Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving. This change takes places over thousands of years, so we don't see it on a superficial level. Intellectually, humans are also changing. It's happening. The fact that it may be more protein in the diet that causes people to be larger does not negate the fact that we are evolving. That's only one way we are evolving.

If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Time. Deep Time, millions , Billions of years. Throw in some Acids, bases, stir and shake well, a recipe for life. Random molecules falling into line. Monkeys ARE evolving, everything changes in time.

The odds of perfectly formed proteins randomly bumping into each other and forming a cell are a number with 5,800 zeros to 1. Billions and trillions don't even come close to it. It's a mathematical impossibility that life happened at random
Yet it happened. We're proof.

Now you can believe an intelligent designer did it but that would be with no proof.

I know because my father makes the same comment. He can't imagine all this happened by itself. But note he will not listen to science.
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving. This change takes places over thousands of years, so we don't see it on a superficial level. Intellectually, humans are also changing. It's happening. The fact that it may be more protein in the diet that causes people to be larger does not negate the fact that we are evolving. That's only one way we are evolving.

If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Ridiculous! Why is it easier to survive when we are different colors?

I would think we'd do better if we were all one color.

I'm very proud of being 100% Greek. My half Greek cousin doesn't care about the Greek in him.

And your half black grandkids won't be racist like you.

This race bullshit only matters to you and fools like you
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

Be careful what you ask for, VERY careful!

Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving. This change takes places over thousands of years, so we don't see it on a superficial level. Intellectually, humans are also changing. It's happening. The fact that it may be more protein in the diet that causes people to be larger does not negate the fact that we are evolving. That's only one way we are evolving.

If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Evolution is a theory. But if it exists at all... Evolution would depend on bio respose to harsh environments of extreme heat and cold over extended periods of time. I would call it adaptation rather than evolution. Worthy of note is that we expect evolution to create better or improved species through genetic mutative responses to various environments as time goes on...but ... Is that true?

I can't answer that question. So here is another one that is even more puzzling.
Why the fuck are we here ? What purpose do humans serve to make the earth a better place anymore than any other life form? What forces caused the human brain to "evolve" and. potentially become one of the most powerful things on earth?
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

Be careful what you ask for, VERY careful!

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I just heard if your father then grandfather then great grandfather and so on walked in a room you would only have to go back 250,000 generations to find us walking on all fours
250,000 generations ago my ass.

When I was in the city the other day I couldn't walk a block without seeing someone going down on all fours, others crawling on their belly and eating dust, goblins lurking in the shadows in the alleys, herds of unclean creatures that do not ruminate blindly running amok through the streets while maggots and vultures ate the rotting flesh off mountains of unburied corpses.

same as it ever was.
Look up the timeline of human evolution. Do you dispute any of it? 256 million years ago reptiles split. Sauropsids became the reptiles and birds and synapsids became mammals. Pelylosaurs are earliest man? I may not have remembered all that correctly. Point is science has it all laid out. Based on the evidence we have, and we have a lot, we know where we came from. We don't know how it all got started but we have enough evidence to know how we evolved. We weren't poofed into existence. Adult Giraffe didn't just magically appear when god willed it so. That's an ancient belief

All I can say is that you missed the point.

Scripturally speaking, in the Bible, in the kingdom of God, the living and the dead, angels and demons, beasts and birds and every creepy thing and all creatures clean and unclean, high and low, above the waters and below the waters, on the earth or in the sky, from whales to bottom feeders and from lions to parasites, all , however evolved, are of the human variety...

Put on your thinking cap and take a good look around.

Its a jungle out there!
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If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.
Not really. Evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population. That can mean spreading traits that become useful and/or losing traits that are no longer an advantage.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Darker skin blocks more harmful UV radiation, but also lowers production of Vitamin D. This is useful in tropical climates where sun exposure is high enough to need UV protection and high enough to allow less efficient Vitamin D production. In Northern climates, UV radiation from sun exposure isn't much of an issue, but
more efficient Vitamin D production is vital. (The Northern diet is also richer in dairy, meat, and fish which are also sources of Vitamin D).

