Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

In 2015 this person wrote an article about how fucking stupid people who say this are. And here you are almost 3 years later repeating the stupidity. I fucking love it!!! You prove how slowly things evolve. Look at you. 3 years later and you don't seem to have evolved one bit. LOL.

"If Apes Evolved From Monkeys, Why Are There Still Monkeys?"
Yes that is what our ancient primitive and superstitious ancestors concluded.

He should have left out diseases and violence. Where is the honor and glory in these things?
Did you miss the entire Genesis story?
Not buying any of it. Everything in those books are allegories.
Leaving it there is rather lazy.

What are the allegories referring to, for instance, a talking serpent? What were these so called primitive people teaching their children about actual reality?

Do you think that the author of any ancient fairy tale with a talking animal was superstitious? Do you think the people who heard these stories way back then believed in talking animals?


Yes. People also believed in vampires and witches and all kinds of superstitions.

Sure, but not the people who wrote these stories and used them for instruction..

Would you let any child walk away believing that pigs can talk after reading the story of the three pigs to them or without teaching them the unwritten moral of the story?

Even with greek mythology I'm sure there were some numbskulls who believed that gods were invisible giants, some who disregarded it all as superstitions for the weak minded, but there were probably many more who understood the metaphors which gave them access to secret treasures buried and hidden in the distant past.

even vampires and witches allude to an actual type of person that actually exists in society, just like zombies do.

Once you understand the metaphors you can decipher the imagery conjured in the mind by the figurative language used and your eyes will be opened to see the actual reality.....

So a person can believe in witches and vampires, talking serpents and talking donkeys, sorcerers, curses and magic spells, flawed gods living in the clouds using ordinary mortals like pawns, even angels and demons, and not have one superstitious bone in their body.

If you think they were and are all superstitious it is because you have failed to understand...our so called primitive and superstitious ancestors have encrypted information in a way that still eludes many of the smartest people out there and still works like a charm...
but there were probably many more who understood the metaphors which gave them access to secret treasures buried and hidden in the distant past.

Once you understand the metaphors you can decipher the imagery conjured in the mind by the figurative language used and your eyes will be opened to see the actual reality.....

you have been asked before after your criticism of others why you quote the 4th century book as though it were a work of religion than a political document ...

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

For God so loved the world that He (They) gave His (Their) only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him (them) shall not perish but have eternal life.

they have made Jesus an accomplice to their religion of sin, by their book - the book you keep praising. why do you do that, (christian). -

how can you interpret a book of sin as one reflective of the Almighty.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Because they aren't intelligent enough to understand how evolution works.

My answer would be that they don't have to evolve, there's no survival reason for them to adapt. And the other thing is, maybe they are evolving, but just at a much slower and imperceptable amount.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Because they aren't intelligent enough to understand how evolution works.

My answer would be that they don't have to evolve, there's no survival reason for them to adapt. And the other thing is, maybe they are evolving, but just at a much slower and imperceptable amount.
Exactly. And I'm sure science will have bonobos speaking two languages in no time.

Something most Americans Christians can't even do.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Because they aren't intelligent enough to understand how evolution works.
Why is blackroot devolving?

I already answered that question.
Let me ask blackhoot a couple questions.

Does evolution if proven disprove god or the Christianity story? If it doesn't why doesn't it? If it does show me where the Bible says evolution isn't true. Or what is it in the Bible that makes you not believe in evolution?

What's in the Bible that makes Christians not believe in evolution?
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Because they aren't intelligent enough to understand how evolution works.

My answer would be that they don't have to evolve, there's no survival reason for them to adapt. And the other thing is, maybe they are evolving, but just at a much slower and imperceptable amount.

But my answer is funnier.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

In 2015 this person wrote an article about how fucking stupid people who say this are. And here you are almost 3 years later repeating the stupidity. I fucking love it!!! You prove how slowly things evolve. Look at you. 3 years later and you don't seem to have evolved one bit. LOL.

"If Apes Evolved From Monkeys, Why Are There Still Monkeys?"
Mah fav line from the very start of that piece

if there are European Americans, why are there still Europeans?

Evolution doesn't explain why we need both monkeys and humans. The Bible does.
The planet doesn't need monkeys or humans. Humans don't need monkeys. What does the Bible say? Don't leave us hanging
God created them for His honor and glory.

Yes that is what our ancient primitive and superstitious ancestors concluded.

