Why Are US Churches Tax Exempt?

Start taxing churches and the government will have its foot inside the door and start dictating what can and cannot be preached inside the walls of the church, and use the IRS as its enforcer to crack down and intimidate churches that don't toe the line. ... :cool:

It was my understanding that Pastor Osteen receives a modest salary from his church, and earns a good living from his authorship of the many theological books he has written- not the church at all.

Further, Osteen is already responsible to pay taxes on his income. Where did you ever get the idea that theologians were exempt? The Korean born theologian Sun Myung Moon did time in the joint for allegedly gypping the tax man with fake tax returns. And the same would happen with Rev. Osteen if he didn't pay his taxes.
It seems to me that not taxing religious businesses is a violation of the First Amendment.

A law giving tax exemption is a law that favors the establishment of religion.
Villages became towns, towns became cities. Most of them grew up around these church sites, so yes the properties became more valuable as a result of that. Doesn't make an argument for them to be taxed if they're being used for church purposes. A parking garage would in fact be a necessity. If it were empty lots not being used for anything, they do indeed pay taxes on that, church owned or not.

Here in Pennsylvania, churches buildings are exempt from property taxation, but the adjacent rectory are just residences, and the church still has to pay taxes on this just like anyone else.
It seems to me that not taxing religious businesses is a violation of the First Amendment.

A law giving tax exemption is a law that favors the establishment of religion.
A church isn't a "business", and worshipping Almighty God isn't a "commercial" activity.
It seems to me that not taxing religious businesses is a violation of the First Amendment.

A law giving tax exemption is a law that favors the establishment of religion.

Those aren't laws, they are tax exempt without any law having to be passed. You are confusing tax authority guidelines for auditors and other govt. agencies for their internal rules.
Of course it is.

Money changes hands it's a business

People make donations.

If the libs think that its a "good idea" to force churches to give a kickback from the poor box money or levy a tax on bibles and holy H2O, I'd say they are nuts and all that shows is how much hatred they have for Almighty God.
The First: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ..."

A special exemption for state-approved religions is, very obviously, a 'law respecting an establishment of religion'.

Yes. Religions must give up their right to be politically active to get the perk. They must also must be part of a "proper religion", as recognized by the state. This is a direct violation of the letter and spirit of the First Amendment.

Total rubbish. Just because some sick in the head sexual fetishists and baby killers hate Da Evul Xians doesn't mean they have to shut up just because you sociopaths crave 'normalization' of your mental illnesses and lack of morality.

The Peanut Gallery can amuse themselves that the attacks on Da Evul Xians began with right wing 'social darwinists' financed by big bnak and robber barons in the 19th Century; commies and faggots just carry on shilling for sociopaths, is all.
Those aren't laws, they are tax exempt without any law having to be passed. You are confusing tax authority guidelines for auditors and other govt. agencies for their internal rules.
Churches are included in the 503 c tax code which is a law
People make donations.

If the libs think that its a "good idea" to force churches to give a kickback from the poor box money or levy a tax on bibles and holy H2O, I'd say they are nuts and all that shows is how much hatred they have for Almighty God.
That's called revenue.

If a person gives me over a certain amount of money I have to pay taxes on it even though it was a gift

And FYI you do not need a multimillion or multibillion dollar organization in order to worship a god
It seems to me that not taxing religious businesses is a violation of the First Amendment.

A law giving tax exemption is a law that favors the establishment of religion.
Why not remove tax exempt status from all private organizations?

And government funding too?

We could start with PBS
Why not remove tax exempt status from all private organizations?

And government funding too?
Fine with me.

FYI any business can be a nonprofit and pay no taxes just make your you make no profit every year which means instead of a so called non profit raking in millions of dollars and maybe parceling out a fraction of it paying no taxes that business would actually have to pay out all those donations every year
Total rubbish. Just because some sick in the head sexual fetishists and baby killers hate Da Evul Xians doesn't mean they have to shut up just because you sociopaths crave 'normalization' of your mental illnesses and lack of morality.
One of their more egregious errors, in my view. And it's not just a technicality. The religious tax exemption goes against the spirit of the First. It gives government power over religions and requires that the state authorize certain religions as legitimate, and others as not. There's no Constitutional justification for limiting a religion's right to be involved in politics, but that's effectively what this rule does.

I think one reason so few people see it as a threat is because of the whole "perk" psychology. All tax incentives rely on this, and people mostly fall for them. They see them as harmless bonuses offered for doing "good" things. But, as Justice Roberts highlighted in the ACA decision re: the individual mandate, every tax incentive can also be viewed as a tax penalty (for those who don't comply with whatever the incentive is supposed to promote), and vice versa. Discriminatory taxation radically expands the power of Congress, beyond what the Constitution authorizes. It allows them to compel behavior in ways that we would instantly recognize as an abuse of power if they were formulated as straightforward laws. Robert's didn't have the courage to strike down the mandate on these grounds because it would have undermined every tax incentive on the books (there are thousands) and revoked a large chunk of the power that Congress wields. But it's power they should have never been allowed in the first place.
"Churches are tax exempt" is a giant misnomer. Religious institutions do not pay income tax as they are non-profit. There is no profit to tax. If they have paid employees, they pay all relevant payroll taxes. Depending on the jurisdiction, they may pay all, some, or a reduced rate of property and sales tax on goods purchased.
And FYI you do not need a multimillion or multibillion dollar organization in order to worship a god

And there is where you are absolutely wrong.

Almighty God orders His people to spread his word over the whole world, and you can't do that without a very large organization.

And remember this and don't forget it.

The US Constitution protects "Freedom of Religion" not just freedom of "worship"

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