But we have so many ways to ensure Vitamin D intake and protect from UV, that skin differences make no difference in human well being or survival. Skin pigmentation was, thousands of years ago, a minor survival trait, but isn't any more.

Similarly, apes don't have tails, and humans aren't as hairy. Our shoulders are clearly of the form to allow brachiation, but we lost that ability with greater manual dexterity, shorter arms, and changes in the hips for better upright walking.

In short, almost any trait can be good, bad, or indifferent depending on the circumstances. Humans have developed enough technology, that it's really hard to tell which traits are or will be selected for.
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving. This change takes places over thousands of years, so we don't see it on a superficial level. Intellectually, humans are also changing. It's happening. The fact that it may be more protein in the diet that causes people to be larger does not negate the fact that we are evolving. That's only one way we are evolving.

If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
It would be more precise to say that humans have beaten evolution and are no longer under its influence.

We now control gene pools through medical technology, science and social policy.

You are talking social evolution, something a bit different & not genetic.
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Time. Deep Time, millions , Billions of years. Throw in some Acids, bases, stir and shake well, a recipe for life. Random molecules falling into line. Monkeys ARE evolving, everything changes in time.

The odds of perfectly formed proteins randomly bumping into each other and forming a cell are a number with 5,800 zeros to 1. Billions and trillions don't even come close to it. It's a mathematical impossibility that life happened at random
Yet it happened. We're proof.

Now you can believe an intelligent designer did it but that would be with no proof.

I know because my father makes the same comment. He can't imagine all this happened by itself. But note he will not listen to science.
Again, they have the same problem. Who begat the Gods? I say Gods, cuz Genesis is clear that God was just their leader.
If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.
Not really. Evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population. That can mean spreading traits that become useful and/or losing traits that are no longer an advantage.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Darker skin blocks more harmful UV radiation, but also lowers production of Vitamin D. This is useful in tropical climates where sun exposure is high enough to need UV protection and high enough to allow less efficient Vitamin D production. In Northern climates, UV radiation from sun exposure isn't much of an issue, but
more efficient Vitamin D production is vital. (The Northern diet is also richer in dairy, meat, and fish which are also sources of Vitamin D).

But we have so many ways to ensure Vitamin D intake and protect from UV, that skin differences make no difference in human well being or survival. Skin pigmentation was, thousands of years ago, a minor survival trait, but isn't any more.

Similarly, apes don't have tails, and humans aren't as hairy. Our shoulders are clearly of the form to allow brachiation, but we lost that ability with greater manual dexterity, shorter arms, and changes in the hips for better upright walking.

In short, almost any trait can be good, bad, or indifferent depending on the circumstances. Humans have developed enough technology, that it's really hard to tell which traits are or will be selected for.
Apes & humans have tails, they are just very short and no longer protrude. Apes & humans have exactly the same number of hair follicles on the skin. Our "hairless" areas grow thinner hair and fall out quickly, then go dormant for a time.
If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.
Not really. Evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population. That can mean spreading traits that become useful and/or losing traits that are no longer an advantage.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Darker skin blocks more harmful UV radiation, but also lowers production of Vitamin D. This is useful in tropical climates where sun exposure is high enough to need UV protection and high enough to allow less efficient Vitamin D production. In Northern climates, UV radiation from sun exposure isn't much of an issue, but
more efficient Vitamin D production is vital. (The Northern diet is also richer in dairy, meat, and fish which are also sources of Vitamin D).

But we have so many ways to ensure Vitamin D intake and protect from UV, that skin differences make no difference in human well being or survival. Skin pigmentation was, thousands of years ago, a minor survival trait, but isn't any more.

Similarly, apes don't have tails, and humans aren't as hairy. Our shoulders are clearly of the form to allow brachiation, but we lost that ability with greater manual dexterity, shorter arms, and changes in the hips for better upright walking.