He should have left out diseases and violence. Where is the honor and glory in these things?
Did you miss the entire Genesis story?
Not buying any of it. Everything in those books are allegories.
According to who? Why? Do you know that Darwin was a racist who believed whites were at the top of the heap? He would suggest that the African race possessed the coarse features of the apes we are supposed to have evolved from. This is the reason Germany fell prey to Nazism and the white supremacists of the South honestly felt that Negroes were little more than beasts of burden, and government officials strove to prevent inter-racial marriage and doctors were allowed to sterilize people who were deemed "slow/backward/retarded"

The Bible says GOD created humanity in His image and that everyone is related in some way to Adam through Noah. Only the Bible proves that blacks and whites are one and the same and totally equal in everything --- including fallen and in need of a SAVIOR. Christ died for both blacks and whites.

Evolution says that some men are better than others because they are presently at the top of the evolutionary heap. I believe that brains is no proof of humility, maturity or good character.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Because they aren't intelligent enough to understand how evolution works.

My answer would be that they don't have to evolve, there's no survival reason for them to adapt. And the other thing is, maybe they are evolving, but just at a much slower and imperceptable amount.
Exactly. And I'm sure science will have bonobos speaking two languages in no time.

Something most Americans Christians can't even do.

Only humans use language.
Did you miss the entire Genesis story?
Not buying any of it. Everything in those books are allegories.
Leaving it there is rather lazy.

What are the allegories referring to, for instance, a talking serpent? What were these so called primitive people teaching their children about actual reality?

Do you think that the author of any ancient fairy tale with a talking animal was superstitious? Do you think the people who heard these stories way back then believed in talking animals?


Yes. People also believed in vampires and witches and all kinds of superstitions.

Sure, but not the people who wrote these stories and used them for instruction..

Would you let any child walk away believing that pigs can talk after reading the story of the three pigs to them or without teaching them the unwritten moral of the story?

Even with greek mythology I'm sure there were some numbskulls who believed that gods were invisible giants, some who disregarded it all as superstitions for the weak minded, but there were probably many more who understood the metaphors which gave them access to secret treasures buried and hidden in the distant past.

even vampires and witches allude to an actual type of person that actually exists in society, just like zombies do.

Once you understand the metaphors you can decipher the imagery conjured in the mind by the figurative language used and your eyes will be opened to see the actual reality.....

So a person can believe in witches and vampires, talking serpents and talking donkeys, sorcerers, curses and magic spells, flawed gods living in the clouds using ordinary mortals like pawns, even angels and demons, and not have one superstitious bone in their body.

If you think they were and are all superstitious it is because you have failed to understand...our so called primitive and superstitious ancestors have encrypted information in a way that still eludes many of the smartest people out there and still works like a charm...

I think it's pretty obvious by reading some of their other writings that they didn't understand the ways of the world and wanted to attribute natural occurrences to Gods.

Of course they knew almost nothing about science,geology, biology, astronomy or natural history but they were intimately acquainted with human behavior and their knowledge and understanding about how the mind works, why it sometimes doesn't work, and how to fix it, surpasses even our own.
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you have been asked before after your criticism of others why you quote the 4th century book as though it were a work of religion than a political document ...

It is not a work of religion and it is not a political document. It is a time capsule of secret knowledge and wisdom compelled into the future by our ancestors intended to be discovered in what was to them a distant future, our present, to save the human race from complete destruction.

"Go now, Daniel, for what I have said is kept secret and sealed until the time of the end." Daniel 12:9

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3

Time was when many were aghast at you, my people; so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts. Isaiah 52:14
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Just to throw some fun into this topic if it hasn't been mentioned there is a gorilla in captivity called Amban or something similar that stands upright like a man on his two back legs and even runs and walks like a man when he wants to.Anyone can look him up on you tube....It is very interesting to watch to say the least ..Just wanted to throw a " monkey" wrench into this topic as food for thought...
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

Man did not evolve from monkeys.

Monkeys ARE evolving. Evolution is a slow process.

Did that clear things up?
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.

Our size is not really due to evolution, but rather diet. We are better fed and hence grow larger.
Just to throw some fun into this topic if it hasn't been mentioned there is a gorilla in captivity called Amban or something similar that stands upright like a man on his two back legs and even runs and walks like a man when he wants to.Anyone can look him up on you tube....It is very interesting to watch to say the least ..Just wanted to throw a " monkey" wrench into this topic as food for thought...

The great Apes are far closer to man than are monkeys. In very real terms, we ARE one of the great Apes.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Because they aren't intelligent enough to understand how evolution works.

My answer would be that they don't have to evolve, there's no survival reason for them to adapt. And the other thing is, maybe they are evolving, but just at a much slower and imperceptable amount.
Exactly. And I'm sure science will have bonobos speaking two languages in no time.

Something most Americans Christians can't even do.

Only humans use language.
Only humans use language.

au contraire ...


the bees hear loudly, only christians talk to themselves ... the Garden is not for everyone.


they do not need to open their mouths to be heard loudly ...

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