Why Aren't Millions of Americans Going to Cuba for Healthcare?

Met a dude from England while in Negril jamaica. The guy had a cast on his foot ....funny thing was the foot was still broken and the cast was there to immobilise the broken foot until he could get a surgery date. He said he was looking at four more months at which time they would remove the cast,rebreak the foot and set it properly. I'll pass on commie care thanks....

More unverifiable personal anecdotes. Conservatives lean on those when there aren't any facts to support them.
Met a dude from England while in Negril jamaica. The guy had a cast on his foot ....funny thing was the foot was still broken and the cast was there to immobilise the broken foot until he could get a surgery date. He said he was looking at four more months at which time they would remove the cast,rebreak the foot and set it properly. I'll pass on commie care thanks....

More unverifiable personal anecdotes. Conservatives lean on those when there aren't any facts to support them.

Too stupid to use the Google or open a link eh?
I gave you links and personal experience.
Not my problem you're not getting the answers you want.

Believe I already addressed your links. I don't accept hearsay from Conservatives because they are known liars when it comes to their own personal anecdotes. Like all the fake Obamacare victims whose stories didn't stand to scrutiny.

Besides, I was questioning your personal anecdote. You made this wild claim about a Canadian staying with you as they got cancer treatment in the US. But the questions surrounding such a claim are questions you are unable (or unwilling) to answer. Like, how are they paying for the care? Treating cancer costs between $10K-$30K a month if you have no insurance, and treatment usually lasts more than a month. So these Canadians who stayed with you must be wealthy enough to afford the treatment, but not wealthy enough to stay in a hotel or Air BnB? Really?
Too stupid to use the Google or open a link eh?

I already addressed your links, and you are being super lazy and sloppy by asking me to do your work for you.

Besides, how is a Google search supposed to answer my questions about your personal anecdote about the Canadian you said lived with you as they underwent treatment for cancer...treatment that must have cost a pretty penny, since I'm assuming that Canadian didn't enroll in a health insurance plan when they came here, did they? So how did they pay for it?

I know you won't answer because you made that shit up. And if you made that shit up, what other shit are you making up?
I gave you links and personal experience.
Not my problem you're not getting the answers you want.

Believe I already addressed your links. I don't accept hearsay from Conservatives because they are known liars when it comes to their own personal anecdotes. Like all the fake Obamacare victims whose stories didn't stand to scrutiny.

Besides, I was questioning your personal anecdote. You made this wild claim about a Canadian staying with you as they got cancer treatment in the US. But the questions surrounding such a claim are questions you are unable (or unwilling) to answer. Like, how are they paying for the care? Treating cancer costs between $10K-$30K a month if you have no insurance, and treatment usually lasts more than a month. So these Canadians who stayed with you must be wealthy enough to afford the treatment, but not wealthy enough to stay in a hotel or Air BnB? Really?

Oh STFU ya loser.
I told you they paid cash.
And just because you dont have the means doesnt mean the rest of us dont.
Maybe if you spent as much time working as you do crying about the end of barrycare you might be able to afford your own healthcare.
Oh STFU ya loser.I told you they paid cash. And just because you dont have the means doesnt mean the rest of us dont. Maybe if you spent as much time working as you do crying about the end of barrycare you might be able to afford your own healthcare.

They paid cash, huh? So if they could afford the tens of thousands of dollars it costs for cancer treatment, why did they stay with you?
Oh STFU ya loser.I told you they paid cash. And just because you dont have the means doesnt mean the rest of us dont. Maybe if you spent as much time working as you do crying about the end of barrycare you might be able to afford your own healthcare.

They paid cash, huh? So if they could afford the tens of thousands of dollars it costs for cancer treatment, why did they stay with you?

Because they were friends of my Cousin and I'd met them previously at their LakeHouse on the Okanagan.

