Why are we sending our children to public schools again?

Maybe it
They are in physical danger not only from mass shooters...and are also at risk of being bullied not only by fellow students, but also by hardened criminals and school employees.

Schools have become like the church of old...it attracts every predatory sexual freak known to man. Not only are stupid people drawn to teaching..but people who are truly depraved are drawn to it. Because once they are in, they have access to all that child flesh and it is almost impossible to unseat them...thanks to the disgusting piles of human excrement that act as administrators.

I heard of on account that said a COACH bullied the Greek kid. A football coach. So now the press and all their fanatical acolytes are pretending the killer was the victim of bullying. If that's true...it happened at school, while he was in the care of a school, and the school is the problem. Why do we send our kids again?

Accused Texas high school gunman described as bullied loner in a trench coat
Maybe it's because they may become millionaires like my 2 public school daughters
If you have a few brains, doesn't matter where you go to school.
Shootings? Reprehensible but how many thousands of schools do we have?
Those darn Muslims

You are right..some students are going to do well no matter what school they go to.
In our public schools, for most kids, if they don't have 2 parents they are going to be treated like shit, shuffled around, and get a substandard education.
I don't believe the schools can give my kids a superior education to the education I can provide them in my own way, at home.

And I know if they're home they won't be gunned down. Statistically, maybe it's not that likely a thing to happen..but I'm not interested in playing russian roulette with my kids' lives when the trade off is indoctrination and substandard education.
Public Schools are the great equalizer in our society

They are what made America great
Maybe it
They are in physical danger not only from mass shooters...and are also at risk of being bullied not only by fellow students, but also by hardened criminals and school employees.

Schools have become like the church of old...it attracts every predatory sexual freak known to man. Not only are stupid people drawn to teaching..but people who are truly depraved are drawn to it. Because once they are in, they have access to all that child flesh and it is almost impossible to unseat them...thanks to the disgusting piles of human excrement that act as administrators.

I heard of on account that said a COACH bullied the Greek kid. A football coach. So now the press and all their fanatical acolytes are pretending the killer was the victim of bullying. If that's true...it happened at school, while he was in the care of a school, and the school is the problem. Why do we send our kids again?

Accused Texas high school gunman described as bullied loner in a trench coat
Maybe it's because they may become millionaires like my 2 public school daughters
If you have a few brains, doesn't matter where you go to school.
Shootings? Reprehensible but how many thousands of schools do we have?
Those darn Muslims

You are right..some students are going to do well no matter what school they go to.
In our public schools, for most kids, if they don't have 2 parents they are going to be treated like shit, shuffled around, and get a substandard education.
I don't believe the schools can give my kids a superior education to the education I can provide them in my own way, at home.

And I know if they're home they won't be gunned down. Statistically, maybe it's not that likely a thing to happen..but I'm not interested in playing russian roulette with my kids' lives when the trade off is indoctrination and substandard education.
More kids are killed at home than in public schools
Sure keep your kids home. Teach them how to paint a room or mow a lawn.
What's wrong with learning the value of hard work?

I think it's sad that leftists consider hard work and traditional values something to sneer at.
We send children to school so they can learn and be social. It’s not really that difficult to understand. As a parent, I understand the fear that your child could be the victim of a school shooter, but unless you never allow your kids to leave the house, they’re going to be at risk of succumbing to countless kinds of demises just by walking out the front door.

I’m hoping that by the time my kid is old enough to attend middle school this country will have some kind of handle on the school shooting problem... but as long as Washington insists on playing partisan politics, we’ll never find a solution.

A child is more likely to be sexually abused in a school than shot
We send children to school so they can learn and be social. It’s not really that difficult to understand. As a parent, I understand the fear that your child could be the victim of a school shooter, but unless you never allow your kids to leave the house, they’re going to be at risk of succumbing to countless kinds of demises just by walking out the front door.

I’m hoping that by the time my kid is old enough to attend middle school this country will have some kind of handle on the school shooting problem... but as long as Washington insists on playing partisan politics, we’ll never find a solution.

A child is more likely to be sexually abused in a school than shot
a child is more likely to be shot or abused at home.
We send children to school so they can learn and be social. It’s not really that difficult to understand. As a parent, I understand the fear that your child could be the victim of a school shooter, but unless you never allow your kids to leave the house, they’re going to be at risk of succumbing to countless kinds of demises just by walking out the front door.

I’m hoping that by the time my kid is old enough to attend middle school this country will have some kind of handle on the school shooting problem... but as long as Washington insists on playing partisan politics, we’ll never find a solution.

A child is more likely to be sexually abused in a school than shot
a child is more likely to be shot or abused at home.

Dumb...why do you even bother, toad?
Why are we sending our children to public schools again?

Because you're not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to see they are provided with a better education.


What sacrifice would that be?
To quit working and collect welfare?
To euthanize our kids?
To sell our kids to homosexuals to *raise*?

Wow ... You have terrible ideas ... :thup:
Why does it not surprise me that's all you could come up with.

There are private schools, and home schooling.
In either case it would require the parents to take responsibility in providing for the child's educational needs.

It's quite possible you don't have the wherewithal to discover what sacrifices are required to accomplish those goals.
You may just be stuck with public education.

We send children to school so they can learn and be social. It’s not really that difficult to understand. As a parent, I understand the fear that your child could be the victim of a school shooter, but unless you never allow your kids to leave the house, they’re going to be at risk of succumbing to countless kinds of demises just by walking out the front door.

