Why aren't Bernie Sander's Rainbows and Pixie Dust Policies ever challenged?

Simple answer is Bernie Sanders has not been selected as the Democratic Party candidate and once he is then the right will be ready to discuss his Socialist view of the world, but why waste the time at this moment?

Also because they do not debate his proposals to extent does not mean they endorse him...
Well, Hillary can't bring up much because she carries so much baggage herself. The media are simply an extension of the Democrat Socialist Party. The Establishment Republicans are actually Democrats and the candidates running for President under the GOP banner are too busy cheating the voters and attacking one another to go after Bernie.
Well, Hillary can't bring up much because she carries so much baggage herself. The media are simply an extension of the Democrat Socialist Party. The Establishment Republicans are actually Democrats and the candidates running for President under the GOP banner are too busy cheating the voters and attacking one another to go after Bernie.

Yeah, that whole glass house thingy.
Because the race is between an avowed socialist and an extremely unlikable dumb c*nt. Bring up his policies, and he might bring up what a c*nt she is.
She seems nice to me. She has been working for health and children's issues since the early 90's. We know what Republicans think about health and children. Their policies tell us.
Because the race is between an avowed socialist and an extremely unlikable dumb c*nt. Bring up his policies, and he might bring up what a c*nt she is.
She seems nice to me. She has been working for health and children's issues since the early 90's. We know what Republicans think about health and children. Their policies tell us.
are you talking about clinton?.....i cant see her with all that baggage piled around her.......
Because the race is between an avowed socialist and an extremely unlikable dumb c*nt. Bring up his policies, and he might bring up what a c*nt she is.
She seems nice to me. She has been working for health and children's issues since the early 90's. We know what Republicans think about health and children. Their policies tell us.

The only thing she has been working for is exactly the position she is working towards now. She has spent decades campaigning, and ignoring her own husband's philandering so that she could finally become president. She is a worthless c*nt.
Because the race is between an avowed socialist and an extremely unlikable dumb c*nt. Bring up his policies, and he might bring up what a c*nt she is.
She seems nice to me. She has been working for health and children's issues since the early 90's. We know what Republicans think about health and children. Their policies tell us.

The only thing she has been working for is exactly the position she is working towards now. She has spent decades campaigning, and ignoring her own husband's philandering so that she could finally become president. She is a worthless c*nt.
Bill's philandering seems to be pretty much out of the press for the last 20 yeas except when Republicans bring it up. After all, it's the only one of their many conspiracies that kind of stuck. Except many Republicans have had even worse conspiracies.
What is worse? Clinton getting a blow job or Iraq?
Clinton getting a blow job or a ruined economy.
Clinton getting a blow job or tens of thousands of young American dead or maimed for no apparent reason.

To Republicans, on all questions, it's Clinton getting a blow job. Obviously.
I don't think he's being taken seriously. The Banker-Elite cash is with Hillary. They have their Candidate. Sanders doesn't likely have a chance. He just isn't warranting the criticizm and attacks. It's all going to Hillary and whoever the front-runners are for the GOP.
He is only there to make the race look like it's actually legit.

Window dressing.
Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.

I'm pretty sure Hillary doesn't challenge Bernie on his numbers because Bernie hasn't challenged her on being a liar.

It's kind of a "I won't talk about how naive you are...if you won't talk about how corrupt I am!" kind of thing!
In the richest country on Earth guaranteed healthcare and education are not radical ideas. Going to the hospital and paying 50 bucks for a Tylenol is radical. People rarely challenge Bernie on the issues because they know he's speaking the truth.

Last I checked, the state had full control of the public schools in the US. They rank about 48th in the world in science and math and they spend the most for education.

So now they want the rest of what is left of our health care?
In the richest country on Earth guaranteed healthcare and education are not radical ideas. Going to the hospital and paying 50 bucks for a Tylenol is radical. People rarely challenge Bernie on the issues because they know he's speaking the truth.

