Why Are US Churches Tax Exempt?

And for the sake of argument, while the 1st A limits what the Feds can do re chruches and religion, how many think the 1st A limits state and local govts. from denying tax exemptions for churches? I happen to think they don't have to and the restrictions on the Fed do not apply to the individual states.
You best read the 14th Amendment.

What about it? It was passed illegally, after the Civil War and we had the most corrupt Supreme Court in our history for the next 30 years. The 1st Amendment was passed a lot earlier, I'm pretty sure ... it didn't apply to state govts. then, and it has never been repealed.
Illegally? Did your parents dribble your poor little head like a basketball?

No, that was your head they were dribbling.
Oh, great comeback! Do Momma and her sperm donor know you are on the computer?

The 14th Amendment made all the Bill of Rights applicable to all states. You will lean that when you get to middle school.

Still too stupid to figure out that the 1st Amendment was around a lot earlier, I see. Do you always forget your meds, or do you just don't like taking them like you should? Do you have the date the 1st was repealed?

Shut your cock holster, dumbass! The 18th Amendment was passed first. Is drinking of alcohol still illegal?

More stupid nonsense. The 18th was repealed by the 21st, dumbass, and you probably do really think the 18th was passed first before any others were; you claim to be teacher, after all. The 1st has never been repealed, and we know the Founders who passed the 1st never made it apply to the states, dumbass, which is why many states still had established churches for decades after the Constitution was ratified, moron. The individual states had the rights to establish or dis-establish as they pleased, and that goes for tax authority and exemption privileges as well.

The 1st Amendment was modified by the 14th Amendment to include states. That's how the Constitution works. Because the original Constitution had no term limits on Presidents, I suppose you think Obama can run again in 2024 despite the 22nd Amendment? After ll the Founding Fathers didn't put those limits in place when the Constitution was written!

My 9th graders knw this after taking my class. Why are you being so obstinate and downright stupid?
And for the sake of argument, while the 1st A limits what the Feds can do re chruches and religion, how many think the 1st A limits state and local govts. from denying tax exemptions for churches? I happen to think they don't have to and the restrictions on the Fed do not apply to the individual states.
You best read the 14th Amendment.

What about it? It was passed illegally, after the Civil War and we had the most corrupt Supreme Court in our history for the next 30 years. The 1st Amendment was passed a lot earlier, I'm pretty sure ... it didn't apply to state govts. then, and it has never been repealed.
Illegally? Did your parents dribble your poor little head like a basketball?

No, that was your head they were dribbling.
Oh, great comeback! Do Momma and her sperm donor know you are on the computer?

The 14th Amendment made all the Bill of Rights applicable to all states. You will lean that when you get to middle school.

Still too stupid to figure out that the 1st Amendment was around a lot earlier, I see. Do you always forget your meds, or do you just don't like taking them like you should? Do you have the date the 1st was repealed?

Shut your cock holster, dumbass! The 18th Amendment was passed first. Is drinking of alcohol still illegal?

More stupid nonsense. The 18th was repealed by the 21st, dumbass, and you probably do really think the 18th was passed first before any others were; you claim to be teacher, after all. The 1st has never been repealed, and we know the Founders who passed the 1st never made it apply to the states, dumbass, which is why many states still had established churches for decades after the Constitution was ratified, moron. The individual states had the rights to establish or dis-establish as they pleased, and that goes for tax authority and exemption privileges as well.

The 1st Amendment was modified by the 14th Amendment to include states. That's how the Constitution works. Because the original Constitution had no term limits on Presidents, I suppose you think Obama can run again in 2024 despite the 22nd Amendment? After ll the Founding Fathers didn't put those limits in place when the Constitution was written!

My 9th graders knw this after taking my class. Why are you being so obstinate and downright stupid?

Too late to backtrack and try to make your witless posting all better again, moron.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection
And for the sake of argument, while the 1st A limits what the Feds can do re chruches and religion, how many think the 1st A limits state and local govts. from denying tax exemptions for churches? I happen to think they don't have to and the restrictions on the Fed do not apply to the individual states.
You best read the 14th Amendment.

What about it? It was passed illegally, after the Civil War and we had the most corrupt Supreme Court in our history for the next 30 years. The 1st Amendment was passed a lot earlier, I'm pretty sure ... it didn't apply to state govts. then, and it has never been repealed.
Illegally? Did your parents dribble your poor little head like a basketball?

No, that was your head they were dribbling.
Oh, great comeback! Do Momma and her sperm donor know you are on the computer?

The 14th Amendment made all the Bill of Rights applicable to all states. You will lean that when you get to middle school.

