Why Aren't Millions of Americans Going to Cuba for Healthcare?

Why would Canadiens come to the US for health care, when it is free in their own country? If Americans can't afford to pay a hospital bill, out of pocket, Canadiens cannot either.

Because the Canadian healthcare system sucks and when you've got cancer and your best chance at survival means spending your retirement you do it.
It really doesn't suck at all, in fact you know absolutely nothing about it. You wouldn't have enough money to pay for a lengthy stay in a US hospital. Now run along genius.

Canadian Politician Comes to U.S. for Heart Surgery

The Canadian Patients’ Remedy for Health Care: Go to America!

The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care

More than 52,000 Canadians travelled abroad for health care last year, study finds

Report: Thousands fled Canada for health care in 2011
How many Americans travel abroad to seek health care? Its a whole lot more than the number of Canadiens.

Going to mexico for a cheap tit job hardly counts.
In 2014, 1.4 million Americans traveled abroad for health care. I wonder why
People come from canada all the time for healthcare in the U.S.

You sure about that? And if they are coming, are they enrolling in insurance plans or are they paying cash?

They're paying cash.
And yes I'm sure of it since I had a couple from Canada at my house who were here for cancer treatment at MD Anderson the top cancer hospital in the world.
Add the fact that my Aunt and Cousin both worked in the Canadian healthcare system and have told me it's a common occurrence and they're the ones who told the couple to come to Houston.
Why would Canadiens come to the US for health care, when it is free in their own country? If Americans can't afford to pay a hospital bill, out of pocket, Canadiens cannot either.

You really have no clue. Canadian healthcare is definitely not free, just as Medicare is not free. Medicare premiums may cost less, but considering most have been paying for Medicare for 30-40 years without being able to use it. The main complaint in Canada is the wait time, how many sick/dying people can wait 6-12 months just for an appointment.
Would you direct us to any dying Canadian citizen waiting 12 months for health care
Because the Canadian healthcare system sucks and when you've got cancer and your best chance at survival means spending your retirement you do it.
It really doesn't suck at all, in fact you know absolutely nothing about it. You wouldn't have enough money to pay for a lengthy stay in a US hospital. Now run along genius.

Canadian Politician Comes to U.S. for Heart Surgery

The Canadian Patients’ Remedy for Health Care: Go to America!

The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care

More than 52,000 Canadians travelled abroad for health care last year, study finds

Report: Thousands fled Canada for health care in 2011
How many Americans travel abroad to seek health care? Its a whole lot more than the number of Canadiens.

Going to mexico for a cheap tit job hardly counts.
In 2014, 1.4 million Americans traveled abroad for health care. I wonder why

Cheap tit jobs.
People come from canada all the time for healthcare in the U.S.

You sure about that? And if they are coming, are they enrolling in insurance plans or are they paying cash?

They're paying cash.
And yes I'm sure of it since I had a couple from Canada at my house who were here for cancer treatment at MD Anderson the top cancer hospital in the world.
Add the fact that my Aunt and Cousin both worked in the Canadian healthcare system and have told me it's a common occurrence and they're the ones who told the couple to come to Houston.
Why would Canadiens come to the US for health care, when it is free in their own country? If Americans can't afford to pay a hospital bill, out of pocket, Canadiens cannot either.

You really have no clue. Canadian healthcare is definitely not free, just as Medicare is not free. Medicare premiums may cost less, but considering most have been paying for Medicare for 30-40 years without being able to use it. The main complaint in Canada is the wait time, how many sick/dying people can wait 6-12 months just for an appointment.
Would you direct us to any dying Canadian citizen waiting 12 months for health care

I'd much rather see you move to Canada or Cuba. If you feel they do such a great job, experience it for yourself.
Because the Canadian healthcare system sucks and when you've got cancer and your best chance at survival means spending your retirement you do it.
It really doesn't suck at all, in fact you know absolutely nothing about it. You wouldn't have enough money to pay for a lengthy stay in a US hospital. Now run along genius.

Despite talk of wait times reduction initiatives (backed with substantial funding), Canadians face longer wait times than their counterparts in other developed nations for emergency care, primary care, specialist consultations, and elective surgery. Access to physicians and medical technologies in Canada lags behind many other developed nations. And things have improved little since 2003. For example, the total wait time in 2012 (17.7 weeks from GP to treatment) is every bit as long it was back then.

Don't be fooled by claims that health spending isn't high enough or that transfers for health care to the provinces have been insufficient. Canada's health care system is the developed world's
most expensive universal-access health care program after adjusting for the age of the population (older people require more care).

Canadians aren't suffering from health care underfunding; they're suffering from health care underperformance.

'Free' Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It's Worth

Now run along, genius.
Try hard to post something that isn't 4 years old, Einstein

You think there's been massive reform in four years? Feel free to show us that.
I really dont give a shit what you believe.
Fact is Canadians do come to the U.S. for healthcare.

