Why Aren't Millions of Americans Going to Cuba for Healthcare?

Socialized medicine run by the government is always a recipe for disaster. Health care is too important to put into the hands of some bureaucrat, whose boss is a politician elected by special interest groups.

No one is proposing that. All that anyone's proposing is changing what entity pays for the care you receive. That's all health insurance does.
Mexico was never touted by the left has having superior healthcare.

So, what's getting lost in all this back and forth is exactly what it is the left wants; not socialized medicine, but rather socialized insurance. Since insurance companies only serve the function of administration, their profit motive and the administrative costs that come from multiple payors is why health care spending as a % of GDP in this country is double that of the next closest Western democracy.

Entire floors of hospitals are dedicated just to the administration of claims. In most single-payer nations, that is done by one person in one office...maybe that person has an assistant. So from a purely administrative cost standpoint, a single-payer system would be exponentially cheaper. All that money lost to administration is money that could instead be spent on health care. Don't you want as much money as possible to be spent on your health care? For-profit, private insurance reduces the amount of money spent on your health care while throwing in several barriers to access. Health insurance reduces your choices as a patient. Don't you want choices?

So Canada's population is about 38 million.

52,000/38,000,000 is 0.1% of all Canadians. That's hardly an indictment of the Canadian health care system.
1.5 million americans out of 300,000,000 Americnas travelled abroad for health care.
Of which 3 will go to Cuba.

Unlikely- since once again- and I am repeating myself- it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for medical care.

Big Brother says Americans can't do that.

So Canada's population is about 38 million.

52,000/38,000,000 is 0.1% of all Canadians. That's hardly an indictment of the Canadian health care system.
1.5 million americans out of 300,000,000 Americnas travelled abroad for health care.
Of which 3 will go to Cuba.

Unlikely- since once again- and I am repeating myself- it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for medical care.

Big Brother says Americans can't do that.

How will the gov stop you?

So Canada's population is about 38 million.

52,000/38,000,000 is 0.1% of all Canadians. That's hardly an indictment of the Canadian health care system.

Most go to Mexico, they don't let you sue doctors and dentists for petty crap so costs are cheaper. And their standards and regulations are much lower.

So when can we follow Mexicos lead?

Trumpcare is on its way. Lower standards, fewer regulations and fewer people with insurance.

FYI their cost is much lower because:
a) medical professionals are paid much less
b) the government controls pharmaceutical costs- Mexican drug prices are about 1/4 to 1/3 the cost of American drug prices.

So Canada's population is about 38 million.

52,000/38,000,000 is 0.1% of all Canadians. That's hardly an indictment of the Canadian health care system.
1.5 million americans out of 300,000,000 Americnas travelled abroad for health care.
Of which 3 will go to Cuba.

Unlikely- since once again- and I am repeating myself- it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for medical care.

Big Brother says Americans can't do that.

How will the gov stop you?

The same way Big Brother stops you from driving too fast or bribing foreign officials.

Its against the law.
So Canada's population is about 38 million.

52,000/38,000,000 is 0.1% of all Canadians. That's hardly an indictment of the Canadian health care system.
1.5 million americans out of 300,000,000 Americnas travelled abroad for health care.
Of which 3 will go to Cuba.

Unlikely- since once again- and I am repeating myself- it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for medical care.

Big Brother says Americans can't do that.

How will the gov stop you?

The same way Big Brother stops you from driving too fast or bribing foreign officials.

Its against the law.

I can get on a plane here in Houston land in Mexico and head to Cuba,you just have to tell them you dont want your passport stamped.
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

Is everyone in America healthy or was the left just spewing more BS?

Well, moron, in latest rankings, Germany and Israel ranked with the BEST doctors on the planet, with the US coming in 3rd.....Why don't you take a trip to Berlin to see if they can fix your faulty brain?

No one is proposing that. All that anyone's proposing is changing what entity pays for the care you receive. That's all health insurance does.

That should be between my insurance company and me. The filthy ass government does not need to be involved at all.

The filthy ass government sure as hell should not be taking my money to pay somebody's else's insurance bills.
That should be between my insurance company and me.