In short, almost any trait can be good, bad, or indifferent depending on the circumstances. Humans have developed enough technology, that it's really hard to tell which traits are or will be selected for.
Still...the bottom line is that something in the order of natural selection prompted the need for an oranism to develope acute awareness of the world it lives in. What was that? GOD? Or was it just something spontaneous and arbitrary?
If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.
Not really. Evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population. That can mean spreading traits that become useful and/or losing traits that are no longer an advantage.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Darker skin blocks more harmful UV radiation, but also lowers production of Vitamin D. This is useful in tropical climates where sun exposure is high enough to need UV protection and high enough to allow less efficient Vitamin D production. In Northern climates, UV radiation from sun exposure isn't much of an issue, but
more efficient Vitamin D production is vital. (The Northern diet is also richer in dairy, meat, and fish which are also sources of Vitamin D).

But we have so many ways to ensure Vitamin D intake and protect from UV, that skin differences make no difference in human well being or survival. Skin pigmentation was, thousands of years ago, a minor survival trait, but isn't any more.

Similarly, apes don't have tails, and humans aren't as hairy. Our shoulders are clearly of the form to allow brachiation, but we lost that ability with greater manual dexterity, shorter arms, and changes in the hips for better upright walking.

In short, almost any trait can be good, bad, or indifferent depending on the circumstances. Humans have developed enough technology, that it's really hard to tell which traits are or will be selected for.
Still...the bottom line is that something in the order of natural selection prompted the need for an oranism to develope acute awareness of the world it lives in.
Where are you getting that idea from? Any given population of a species has a set of genetic characteristics. IF a trait gives an advantage in having more offspring, then it will spread through a population more quickly. Neutral traits will persist or disappear from the population over time on a more random basis. Which traits give an advantage depends on the ecological niche and the environment. Sometimes convergent evolution occurs, like with flying squirrels and sugar gliders. They look very similar because the fill the same niche and the same traits are beneficial to both animals.

Now for humans, our body form, without good intelligence, would not be good for survival. My guess is that the two went together, that walking upright and better manual dexterity would also need intelligence species members to survive.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

They are evolving and so are we.
If anything, humans are de-evolving. Evolution happens when groups of a species are separated and allowed to "evolve" on the traits that help them survive in their specific environment.
Not really. Evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population. That can mean spreading traits that become useful and/or losing traits that are no longer an advantage.

In the modern age, all humans are connected since travel is so easy. The mixing of human groups that were separated for thousands of years is taking away the uniqueness of each group. Once the human race is nothing but a bunch of mulattos, there will be no diversity and no unique qualities to help humans survive.
Darker skin blocks more harmful UV radiation, but also lowers production of Vitamin D. This is useful in tropical climates where sun exposure is high enough to need UV protection and high enough to allow less efficient Vitamin D production. In Northern climates, UV radiation from sun exposure isn't much of an issue, but
more efficient Vitamin D production is vital. (The Northern diet is also richer in dairy, meat, and fish which are also sources of Vitamin D).

But we have so many ways to ensure Vitamin D intake and protect from UV, that skin differences make no difference in human well being or survival. Skin pigmentation was, thousands of years ago, a minor survival trait, but isn't any more.

Similarly, apes don't have tails, and humans aren't as hairy. Our shoulders are clearly of the form to allow brachiation, but we lost that ability with greater manual dexterity, shorter arms, and changes in the hips for better upright walking.

In short, almost any trait can be good, bad, or indifferent depending on the circumstances. Humans have developed enough technology, that it's really hard to tell which traits are or will be selected for.
Still...the bottom line is that something in the order of natural selection prompted the need for an oranism to develope acute awareness of the world it lives in.
Where are you getting that idea from? Any given population of a species has a set of genetic characteristics. IF a trait gives an advantage in having more offspring, then it will spread through a population more quickly. Neutral traits will persist or disappear from the population over time on a more random basis. Which traits give an advantage depends on the ecological niche and the environment. Sometimes convergent evolution occurs, like with flying squirrels and sugar gliders. They look very similar because the fill the same niche and the same traits are beneficial to both animals.

