Why aren't David Vitter and John Ensign asked to step down?

Isn't this a bit of a double standard? Where is the Republican outrage?

Both Should have stepped down. This case rose to this level today not because of what he did on twitter, but because of his attempts to cover it up, and his Bold Face lying to both the Media and Congress. Period.

Had he came out right away and said yeah I did it, I have a problem I am seeking help. I am confident he would still be in the congress, and the calls for him to step down would only be coming from the Far right and not his own party.

AW proved there is one thing a Liberal Democrat can do to draw the wrath of the Liberal Media, and that is to deliberately lie to them, and attempt to manipulate them.

So..when will you be starting a thread calling for Vitter to step down?
Isn't this a bit of a double standard? Where is the Republican outrage?

Both Should have stepped down. This case rose to this level today not because of what he did on twitter, but because of his attempts to cover it up, and his Bold Face lying to both the Media and Congress. Period.

Had he came out right away and said yeah I did it, I have a problem I am seeking help. I am confident he would still be in the congress, and the calls for him to step down would only be coming from the Far right and not his own party.

AW proved there is one thing a Liberal Democrat can do to draw the wrath of the Liberal Media, and that is to deliberately lie to them, and attempt to manipulate them.

So..when will you be starting a thread calling for Vitter to step down?

Did I start a thread calling for AW to step down? Nope. I am sure years ago when the Vitter story Broke, I commented that he should be gone. What else do you want from me. I want politicians in Both Parties to be honest above all else. I really don't care what they do in their private lives, But for gods sake if you do get caught with your pants down. Tell the fucking truth about it. How can you expect the American people to continue to allow you to have a say in their government when you go on national TV and lie through your teeth for 10 Days Straight, and Lie to the Congress. Plus not only do you lie, but you do it in a condescending way and attempt to vilify the people who Broke the story, and were Reporting it.

I am very consistent with this View, and and apply it to Both Politicians I agree with and those I don't Equally. I defending Bill Clinton and said he should have never been asked those questions in the first place, and had he come out right away and admitted it I would have been happy with that. When he instead obstructed Justice and Committed Perjury I felt he should have Resigned.
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Both Should have stepped down. This case rose to this level today not because of what he did on twitter, but because of his attempts to cover it up, and his Bold Face lying to both the Media and Congress. Period.

Had he came out right away and said yeah I did it, I have a problem I am seeking help. I am confident he would still be in the congress, and the calls for him to step down would only be coming from the Far right and not his own party.

AW proved there is one thing a Liberal Democrat can do to draw the wrath of the Liberal Media, and that is to deliberately lie to them, and attempt to manipulate them.

So..when will you be starting a thread calling for Vitter to step down?

Did I start a thread calling for AW to step down? Nope. I am sure years ago when the Vitter story Broke, I commented that he should be gone. What else do you want from me.

Start one now chief.

He's still in congress.

You go. Tell the world.
You guys reach so hard. Vitter's problems were in 2002. He was out of politics and then ran again after he resolved those issues.

Ensign is long gone.

Paying for consensual sex (while squicky) is not the same as sending pictures of your private members to people who don't want to see it.

If you do a dumb, you take tne penalty and then you move on. Which is what Vitter did. The folks in LA seem cool with it. They elected him after it was over, and the re elected him.

Weiner did a goofball thing, told goofball lies, and now has to take the consequences. What Ensign and Vitter have already done.

You're kidding. It's illegal.

Um, if she actually did not solicit the Photos, One could make a strong argument that sending them to her was Illegal.

Well..find the law.

You guys reach so hard. Vitter's problems were in 2002. He was out of politics and then ran again after he resolved those issues.

Ensign is long gone.

Paying for consensual sex (while squicky) is not the same as sending pictures of your private members to people who don't want to see it.

If you do a dumb, you take tne penalty and then you move on. Which is what Vitter did. The folks in LA seem cool with it. They elected him after it was over, and the re elected him.

Weiner did a goofball thing, told goofball lies, and now has to take the consequences. What Ensign and Vitter have already done.

i'll just remind you none of them complained or said it was unsolicited or one of the women would have reported it before he mis-tweeted.

and i'm going to go out on a limb and say the porn star wasn't shocked and appalled ....

no matter what the attention ho gloria allred says.
Ensign did commit a crime and remained in office for years. Not a peep from the Right though. Now there's a 65 page thread about AW & the righties are frothing-at-the-mouth for blood.

Clinton lied under oath to avoid punishment.

There's no two ways about that.

That said, you are correct, as far as I can tell from my research, he didn't commit perjury.

Not because of the site you linked to, http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-clintonperjury.html.

Rule #1...never link to address with "kangaroo" in it unless the OP is about the zoo or Australia.

I came to the conclusion that he didn't commit perjury because of this site: http://www.languageandlaw.org/PERJURY.HTM

He lied, he misled, he omitted, and he manipulated...but, you are correct, he did not technically commit perjury.

Read the treatise at the link to see the verbal gymnastics Clinton performed to avoid perjuring himself. It is actually rather impressive...I understand now more than ever the moniker Slick Willy.

Had I attended the Bill Clinton School of Creative Deception I would never admit I was wrong, I would only point out that I never actually said Clinton committed perjury...I only said that committing perjury was illegal.

Committing perjury is illegal.
In his Paula Jones deposition, he swore, "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I've never had an affair with her."[8] Months later, Clinton admitted that his relationship with Lewinsky was "wrong" and "not appropriate." Lewinsky engaged in oral sex with Clinton several times.[9][10]

Luckily, I didn't...So, for the record...TM was right and I was wrong.
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What Vitter and Ensign did is both illegal and immoral. What Weiner did is embarrassing, demeaning and somewhat disgraceful considering the persona he'd managed to project on the House floor.

The effect of discovering Weiner's hidden characteristic is analogous to catching Santa Claus jerking off. He can no longer be taken seriously. In my opinion that is sad because Weiner was an exceptional representative.
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Newt Gringitch is running for President. I would like to see his own party tell him he can't because of his own past sexual misconduct. Fair is fair.
Isn't this a bit of a double standard? Where is the Republican outrage?

Why aren't you asking for Clinton to be "expostfacto" impeached and removed from office?

His behavior was worse than Vitter's and occurred during the same era.

Not to mention Teddy Kennedy leaving a woman to die. His punishment? Oh yeah, he couldn't be elected president. :rolleyes:
Let Weiner stay.God only know how much depraved S#it this guy has been into.I'm sure there are some
bondage videos out there with him in it.Nice to see the pride and joy of the dems take a hit.

pride and joy of the dems ?
all this goes to show is that we have a bunch of people in Congress who think that the stuff they do is ok because of who they are......they dont think they should have to pay for their actions,they think they should be excused for their little games.....kinda like the Athlete Mentality in Schools..... when your used to getting slaps on the wrists Publicly and pats on the back behind closed doors....what would you expect?....its all a big Frat house to these guys.....

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