Why are Trump's tax returns so important again?

This is actually a serious question. There have been so many accusations and "scandals" and rumors and investigations and breaking news stories and blockbusters and leaks and final straws and assumptions over the last several years that it can be difficult to keep track.

Obviously there must be some smoke here, and the goal is to discover the fire so that he can be brought down.

So what's the smoke?

Again, serious question.

Speaking from my own addled lizard brain, he said he'd release them so release them. You know there's gonna be dodgy stuff in there that'll bring him down a peg or two otherwise he wouldn't be stalling. Orange lives his life talking the talk, some Americans are simply tired of it and want to see him start walking. I'd not be too surprised at the findings anyway. We'll have to rely on our broken political system to decide whether anythings illegal or not, because it seems allergic to following the rule of our founding documents these days.

Speaking from the more sensible part of my noggin, it's not important. I don't think we'll ever see them anyway. This is pure revenge politics opening doors for new and exciting ways of corruption. Illinois is the state of my birth, and what they're doing is a terrible idea. I fear if they are successful, they will have broken the system beyond repair. I'm saying this as a person who doesn't exactly wish the Orange Virus administration and Cult45 well.

I feel this is people not understanding the sketchy underbelly of a NY real estate developer and overall hustler. What he may do may be unethical, but is it illegal? Up to now, not so much. Do I think there's fire? Hotter than 1000 suns. The problem is that there is so much smoke it's hard to pinpoint. He keeps the fire close to his chest. He may get lucky and get out unscathed. But, if he keeps his guard down for an instant and a hint of flame is exposed, it will likely result in an explosion of corruption unprecedented in our entire country's history.
So, political payback?

Political payback? No, after Nixon's tax returns were made public - he owed the IRS $500,000.00.
So, what could be.

No smoke, though?

Yes, smoke...lots of smoke.

Retiring as a Judge, Trump’s Sister Ends Court Inquiry Into Her Role in Tax Dodges

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

Nixon is why every candidate since him has shown them.

President Nixon's Troublesome Tax Returns (Copyright, 2005, Tax Analysts)
So simply filing his tax returns with the IRS didnt reveal all the problems with Nixon's tax returns? Welp, there goes Trump cult talking point #3,598,034 out the window....

You are right. We need to see how Pelosi is worth over 100 million dollars on a 200K per year job. Let's post all her family business on the internet as well!
So, political payback?

Political payback? No, after Nixon's tax returns were made public - he owed the IRS $500,000.00.
So, what could be.

No smoke, though?

Yes, smoke...lots of smoke.

Retiring as a Judge, Trump’s Sister Ends Court Inquiry Into Her Role in Tax Dodges

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

Nixon is why every candidate since him has shown them.

President Nixon's Troublesome Tax Returns (Copyright, 2005, Tax Analysts)
So simply filing his tax returns with the IRS didnt reveal all the problems with Nixon's tax returns? Welp, there goes Trump cult talking point #3,598,034 out the window....

You are right. We need to see how Pelosi is worth over 100 million dollars on a 200K per year job. Let's post all her family business on the internet as well!

Fine by me. Audit all of the congress critters to make sure they're not cheating on their taxes. Did you think I'd be outraged at the idea?
Why are Trump's tax returns so important again?
So, political payback?
Trump has to be the cleanest president in history. Liberals unlawfully raided his lawyers office. Had unlimited ways and money to investigate anything Muller wanted, and he came up with nothing. Hillary wouldn't survive what Trump has been through.
All the investigations into trump's personal finances, his company, and his loans are still ongoing. The only one that has ended was finished off with a court filing saying trump directed the comission of a felony.
Muller had unlimited resources to go after Trump, and he came up with nothing. Now it's time for Hillary and Obama.
Why are Trump's tax returns so important again?
So, political payback?
Trump has to be the cleanest president in history. Liberals unlawfully raided his lawyers office. Had unlimited ways and money to investigate anything Muller wanted, and he came up with nothing. Hillary wouldn't survive what Trump has been through.
All the investigations into trump's personal finances, his company, and his loans are still ongoing. The only one that has ended was finished off with a court filing saying trump directed the comission of a felony.
Muller had unlimited resources to go after Trump, and he came up with nothing. Now it's time for Hillary and Obama.
Again, how do you know or not know what Mueller came up with? Have you read the full Mueller report or even one paragraph of the 400 page summary plus additional attachments?
So, political payback?
Trump has to be the cleanest president in history. Liberals unlawfully raided his lawyers office. Had unlimited ways and money to investigate anything Muller wanted, and he came up with nothing. Hillary wouldn't survive what Trump has been through.
All the investigations into trump's personal finances, his company, and his loans are still ongoing. The only one that has ended was finished off with a court filing saying trump directed the comission of a felony.
Bullshit, Trump was put under a microscope and came out clean. Now Hillary and Obama should get the same treatment.