Still too stupid to figure out that the 1st Amendment was around a lot earlier, I see. Do you always forget your meds, or do you just don't like taking them like you should? Do you have the date the 1st was repealed?

Shut your cock holster, dumbass! The 18th Amendment was passed first. Is drinking of alcohol still illegal?

More stupid nonsense. The 18th was repealed by the 21st, dumbass, and you probably do really think the 18th was passed first before any others were; you claim to be teacher, after all. The 1st has never been repealed, and we know the Founders who passed the 1st never made it apply to the states, dumbass, which is why many states still had established churches for decades after the Constitution was ratified, moron. The individual states had the rights to establish or dis-establish as they pleased, and that goes for tax authority and exemption privileges as well.

The 1st Amendment was modified by the 14th Amendment to include states. That's how the Constitution works. Because the original Constitution had no term limits on Presidents, I suppose you think Obama can run again in 2024 despite the 22nd Amendment? After ll the Founding Fathers didn't put those limits in place when the Constitution was written!

My 9th graders knw this after taking my class. Why are you being so obstinate and downright stupid?

Too late to backtrack and try to make your witless posting all better again, moron.
If stupid hurt, you would be in agony!

You can't address the topic, so you resort to meaningless and juvenile taunts. What age did you get thrown out the doors of your middle school?
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection
They don't want to lose their rape rooms.
And for the sake of argument, while the 1st A limits what the Feds can do re chruches and religion, how many think the 1st A limits state and local govts. from denying tax exemptions for churches? I happen to think they don't have to and the restrictions on the Fed do not apply to the individual states.
You best read the 14th Amendment.

What about it? It was passed illegally, after the Civil War and we had the most corrupt Supreme Court in our history for the next 30 years. The 1st Amendment was passed a lot earlier, I'm pretty sure ... it didn't apply to state govts. then, and it has never been repealed.
Illegally? Did your parents dribble your poor little head like a basketball?

No, that was your head they were dribbling.
Oh, great comeback! Do Momma and her sperm donor know you are on the computer?

The 14th Amendment made all the Bill of Rights applicable to all states. You will lean that when you get to middle school.

Still too stupid to figure out that the 1st Amendment was around a lot earlier, I see. Do you always forget your meds, or do you just don't like taking them like you should? Do you have the date the 1st was repealed?

Shut your cock holster, dumbass! The 18th Amendment was passed first. Is drinking of alcohol still illegal?

More stupid nonsense. The 18th was repealed by the 21st, dumbass, and you probably do really think the 18th was passed first before any others were; you claim to be teacher, after all. The 1st has never been repealed, and we know the Founders who passed the 1st never made it apply to the states, dumbass, which is why many states still had established churches for decades after the Constitution was ratified, moron. The individual states had the rights to establish or dis-establish as they pleased, and that goes for tax authority and exemption privileges as well.

The 1st Amendment was modified by the 14th Amendment to include states. That's how the Constitution works. Because the original Constitution had no term limits on Presidents, I suppose you think Obama can run again in 2024 despite the 22nd Amendment? After ll the Founding Fathers didn't put those limits in place when the Constitution was written!

My 9th graders knw this after taking my class. Why are you being so obstinate and downright stupid?

Too late to backtrack and try to make your witless posting all better again, moron.
If stupid hurt, you would be in agony!

You can't address the topic, so you resort to meaningless and juvenile taunts. What age did you get thrown out the doors of your middle school?
-So your plan is to keep making stupid posts for page after page, playing "I Touched You Last!!!' until your idiot claim is buried too far back that nobody wants to go back and read it; this is your usual tactic, so carry on moron. lol Just go ahead and show us where the 14th Amendment was passed before the 1st and the Founders passed it n stuff. Then you can be a Hero.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
And for the sake of argument, while the 1st A limits what the Feds can do re chruches and religion, how many think the 1st A limits state and local govts. from denying tax exemptions for churches? I happen to think they don't have to and the restrictions on the Fed do not apply to the individual states.
You best read the 14th Amendment.

What about it? It was passed illegally, after the Civil War and we had the most corrupt Supreme Court in our history for the next 30 years. The 1st Amendment was passed a lot earlier, I'm pretty sure ... it didn't apply to state govts. then, and it has never been repealed.
Illegally? Did your parents dribble your poor little head like a basketball?

No, that was your head they were dribbling.
Oh, great comeback! Do Momma and her sperm donor know you are on the computer?

The 14th Amendment made all the Bill of Rights applicable to all states. You will lean that when you get to middle school.

Still too stupid to figure out that the 1st Amendment was around a lot earlier, I see. Do you always forget your meds, or do you just don't like taking them like you should? Do you have the date the 1st was repealed?