NOOOOOOO! What your insurance company does is administrate a transaction you aren't even a part of. They administer the reimbursement from the premium pool you pay into, to your provider. That's all they do. For this, they take as much as 20% of your premium for themselves. That's 20 cents of every dollar you pay for health care that doesn't actually go to your health care. On top of that, you are also paying co-pays, co-insurance, ambulance rides, ER fees, and drug costs. The average worker pays about $5K a year for employer-provided care, with a business paying about $12K per worker. So in total, it costs $17K to provide one worker with health care coverage. Much of that cost is lost to administration. Hospitals have entire floors dedicated just to processing claims among the various payers. Those administrative costs get passed onto you by way of increased insurance premiums because providers have to raise fees to cover the costs of patients with no insurance, or patients with poor insurance coverage. The administration that insurance companies do has no bearing whatsoever on how your care is delivered. All it does is restrict your access to care by acting as gatekeepers. You as a patient don't get to choose your doctor. You choose your insurance, and then you choose your doctor. So private health insurance restricts your choice. In a single-payer system, there are no networks so you can see whatever doctor you want. They have to compete for your care and they do that by improving outcomes and lowering cost. Right now, that doesn't happen.

The filthy ass government sure as hell should not be taking my money to pay somebody's else's insurance bills.

When you pay premiums, you are already doing that. You're paying for someone else's health care, and the private insurer skims as much as 20% off the top before a single payment is made to your doctor.
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

A) Because it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for healthcare. and
B) Because most Americans prefer to get their care near home even when it might bankrupt them.

And, they DO go to other countries.

OP - Google medical tourism.

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That should be between my insurance company and me.

NOOOOOOO! What your insurance company does is administrate a transaction you aren't even a part of. They administer the reimbursement from the premium pool you pay into, to your provider. That's all they do. For this, they take as much as 20% of your premium for themselves. That's 20 cents of every dollar you pay for health care that doesn't actually go to your health care. On top of that, you are also paying co-pays, co-insurance, ambulance rides, ER fees, and drug costs. The average worker pays about $5K a year for employer-provided care, with a business paying about $12K per worker. So in total, it costs $17K to provide one worker with health care coverage. Much of that cost is lost to administration. Hospitals have entire floors dedicated just to processing claims among the various payers. Those administrative costs get passed onto you by way of increased insurance premiums because providers have to raise fees to cover the costs of patients with no insurance, or patients with poor insurance coverage. The administration that insurance companies do has no bearing whatsoever on how your care is delivered. All it does is restrict your access to care by acting as gatekeepers. You as a patient don't get to choose your doctor. You choose your insurance, and then you choose your doctor. So private health insurance restricts your choice. In a single-payer system, there are no networks so you can see whatever doctor you want. They have to compete for your care and they do that by improving outcomes and lowering cost. Right now, that doesn't happen.

The filthy ass government sure as hell should not be taking my money to pay somebody's else's insurance bills.

When you pay premiums, you are already doing that. You're paying for someone else's health care, and the private insurer skims as much as 20% off the top before a single payment is made to your doctor.

You are confused.

Without filthy ass government influence insurance is a simple commodity.

You buy into a pool. You pay in whether you need it or not and get money out of it when you need it. The rates are set for the risk in the pool plus a profit for the company administering the pool. If you don't like the service you are getting from your insurance company you find somebody else or self insure.

When the filthy ass government gets involve they set the terms of the pool and that is a bad thing.

They also take money from the people that earned the money to pay for the insurance of those that didn't pay into the pool. That is very bad.

We don't need the filthy ass government to be involved in any business, especially health care. We sure as hell don't need the filthy ass government taking away our liberty by requiring that everybody get health insurance, setting the requirements of the policies to kiss the ass of the Libtard Moon Bats and to run up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles to pay for subsidies for the welfare queens that can't pay into it.
1.5 million americans out of 300,000,000 Americnas travelled abroad for health care.
Of which 3 will go to Cuba.

Unlikely- since once again- and I am repeating myself- it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for medical care.

Big Brother says Americans can't do that.

How will the gov stop you?

The same way Big Brother stops you from driving too fast or bribing foreign officials.

Its against the law.

I can get on a plane here in Houston land in Mexico and head to Cuba,you just have to tell them you dont want your passport stamped.

Sure- you can break the law to go to Cuba to get healthcare if you want to.

Just like you can drive your car 90 miles an hour on the freeway.

Neither is legal.
That should be between my insurance company and me.

