Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

A young white man from an affluent suburban neighborhood dies while in police custody.

The community is outraged, this isnā€™t acceptable; the mayor speaks out, the city council speaks out, the police chief promises to investigate so this never happens again.

A young black man from a low-income urban community dies while in police custody.

White America shrugs ā€“ this is a sad yet inevitable consequence of being poor and black, it canā€™t be avoided, thereā€™s little to do, move along, nothing to see hereā€¦

No, black lives matter, too ā€“ the movementā€™s sole purpose to reject the argument that the deaths of young black men while in police custody is somehow ā€˜inevitableā€™ and an ā€˜acceptable consequenceā€™ of being poor and black in America.

Red herring fallacies such as ā€˜all lives matter,ā€™ ā€˜white lives matter,ā€™ ā€˜blue lives matterā€™ is dishonest, wrongheaded rhetoric intended only to vilify and demonize the movement.
And BTW - for Mac1958... "trumpster" is anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
He use to be a pretty good poster, but has obviously been infected with TDS. So now 90% of his post are about Trump! Trump! Trump!
Actually, they're more often about Trumpism and Trumpsters, this group pathology that the world hasn't seen for several decades.

Trump is just one guy. The pathology is something else entirely.

That's probably too complicated for you. Sorry.
That and the fact that there's nothing these old fashioned bigots hate more than an "uppity ******".
This is how you shut MAC up! HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Whats not to hate about a violent group of racists who never do anything positive? All they do is destroy cities, yell dumb shit into megaphones, and block traffic.
Has BLM said that whites are inferior? That's what racism actually is.

Please provide a link. Thanks in advance.
Cool, you found one.

I could probably find a few more from that end.

The exceptions prove the rules. And white racism still exists to a significant degree:

Please comment on these. Thanks in advance.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
ā€œWe swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and weā€™ll come for your guns one dayā€ Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked up...you fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
WOW! You just spent a lot of time finding the "exceptions to the rule" you asshole!
You are looking desperate now. Unscrew another bottle of cheap cooking sherry and post some more "exceptions to the rule" HAAAA! HAAAAA!
It's like shooting fish in a barrel with you bitch!
Shouldn't you be getting ready for your shift at McDonalds by now? The toilets aren't going to clean themselves!
You are what you are. Your third grade insults can't change that.
That and the fact that there's nothing these old fashioned bigots hate more than an "uppity ******".
This is how you shut MAC up! HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Whats not to hate about a violent group of racists who never do anything positive? All they do is destroy cities, yell dumb shit into megaphones, and block traffic.
Has BLM said that whites are inferior? That's what racism actually is.

Please provide a link. Thanks in advance.
Cool, you found one.

I could probably find a few more from that end.

The exceptions prove the rules. And white racism still exists to a significant degree:

Please comment on these. Thanks in advance.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
ā€œWe swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and weā€™ll come for your guns one dayā€ Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked up...you fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
WOW! You just spent a lot of time finding the "exceptions to the rule" you asshole!
You are looking desperate now. Unscrew another bottle of cheap cooking sherry and post some more "exceptions to the rule" HAAAA! HAAAAA!
It's like shooting fish in a barrel with you bitch!
Shouldn't you be getting ready for your shift at McDonalds by now? The toilets aren't going to clean themselves!
You are what you are. Your third grade insults can't change that.
When you finish with the toilets go out and clean up the parking lot.
That and the fact that there's nothing these old fashioned bigots hate more than an "uppity ******".
This is how you shut MAC up! HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Whats not to hate about a violent group of racists who never do anything positive? All they do is destroy cities, yell dumb shit into megaphones, and block traffic.
Has BLM said that whites are inferior? That's what racism actually is.

Please provide a link. Thanks in advance.
Cool, you found one.

I could probably find a few more from that end.

The exceptions prove the rules. And white racism still exists to a significant degree:

Please comment on these. Thanks in advance.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
ā€œWe swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and weā€™ll come for your guns one dayā€ Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked up...you fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
WOW! You just spent a lot of time finding the "exceptions to the rule" you asshole!
You are looking desperate now. Unscrew another bottle of cheap cooking sherry and post some more "exceptions to the rule" HAAAA! HAAAAA!
It's like shooting fish in a barrel with you bitch!
Shouldn't you be getting ready for your shift at McDonalds by now? The toilets aren't going to clean themselves!
You are what you are. Your third grade insults can't change that.
Says the failed CFP with TDS. How can you live with yourself with all your lies?
People being killed in the streets by mobs, is something that should be talked about.

