Why Are You Opposed to Trump?

Now add true conservatives and independent centrists to the women, blacks, Hispanics, veterans, and disabled who are unhappy with Trump and his personality.

He is not presidential. He will be president.

Straw man fallacy from the librats as usual only showing us what they want us to see and hiding the rest.



View attachment 72548
Donald Trump Won Hispanic Vote in New York City
Breitbart News‎ - 1 day ago
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump won more than 50 percent of the Hispanic vote in New York ...
Donald Trump gets crushed among Hispanic voters: Poll
Washington Times‎ - 1 day ago
Poll: Latino Voters 'Enthusiastic' to Vote Against Trump
TIME‎ - 23 hours ago
More news for trump hispanic vote
Donald Trump overwhelmingly wins Hispanic vote in New ...
The Washington Times
2 days ago - It's an unexpected victory to many political pundits and establishment Republicans who were sure, Mr. Trump would repeal the Hispanic vote ...
Cardona: Trump's apparent triumph with Nevada Latinos is ...
The Washington Post
Mar 1, 2016 - Señor Trump, felicidades! Donald Trump is touting his win with Latino voters in the recent Republican Nevada caucuses. He was up against ...

Trump took a victory lap for winning the Latino vote. Here's ...
Feb 25, 2016 - The major shock out of Nevada's GOP caucus results was not thatTrump won the Latino vote by 18 points – it's that he won any Latino support ...

Entrance poll: Trump wins with Nevada Hispanics | TheHill
The Hill
Feb 24, 2016 - But despite those numbers and the blowback that he's faced, Trump has repeatedly pledged that he would win over Hispanic voters.
No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos - The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast
Feb 12, 2016 - A new poll of Latino GOPers puts Trump ahead. Way ahead. ... However, it will be a cold day in hell if I will vote for Mrs. Clinton. I strongly ...

very low IQ, Latinos republican are only 11% of the population in nevada and 7 % supported him , some big majority, as to the rest of the country you have to be taking hill billy heroine to think Latinos in the general population supports trump. Only an ignorant rube in flyover country believes trump will win the Latino vote in the general election
Last edited:
Woman (Trump supporter) and man were lying in bed when this happened :

Man: Honey I support Cruz but I'm leaning towards Kasich now
Woman: I think we both need to start seeing other men

Straw man fallacy from the librats as usual only showing us what they want us to see and hiding the rest.



View attachment 72548
Donald Trump Won Hispanic Vote in New York City
Breitbart News‎ - 1 day ago
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump won more than 50 percent of the Hispanic vote in New York ...
Donald Trump gets crushed among Hispanic voters: Poll
Washington Times‎ - 1 day ago
Poll: Latino Voters 'Enthusiastic' to Vote Against Trump
TIME‎ - 23 hours ago
More news for trump hispanic vote
Donald Trump overwhelmingly wins Hispanic vote in New ...
The Washington Times
2 days ago - It's an unexpected victory to many political pundits and establishment Republicans who were sure, Mr. Trump would repeal the Hispanic vote ...
Cardona: Trump's apparent triumph with Nevada Latinos is ...
The Washington Post
Mar 1, 2016 - Señor Trump, felicidades! Donald Trump is touting his win with Latino voters in the recent Republican Nevada caucuses. He was up against ...

Trump took a victory lap for winning the Latino vote. Here's ...
Feb 25, 2016 - The major shock out of Nevada's GOP caucus results was not thatTrump won the Latino vote by 18 points – it's that he won any Latino support ...

Entrance poll: Trump wins with Nevada Hispanics | TheHill
The Hill
Feb 24, 2016 - But despite those numbers and the blowback that he's faced, Trump has repeatedly pledged that he would win over Hispanic voters.
No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos - The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast
Feb 12, 2016 - A new poll of Latino GOPers puts Trump ahead. Way ahead. ... However, it will be a cold day in hell if I will vote for Mrs. Clinton. I strongly ...

Nobody is questioning what he has won. I just question why.
I find that beta males are opposed to Trump. Most betas despise alpha's simply because they are too 'barbaric' for them.

You could be right,but don't forget his whole being a spoiled ignorant ass thing he has working against him too
Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the current opposition to Trump is primarily based on style and political incorrectness. It also seems to include a suggestion of racism, even though this inference is derived solely from his positions on immigration and national security.

IF it becomes a Presidential election between Trump and Clinton, what OBJECTIVE standards would you apply in deciding how you would vote?

For me, Trump's direct approaches to immigration, trade, national security, jobs and the economy are favorable factors, as opposed to Clinton's vacillation on these issues. (In other words, he says what he WILL do, whereas she talks about what she WON'T do.)

Please avoid name calling and explain the specific standards you employ in evaluating these candidates.
opposition to Trump is because he lies, he lied about his position on immigration, on tariffs, on abortion.
He treats people smaller than him like shit, stealing from them under cloak of the law.
He treats the bankruptcy code as another means to steal
he is a bully and a thug

I never said he is a racist. he treats all people as fools and suckers, be they white or black or yellow. He is an equal opportunity grifter
very low IQ, Latinos republican are only 11% of the population in nevada and 7 % supported him , some big majority, as to the rest of the country you have to be taking hill billy heroine to think Latinos in the general population supports trump. Only an ignorant rube in flyover country believes trump will win the Latino vote in the general election

Why not just call them wet backs sense you're already insulting them. Just skip the liberal political correctness.


