Why are y'all still wearing masks?

I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst

There have always been potentially fatal viruses in our midst. Why is this virus different from all other viruses?
OMG If you don't realize how Covid 19 is not just another flu-like virus, you need to do some reading up on it. Do your research. We are not here to teach you what you should already know. The information on it is in abundance all over the place. Educate yourself. In three months, it has killed three times as many Americans as died during eight years of the Vietnam war. It's highly, highly contagious and the process of death is horrific. Educate yourself.
I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst

There have always been potentially fatal viruses in our midst. Why is this virus different from all other viruses?

Excellent point. However unlike the seasonal flu, there is no vaccine. Even the seasonal flu vaccine isn't effective in every case.

I would say it is the body count that is the initial concern.

I think liability is the second major concern. The reason shop owners want you and their employees wearing masks is so they can show they took mitigation efforts when/if the lawsuits start happening. It's a more invasive equivalent to the yellow "wet floor" signs.
Bests the living hell out of me how worried so many still are about a 0.03% killer.
For anyone over 60 or with a chronic health condition, it's higher. You may not be that much at risk for dying, if you get it, but others are. You may become infected if you don't observe social distancing, and then you may infect a vulnerable person because you don't wear a mask.

What I see on this thread are a lot of very emotionally immature people who think like rebellious adolescents.
I am 68 and I have a chronic health condition. I am also sane enough to see/hear/read stupid people who are...well....stupid. And bleat like sheep. Like you. I don't wear a mask. If you are so afraid, do continue to bleat your baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
If you are 68 and have a chronic health condition and don't think you should be wearing a mask, you are anything but sane.
I am not afraid of a flu. Stay hiding under your couch with your air filters and face masks. I am no sheep. If I get it...oh fucking well. You are a coward.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I don't wear a mask because it brings your oxygen levels down and if anyone thinks that's a myth or a lie as the fact-checkers are claiming get an A pulse oximeter and try it. I have had one for a couple of years and they aren't expensive Oxygen level should be above 95% put a covering on the face it will go down anywhere from 87 to 93 depending on what you are doing at the time.
Hubby is 73 and refuses to wear a mask too. Said he can't breathe or get enough air. I feel exactly the same way. Smothering. Plus...I'm not afraid of something I have no control over. Those who wear masks while watching tv and NOT seeing hundreds of thousands of peopl spreading their germs to others who in turn go home and spread it some more who in turn go to other protests and spread it some more but still think that dinky mask is going to save them.....well. Stupidity.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

  1. Contrary to original assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of the virus spreading through aerosols (i.e. tiny particles floating in the air) or through smear infections (e.g. on door handles or smartphones). The main modes of transmission are direct contact and droplets produced when coughing or sneezing.
  2. There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become “germ carriers”. Leading doctors called them a “media hype” and “ridiculous”.
LINK for dozens more like this

Oh my ...'Studies" .... There are 'studies' that show pedophiles are normal, and studies that show killing babies up to two years old is no different than aborting them at two months old, studies that show all kinds of stuff. And, there are 'LINKS' to them too! They must be true, then! They're by experts!

You didn't read them...

This why you remain ignorant.

I read them all; that's how I know you're just cherry picking rubbish, because it's the PC Thing with your treehouse.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I don't wear a mask because it brings your oxygen levels down and if anyone thinks that's a myth or a lie as the fact-checkers are claiming get an A pulse oximeter and try it. I have had one for a couple of years and they aren't expensive Oxygen level should be above 95% put a covering on the face it will go down anywhere from 87 to 93 depending on what you are doing at the time.
Hubby is 73 and refuses to wear a mask too. Said he can't breathe or get enough air. I feel exactly the same way. Smothering. Plus...I'm not afraid of something I have no control over. Those who wear masks while watching tv and NOT seeing hundreds of thousands of peopl spreading their germs to others who in turn go home and spread it some more who in turn go to other protests and spread it some more but still think that dinky mask is going to save them.....well. Stupidity.

Ah, so now you and the other infants are exaggerating bullshit in order to sell your cult fashions?
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
All those time consuming bank robberies just demand a mask.
I only wear mine at work because we are supposed to until we no longer have to which I hope happens at some point.

God bless you always!!!

Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I don't wear a mask because it brings your oxygen levels down and if anyone thinks that's a myth or a lie as the fact-checkers are claiming get an A pulse oximeter and try it. I have had one for a couple of years and they aren't expensive Oxygen level should be above 95% put a covering on the face it will go down anywhere from 87 to 93 depending on what you are doing at the time.
Hubby is 73 and refuses to wear a mask too. Said he can't breathe or get enough air. I feel exactly the same way. Smothering. Plus...I'm not afraid of something I have no control over. Those who wear masks while watching tv and NOT seeing hundreds of thousands of peopl spreading their germs to others who in turn go home and spread it some more who in turn go to other protests and spread it some more but still think that dinky mask is going to save them.....well. Stupidity.

If you're being smothered by a surgical mask...you're incredibly weak. Calling other people cowards after the blob let the virus run wild proves you're weak of mind also.
They're stupid...

Unless you live in a totalitarian hell hole where it's being enforced, as far as I'm concerned everyone I see walking around with a fuckin mask on and not being compelled to do so by a government or employer is a blithering idiot.

If it's just because of the government you might not be a moron, but you're still a sniveling sheep.


Best post I've seen all day. :clap2: :clap2::clap2:
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I do it out of respect and politeness. And why do you care about those people who riot and loot who don't wear masks? Good riddance to them I say.

And I don't wear a mask all the time outside.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I don't wear a mask because it brings your oxygen levels down and if anyone thinks that's a myth or a lie as the fact-checkers are claiming get an A pulse oximeter and try it. I have had one for a couple of years and they aren't expensive Oxygen level should be above 95% put a covering on the face it will go down anywhere from 87 to 93 depending on what you are doing at the time.
Hubby is 73 and refuses to wear a mask too. Said he can't breathe or get enough air. I feel exactly the same way. Smothering. Plus...I'm not afraid of something I have no control over. Those who wear masks while watching tv and NOT seeing hundreds of thousands of peopl spreading their germs to others who in turn go home and spread it some more who in turn go to other protests and spread it some more but still think that dinky mask is going to save them.....well. Stupidity.

If you're being smothered by a surgical mask...you're incredibly weak. Calling other people cowards after the blob let the virus run wild proves you're weak of mind also.
Blobie that's a total fabrication of the truth.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I do it out of respect and politeness. And why do you care about those people who riot and loot who don't wear masks? Good riddance to them I say.

And I don't wear a mask all the time outside.
Fuckem stay home if you want to be polite
I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst

There have always been potentially fatal viruses in our midst. Why is this virus different from all other viruses?
OMG If you don't realize how Covid 19 is not just another flu-like virus, you need to do some reading up on it. Do your research. We are not here to teach you what you should already know. The information on it is in abundance all over the place. Educate yourself. In three months, it has killed three times as many Americans as died during eight years of the Vietnam war. It's highly, highly contagious and the process of death is horrific. Educate yourself.

You won't fix 'Stupid' with infantile conspiritards, so just mock them when they beat their chests like they're starring in some Lil Rascals episode. In any case, wearing masks was becoming more common before this virus hit, with people getting smarter and health care getting more expensive and prohibitively so for many. It's a trend that will continue to increase in the coming years, and is already a popular one with Asians here.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I don't wear a mask because it brings your oxygen levels down and if anyone thinks that's a myth or a lie as the fact-checkers are claiming get an A pulse oximeter and try it. I have had one for a couple of years and they aren't expensive Oxygen level should be above 95% put a covering on the face it will go down anywhere from 87 to 93 depending on what you are doing at the time.
Hubby is 73 and refuses to wear a mask too. Said he can't breathe or get enough air. I feel exactly the same way. Smothering. Plus...I'm not afraid of something I have no control over. Those who wear masks while watching tv and NOT seeing hundreds of thousands of peopl spreading their germs to others who in turn go home and spread it some more who in turn go to other protests and spread it some more but still think that dinky mask is going to save them.....well. Stupidity.

Ah, so now you and the other infants are exaggerating bullshit in order to sell your cult fashions?
I understand you sheep believe some of the most ignorant shit just because of some proclaimed expert said to do it. Here's a test get a pulse oximeter try it
I understand you sheep believe some of the most ignorant shit just because of some proclaimed expert said to do it. Here's a test get a pulse oximeter try it

lol it's you tards running around touting up self-porclaimed 'experts', dumbass. Try and grow up before you hurt yourself.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I do it out of respect and politeness. And why do you care about those people who riot and loot who don't wear masks? Good riddance to them I say.

And I don't wear a mask all the time outside.
Fuckem stay home if you want to be polite

Your position explains why you're a junior g-man at the local mall there, Blart.

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