Why are you a Libertarian?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
There is a Driving Issue with Most Libertarians I Know...

Most of them are Pro-Pot.

Some are 2nd Amendment Advocates...

But there is an Issue that Moved them from where they were to the Libertarian Party.

What was it for you?


I always loved books.

That's why I became a librarytarian.

On a serious note, though, I suspect most people proclaiming themselves Libertarians are just fed up with the assinine governments they've seen in their lifetimes.

Can't blame them for that, really.
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...the 'L'ibertarian Party is different from honest 'l'ibertarianism..(i believe you'll find that the LP Inc. is now controlled by some awful, stooooooopid fucks..republican rejects..)

...libertarians were the first people to make me aware of the immorality of 'the initiation of force'..(a staple of government)

..they also made me aware that there are only two ways to get someone else to do what you want: fraud/coercion and honest persuasion..(hint: true libertarians employ/favor the latter...republicrats the former..)

..maybe it was the small group of great people i (then a republican knee-jerk) met initially..years ago..

...but unfortunately the 'Libertarian' name brand has been shat upon repeatedly..kneel boortz, glenn stinking beck, and a host of other stoooooooooooooooopid radio blowhards have long-ago sullied 'L'ibertarianism..

..btw, i am not 'pro-pot'..i am 'anti drug prohibition'...big difference..
I'm a registered Republican but my big issues or principles is I want government non intervention into my life as much as possible as well as others;here and abroad; I think too much government intervention into the economy, our foreign policy and our society overall creates unintended consequences, moral hazards and negative results most of the time, this is why I'm so libertarian slanted.

Name a problem and/or issue and chances are good that I'll be able to show government intervention is what helped create the problem in the first place and more government intervention is only going to exacerbate the problem.
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