I’m hoping that by the time my kid is old enough to attend middle school this country will have some kind of handle on the school shooting problem... but as long as Washington insists on playing partisan politics, we’ll never find a solution.

A child is more likely to be sexually abused in a school than shot
a child is more likely to be shot or abused at home.

Dumb...why do you even bother, toad?

because my lord and savior told me to minister to the least among us, whom would be you.

why do you ask?
Why are we sending our children to public schools again?

Because you're not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to see they are provided with a better education.


What sacrifice would that be?
To quit working and collect welfare?
To euthanize our kids?
To sell our kids to homosexuals to *raise*?

Wow ... You have terrible ideas ... :thup:
Why does it not surprise me that's all you could come up with.

There are private schools, and home schooling.
In either case it would require the parents to take responsibility in providing for the child's educational needs.

It's quite possible you don't have the wherewithal to discover what sacrifices are required to accomplish those goals.
You may just be stuck with public education.


No amount of sacrifice will create money for tuition for private schooling.

home schooling is not feasible for most single parent households where the single parent is working.

Tell me what sacrifices a single parent should make to get their kid into private school or that will allow for them to be home 8 hours a day at least 3 days a week to homeschool. Because it sounds to me like outside of private school and home school, you've got nothing.
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Home school. Then send them to public school for a year. Then back to home school. Both worlds.
No amount of sacrifice will create money for tuition for private schooling.

home schooling is not feasible for most single parent households where the single parent is working.

Tell me what sacrifices a single parent should make to get their kid into private school or that will allow for them to be home 8 hours a day at least 3 days a week to homeschool.

Money is only "created" by government ... The rest of it has to be earned.

If you need more money, then you need to figure out what sacrifices are necessary for you to accomplish that goal.
They are different for everyone ... And most require some kind of hardship and change.

Get a better education for yourself and increase your earning power.
Take on another job and increase your earnings ... And many more options.
It's best if you start thinking about what you can do instead of what you cannot do.

They will all cost you something more than what you are currently giving ... Hence "sacrifice".
If you don't want to make that sacrifice for the added benefit ...
Deal with the crappy stuff someone else is willing to provide you and your children with.

We send children to school so they can learn and be social. It’s not really that difficult to understand. As a parent, I understand the fear that your child could be the victim of a school shooter, but unless you never allow your kids to leave the house, they’re going to be at risk of succumbing to countless kinds of demises just by walking out the front door.

I’m hoping that by the time my kid is old enough to attend middle school this country will have some kind of handle on the school shooting problem... but as long as Washington insists on playing partisan politics, we’ll never find a solution.

A child is more likely to be sexually abused in a school than shot
They are at risk of both.
No amount of sacrifice will create money for tuition for private schooling.

home schooling is not feasible for most single parent households where the single parent is working.

Tell me what sacrifices a single parent should make to get their kid into private school or that will allow for them to be home 8 hours a day at least 3 days a week to homeschool.

Money is only "created" by government ... The rest of it has to be earned.

If you need more money, then you need to figure out what sacrifices are necessary for you to accomplish that goal.
They are different for everyone ... And most require some kind of hardship and change.

Get a better education for yourself and increase your earning power.
Take on another job and increase your earnings ... And many more options.
It's best if you start thinking about what you can do instead of what you cannot do.

They will all cost you something more than what you are currently giving ... Hence "sacrifice".
If you don't want to make that sacrifice for the added benefit ...
Deal with the crappy stuff someone else is willing to provide you and your children with.


In other words, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about lol.

how many years will it take a parent to get a *better education* ? How is that a sacrifice that will help their 10th grader who is being targeted by ms13 at the high school?

Tell me how a single parent who grosses $3000 per month is supposed to *sacrifice* in order to get the $9000 it takes to get their kid into private school?

Explain to me how a single parent who grosses $3000 and works 40 hours per week is supposed to *sacrifice* in order to homeschool...and still keep a roof over the kids' heads?

Your *solutions* aren't solutions. They're fantasies.
We send children to school so they can learn and be social. It’s not really that difficult to understand. As a parent, I understand the fear that your child could be the victim of a school shooter, but unless you never allow your kids to leave the house, they’re going to be at risk of succumbing to countless kinds of demises just by walking out the front door.

I’m hoping that by the time my kid is old enough to attend middle school this country will have some kind of handle on the school shooting problem... but as long as Washington insists on playing partisan politics, we’ll never find a solution.

A child is more likely to be sexually abused in a school than shot

Most children are sexually abused at home by a parent, sibling or “funny uncle”
Public Schools are the great equalizer in our society

They are what made America great

Lol...yup, they work hard to bring the original, gifted, bright kids down to the level of the schizophrenic, criminal, and depraved kids.
In other words, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about lol.

how many years will it take a parent to get a *better education* ? How is that a sacrifice that will help their 10th grader who is being targeted by ms13 at the high school?

Your *solutions* aren't solutions. They're fantasies.

Well, yeah ... It probably won't happen overnight ... And isn't easy for most.
I can see why it is a fantasy for you though ... You probably won't get there.

Might should have thought about that before you got knocked up expecting a fantasy family on a peasant's pocketbook ... :dunno:


Public Schools are the great equalizer in our society

They are what made America great

Lol...yup, they work hard to bring the original, gifted, bright kids down to the level of the schizophrenic, criminal, and depraved kids.

Hundreds of millions of patriotic, hard working citizens have come through our public schools

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