Are you insane?
Like Heather Heyer, right?

Do you have any more names to add to that list?

I could. Don't see the point. We both know that they are there.

Is this that lefty troll thing where you get off demanding support for info you know it true?
And BTW - for Mac1958... "trumpster" is anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
He use to be a pretty good poster, but has obviously been infected with TDS. So now 90% of his post are about Trump! Trump! Trump!
Actually, they're more often about Trumpism and Trumpsters, this group pathology that the world hasn't seen for several decades.

Trump is just one guy. The pathology is something else entirely.

That's probably too complicated for you. Sorry.
Not at all.
I just don't pretend the pathology exist on one side. Also, the left is currently monumentally worse than the right. The right is not cheering on and financially supporting two anti-American hate groups engaging in arson/theft/vandalism/vilolence and even murder all across the country.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Why do Trump haters and the left media give them a pass on absolutely everything?

View attachment 356685

it's the mode-----like mini-skirts and sandals in the
And BTW - for Mac1958... "trumpster" is anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
He use to be a pretty good poster, but has obviously been infected with TDS. So now 90% of his post are about Trump! Trump! Trump!
Actually, they're more often about Trumpism and Trumpsters, this group pathology that the world hasn't seen for several decades.

Trump is just one guy. The pathology is something else entirely.

That's probably too complicated for you. Sorry.
Not at all.
I just don't pretend the pathology exist on one side. Also, the left is currently monumentally worse than the right. The right is not cheering on and financially supporting two anti-American hate groups engaging in arson/theft/vandalism/vilolence and even murder all across the country.
I've pointed out multiple times on this thread how the overall problem exists on both ends of the issue, and I've been quite clear.

But, because I dare to criticize the Trumpsters as part of it, that's all you guys "see", and therefore have TDS.

This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with nutters on either end.
And BTW - for Mac1958... "trumpster" is anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
He use to be a pretty good poster, but has obviously been infected with TDS. So now 90% of his post are about Trump! Trump! Trump!
Actually, they're more often about Trumpism and Trumpsters, this group pathology that the world hasn't seen for several decades.

Trump is just one guy. The pathology is something else entirely.

That's probably too complicated for you. Sorry.
Not at all.
I just don't pretend the pathology exist on one side. Also, the left is currently monumentally worse than the right. The right is not cheering on and financially supporting two anti-American hate groups engaging in arson/theft/vandalism/vilolence and even murder all across the country.
I've pointed out multiple times on this thread how the overall problem exists on both ends of the issue, and I've been quite clear.

But, because I dare to criticize the Trumpsters as part of it, that's all you guys "see", and therefore have TDS.

This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with nutters on either end.
It is like I said, your definition of a "trumpster" is anyone not actively bashing him.
The number of people on this forum who are truly Trump enthusiast is not really that many. Not as many as you see because, again, anyone who isn't hating on him must be a Trumpian.
Myself as an example. I have, on a number of occasions, called out the left media slanted daily trump attacks... so does that make me a Trumpian? or just someone who can plainly see the entire left media apparatus is constantly blasting the President 24 hours a day?
And BTW - for Mac1958... "trumpster" is anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
He use to be a pretty good poster, but has obviously been infected with TDS. So now 90% of his post are about Trump! Trump! Trump!
Actually, they're more often about Trumpism and Trumpsters, this group pathology that the world hasn't seen for several decades.

Trump is just one guy. The pathology is something else entirely.

That's probably too complicated for you. Sorry.
Not at all.
I just don't pretend the pathology exist on one side. Also, the left is currently monumentally worse than the right. The right is not cheering on and financially supporting two anti-American hate groups engaging in arson/theft/vandalism/vilolence and even murder all across the country.
I've pointed out multiple times on this thread how the overall problem exists on both ends of the issue, and I've been quite clear.

But, because I dare to criticize the Trumpsters as part of it, that's all you guys "see", and therefore have TDS.

This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with nutters on either end.

feel free to criticize TRUMPISM------I voted for him but I CAN TAKE IT
I miss the old Mac who seemed sensible and who opposed radicalism.

