Why aren't Bernie Sander's Rainbows and Pixie Dust Policies ever challenged?

Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.
1. Because the Dems don't want to encourage their own Populist Rebels any more than is necessary before the Anointing at the Convention

2. Because the Dems want to maintain the illusion of a united facade for as long as they can to the greatest extent they can

3. Because the Pubs want Bernie to win - knocking out Hillary, whom they consider more difficult to beat

4. Because - if Bernie wins the nomination - the Pubs will wait until AFTER the Anointing at the Convention, and THEN pounce on his policies like flies on shit

Illusion and Timing are all, from one vantage point or another...

Sounds like they haven't thought it out very well. :laugh:
I see you are so very deep in the bag for Sanders..
Are you one of those who really believe that Bernie Sanders is going to be able to get your all that free shit he's talking about?
If so, why do you even want free shit? What makes you believe you are special and not required to earn your way like everyone else?

I support Sanders, because I'm first and foremost a civil libertarian. There aren't any other candidates left who are good on civil liberties.

The "rainbows and pixie dust" isn't going to get passed. Neither would Hillary's proposals. The GOP candidates proposals might, and all of them are terrible.

Like most Americans, I vote for my interests. The Republicans are hostile to my business interests. Hillary is lukewarm on that issue.

As far as eligibility, it would only be a concern if the GOP could produce a viable General Election candidate. They don't have any. They are far-right, authoritarian, woman hating extremists, who can't win outside the South and the Great Plains.
What in Sam Hill do you think there exists any similarity to the ideas of an avowed socialist and individual freedom and liberty?
Bernie being in the race just angers some far right extremists. Drives em nuts. Its funny, downright hilarious that a declared socialist has this much popularity. I never thought I'd see it. I always thought our candidates were beholden to corporations and big money. Perhaps that's what people like about him. Just like trump, not kissing corporate butt. Trump is my guy.
Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.
Good point. Prolly because they are workable:

I wonder if Bernie will pay for me to go to college again? I'm 72 but I'm a young 72. I'd like to take up brain surgery next time. I've seen a lot of Liberals on here that could really use the services of a good brain surgeon. My hands shake a little but if I drink a fifth of whisky, they seem to not shake so much.
Well, why aren't they? They weren't challenged at the debates. They aren't challenged by the press. The GOP doesn't bring them up. I don't get it.
1. Because the Dems don't want to encourage their own Populist Rebels any more than is necessary before the Anointing at the Convention

2. Because the Dems want to maintain the illusion of a united facade for as long as they can to the greatest extent they can

3. Because the Pubs want Bernie to win - knocking out Hillary, whom they consider more difficult to beat

4. Because - if Bernie wins the nomination - the Pubs will wait until AFTER the Anointing at the Convention, and THEN pounce on his policies like flies on shit

Illusion and Timing are all, from one vantage point or another...

Sounds like they haven't thought it out very well. :laugh:
I see you are so very deep in the bag for Sanders..
Are you one of those who really believe that Bernie Sanders is going to be able to get your all that free shit he's talking about?
If so, why do you even want free shit? What makes you believe you are special and not required to earn your way like everyone else?

I support Sanders, because I'm first and foremost a civil libertarian. There aren't any other candidates left who are good on civil liberties.

The "rainbows and pixie dust" isn't going to get passed. Neither would Hillary's proposals. The GOP candidates proposals might, and all of them are terrible.

Like most Americans, I vote for my interests. The Republicans are hostile to my business interests. Hillary is lukewarm on that issue.

As far as eligibility, it would only be a concern if the GOP could produce a viable General Election candidate. They don't have any. They are far-right, authoritarian, woman hating extremists, who can't win outside the South and the Great Plains.
What in Sam Hill do you think there exists any similarity to the ideas of an avowed socialist and individual freedom and liberty?

He doesn't have to outrun the bear, he just has to outrun the other nominee :wink:
Because the race is between an avowed socialist and an extremely unlikable dumb c*nt. Bring up his policies, and he might bring up what a c*nt she is.
She seems nice to me. She has been working for health and children's issues since the early 90's. We know what Republicans think about health and children. Their policies tell us.

The only thing she has been working for is exactly the position she is working towards now. She has spent decades campaigning, and ignoring her own husband's philandering so that she could finally become president. She is a worthless c*nt.
Bill's philandering seems to be pretty much out of the press for the last 20 yeas except when Republicans bring it up. After all, it's the only one of their many conspiracies that kind of stuck. Except many Republicans have had even worse conspiracies.
What is worse? Clinton getting a blow job or Iraq?
Clinton getting a blow job or a ruined economy.
Clinton getting a blow job or tens of thousands of young American dead or maimed for no apparent reason.

To Republicans, on all questions, it's Clinton getting a blow job. Obviously.
yeah aaronleland sheesh :eusa_eh:
I support Bernie.


Eagerly awaiting my free stuff
enough w/ your incessant unsubstantiated Hannity buzz words shit stain CrusaderFrank Put up verifiable objective data concerning his platform or take your Hannity/GOP TV talking-points and shove em :thup: :)
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Well I guess my neighbors who own their own business are mugwumps. A lot of hard working successful people are supporting Bernie. Not all workers support the GOP.

I didn't mean Mugwump as an insult. Just a historical reference from the last Gilded Age
I wonder if Bernie will pay for me to go to college again? I'm 72 but I'm a young 72. I'd like to take up brain surgery next time. I've seen a lot of Liberals on here that could really use the services of a good brain surgeon. My hands shake a little but if I drink a fifth of whisky, they seem to not shake so much.

It would be racist to deny your free college
Frank57 REALLY has a Case of the Mondays and its only Sunday :( This is what happens when your side doesn't field electable candidates.
I support Bernie.


Eagerly awaiting my free stuff
enough w/ your incessant unsubstantiated Hannity buzz words shit stain CrusaderFrank Put up verifiable objective data concerning his platform or take your Hannity/GOP TV talking-points and shove em :thup: :)

How many Sanders supporters will it take to pay for my free college?
can you read?


Yeah, see. All free!!
If we could find a way to make it easier for people to attend that means more people with degrees which leads to more people working higher paying jobs. The day employers have a hard time finding low wage workers means this country is on the right path.
I support Bernie.


Eagerly awaiting my free stuff
enough w/ your incessant unsubstantiated Hannity buzz words shit stain CrusaderFrank Put up verifiable objective data concerning his platform or take your Hannity/GOP TV talking-points and shove em :thup: :)

How many Sanders supporters will it take to pay for my free college?
can you read?


Yeah, see. All free!!
That's not what that said.
I support Bernie.


Eagerly awaiting my free stuff
enough w/ your incessant unsubstantiated Hannity buzz words shit stain CrusaderFrank Put up verifiable objective data concerning his platform or take your Hannity/GOP TV talking-points and shove em :thup: :)

How many Sanders supporters will it take to pay for my free college?
can you read?


I want more than just Gerald Friedman's word on it.

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