Why Are You Opposed to Trump?

Woman (Trump supporter) and man were lying in bed when this happened :

Man: Honey I support Cruz but I'm leaning towards Kasich now
Woman: I think we both need to start seeing other men
When you mention Trump and bedding down a partner...

“How could you sleep next to that flabby, fat piece of s--t and get your rocks off? ... The actor called Melania Trump a "gold digger." He said "I know, I was married to one." - Mickey Rourke - one tough frigging Alpha male​
Micky Rourke was pissed off at him long before he announced he was going to run. Rourke's anger has nothing to do with his run for the nomination
Your basic premise is wrong "the current opposition to Trump is primarily based on style and political incorrectness."

Your other premise, "It also seems to include a suggestion of racism, even though this inference is derived solely from his positions on immigration and national security." asks people to as accept racism based on immigration and national security, as somehow not really racism or worse -- justifiable racism.

Supporters of Trump may want to pivot and change the subject. I say good luck with that, and I totally mean that. Good luck

There is not much else constructive to say to you on this subject.

Ironically, there is nothing constructive about your post (other than confirming my premises).
Woman (Trump supporter) and man were lying in bed when this happened :

Man: Honey I support Cruz but I'm leaning towards Kasich now
Woman: I think we both need to start seeing other men
When you mention Trump and bedding down a partner...

“How could you sleep next to that flabby, fat piece of s--t and get your rocks off? ... The actor called Melania Trump a "gold digger." He said "I know, I was married to one." - Mickey Rourke - one tough frigging Alpha male​
Micky Rourke was pissed off at him long before he announced he was going to run. Rourke's anger has nothing to do with his run for the nomination
Ahh, but you introduced bedrooms in a joke. :eusa_shhh:
I find that beta males are opposed to Trump. Most betas despise alpha's simply because they are too 'barbaric' for them.
But beta males like Redfish, Correll, Vigilante, Mudwhistle love him. Explain that, please.
I don't know those guys. With that said, there's no way they're betas. Betas get offended and upset about things Trump says. They oppose him at every turn, call him stupid, won't vote for him (if they are Republicans) etc etc. The entire community of males in the #nevertrump movement are betas.
Actually it is the alpha males that oppose him and have no intention about hiding it. The alpha males oppose Trump.
I find that beta males are opposed to Trump. Most betas despise alpha's simply because they are too 'barbaric' for them.

The global puppet masters are opposed to Trump because Trump does not need their money.

The Globalists need dependant puppets as candidates for the presidential election.

How can you force Trump to obey to the puppet masters who have a globalist agenda and who do not care about the USA a rat's ass?

Well, you cannot be sure about Trump, he is unpredictable, he may destroy the global agenda of the self-elected puppet masters, because Trump cares more about the American voters, than about some global agenda.

Hillary Clinton is the best candidate. She needs the money of her sponsors, she has a lot of skeletons in her cupboard, she can be easily forced to do everything the globalist puppet masters think is good for their globalist agenda, but what will be destructive for America, like new crazy wars that are not in the interests of the USA.

The Globalists (most of them are dual or multiple citizens) created an establishment that does not care a rat's ass about the interests of the European Americans or Europeans in the EU, whose ancestors created all Western countries.

The today western political establishment is a bunch of spineless Cuckolds, a corrupt Mafia that cares only about personal enrichment.

Some of these Cuckolds are Cuckservatives, others are Cuckdemocrats, but all of them support the agenda of the Sovietization of the West and they care only about their personal enrichment.

Trump had threatened that he will put American interests first and that he is not going to support the crazy globalist agenda that is destroying America and other western countries.

That is the reason why the Establishment hates Trump so much, that is why the Talking Heads in all Lame Stream media are spewing hate at Trump and his supporters.

Unfortunately, many Americans had been dumbed down by Hollywood and the sovietized educational system, many Americans have become Zombies that are just repeating the political correct slogans, promoted by the Talking Heads in the media, and do not understand that they are not acting according to their own interests, when they join the hate campaign against Donald Trump.
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Actually it is the alpha males that oppose him and have no intention about hiding it. The alpha males oppose Trump.

It seems that in your crazy parallel world the corrupt Cuckolds who only care about their own enrichment, who obey to their puppet masters with double citizenship, and who do not care a rat's ass about the interests of Americans are the alpha males.