We of course realised that having a home to go to rather than a sterile hotel would be more comfortable for Him during treatment as well as for his wife.
I'm not surprised that you find it odd that someone would do something charitable for a family friend.
Because they were friends of my Cousin and I'd met them previously at their LakeHouse on the Okanagan. We of course realised that having a home to go to rather than a sterile hotel would be more comfortable for Him during treatment as well as for his wife. I'm not surprised that you find it odd that someone would do something charitable for a family friend.

I find the whole thing odd. What treatment did they come to the US to get?
Because they were friends of my Cousin and I'd met them previously at their LakeHouse on the Okanagan. We of course realised that having a home to go to rather than a sterile hotel would be more comfortable for Him during treatment as well as for his wife. I'm not surprised that you find it odd that someone would do something charitable for a family friend.

I find the whole thing odd. What treatment did they come to the US to get?

I told you already.
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior.
Michael Moore made a documentary about it.

Well okay- so to be accurate "Michael Moore touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior"- not the "Left"
You hate Michael Moore?
I don't hate anyone- I think Michael Moore is as much of a loon as Donald Trump or Alex Jones.
I gave you links and personal experience.
Not my problem you're not getting the answers you want.

Believe I already addressed your links. I don't accept hearsay from Conservatives because they are known liars when it comes to their own personal anecdotes. Like all the fake Obamacare victims whose stories didn't stand to scrutiny.

Besides, I was questioning your personal anecdote. You made this wild claim about a Canadian staying with you as they got cancer treatment in the US. But the questions surrounding such a claim are questions you are unable (or unwilling) to answer. Like, how are they paying for the care? Treating cancer costs between $10K-$30K a month if you have no insurance, and treatment usually lasts more than a month. So these Canadians who stayed with you must be wealthy enough to afford the treatment, but not wealthy enough to stay in a hotel or Air BnB? Really?

Oh STFU ya loser.
I told you they paid cash.
And just because you dont have the means doesnt mean the rest of us dont.
Maybe if you spent as much time working as you do crying about the end of barrycare you might be able to afford your own healthcare.
Since we are talking personal anecdotes- one of my best friends is Canadian/American- born and raised in U.S. but decided to move back to Canada where his parents were from.

He loves Canadian healthcare- and started a small business that he says he couldn't have done in the U.S.- because he wouldn't have been able to afford health insurance for his family.
Since we are talking personal anecdotes- one of my best friends is Canadian/American- born and raised in U.S. but decided to move back to Canada where his parents were from.
He loves Canadian healthcare- and started a small business that he says he couldn't have done in the U.S.- because he wouldn't have been able to afford health insurance for his family.

This is why anecdotes are not an acceptable resource while debating. Anecdotes are often second- or third-hand, and are informed by bias.
I gave you links and personal experience.
Not my problem you're not getting the answers you want.

Believe I already addressed your links. I don't accept hearsay from Conservatives because they are known liars when it comes to their own personal anecdotes. Like all the fake Obamacare victims whose stories didn't stand to scrutiny.

Besides, I was questioning your personal anecdote. You made this wild claim about a Canadian staying with you as they got cancer treatment in the US. But the questions surrounding such a claim are questions you are unable (or unwilling) to answer. Like, how are they paying for the care? Treating cancer costs between $10K-$30K a month if you have no insurance, and treatment usually lasts more than a month. So these Canadians who stayed with you must be wealthy enough to afford the treatment, but not wealthy enough to stay in a hotel or Air BnB? Really?

Oh STFU ya loser.
I told you they paid cash.
And just because you dont have the means doesnt mean the rest of us dont.
Maybe if you spent as much time working as you do crying about the end of barrycare you might be able to afford your own healthcare.
Since we are talking personal anecdotes- one of my best friends is Canadian/American- born and raised in U.S. but decided to move back to Canada where his parents were from.

He loves Canadian healthcare- and started a small business that he says he couldn't have done in the U.S.- because he wouldn't have been able to afford health insurance for his family.

