Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

Maybe they have evolved. You don't know whether they aren't evolving right now.
Maybe a more intelligent species of primate we killed off back when we were climbing our way to the top of the food chain? We weren't smarter but we were better at war and murder and multiplying and forming large groups.

The problem is what is evolution? You seem to think evolution is leading up to humans, so all creatures are evolving this way. When the reality is they often evolve merely to be better in their surroundings.

Evolution is not directed, especially toward intelligence.
The word "Evolution" does not actually occur in Darwins "On the Origin of Species", and so in reality Darwin was trying to explsin "speciation" WITHIN a "genus", which is now extended to imply evolution or creation of genera is as simple a DNA mod in a whole new genus as it is in a species variation. It is not.

So monkeys are "evolving" within their own genus according to Darwin. They never have "evolved" into a whole new genus more than likely now revealed more and more in bioinformatics models. If they did, we would have "trans-genus" examples, OTHER than those based on mythical interpretations of a few fossil remnants by men assessing not he DNA, but appearances.

And therein is the basic problem created by putting words in Darwin's mouth after the fact. We would have BILLIONS of LIVING "trans-genus" examples right now, had "evolution" of genus been as it is implied by most evolutionists who still fail to understand the magnitude of DNA alteration required to produce a new genus.

This is why the taxonomic tree is now being redesigned in various "branches" as the cross genome data is revealing real realtionships IN THE DNA DATA, that are not as easily seen in visual guesswork that originally created that human "classification" of all the genera, etc.

Modern evolution is based on visual assessment, bioinformatics is revealing hard DNA cross relational data, and at times they conflict.

And that is why there are no "trans-genera" "trans-monkies". Imo, they never have existed, had they we would have atleast on fossil of a "missing link" matrix that would have a gradation of "trans-genus" examples, millions of them, at least thousands, unless DNA was altered as easily as programming a computer, which apparently it is not, unless one is God, or god-like in understanding and in the art of energy manipulation in total control of altering the genomic design at will.

Imo, Darwin did not believe in "evolution" as taught today, he was talking about speciation.
We are sort of the final product. We are still evolving but before man we were monkey like. Before that we were rodent like. Before that we lived in the water
The only final product is extinction.
Humans are a way for the universe to know itself. No other animal on earth knows where it is in the universe or that this earth won't live forever.

I'd say that's the one thing that makes us "smarter" than dolphins. The ability to survive this planet. If we can do that we've mastered the universe.

But it's also probable this planet will have life on it after we've gone extinct because this planet becomes too inhospitable for humans for whatever reasons before we figure it out. Instead we war with Kim Jung un
Dolphins or Humans: Who's Smarter? - Earth in Transition
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
Everything is evolving as we speak... except you.

I just heard if your father then grandfather then great grandfather and so on walked in a room you would only have to go back 250,000 generations to find us walking on all fours
250,000 generations ago my ass.

When I was in the city the other day I couldn't walk a block without seeing someone going down on all fours, others crawling on their belly and eating dust, goblins lurking in the shadows in the alleys, herds of unclean creatures that do not ruminate blindly running amok through the streets while maggots and vultures ate the rotting flesh off mountains of unburied corpses.

same as it ever was.
I just heard if your father then grandfather then great grandfather and so on walked in a room you would only have to go back 250,000 generations to find us walking on all fours
250,000 generations ago my ass.

When I was in the city the other day I couldn't walk a block without seeing someone going down on all fours, others crawling on their belly and eating dust, goblins lurking in the shadows in the alleys, herds of unclean creatures that do not ruminate blindly running amok through the streets while maggots and vultures ate the rotting flesh off mountains of unburied corpses.

same as it ever was.
Or was it 25000? If they live 50 years on average 50x25000 = 1,250,000 million years ago. He probably said 25000 not 250,000. That would be 12.5 million years ago. What were we then?
I just heard if your father then grandfather then great grandfather and so on walked in a room you would only have to go back 250,000 generations to find us walking on all fours
250,000 generations ago my ass.

When I was in the city the other day I couldn't walk a block without seeing someone going down on all fours, others crawling on their belly and eating dust, goblins lurking in the shadows in the alleys, herds of unclean creatures that do not ruminate blindly running amok through the streets while maggots and vultures ate the rotting flesh off mountains of unburied corpses.

same as it ever was.
Look up the timeline of human evolution. Do you dispute any of it? 256 million years ago reptiles split. Sauropsids became the reptiles and birds and synapsids became mammals. Pelylosaurs are earliest man? I may not have remembered all that correctly. Point is science has it all laid out. Based on the evidence we have, and we have a lot, we know where we came from. We don't know how it all got started but we have enough evidence to know how we evolved. We weren't poofed into existence. Adult Giraffe didn't just magically appear when god willed it so. That's an ancient belief
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
They are -->
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where is this ancestor?
Google the timeline of man. It's all there. Hard to wrap your brain around it.

15 million years ago was first monkey. Our ancestor. We made several leaps. 10 million years ago, 7 million, 4.4, 3.6 million years the monkey started making tools. Big leap. But our species only dates back 2.8 million years ago. Homo erectus started making fire.

And 1.2 million years ago we either killed off or bred out the Neanderthal.

Does the science offend you?
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where is this ancestor?
Google the timeline of man. It's all there. Hard to wrap your brain around it.

15 million years ago was first monkey. Our ancestor. We made several leaps. 10 million years ago, 7 million, 4.4, 3.6 million years the monkey started making tools. Big leap. But our species only dates back 2.8 million years ago. Homo erectus started making fire.

And 1.2 million years ago we either killed off or bred out the Neanderthal.

Does the science offend you?

And 1.2 million years ago we either killed off or bred out the Neanderthal.

They didn't disappear until about 40,000 years ago.
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where is this ancestor?
You're hopeless.

Because I don't believe your fictional narrative?
Why don't you believe the science?

Our theory is based on all the Anthropology, paleantology, developmental biology, morphology (whatever that is) anatomical and genetic data we have. What's your theory and what evidence do you have?
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where is this ancestor?
Google the timeline of man. It's all there. Hard to wrap your brain around it.

15 million years ago was first monkey. Our ancestor. We made several leaps. 10 million years ago, 7 million, 4.4, 3.6 million years the monkey started making tools. Big leap. But our species only dates back 2.8 million years ago. Homo erectus started making fire.

And 1.2 million years ago we either killed off or bred out the Neanderthal.

Does the science offend you?

And 1.2 million years ago we either killed off or bred out the Neanderthal.

They didn't disappear until about 40,000 years ago.
I stand corrected
Well, it takes millions of years for evolution to happen. Get back to me to disprove evolution in a million years. I will buy you a Ferrari if you prove me wrong.
I can't believe it was 4100 million years ago life started on earth and only 15 million years ago monkeys showed up.

3.6 million years ago we started using tools and 1.8 fire. And around 7000 years ago god finally decided to talk to the Jews? Not buying it. Moses was tripping
Time. Deep Time, millions , Billions of years. Throw in some Acids, bases, stir and shake well, a recipe for life. Random molecules falling into line. Monkeys ARE evolving, everything changes in time.
Time. Deep Time, millions , Billions of years. Throw in some Acids, bases, stir and shake well, a recipe for life. Random molecules falling into line. Monkeys ARE evolving, everything changes in time.

The odds of perfectly formed proteins randomly bumping into each other and forming a cell are a number with 5,800 zeros to 1. Billions and trillions don't even come close to it. It's a mathematical impossibility that life happened at random

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