I find that beta males are opposed to Trump. Most betas despise alpha's simply because they are too 'barbaric' for them.
But beta males like Redfish, Correll, Vigilante, Mudwhistle love him. Explain that, please.
I don't know those guys. With that said, there's no way they're betas. Betas get offended and upset about things Trump says. They oppose him at every turn, call him stupid, won't vote for him (if they are Republicans) etc etc. The entire community of males in the #nevertrump movement are betas.
Actually it is the alpha males that oppose him and have no intention about hiding it. The alpha males oppose Trump.
Mike Tyson=Alpha
Lindsey Graham=beta
Bruce Willis=Alpha
Ben Shapiro=beta
Pete Rose=Alpha
Mitch McConnell= beta
Glen Beck= beta
There's a new conservative movement emerging that is filled with men/women who will no longer be pushed around by the PC police and made to stand at the alter of shame and apologize for their opinions/things they say. To the point and no apologies... "Did what I say hurt your feelings? That's unfortunate, now fuck off" Liberals will recoil in abstract fear as they lay waste to their impotent accusations of racism, bigotry, misogyny and all the other nonsense they toss out.

The cucks and betas who identify as conservatives/Republicans can watch in horror as they are stripped of any relevance.
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Trump isn't anti PC. We saw that this week with the bathroom thing. he loves PC. He dislikes good manners and civility. His attitude toward abortion is very PC. Go across his attitude on every issue. He is very PC. It is kindness he hates
I find that beta males are opposed to Trump. Most betas despise alpha's simply because they are too 'barbaric' for them.
But beta males like Redfish, Correll, Vigilante, Mudwhistle love him. Explain that, please.
I don't know those guys. With that said, there's no way they're betas. Betas get offended and upset about things Trump says. They oppose him at every turn, call him stupid, won't vote for him (if they are Republicans) etc etc. The entire community of males in the #nevertrump movement are betas.
Actually it is the alpha males that oppose him and have no intention about hiding it. The alpha males oppose Trump.
Mike Tyson=Alpha
Lindsey Graham=beta
Bruce Willis=Alpha
Ben Shapiro=beta
Pete Rose=Alpha
Mitch McConnell= beta
Glen Beck= beta
Those are pretend Alphas, ck. convicts, losers, ineligibles, other than Ditka, who would slam dunk you for including him in the entire list.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the current opposition to Trump is primarily based on style and political incorrectness. It also seems to include a suggestion of racism, even though this inference is derived solely from his positions on immigration and national security.

IF it becomes a Presidential election between Trump and Clinton, what OBJECTIVE standards would you apply in deciding how you would vote?

For me, Trump's direct approaches to immigration, trade, national security, jobs and the economy are favorable factors, as opposed to Clinton's vacillation on these issues. (In other words, he says what he WILL do, whereas she talks about what she WON'T do.)

Please avoid name calling and explain the specific standards you employ in evaluating these candidates.

Objective Standards?
  • Trump has absolutely no experience in government- legislative or administrative.
  • Trump has absolutely no experience with foreign policy.
  • I was and am offended by Trump statements regarding Mexicans and regarding Muslim immigrants..
  • Trump's statements regarding international trade- especially when it comes to free trade agreements and tariffs display a profound ignorance of both how free trade agreements and tariffs actually are today- and the historic effect of trade barriers.
  • Trump's' statements on national security are both bombastic- and unrealistic.
  • I think that Trump has shown a tendency towards think skinned defensiveness, and attacking anyone who criticizes him that would be detrimental as a President.
  • While I don't particularly trust Clinton- I absolutely distrust Trump.
It has nothing to do with political incorrectness. That's a narrative Trump supporters created, and ran with. A candidate for the highest office in the country doing something like retweeting a picture suggesting that his opponent's wife is ugly isn't politically incorrect. It's being an asshole. The same man who backed out of a debate because a woman asked him a question he didn't like. The man who threatened to sue over a negative ad. He's a loud-mouthed, thin-skinned pussy.

Thank you- the whole issue of Megan Kelly as far as I am concerned is emblematic of why he is not suited to be President.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the current opposition to Trump is primarily based on style and political incorrectness. It also seems to include a suggestion of racism, even though this inference is derived solely from his positions on immigration and national security.