The biggest problem I see with the Canadian system is wait times and the quality of care overall.
I screwed up my back recently and was able to start rehab immediately.
The rehab isnt working and I was able to get an MRI scheduled two days from the time it was requested and they'll do the steroid injections the same day.

The thought of going through the pain I'm experiencing for 20 weeks makes me want to hurl. Thank God I'm retired because work would be out of the question.
The biggest problem I see with the Canadian system is wait times and the quality of care overall.

Where do you see this? Not in any facts or statistics, just what "you hear". In other words, hearsay. Canada's health metrics are better than ours in nearly every category. And I know you will trot out cancer survival rates, but that's only for people who undergo cancer treatment. If you have no access to treatment, because you have no insurance, then what is your cancer survival rate then? Zero. So 24,000,000 people are excluded from the cancer survival rate numbers you are misrepresenting. What does 8% of the population having a cancer survival rate of zero do to the overall cancer survival rate for the country? Why is it that everything you people do has to come with an asterisk? What gives?

I screwed up my back recently and was able to start rehab immediatelyThe rehab isnt working and I was able to get an MRI scheduled two days from the time it was requested and they'll do the steroid injections the same day. The thought of going through the pain I'm experiencing for 20 weeks makes me want to hurl. Thank God I'm retired because work would be out of the question.

So just like here, access to health care is determined by geography. If you have back pain in Toronto, chances are you will be able to get treatment immediately because Toronto is a large metropolitan area. If you live in rural Saskatchewan, you probably will have to wait to get treatment because there aren't as many doctors there as there are in more populated areas. The point is that everyone in Canada has coverage and access. Not everyone in the US does. So it's misleading at best when you say Canadian wait times are longer. Wait times for whom? The office worker in Montreal, or the rancher who lives in the far north of Alberta?

The biggest problem I see with the Canadian system is wait times and the quality of care overall.
I screwed up my back recently and was able to start rehab immediately.
The rehab isnt working and I was able to get an MRI scheduled two days from the time it was requested and they'll do the steroid injections the same day.

The thought of going through the pain I'm experiencing for 20 weeks makes me want to hurl. Thank God I'm retired because work would be out of the question.

I lived in Washington State near the Canadian border for seven years.

Mondays at the doctor's office was "Canadian Day". You never made an appointment for Monday because the waiting rooms were filled with Canada people coming across the border to get health care. They would rather pay for it here than get it for free in Canadian.

Socialized medicine run by the government is always a recipe for disaster. Health care is too important to put into the hands of some bureaucrat, whose boss is a politician elected by special interest groups.

Socialized medicine in the US would be like the DMV. Government workers not really giving a shit if you got your Driver's license or not.

We see it in the VA where the filthy government does health care and the vets die waiting for treatment and the bureaucrats cover it up so as not to affect their consensuses.
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

Is everyone in America healthy or was the left just spewing more BS?
The free healthcare in Cuba is for Cuban citizens only.

All others must pay cash.

Medical Assistance | U.S. Embassy in Cuba
So why not one American moving to Cuba?
Mexico is closer. Didn't know ? 1/2 my old white fart bar goes there for medical.

So Canada's population is about 38 million.

52,000/38,000,000 is 0.1% of all Canadians. That's hardly an indictment of the Canadian health care system.
1.5 million americans out of 300,000,000 Americnas travelled abroad for health care.
Of which 3 will go to Cuba.

Most go to Mexico, they don't let you sue doctors and dentists for petty crap so costs are cheaper. And their standards and regulations are much lower.

So when can we follow Mexicos lead?
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

Is everyone in America healthy or was the left just spewing more BS?
The free healthcare in Cuba is for Cuban citizens only.

All others must pay cash.

Medical Assistance | U.S. Embassy in Cuba
So why not one American moving to Cuba?
Mexico is closer. Didn't know ? 1/2 my old white fart bar goes there for medical.
Mexico was never touted by the left has having superior healthcare.

In fact, when the left were threatening to leave if Trump got elected they all said they were going to Canada. None of them said Mexico. Very racist of them.

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