Shut your cock holster, dumbass! The 18th Amendment was passed first. Is drinking of alcohol still illegal?

More stupid nonsense. The 18th was repealed by the 21st, dumbass, and you probably do really think the 18th was passed first before any others were; you claim to be teacher, after all. The 1st has never been repealed, and we know the Founders who passed the 1st never made it apply to the states, dumbass, which is why many states still had established churches for decades after the Constitution was ratified, moron. The individual states had the rights to establish or dis-establish as they pleased, and that goes for tax authority and exemption privileges as well.

The 1st Amendment was modified by the 14th Amendment to include states. That's how the Constitution works. Because the original Constitution had no term limits on Presidents, I suppose you think Obama can run again in 2024 despite the 22nd Amendment? After ll the Founding Fathers didn't put those limits in place when the Constitution was written!

My 9th graders knw this after taking my class. Why are you being so obstinate and downright stupid?

Too late to backtrack and try to make your witless posting all better again, moron.
If stupid hurt, you would be in agony!

You can't address the topic, so you resort to meaningless and juvenile taunts. What age did you get thrown out the doors of your middle school?
-So your plan is to keep making stupid posts for page after page, playing "I Touched You Last!!!' until your idiot claim is buried too far back that nobody wants to go back and read it; this is your usual tactic, so carry on moron. lol Just go ahead and show us where the 14th Amendment was passed before the 1st and the Founders passed it n stuff. Then you can be a Hero.
That is exactly what you are doing. Project much? You have failed miserably at showing anywhere I am wrong. You, on the other hand, have proven beyond any doubt, that your cranium is filled with excrement.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
And guns don't kill, bullets do.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
I know why they are being sued the question is why are individual churches allowed to file bankruptcy when the Catholic church is one of the richest businesses in the world?
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
And guns don't kill, bullets do.
People kill.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
I know why they are being sued the question is why are individual churches allowed to file bankruptcy when the Catholic church is one of the richest businesses in the world?

Why would they not be allowed to declare bankruptcy? Most of their debts are held by deacons and the like.
And for the sake of argument, while the 1st A limits what the Feds can do re chruches and religion, how many think the 1st A limits state and local govts. from denying tax exemptions for churches? I happen to think they don't have to and the restrictions on the Fed do not apply to the individual states.
You best read the 14th Amendment.

What about it? It was passed illegally, after the Civil War and we had the most corrupt Supreme Court in our history for the next 30 years. The 1st Amendment was passed a lot earlier, I'm pretty sure ... it didn't apply to state govts. then, and it has never been repealed.
Illegally? Did your parents dribble your poor little head like a basketball?

No, that was your head they were dribbling.
Oh, great comeback! Do Momma and her sperm donor know you are on the computer?

The 14th Amendment made all the Bill of Rights applicable to all states. You will lean that when you get to middle school.

Still too stupid to figure out that the 1st Amendment was around a lot earlier, I see. Do you always forget your meds, or do you just don't like taking them like you should? Do you have the date the 1st was repealed?

Shut your cock holster, dumbass! The 18th Amendment was passed first. Is drinking of alcohol still illegal?

More stupid nonsense. The 18th was repealed by the 21st, dumbass, and you probably do really think the 18th was passed first before any others were; you claim to be teacher, after all. The 1st has never been repealed, and we know the Founders who passed the 1st never made it apply to the states, dumbass, which is why many states still had established churches for decades after the Constitution was ratified, moron. The individual states had the rights to establish or dis-establish as they pleased, and that goes for tax authority and exemption privileges as well.

The 1st Amendment was modified by the 14th Amendment to include states. That's how the Constitution works. Because the original Constitution had no term limits on Presidents, I suppose you think Obama can run again in 2024 despite the 22nd Amendment? After ll the Founding Fathers didn't put those limits in place when the Constitution was written!

My 9th graders knw this after taking my class. Why are you being so obstinate and downright stupid?

Too late to backtrack and try to make your witless posting all better again, moron.
If stupid hurt, you would be in agony!

You can't address the topic, so you resort to meaningless and juvenile taunts. What age did you get thrown out the doors of your middle school?
-So your plan is to keep making stupid posts for page after page, playing "I Touched You Last!!!' until your idiot claim is buried too far back that nobody wants to go back and read it; this is your usual tactic, so carry on moron. lol Just go ahead and show us where the 14th Amendment was passed before the 1st and the Founders passed it n stuff. Then you can be a Hero.
That is exactly what you are doing. Project much? You have failed miserably at showing anywhere I am wrong. You, on the other hand, have proven beyond any doubt, that your cranium is filled with excrement.