...morons have IQ of 51–70 mostly uneducated democrats vote Obama and democrat, which were a majority of 100 million uneducated welfare voters, ghettos, dropouts, baby mamas, trailer trash, thugs, and illegals. Socialism is geared towards uneducated poor people with low work skills to get handouts.
I've been pretty clear in my opposition.

Dump is one of the billionaires who donate to political whores in order to get leverage on the competition, and otherwise use big government against those who lack the influence. Like throwing little old ladies out of their house.

I have seen and heard Dump take both sides of issues depending on popular opinion, and not because of any principle. He is a fair weather republicrat, and if the moonbat messiah had been a competent patriot who improved anything, Dump could just as easily run as a democrook.

If he's the nominee I'll vote for him but I won't like it.

Nobody is questioning what he has won. I just question why.

Because Americans has spoken and you're living in your face palm self pity. You think a majority of Americans are just like you but you're living in the past and are now the minority. This is due to your old fashion thinking. You need a upgrade Fred Flintstone. Catch up.

...Harvard poll: Additionally, young Democrats now give Donald Trump in a statistical dead heat, with 20% of voters polled.


Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.





Last edited:
Why not just call them wet backs sense you're already insulting them. Just skip the liberal political correctness.


...morons have IQ of 51–70 mostly uneducated democrats vote Obama and democrat, which were a majority of 100 million uneducated welfare voters, ghettos, dropouts, baby mamas, trailer trash, thugs, and illegals. Socialism is geared towards uneducated poor people with low work skills to get handouts.

Regressive Parasites are also highly educated pieces of shit who long for a socialist collective where they get to call the shots. Such criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths pander to the vacuous masses with entitlement programs that are designed to keep them in poverty.

Straw man fallacy from the librats as usual only showing us what they want us to see and hiding the rest.



View attachment 72548
Donald Trump Won Hispanic Vote in New York City
Breitbart News‎ - 1 day ago
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump won more than 50 percent of the Hispanic vote in New York ...
Donald Trump gets crushed among Hispanic voters: Poll
Washington Times‎ - 1 day ago
Poll: Latino Voters 'Enthusiastic' to Vote Against Trump
TIME‎ - 23 hours ago
More news for trump hispanic vote
Donald Trump overwhelmingly wins Hispanic vote in New ...
The Washington Times
2 days ago - It's an unexpected victory to many political pundits and establishment Republicans who were sure, Mr. Trump would repeal the Hispanic vote ...
Cardona: Trump's apparent triumph with Nevada Latinos is ...
The Washington Post
Mar 1, 2016 - Señor Trump, felicidades! Donald Trump is touting his win with Latino voters in the recent Republican Nevada caucuses. He was up against ...

Trump took a victory lap for winning the Latino vote. Here's ...
Feb 25, 2016 - The major shock out of Nevada's GOP caucus results was not thatTrump won the Latino vote by 18 points – it's that he won any Latino support ...

Entrance poll: Trump wins with Nevada Hispanics | TheHill
The Hill
Feb 24, 2016 - But despite those numbers and the blowback that he's faced, Trump has repeatedly pledged that he would win over Hispanic voters.
No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos - The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast
Feb 12, 2016 - A new poll of Latino GOPers puts Trump ahead. Way ahead. ... However, it will be a cold day in hell if I will vote for Mrs. Clinton. I strongly ...

Latino Republicans. All 12 of them.

Aaron that was a great fight between DD and the Punisher.....they kicked each others asses...

Wait.. was this a later episode? I've been busy with work recently, and haven't watched the last few. Their earlier fight was pretty badass though.

epi 2.....
Your basic premise is wrong "the current opposition to Trump is primarily based on style and political incorrectness."

Your other premise, "It also seems to include a suggestion of racism, even though this inference is derived solely from his positions on immigration and national security." asks people to as accept racism based on immigration and national security, as somehow not really racism or worse -- justifiable racism.

Supporters of Trump may want to pivot and change the subject. I say good luck with that, and I totally mean that. Good luck

There is not much else constructive to say to you on this subject.
Yo retard, you DO know the difference between legal and ILLEGAL immigration?
And yeah, let's have more Muslims as that idea is working real well in Europe.
Yes. Do you know the difference between those who enter our borders illegally, and those who enter legally and decide to stay past their Visa dates or violate obligations?

The very idea that you are so disgustingly nasty shows how pathetic your opinions are
I find that beta males are opposed to Trump. Most betas despise alpha's simply because they are too 'barbaric' for them.
But beta males like Redfish, Correll, Vigilante, Mudwhistle love him. Explain that, please.
I don't know those guys. With that said, there's no way they're betas. Betas get offended and upset about things Trump says. They oppose him at every turn, call him stupid, won't vote for him (if they are Republicans) etc etc. The entire community of males in the #nevertrump movement are betas.
Woman (Trump supporter) and man were lying in bed when this happened :

Man: Honey I support Cruz but I'm leaning towards Kasich now
Woman: I think we both need to start seeing other men
When you mention Trump and bedding down a partner...

“How could you sleep next to that flabby, fat piece of s--t and get your rocks off? ... The actor called Melania Trump a "gold digger." He said "I know, I was married to one." - Mickey Rourke - one tough frigging Alpha male​

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