Hillary and Obama have always released their tax returns. Where's Trump's?
Let's see the Clinton foundation records.
Bullshit, Trump was put under a microscope and came out clean.
Again...please pay attention....the iivestigations into his finances, his loans, and his company are still ongoing. The only one that touched his personal finances that has finished ended up with a court filing saying trump directed the commission of a felony.

And the only one that touched one of his private organivations -- his charity -- resulted in it being shut down for fraud.

Oh wait, there was another: his university. Same result
Lol, you want to put Trump under a microscope. Let's do the same with Obama. Obama paid to have his past sealed. You game?
Tim Geitner, Obama’s nominee to head the Treasury, forgot to pay his taxes....so he claimed....never caused a problem at all.
So, political payback?
Trump has to be the cleanest president in history. Liberals unlawfully raided his lawyers office. Had unlimited ways and money to investigate anything Muller wanted, and he came up with nothing. Hillary wouldn't survive what Trump has been through.
All the investigations into trump's personal finances, his company, and his loans are still ongoing. The only one that has ended was finished off with a court filing saying trump directed the comission of a felony.
Muller had unlimited resources to go after Trump, and he came up with nothing. Now it's time for Hillary and Obama.
Again, how do you know or not know what Mueller came up with? Have you read the full Mueller report or even one paragraph of the 400 page summary plus additional attachments?
Lol, if it had one damming evidence against Trump. You would support it. It doesn't, so you gonna support the evidence against Hillary and Obama? They are proven to behind the hoax.
Hand over trumps tax returns OR RESIGN That's what the law says you slimy no good traitorous trump ass kissers
This is actually a serious question. There have been so many accusations and "scandals" and rumors and investigations and breaking news stories and blockbusters and leaks and final straws and assumptions over the last several years that it can be difficult to keep track.

Obviously there must be some smoke here, and the goal is to discover the fire so that he can be brought down.

So what's the smoke?

Again, serious question.

Actually the goal is to keep putting out enough "Smoke" to trick people into thinking that there must be a fire.

That is all there is.

And, as easily predicted, talk of Russia collusion fades as they frantically shift to something else.
This is actually a serious question. There have been so many accusations and "scandals" and rumors and investigations and breaking news stories and blockbusters and leaks and final straws and assumptions over the last several years that it can be difficult to keep track.

Obviously there must be some smoke here, and the goal is to discover the fire so that he can be brought down.

So what's the smoke?

Again, serious question.
Because he is clearly hiding something. And finding out what the president is hiding matters.

The "briefs" contingent breathlessly awaits confirmation that the president isn't a closet "boxers" wearer.
So, political payback?
Trump has to be the cleanest president in history. Liberals unlawfully raided his lawyers office. Had unlimited ways and money to investigate anything Muller wanted, and he came up with nothing. Hillary wouldn't survive what Trump has been through.
All the investigations into trump's personal finances, his company, and his loans are still ongoing. The only one that has ended was finished off with a court filing saying trump directed the comission of a felony.
Bullshit, Trump was put under a microscope and came out clean. Now Hillary and Obama should get the same treatment.

Hillary and Obama have always released their tax returns. Where's Trump's?

Where you can't see them. Why the sudden change from obsessing about Russia to Trump's taxes? Talking points change?
Who seriously thinks the IRS does not put the microscope on all billionaires tax returns? If they don't. they aren't doing their jobs.

That's obvious. It's also obvious that they're on this because Russia came up a dud.

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