Oh noes, I was "Touched Last' again! You never read the 14th A anyway, much less any of the case law, which is obvious, so run along and keep feeding those 9th graders loads of fake history and nonsense.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
I know why they are being sued the question is why are individual churches allowed to file bankruptcy when the Catholic church is one of the richest businesses in the world?

Why would they not be allowed to declare bankruptcy? Most of their debts are held by deacons and the like. CAn you find any cases where an actual church was ever siezed and sold to pay a bankruptcy ruling? You don't have to be business to file for bankruptcy.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
I know why they are being sued the question is why are individual churches allowed to file bankruptcy when the Catholic church is one of the richest businesses in the world?

Why would they not be allowed to declare bankruptcy? Most of their debts are held by deacons and the like.
Deacons do not personally hold the church's debt.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.

If Churches aren't businesses they shouldn't be able to file for bankruptcy protection

They should be suing all the faggot rights orgs. The only reason the Chruch is being sued is because they were tolerant of faggots in the first place, same with the Scouts. The Church didn't molest the kids, faggots did.
I know why they are being sued the question is why are individual churches allowed to file bankruptcy when the Catholic church is one of the richest businesses in the world?

Why would they not be allowed to declare bankruptcy? Most of their debts are held by deacons and the like.
Deacons do not personally hold the church's debt.

Actually they post the bonds for the debt, if any, as founders. for the most part. Sometimes they're called something else. Real persons buy the land, pay for the construction, etc. Somebody or group handles the finances and disbursements. Sometimes its a minister himself, with a small congregation. For a big church with big buildings and assets it will be elected people or the founders and major donors themselves.

Here are some of the 'sovereignty' issues re church property and whether it can be seized. As far as I know the issue is still a legal muddle; as I said before re the Catholic Church, it has formally incorporated a ton of 501.c3 corps for its varied operations, but the actual church itself never is, and has never been audited nor is legally open to one.

The Article proceeds as follows. I begin, in Part II, by considering the much debated question of what property comes into the bankruptcy "estate" when a diocese files for Chapter 1l." The most pressing issue is whether the churches, schools, and other property in a diocese should be treated as diocesan property, or whether they belong to the local parish or parishioners and are thus off limits to creditors in a diocesan bankruptcy. Part III considers whether bankruptcy's disclosure and oversight rules are likely to interfere with a church's free exercise rights. Finally, Part IV addresses several confirmation issues - issues that arise when the church debtor seeks to confirm a reorganization plan. Here, a particularly tricky question is whether a church debtor can use the so-called cramdown provisions, and confirm a reorganization plan over the objections of the clergy misconduct victims if negotiations with the victims break down.

.... and a lot more in the article. I haven't heard of any recent case where the actual church building was ever seized. Some think the local congregation is liable, my opinion is the faggots who committed the crimes are liable and they just go after the Church because they have the deepest pockets. I'm not a judge so my opinion doesn't matter, but that is the view I would take in any case. Is the McDonald Corporation responsible for crimes a franchisee in Texas commits? No.
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The issue of tax exemption for Church property is primarily a local issue. Property and other forms of wealth are generally not taxed in our country (but this can change in the future if wealth inequality continues to grow and if popular political anger rises). Local property taxation is a huge exception to this general rule concerning non-taxation of wealth, one we are all familiar with. There are many virtually unused or even boarded up church properties, and others located on the most valuable real estate locations in cities and towns.

The fall in Church attendance over time, the increase in anti-Church sentiment, the rise of atheism & ignosticism and a kind of “New Paganism” in society, and of course the needs of local governments to increase their tax base to balance budgets … may make partial repealing of tax exemptions of local Church property more tempting. This is not something I would necessarily support, but if corporations and the rich are not taxed adequately, if workers become more impoverished and cities and counties become financially insolvent …

In any case it is clear that local communities (depending on state law) have the power to tax Church property — if they have the will to do so.

Why Are US Churches Tax Exempt?​

"The power to tax is the power to destroy."
Our First Amendment is in part intended to protect religion from government, AND protect government from religion.

Worth noting:
government welfare has horned in on traditional church good works, charity. There are both positives & negatives to this.

Why Are US Churches Tax Exempt?​

"The power to tax is the power to destroy."
Our First Amendment is in part intended to protect religion from government, AND protect government from religion.
That's fine, but the tax exemption is actually a violation of the First - and as such represents and encroachment on religion. It puts religion on a leash.
That's fine, but the tax exemption is actually a violation of the First - and as such represents and encroachment on religion. It puts religion on a leash.
How so?
Tax exemption encroaches as much or more than taxation?
And what would Uncle Sam tax? Saved souls?

"No discipline has all the answers." Physicist & Theologian Ian Barbour Ph.D & recipient of the Templeton Prize for Religion; on science & religion

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