Well, the problem with your response here is that you should care what I believe because you are hinging your entire argument on something that isn't verifiable. Your personal, anecdotal experience has several glaring plot holes in it, such as if this Canadian came to the US to get cancer treatment they couldn't get in Canada, why would they be staying at your house? Cancer treatment is expensive as shit, and if they're able to pay for those costs out-of-pocket, seems to me that they would stay in a hotel or Air BnB. Why are they staying at your house? How long were they there? Cancer treatment runs, on average, $10K-$30K per month. You're saying this Canadian was dropping that much per month for cancer treatments, yet was stingy when it came to where they stayed during the treatments? It's questions like these that throw your anecdotes into doubt.

You say Canadians come to the US for health care...OK, how do they pay for it since health care costs in this country are sky-high?
I really dont give a shit what you believe.
Fact is Canadians do come to the U.S. for healthcare.

Well, the problem with your response here is that you should care what I believe because you are hinging your entire argument on something that isn't verifiable. Your personal, anecdotal experience has several glaring plot holes in it, such as if this Canadian came to the US to get cancer treatment they couldn't get in Canada, why would they be staying at your house? Cancer treatment is expensive as shit, and if they're able to pay for those costs out-of-pocket, seems to me that they would stay in a hotel or Air BnB. Why are they staying at your house?

You say Canadians come to the US for health care...OK, how do they pay for it since health care costs in this country are sky-high?

Use the fuken Google dumbass.
The main complaint in Canada is the wait time, how many sick/dying people can wait 6-12 months just for an appointment.

Wait times for what? Urgent care in Canada has no wait times. The "wait times" you are referring to are for largely elective procedures or non-necessary care.

Now, what's the wait time for someone in the US who has no health insurance?
Use the fuken Google dumbass.

I'm asking you because you are presenting yourself as some sort of authority on the subject because you had some Canadian stay with you while they got cancer treatment in the US they couldn't get in Canada (for some reason).

Seems the more we get into the details, the more your story starts unraveling. Why is that? Probably because your story is bullshit.
The main complaint in Canada is the wait time, how many sick/dying people can wait 6-12 months just for an appointment.

Wait times for what? Urgent care in Canada has no wait times. The "wait times" you are referring to are for largely elective procedures or non-necessary care.

Now, what's the wait time for someone in the US who has no health insurance?

Dang, you're still here. Figured you'd be packing your bags for your move to Canada.
The main complaint in Canada is the wait time, how many sick/dying people can wait 6-12 months just for an appointment.

Wait times for what? Urgent care in Canada has no wait times. The "wait times" you are referring to are for largely elective procedures or non-necessary care.

Now, what's the wait time for someone in the US who has no health insurance?
I know many Canadians from Florida where we spend winters AND ALL of them like their HC and yes I did ask them
The main complaint in Canada is the wait time, how many sick/dying people can wait 6-12 months just for an appointment.

Wait times for what? Urgent care in Canada has no wait times. The "wait times" you are referring to are for largely elective procedures or non-necessary care.

Now, what's the wait time for someone in the US who has no health insurance?

Met a dude from England while in Negril jamaica.
The guy had a cast on his foot ....funny thing was the foot was still broken and the cast was there to immobilise the broken foot until he could get a surgery date.
He said he was looking at four more months at which time they would remove the cast,rebreak the foot and set it properly.

I'll pass on commie care thanks....
Use the fuken Google dumbass.

I'm asking you because you are presenting yourself as some sort of authority on the subject because you had some Canadian stay with you while they got cancer treatment in the US they couldn't get in Canada (for some reason).

Seems the more we get into the details, the more your story starts unraveling. Why is that? Probably because your story is bullshit.

I gave you links and personal experience.
Not my problem you're not getting the answers you want.
Just got to the love the Conservatives who love Big Brother telling Americans that where we can- or cannot travel to.

Nothing says 'small government' like the government telling you that you can't go to Cuba.
Yeah. 3000 pages of government regulations is what real freedom is all about!

You agree or disagree with Big Brother telling you whether you can go to Cuba or not?
Just got to the love the Conservatives who love Big Brother telling Americans that where we can- or cannot travel to.

Nothing says 'small government' like the government telling you that you can't go to Cuba.
Yeah. 3000 pages of government regulations is what real freedom is all about!

You agree or disagree with Big Brother telling you whether you can go to Cuba or not?
Only fucking morons would want to go to Cuba… It's a socialist a shit hole. LOL
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

A) Because it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for healthcare. and
B) Because most Americans prefer to get their care near home even when it might bankrupt them.
Illegal to go to Cuba? Do tell!
How is it that I can book a flight to Havana?

/---- by way of Mexico

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