IF it becomes a Presidential election between Trump and Clinton, what OBJECTIVE standards would you apply in deciding how you would vote?

For me, Trump's direct approaches to immigration, trade, national security, jobs and the economy are favorable factors, as opposed to Clinton's vacillation on these issues. (In other words, he says what he WILL do, whereas she talks about what she WON'T do.)

Please avoid name calling and explain the specific standards you employ in evaluating these candidates.

I personally am against Trump because I don't trust him. I think he's a liberal in GOP clothing.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the current opposition to Trump is primarily based on style and political incorrectness. It also seems to include a suggestion of racism, even though this inference is derived solely from his positions on immigration and national security.

IF it becomes a Presidential election between Trump and Clinton, what OBJECTIVE standards would you apply in deciding how you would vote?

For me, Trump's direct approaches to immigration, trade, national security, jobs and the economy are favorable factors, as opposed to Clinton's vacillation on these issues. (In other words, he says what he WILL do, whereas she talks about what she WON'T do.)

Please avoid name calling and explain the specific standards you employ in evaluating these candidates.

Objective Standards?
  • Trump has absolutely no experience in government- legislative or administrative.
  • Trump has absolutely no experience with foreign policy.
  • I was and am offended by Trump statements regarding Mexicans and regarding Muslim immigrants..
  • Trump's statements regarding international trade- especially when it comes to free trade agreements and tariffs display a profound ignorance of both how free trade agreements and tariffs actually are today- and the historic effect of trade barriers.
  • Trump's' statements on national security are both bombastic- and unrealistic.
  • I think that Trump has shown a tendency towards think skinned defensiveness, and attacking anyone who criticizes him that would be detrimental as a President.
  • While I don't particularly trust Clinton- I absolutely distrust Trump.

Obama had no experience in government-legislative or administrative.
Obama had no experience with foreign policy.
Obama has a profound ignorance free trade agreements, and economics in general.
Obama has his lap dog media attacking anyone who dares criticize him.

It doesn't matter if you were an Obama supporter or not, the point is that Trump cannot be worse.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the current opposition to Trump is primarily based on style and political incorrectness. It also seems to include a suggestion of racism, even though this inference is derived solely from his positions on immigration and national security.

IF it becomes a Presidential election between Trump and Clinton, what OBJECTIVE standards would you apply in deciding how you would vote?

For me, Trump's direct approaches to immigration, trade, national security, jobs and the economy are favorable factors, as opposed to Clinton's vacillation on these issues. (In other words, he says what he WILL do, whereas she talks about what she WON'T do.)

Please avoid name calling and explain the specific standards you employ in evaluating these candidates.

I personally am against Trump because I don't trust him. I think he's a liberal in GOP clothing.

he is more ignorant on the stump than he can possibly be in real life. A person as dumb as he seems couldn't breathe without assistance
There's a new conservative movement emerging that is filled with men/women who will no longer be pushed around by the PC police and made to stand at the alter of shame and apologize for their opinions/things they say. To the point and no apologies... "Did what I say hurt your feelings? That's unfortunate, now fuck off" Liberals will recoil in abstract fear as they lay waste to their impotent accusations of racism, bigotry, misogyny and all the other nonsense they toss out.

The cucks and betas who identify as conservatives/Republicans can watch in horror as they are stripped of any relevance.

I hope that your prediction will come true!

It doesn't matter if you were an Obama supporter or not, the point is that Trump cannot be worse.

And he cannot be worth than Hillary Clinton, a crazy war monger and a corrupt and ruthless puppet who will sell the interests of Americans for a couple of shekels.
People make the mistake of believing there is any difference between hitlary and Trump. Hitlary has Trump to pass the election to her, policy wise and personality and every other way they are identical.
"Why Are You Opposed to Trump?"

Setting aside the fact that Trump is an ignorant bigot who is wrong on most of the issues…

It’s primarily the people with whom he’d populate his administration – Bush era (both) retreads, for the most part.

Appointments those Bush era retreads would make to the Federal courts and Supreme Court.

And the clear propensity for war Trump as demonstrated – the last thing America needs is another failed, illegal war as was the result of the last republican administration.

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