This new one suffering from TDS so badly that the supports a violent racist organization is getting pretty annoying. Attacking decent people for opposing BLM thugs is tantamount to a crazed right winger doing the same in regards to the kkk.

Mac, you have become the very thing you have long decried.
I miss the old Mac who seemed sensible and who opposed radicalism.

This new one suffering from TDS so badly that the supports a violent racist organization is getting pretty annoying. Attacking decent people for opposing BLM thugs is tantamount to a crazed right winger doing the same in regards to the kkk.

Mac, you have become the very thing you have long decried.

It's my fault. I proved to him that he was wrong and as normal, he is now doubling down on his liberalism.
And BTW - for Mac1958... "trumpster" is anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
He use to be a pretty good poster, but has obviously been infected with TDS. So now 90% of his post are about Trump! Trump! Trump!
Actually, they're more often about Trumpism and Trumpsters, this group pathology that the world hasn't seen for several decades.

Trump is just one guy. The pathology is something else entirely.

That's probably too complicated for you. Sorry.
Not at all.
I just don't pretend the pathology exist on one side. Also, the left is currently monumentally worse than the right. The right is not cheering on and financially supporting two anti-American hate groups engaging in arson/theft/vandalism/vilolence and even murder all across the country.
I've pointed out multiple times on this thread how the overall problem exists on both ends of the issue, and I've been quite clear.

But, because I dare to criticize the Trumpsters as part of it, that's all you guys "see", and therefore have TDS.

This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with nutters on either end.
It is like I said, your definition of a "trumpster" is anyone not actively bashing him.
The number of people on this forum who are truly Trump enthusiast is not really that many. Not as many as you see because, again, anyone who isn't hating on him must be a Trumpian.
Myself as an example. I have, on a number of occasions, called out the left media slanted daily trump attacks... so does that make me a Trumpian? or just someone who can plainly see the entire left media apparatus is constantly blasting the President 24 hours a day?
Well, I'm glad I have you to provide definitions of my words to me. Just make it up as you go.

I am an unapologetic basher of everything orange. Does this make me a TDS suffering regressive Marxist, or just some dude who doesn't support Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed)? I need some clarity in the rules of engagement.
I am an unapologetic basher of everything orange. Does this make me a TDS suffering regressive Marxist, or just some dude who doesn't support Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed)? I need some clarity in the rules of engagement.
READ: I have TDS. I only pay attention to what I am told about Trump, don't have anything specific to say why - just hate him because.
And BTW - for Mac1958... "trumpster" is anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
He use to be a pretty good poster, but has obviously been infected with TDS. So now 90% of his post are about Trump! Trump! Trump!
Actually, they're more often about Trumpism and Trumpsters, this group pathology that the world hasn't seen for several decades.

Trump is just one guy. The pathology is something else entirely.

That's probably too complicated for you. Sorry.
Not at all.
I just don't pretend the pathology exist on one side. Also, the left is currently monumentally worse than the right. The right is not cheering on and financially supporting two anti-American hate groups engaging in arson/theft/vandalism/vilolence and even murder all across the country.
I've pointed out multiple times on this thread how the overall problem exists on both ends of the issue, and I've been quite clear.

But, because I dare to criticize the Trumpsters as part of it, that's all you guys "see", and therefore have TDS.

This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with nutters on either end.
It is like I said, your definition of a "trumpster" is anyone not actively bashing him.
The number of people on this forum who are truly Trump enthusiast is not really that many. Not as many as you see because, again, anyone who isn't hating on him must be a Trumpian.
Myself as an example. I have, on a number of occasions, called out the left media slanted daily trump attacks... so does that make me a Trumpian? or just someone who can plainly see the entire left media apparatus is constantly blasting the President 24 hours a day?
Well, I'm glad I have you to provide definitions of my words to me. Just make it up as you go.

Don't have to make it up. When someone makes daily threads about Trump! Trump! Trump! it is clear to see a pattern of behavior.
I am an unapologetic basher of everything orange. Does this make me a TDS suffering regressive Marxist, or just some dude who doesn't support Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed)? I need some clarity in the rules of engagement.
READ: I have TDS. I only pay attention to what I am told about Trump, don't have anything specific to say why - just hate him because.

Oh, I have plenty of reasons to dislike him.

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