen apart in the last few months, we really don't have much business criticizing Venezuela...
Venezuelan people were fooled into it and now regret it. You always blame America for the worlds ills. You and JoeB should move away as soon as possible.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Why do Trump haters and the left media give them a pass on absolutely everything?


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