Why are we sending our children to public schools again?

Alot of kids could do very well in the private schools if given the chance and alot of extra support by increasing teacher assistants etc.
Failed, wrongheaded conservative fiscal and pedagogical dogma prevent far too many public schools from flourishing.

That most public schools are able to afford students an excellent education despite the right’s efforts to undermine public schools is a testament to the commitment of public school administrators.

The vast majority of failing schools are inner city...not ran by conservatives

Try again, doofus

Louisiana ?
West Virginia?

Liberal bastions one and all

You're on yet another topic you have no fucking clue

You changed the topic

The worst public schools are in RED states
Tuition goes down because ur you bring in let's say 500 kids plus their money then tuition goes down plus the teachers could perhaps take a pay cut of some sort of reduce their insurance benefits.
But if you want to get rid of public schools then the kids must go somewhere. Perhaps the private school parents would support these kids coming into their private schools. If you are interested in improving education then this is a possible and probable stance.
Yes you end up with community schools, run by the parents whose children attend.

We didn't have a dept. of education until 1978..you realize that, right?

Nationalizing our schools is what destroyed them. We need to return to small community schools that accept zero federal money, who decide at a local level who teaches and what the curriculum is.

And compulsory attendance needs to end. The whole idea of parents being prosecuted or villified because their teen aged children get jobs or miss school and have poor attendance is hogwash. The state should have no say in where our children go during the day...and schools should not be allowed to penalize students for not being in class every day. Our grandparents and great grandparents went to school on the days they could be spared or the days that the weather was good..and they didn't attend when they were needed at home..and the vast majority stopped attending altogether after the 8th grade...and yet were better educated than today's graduating seniors.
Tuition goes down because ur you bring in let's say 500 kids plus their money then tuition goes down plus the teachers could perhaps take a pay cut of some sort of reduce their insurance benefits.

Taxpayer money....private schools won't do it
So top education should only be for a small percentage of the population?

How does that follow? Top education is already only for a small percentage of the population.

And what kids get in today's public schools is not *top education* by any stretch of the imagination. That's sort of the point. It does more damage than good.
Good luck finding a job that pays 40 bucks an hour with an eighth grade education. Times have changed if you haven't noticed. Youre talking about farms.The small farms have been taken down by lively corporate farms.
So top education should only be for a small percentage of the population?

How does that follow? Top education is already only for a small percentage of the population.

And what kids get in today's public schools is not *top education* by any stretch of the imagination. That's sort of the point. It does more damage than good.

Top education costs money...without government intervention
Depends where you live. I have 4 kids all went to our rural public school. All are making big salaries and were very well prepped for college. But it's a small rural setting no city influence.
Good luck finding a job that pays 40 bucks an hour with an eighth grade education. Times have changed if you haven't noticed. Youre talking about farms.The small farms have been taken down by lively corporate farms.
Lively corporate farms that formed thanks to federal tampering in farming.

I'm not sure what the relevance of $40/hour is but meh.

Obviously you are a product of public education. You mindlessly cling to the myth that the schools function for the public good, that they are a sacred institution that must not be tampered with, no matter how badly they perform and no matter how many children die in them.
Education today is the only way to go. I applaud you for ensuring your kids won't have to work for a measely salary doing pitiful work.
Don't get all defensive and start name calling....that's not a discussion. I'm talking about improving public education through vouchers. If you want your kids to work in a God awful factory nobody is stopping you.
Don't get all defensive and start name calling....that's not a discussion. I'm talking about improving public education through vouchers. If you want your kids to work in a God awful factory nobody is stopping you.

Vouchers pull money out of the public system to support private enterprise
I've got plenty of my male grad school friends making less than their counterparts that went into the trades after HS with say an associates in their field perhaps... Not true for us women so much. I do have to say that the school system up until college and even beyond is geared toward and favors females. Who is more likely to sit with rapped attention to calculus at the age of 16 a boy or a girl ?

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