Last I checked, the state had full control of the public schools in the US. They rank about 48th in the world in science and math and they spend the most for education.

So now they want the rest of what is left of our health care?

You do realize that's each individual state, right? And each individual school district within those states, right? And each individual school administration within those districts, right?

Maybe what you're suggesting is that there should be some overarching one-size-fits-all/no excuses for Red States national school curriculum.
Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.

The GOP is too busy talking about great walls and "fetus parts" to find time for rainbows and pixie dust.
Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.
Because his ideas are so out of the realm of possibility, nobody cares to discuss them. Even main stream democrats are incredulous.
Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.

You don't expect Hillary to challenge any of his notions do you?

If she did, she would no longer be hip with the Dims.

Every year Dims preach to us how more and more should be "free". This is simply the natural conclusion to the US. No, the establishment nor the press will challenge such notions.

Stick a fork in the country, it's done for.
By challenging them, that would indicate acknowledging them as legitimate. Once legitimized, those ideas then become part of the conversation.
In the richest country on Earth guaranteed healthcare and education are not radical ideas. Going to the hospital and paying 50 bucks for a Tylenol is radical. People rarely challenge Bernie on the issues because they know he's speaking the truth.
First, no one is talking about hospital pricing.
Since you opened the door...The patient may see those charges on their bill, but do not pay those charges. The hospital bills the insurance company for the services performed. The insurance company then reimburses the hospital....At about 30 cents on the dollar.
And why is this? The federal government did this. Congress decided insurance overage was just not fair. So it made up all these stupid mandates and regulations and of course the cost of insurance and the cost of medical care went skyward...
The truth? You avoid the truth. All of you berniebots avoid the truth..
And that truth is, there is no such thing as free. And there isn't enough money available if The Bern decided to rob Switzerland, to pay for a medical system to cover 320 million people.
Such a system would require a gigantic federal bureaucracy. Perhaps half a million new federal employees would be required to administer the thing.
All medical professionals woudl become de facto federal employees as their income levels would be regulated by the Single payer system.....
Such a system would control the price of medicine but not the cost.
Costs would include, the manufacture and sale of pharma products. medical equipment, medical facilities. construction costs of said facilities would continue to rise with the increasing demands for labor, materials and maintenance.
Do you really think that doctors and other professionals are just going to sit back and watch their income be slashed down to that of a GS-14
The cost of medical care is not just the so called $50 aspirin. It is much more involved and complex....
Eventually, due to the cost of medical care and ancillary expenses, care would have to be rationed. Just as it is in all Western European countries and in Canada.
Of course to control costs, the government here would be forced to enact legislation to control behavior to reduce costs. Yes ,we would most likely see a healthier nation but one living in under the misery of government control.
And of course those who be affected the most, those with the worst personal habits, the poor, would scream the loudest.
In the richest country on Earth guaranteed healthcare and education are not radical ideas. Going to the hospital and paying 50 bucks for a Tylenol is radical. People rarely challenge Bernie on the issues because they know he's speaking the truth.

Last I checked, the state had full control of the public schools in the US. They rank about 48th in the world in science and math and they spend the most for education.

So now they want the rest of what is left of our health care?

You do realize that's each individual state, right? And each individual school district within those states, right? And each individual school administration within those districts, right?

Maybe what you're suggesting is that there should be some overarching one-size-fits-all/no excuses for Red States national school curriculum.
Incorrect. In fact there are very few "home rule" states where Dillon's Rule does also not apply. Meaning, the state government in most states controls most aspects of public education. And yes the federal government DOES have a say because it has a monetary stake in public education.
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Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.
nobody has taken him this seriously before. in vermont our politicians are like constant fixtures on the horizon.
don't confuse the allure and mystique of vermont with our politicians.

this is howard dean, the sequel.

we have only one member of congress for every 210,000 people, so bernie has just one third of the chance of winning new hampshire, but there's only a ten percent chance of that ever happening.
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