NOOOOOOO! What your insurance company does is administrate a transaction you aren't even a part of. They administer the reimbursement from the premium pool you pay into, to your provider. That's all they do. For this, they take as much as 20% of your premium for themselves. That's 20 cents of every dollar you pay for health care that doesn't actually go to your health care. On top of that, you are also paying co-pays, co-insurance, ambulance rides, ER fees, and drug costs. The average worker pays about $5K a year for employer-provided care, with a business paying about $12K per worker. So in total, it costs $17K to provide one worker with health care coverage. Much of that cost is lost to administration. Hospitals have entire floors dedicated just to processing claims among the various payers. Those administrative costs get passed onto you by way of increased insurance premiums because providers have to raise fees to cover the costs of patients with no insurance, or patients with poor insurance coverage. The administration that insurance companies do has no bearing whatsoever on how your care is delivered. All it does is restrict your access to care by acting as gatekeepers. You as a patient don't get to choose your doctor. You choose your insurance, and then you choose your doctor. So private health insurance restricts your choice. In a single-payer system, there are no networks so you can see whatever doctor you want. They have to compete for your care and they do that by improving outcomes and lowering cost. Right now, that doesn't happen.

The filthy ass government sure as hell should not be taking my money to pay somebody's else's insurance bills.

When you pay premiums, you are already doing that. You're paying for someone else's health care, and the private insurer skims as much as 20% off the top before a single payment is made to your doctor.

Without filthy ass government influence insurance is a simple commodity..

Without filthy ass government influence insurance companies can rip you off however they please.

Without filthy ass government influence insurance companies can rip you off however they please.

I am not afraid of a free market. If a company doesn't give me good service then I can go to another company or self insure.

I am more afraid of the filthy ass government. I sure as hell don't need some dumbass bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups to get involved in my health care. All that does is limit my options and runs up the cost.

You may be too sorry to pay your own bills and to take care of your own business and need the filthy ass government to take care of you but many of us don't.

Without filthy ass government influence insurance companies can rip you off however they please.

I am not afraid of a free market. If a company doesn't give me good service then I can go to another company or self insure..

I am not talking about 'good service' I am talking about wholesale ripping you off- as in not paying for your medical bills or not paying your life insurance when you die.

Of course you aren't 'afraid' of the free market- because government has reigned in the worst abuses in industries like insurance.
Of which 3 will go to Cuba.

Unlikely- since once again- and I am repeating myself- it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for medical care.

Big Brother says Americans can't do that.

How will the gov stop you?

The same way Big Brother stops you from driving too fast or bribing foreign officials.

Its against the law.

I can get on a plane here in Houston land in Mexico and head to Cuba,you just have to tell them you dont want your passport stamped.

Sure- you can break the law to go to Cuba to get healthcare if you want to.

Just like you can drive your car 90 miles an hour on the freeway.

Neither is legal.

I'll pass.
I like my Doc.

I am not talking about 'good service' I am talking about wholesale ripping you off- as in not paying for your medical bills or not paying your life insurance when you die.

Of course you aren't 'afraid' of the free market- because government has reigned in the worst abuses in industries like insurance.

If you think you are going to get ripped off by an insurance company then go find another insurance company. Problem solved. I just recently changed home insurance polices because I felt I was paying too much from the company I had been doing business with. I sure as hell didn't need some government weenie telling me what to do.

I have been ripped off by government bureaucrats and government politicians a lot more in my life than I have by any insurance company.

The people that rip us all off are the greedy welfare queens that elect corrupt politicians to steal our money to pay their bills. That is despicable, isn't it?

You may be one of these sorry worthless human beings who needs the government to do your thinking for you but not all of us are like that. Some of us take responsibility for our own well being and pay our own bills.
Unlikely- since once again- and I am repeating myself- it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for medical care.

Big Brother says Americans can't do that.

How will the gov stop you?

The same way Big Brother stops you from driving too fast or bribing foreign officials.

Its against the law.

I can get on a plane here in Houston land in Mexico and head to Cuba,you just have to tell them you dont want your passport stamped.

Sure- you can break the law to go to Cuba to get healthcare if you want to.

Just like you can drive your car 90 miles an hour on the freeway.

Neither is legal.

I'll pass.
I like my Doc.
Another good reason not to go to Cuba for medical care.

That and Big Brother government telling Americans that you can't do that.
You may be one of these sorry worthless human beings who needs the government to do your thinking for you but not all of us are like that. Some of us take responsibility for our own well being and pay our own bills.

I am one of those human beings who has read history- and has read the stories of insurance companies- and others ripping Americans off until the industries were regulated, and laws put in place to give consumers protections.

You are one of those people who think its okay when companies rip people off.

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