Why are y'all still wearing masks?

Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

Well first of all, I don't know what pictures you're looking at, but the vast majority of pictures and video I have seen of the protesters, are wearing masks.
That said, they definitely are not social distancing, and when you consider the staggering #'s of participants, I don't know how we can possibly avoid another wave of cases.

I wear one, but it only helps if everyone participates.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I wear a mask because I choose to wear a mask.
I wear a mask because I'm not an asshole trumpist who only cares about himself.
I wear a mask because I'm an American and I do what I want.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst and wearing a mask improves your chances of not being infected by it. Are you really that stupid?
Are you really that stupid to believe that malarky????

You misspelled Malarkey shit brains.
That's your comeback? LOL
You poor thing.

Just keep on licking stair rails or whatever you red stated drones do for fun. I'll happily wear my mask when I'm encountering other folks. The reason for wearing it involves reasoning....something you're clearly no good at.
Good for you, but I'm not joining you. I'm in good health and only wore a mask twice during this entire fiasco. Both times were boarding an airplane.

If a business requires me to wear a mask to gain entry, they aren't getting my business.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
We are wearing masks because we are intelligent & well ion formed.
You hasve to wondert just how stupid Trumpettes really are.

They run in circles screaming "Open it!! Open It" while refusing to wear a mask.

You people realize that most people will not go into a business when it is packed with people not wearing a mask.

When you do not wear a mask in a business, you chase away some of their customers so you are not helping them at all.
The new outbreak' in Beijing may be a more savvy covid. Beware of overconfidence. So much for Asia's culinary promiscuity and it's evolution.
I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst and wearing a mask improves your chances of not being infected by it. Are you really that stupid?
Answer: Yes, she really is that much of a dunce. Thread's just further proof of that fact.
Mine says that too..until I said hogwash. Want me to shop or go to another store? They said come on in..they are not enforcing it. When in the store, I make sure I stay a good distance from other shoppers. But I refuse to wear a fucking mask. Period.

Who fucking wants to live forever anyway?????
Another disgruntled Karen flouting her ignorance. That's all this is folks.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst and wearing a mask improves your chances of not being infected by it. Are you really that stupid?
You definitely are. :D
Mine says that too..until I said hogwash. Want me to shop or go to another store? They said come on in..they are not enforcing it. When in the store, I make sure I stay a good distance from other shoppers. But I refuse to wear a fucking mask. Period.

Who fucking wants to live forever anyway?????
Another disgruntled Karen flouting her ignorance. That's all this is folks.
Karens are the mask-wearers, dumbass. Are you done rioting now? Hey! How 'bout shootin' over to Wendy's and picking me up a double combo? Owait.. :eek2yum:
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst and wearing a mask improves your chances of not being infected by it. Are you really that stupid?
That's not what the mask is for. Unless you're wearing much more than what you can buy over the counter at CVS, the mask only stops you from sneezing your snot all over the person in front of you. Didn't you know that?

Feel free not to wear one or wash your hands. In fact, continue licking stair railings and teach your kids to do the same. Natural selection will do the rest.
Okay, that's just stupid. Are you trying to make a good argument or are you just flailing? Tell us again how you think that mask you're wearing will stop the virus from getting to you.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I do it out of respect and politeness. And why do you care about those people who riot and loot who don't wear masks? Good riddance to them I say.

And I don't wear a mask all the time outside.
Fuckem stay home if you want to be polite

Your position explains why you're a junior g-man at the local mall there, Blart.
No it just shows you're a mindless sheeple
I understand you sheep believe some of the most ignorant shit just because of some proclaimed expert said to do it. Here's a test get a pulse oximeter try it

lol it's you tards running around touting up self-porclaimed 'experts', dumbass. Try and grow up before you hurt yourself.
TDS sheeple say some of the most ignorant things
They're stupid...

Unless you live in a totalitarian hell hole where it's being enforced, as far as I'm concerned everyone I see walking around with a fuckin mask on and not being compelled to do so by a government or employer is a blithering idiot.

If it's just because of the government you might not be a moron, but you're still a sniveling sheep.


I don't walk around with a mask. But I don't care that some people choose to wear mask. Why do you care? You do what you want and let others do what they want.

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