Now for humans, our body form, without good intelligence, would not be good for survival. My guess is that the two went together, that walking upright and better manual dexterity would also need intelligence species members to survive.
I read somewhere yesterday that we had to start eating vitamin C after our bodies stopped producing it. Or something like that.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

Kanzi the bonobo can recognize several hundred words. He can communicate in complex ways using sign language, even ordering dinner or arguing with his trainer. Can even speak in English.

Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh worked with the well-known chimpanzee Lucy, who was also taught sign language before her death in 1987 but now she has focused her work on the typically less hostile cousin of the chimpanzee, the bonobo.

In spite of their reputation, bonobo apes – along with chimpanzees, the closest species to humans genetically – can be brought to points of aggression. Listen to the audio below, compiled by RadioLab, which tells of how Kanzi literally apologized for biting off his trainer’s finger off.

It may have taken 8 months, but an apology is an apology: that’s a lot better than most humans…

Where are you getting that idea from? Any given population of a species has a set of genetic characteristics. IF a trait gives an advantage in having more offspring, then it will spread through a population more quickly
I don't think you are talking about the same thing that I am. I'm talking about something that goes beyond genetics. I'm talking about something that started way before mankind diverged from alleged ape- like ancestors. My focus is on the primal causality that gave rise to the human brain as it is now. Monkeys and apes can be found on virtually every continent but their are so-called evolution did not correspond with that of the ape-like ancestors of man under the same conditions. At some point in time the ape and monkey evolutionary process seemed to stop or slow down if the fossil record is accurate.
Now for humans, our body form, without good intelligence, would not be good for survival
But logically, when ape-like beings predestined to become future human beings started to change, what came first in the evolutionary process...the body or
the mind? After all, that ape body of human forebears was good enough for hundreds of thousands of years so what prompted the change when other apes remained virtually unchanged.?
So far all we have is speculation from the scientific community to work with.
Where are you getting that idea from? Any given population of a species has a set of genetic characteristics. IF a trait gives an advantage in having more offspring, then it will spread through a population more quickly
I don't think you are talking about the same thing that I am. I'm talking about something that goes beyond genetics. I'm talking about something that started way before mankind diverged from alleged ape- like ancestors. My focus is on the primal causality that gave rise to the human brain as it is now. Monkeys and apes can be found on virtually every continent but their are so-called evolution did not correspond with that of the ape-like ancestors of man under the same conditions. At some point in time the ape and monkey evolutionary process seemed to stop or slow down if the fossil record is accurate.
Now for humans, our body form, without good intelligence, would not be good for survival
But logically, when ape-like beings predestined to become future human beings started to change, what came first in the evolutionary process...the body or
the mind? After all, that ape body of human forebears was good enough for hundreds of thousands of years so what prompted the change when other apes remained virtually unchanged.?
So far all we have is speculation from the scientific community to work with.

In two recent studies, researchers from Duke University suggest the human brain boost may have been powered by a metabolic shift that meant more fuel for brains, and less fuel for muscles.

While the brain makes up only 2% of our body mass, it consumes more than 20% of our oxygen supply and blood flow. Compare that to only 7-8% in other primate species

The reason why some primates have bigger brains than others is often said to be their social behaviour. That is, primates that move around in bigger and more complex social groups require bigger brains in order to efficiently manage all of those social relations.

The new analysis found that diet – not social group size – was the key factor linked to brain size.

It has long been known that fruit-eating primates (frugivores) tend to have bigger brains than leaf-eating primates (folivores), says Higham.

This might be because there are benefits to eating fruit. It has a higher nutritional value and is far easier to digest than leaves.

Also cooking food might have had something to do with it. I read somewhere our brains grew from eating cooked foods.

Plus when we banded together into groups/tribes and became safe we were free to tinker around, write, paint, phylosopise and teach each other. This allowed the brain to grow too.

Point is it's all scientifically explainable.

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