Why are y'all still wearing masks?

Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it?
I do it because I'd like to live. Seems like a good enough reason to me.
TOO FUNNY. Another brainless sheeple living in fear, he wants to live! Never mind what the nation's top expert and adviser said about them on national TV just a few months ago:
Nothing's perfect, but surgeons do wear masks in the operating room. Do you think that's laughable, too?
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it?
I do it because I'd like to live. Seems like a good enough reason to me.
TOO FUNNY. Another brainless sheeple living in fear, he wants to live! Never mind what the nation's top expert and adviser said about them on national TV just a few months ago:
Nothing's perfect, but surgeons do wear masks in the operating room. Do you think that's laughable, too?

RIGHT! They wear them to keep from expelling germs into the open patient! Or at least reduce the risk, NOT to keep from getting germs from others. All the mask is good for is to catch most of your aerosols as you cough, doesn't do jack for you when you inhale.
Anybody who still listens to morons like this .....

is even a bigger moron.

WAKEY WAKEY everybody!

Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I'm not. The riots cured covid
I wear one because I've seen pics of peoples' lungs who suffered from the virus, and know it's not 'just another flu virus', for one, and for two, many businesses ask people to wear them, and I respect other peoples rules for behavior on their property, plus it seems to annoy infantile right wing nutjobs a whole lot, such is the faggotry revolving around Burb Brats who hate to be asked to to behave politely in public and want to show the world they're still 10 years old emotionally. I'm around a lot of older people, and even though I'm not that concerned about mys elf personally, I don't want to be the vector that spreads it to my relatives and friends.
Beats the living hell out of me how worried so many still are about a 0.03% killer.
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Bests the living hell out of me how worried so many still are about a 0.03% killer.
For anyone over 60 or with a chronic health condition, it's higher. You may not be that much at risk for dying, if you get it, but others are. You may become infected if you don't observe social distancing, and then you may infect a vulnerable person because you don't wear a mask.

What I see on this thread are a lot of very emotionally immature people who think like rebellious adolescents.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst and wearing a mask improves your chances of not being infected by it. Are you really that stupid?
Are you really that stupid to believe that malarky????

You misspelled Malarkey shit brains.
That's your comeback? LOL
You poor thing.
Bests the living hell out of me how worried so many still are about a 0.03% killer.
For anyone over 60 or with a chronic health condition, it's higher. You may not be that much at risk for dying, if you get it, but others are. You may become infected if you don't observe social distancing, and then you may infect a vulnerable person because you don't wear a mask.

What I see on this thread are a lot of very emotionally immature people who think like rebellious adolescents.
I am 68 and I have a chronic health condition. I am also sane enough to see/hear/read stupid people who are...well....stupid. And bleat like sheep. Like you. I don't wear a mask. If you are so afraid, do continue to bleat your baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I wear a mask when I go to the grocery store because there is a big sign in the window requesting it.

I figure it's just common courtesy. It's their property, after all.
Mine says that too..until I said hogwash. Want me to shop or go to another store? They said come on in..they are not enforcing it. When in the store, I make sure I stay a good distance from other shoppers. But I refuse to wear a fucking mask. Period.

Who fucking wants to live forever anyway?????
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

  1. Contrary to original assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of the virus spreading through aerosols (i.e. tiny particles floating in the air) or through smear infections (e.g. on door handles or smartphones). The main modes of transmission are direct contact and droplets produced when coughing or sneezing.
  2. There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become “germ carriers”. Leading doctors called them a “media hype” and “ridiculous”.
LINK for dozens more like this
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

I wear one because a killer virus is in our midst and wearing a mask improves your chances of not being infected by it. Are you really that stupid?
Are you really that stupid to believe that malarky????

You misspelled Malarkey shit brains.
That's your comeback? LOL
You poor thing.

Just keep on licking stair rails or whatever you red stated drones do for fun. I'll happily wear my mask when I'm encountering other folks. The reason for wearing it involves reasoning....something you're clearly no good at.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

  1. Contrary to original assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of the virus spreading through aerosols (i.e. tiny particles floating in the air) or through smear infections (e.g. on door handles or smartphones). The main modes of transmission are direct contact and droplets produced when coughing or sneezing.
  2. There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become “germ carriers”. Leading doctors called them a “media hype” and “ridiculous”.
LINK for dozens more like this

Oh my ...'Studies" .... There are 'studies' that show pedophiles are normal, and studies that show killing babies up to two years old is no different than aborting them at two months old, studies that show all kinds of stuff. And, there are 'LINKS' to them too! They must be true, then! They're by experts!
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.

  1. Contrary to original assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of the virus spreading through aerosols (i.e. tiny particles floating in the air) or through smear infections (e.g. on door handles or smartphones). The main modes of transmission are direct contact and droplets produced when coughing or sneezing.
  2. There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become “germ carriers”. Leading doctors called them a “media hype” and “ridiculous”.
LINK for dozens more like this

Oh my ...'Studies" .... There are 'studies' that show pedophiles are normal, and studies that show killing babies up to two years old is no different than aborting them at two months old, studies that show all kinds of stuff. And, there are 'LINKS' to them too! They must be true, then! They're by experts!

You didn't read them...

This why you remain ignorant.
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
I don't wear a mask because it brings your oxygen levels down and if anyone thinks that's a myth or a lie as the fact-checkers are claiming get an A pulse oximeter and try it. I have had one for a couple of years and they aren't expensive Oxygen level should be above 95% put a covering on the face it will go down anywhere from 87 to 93 depending on what you are doing at the time.
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Bests the living hell out of me how worried so many still are about a 0.03% killer.
For anyone over 60 or with a chronic health condition, it's higher. You may not be that much at risk for dying, if you get it, but others are. You may become infected if you don't observe social distancing, and then you may infect a vulnerable person because you don't wear a mask.

What I see on this thread are a lot of very emotionally immature people who think like rebellious adolescents.
I am 68 and I have a chronic health condition. I am also sane enough to see/hear/read stupid people who are...well....stupid. And bleat like sheep. Like you. I don't wear a mask. If you are so afraid, do continue to bleat your baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
If you are 68 and have a chronic health condition and don't think you should be wearing a mask, you are anything but sane.
I wear a mask when I go to the grocery store because there is a big sign in the window requesting it.

I figure it's just common courtesy. It's their property, after all.
Mine says that too..until I said hogwash. Want me to shop or go to another store? They said come on in..they are not enforcing it. When in the store, I make sure I stay a good distance from other shoppers. But I refuse to wear a fucking mask. Period.

Who fucking wants to live forever anyway?????
Just because you don't value your life, that means no one else should value theirs either? How cool...not.

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