Why are we looking the other way with paid off politicians for Healthcare like McConnell and Ryan?


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
This is not a party divided issue when it comes to the people who we vote in , get paid off by healthcare and Big Pharma..

Trump can not stop this, we have to... We need to come together and fight this people..

We are getting ripped off right in front of our faces, why do we just let it happen? All of them seem to profit one way or another on our backs..To name a few....

Take the time to read the links not just comment without knowing what you are talking about..

I hate Ryan and McConnell because they are the loudest to cut healthcare..so lets discuss them..

Look at who gave money to Paul Ryan, who is he really working for? Not us..

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption:

3 Pfizer Inc $63,255 $53,255 $10,000

5 Blue Cross/Blue Shield $61,350 $38,850 $22,500


Kindred Healthcare $102,400 $87,400 $15,000

Health Professionals $1,006,295 $717,295 $289,000

David Sirota


In late night victory for PhRMA, Dems help GOP block Americans from buying cheaper FDA-approved medicine from Canada http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=115&session=1&vote=00020#position …

11:18 PM - 11 Jan 2017

Lee Fang


Incredible: Cory Booker & several other Dems join GOP maj in voting down Bernie amendment on importing cheaper drugs http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=115&session=1&vote=00020#position …

11:00 PM - 11 Jan 2017

Big Pharma Spends Millions on Political Contributions

Pharmaceutical and health product companies injected $51 million into the 2012 federal elections and nearly $32 million into the 2014 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). The industry has already spent nearly $10 million on the 2016 elections and is expected to spend more, especially now that Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have made drug prices a campaign issue with separate proposals to rein them in with new regulations.

Big Pharma tends to spend more on Republicans than Democrats, and the GOP benefited from 58 percent of the industry's federal contributions in 2012 and 2014 while Democrats received 42 percent, according to the CRP.

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

Who Owns Congress? A Campaign Cash Seating Chart

Mitch McConnell Is the Cancer of the U.S. Senate

On the flip side, McConnell is quite productive if you’re willing to write him a fat check. One week after Amgen, a pharmaceutical multinational, hosted a fundraiser for McConnell in December of 2012, one of their lobbyists, who was in charge of monitoring the “fiscal cliff” negotiations, wrote a $3,000 check to McConnell’s campaign. By the time the negotiations were finished, McConnell had secured a $500 million Christmas present for Amgen that came directly out of Medicare. But even that wasn’t McConnell’s foulest moment of corruption.

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

The FDA is a protection racket, and bums like Ryan and McTurtle are the racketeers. But they are far from being alone in the scam. Plenty of democrats (can anyone say Corey Booker?) are in on the graft too.

So, what do you expect other than the big pharm companies paying the tribute to their benefactors?
Trump promised health insurance to everybody.

This is where he, Ryan, and McConnell will soon be diverging.

Trump has veto power. And if he and Schumer get together on this issue they are bullet proof, and ACA will remain.

Truth is stranger than fiction. You cannot make this stuff up.
I have no clue why you are pissed at only the GOP. You article says Dems joined them and Cory Booker voted against Sanders wh wanted to challenge big pharma.
I have no clue why you are pissed at only the GOP. You article says Dems joined them and Cory Booker voted against Sanders wh wanted to challenge big pharma.

No I agree it is all of them...Clinton received tons of money too for her campaign.., I am picking on Ryan and McConnell today because they are trying to stop Trump and are the loudest voices against healthcare

Here is Ryan trying to block Trump already...

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption: ‘I Don’t Speak Like That, Generally Speaking’
I have no clue why you are pissed at only the GOP. You article says Dems joined them and Cory Booker voted against Sanders wh wanted to challenge big pharma.

Bingo, it's the entire system.

I already said that...Being these 2 are the forefront I picked them..

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption: ‘I Don’t Speak Like That, Generally Speaking’

There is no forefront, it is a united system.
I have no clue why you are pissed at only the GOP. You article says Dems joined them and Cory Booker voted against Sanders wh wanted to challenge big pharma.

Bingo, it's the entire system.

I already said that...Being these 2 are the forefront I picked them..

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption: ‘I Don’t Speak Like That, Generally Speaking’

There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You are off topic...thank you...
I have no clue why you are pissed at only the GOP. You article says Dems joined them and Cory Booker voted against Sanders wh wanted to challenge big pharma.

Bingo, it's the entire system.

I already said that...Being these 2 are the forefront I picked them..

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption: ‘I Don’t Speak Like That, Generally Speaking’

There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You are off topic...thank you...

Uncomfortable? There is no forefront, it is a united system.
I have no clue why you are pissed at only the GOP. You article says Dems joined them and Cory Booker voted against Sanders wh wanted to challenge big pharma.

Bingo, it's the entire system.

I already said that...Being these 2 are the forefront I picked them..

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption: ‘I Don’t Speak Like That, Generally Speaking’

There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You are off topic...thank you...

Uncomfortable? There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You know what I meant...These 2 are the most corrupt people ever and they are running the show to delete healthcare and make affordable drug laws.. Instead they make it illegal to buy anywhere but the US.
Do you take medication ?

Chemo and the day after shot are over $200,000 for 6 treatments...

There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You are off topic...thank you...

Uncomfortable? There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You know what I meant...These 2 are the most corrupt people ever and they are running the show to delete healthcare and make affordable drug laws.. Instead they make it illegal to buy anywhere but the US.
Do you take medication ?

Chemo and the day after shot are over $200,000 for 6 treatments...
Yes, and under your President my chlobetasol went from 32 bucks a tube to 230 or so. Why didn't he do something?

There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You are off topic...thank you...

Uncomfortable? There is no forefront, it is a united system.

You know what I meant...These 2 are the most corrupt people ever and they are running the show to delete healthcare and make affordable drug laws.. Instead they make it illegal to buy anywhere but the US.
Do you take medication ?

Chemo and the day after shot are over $200,000 for 6 treatments...
Yes, and under your President my chlobetasol went from 32 bucks a tube to 230 or so. Why didn't he do something?

Same reason no one does love, because thanks to partisanshitheads who only are willing to hold the "other guys" accountable, they don't have to.

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