Why Aren't Schoolkids Protesting About Lax School SECURITY ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.
Damn near every school kids above 2nd grade has a cell phone, but no one of the kids that saw Cruz walking towards, or into school, with that AR-15 had the sense to call 9-1-1?
There is a principle involved here. No guns means no guns and if children die over it, the principle has been protected.
I'm still waiting for an answer to the question of the OP > Why Aren't Schoolkids Protesting About Lax School SECURITY ?
Yes, we should follow Australia's lead in school security.
They haven't had a single school shooting since they banned military-style weapons.
Yes, we should follow Australia's lead in school security.
They haven't had a single school shooting since they banned military-style weapons.

1. That wasn't the question.

2. Banning military style weapons in the US does nothing. Here, there is a criminal grapevine where criminals buy any kind of gun from other criminals.

Did you think criminals routinely buy guns in gun stores ? Nikolas Cruz is an odd exception.
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
Why are you so so fucking stupid that you see no problem with people having easy access to assault type weapons?

Those kids are wayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you & your right wing dumbasses.

Go fuck yourselves & your fake giving a shit about the kids, ll you care about is being about to tote around a semi-aitomatic assault type weapon because it is the only way you can get it up.
Why are you so so fucking stupid that you see no problem with people having easy access to assault type weapons?

Those kids are wayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you & your right wing dumbasses.

Go fuck yourselves & your fake giving a shit about the kids, ll you care about is being about to tote around a semi-aitomatic assault type weapon because it is the only way you can get it up.

Why are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that of course I see a problem with SOME people having easy access to assault type weapons ? Those particular people who, by their violent history have shown they are unqualified to possess ANY weapon.

And Why are you so so fucking stupid that you don't know that banning guns from law-abiding people, merely gives added advantage to criminal shooters, who will get their guns on the criminal grapevine ? ..completely apart from govt gun control.

No, the kids are NOT smarter, Thy are being manipulated like puppets by gun-control adults. The same liberal idiots who set up gun-free zones, responsible for hundreds of deaths. If the kids were smarter than they are, they would be Protesting About Lax School SECURITY, instead of being programmed to rant only about gun control.
Can anybody get through to these kids, and inform them that they're being duped and used ? It's tiring seeing them running off on a wrong tangent.
Last week these kids were eating Tide Pods and couldn't figure out which bathroom to use. This week, we're supposed to take firearms policy advice from them.

these kids? really?

even if you weren't lying, which you are, when you watch 17 of your friends and teachers get slaughted by a white supremacist with a AR-15, you don't care so much about tide pods.

are they giving policy advice? meh...anything they say is smarter than what Donald and the NRA say.
these kids? really?

even if you weren't lying, which you are, when you watch 17 of your friends and teachers get slaughted by a white supremacist with a AR-15, you don't care so much about tide pods.

are they giving policy advice? meh...anything they say is smarter than what Donald and the NRA say.
Or maybe smarter than calling a Hispanic guy (Nikolas Cruz) a white supremacist. He's not a white supremacist - that dopey notion as shot down about an hour after it first appeared.

So how about answering the question of the OP ?
these kids? really?

even if you weren't lying, which you are, when you watch 17 of your friends and teachers get slaughted by a white supremacist with a AR-15, you don't care so much about tide pods.

are they giving policy advice? meh...anything they say is smarter than what Donald and the NRA say.
Or maybe smarter than calling a Hispanic guy (Nikolas Cruz) a white supremacist. He's not a white supremacist - that dopey notion as shot down about an hour after it first appeared.

So how about answering the question of the OP ?

Nikolas is not an Hispanic name. He is absolutely a white supremacist and his posts on FB etc were obsessed with race.

so how about not lying?

the troll o/p?

because lax security is not the problem
yahoos needing more guns is not the problem

keeping guns away from people who shouldn't have them is the main problem.

selling semi auto weapons to teenagers is another problem.

so funny that your ilk thinks the victims are too young to be speaking up, but the killer can have a semi auto at 18.

but thanks for the NRA propaganda.
Nikolas is not an Hispanic name. He is absolutely a white supremacist and his posts on FB etc were obsessed with race.

so how about not lying?

the troll o/p?

because lax security is not the problem
yahoos needing more guns is not the problem

keeping guns away from people who shouldn't have them is the main problem.

selling semi auto weapons to teenagers is another problem.

so funny that your ilk thinks the victims are too young to be speaking up, but the killer can have a semi auto at 18.

but thanks for the NRA propaganda.
Police in Leon County (where white supremacist Republic of Florida group is based), say there is no connection between Cruz (a Hispanic) and any white supremacist group. This dopey fake news was obliterated a few days ago.

Of course Lax security is the problem. If the school had been properly secured, Cruz would never have gone there to attack it, and if he did, he wouldn't have even made it to the front door, without being riddled with bullets. What do you propose for the nut shooter who may show up tomorrow morning ? Passing a gun law ?

And I won't accuse you of lying. My guess is you are actually this stupid. :rolleyes:
Why are you so so fucking stupid that you see no problem with people having easy access to assault type weapons?

Those kids are wayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you & your right wing dumbasses.

Go fuck yourselves & your fake giving a shit about the kids, ll you care about is being about to tote around a semi-aitomatic assault type weapon because it is the only way you can get it up.

Why are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that of course I see a problem with SOME people having easy access to assault type weapons ? Those particular people who, by their violent history have shown they are unqualified to possess ANY weapon.

And Why are you so so fucking stupid that you don't know that banning guns from law-abiding people, merely gives added advantage to criminal shooters, who will get their guns on the criminal grapevine ? ..completely apart from govt gun control.

No, the kids are NOT smarter, Thy are being manipulated like puppets by gun-control adults. The same liberal idiots who set up gun-free zones, responsible for hundreds of deaths. If the kids were smarter than they are, they would be Protesting About Lax School SECURITY, instead of being programmed to rant only about gun control.

You will NEVER EVER keep people with mental issues from getting these guns.

What action did Cruz take that the NRA would agree to ban gun ownership?

1) Getting expelled from hogh school for fighting? Does that men a lifetime ban?
2) Saying you want to kill people?
3) Cutting yourself online
4) Grieving the loss of a parent? Turn in your guns?

We can take lots of actions to help make schools mote secure.

If they fail, how about we don't hand them such a killing machine?

Just because you dipsticks get your jollies playing tough guy with an AR-15
Nikolas is not an Hispanic name. He is absolutely a white supremacist and his posts on FB etc were obsessed with race.

so how about not lying?

the troll o/p?

because lax security is not the problem
yahoos needing more guns is not the problem

keeping guns away from people who shouldn't have them is the main problem.

selling semi auto weapons to teenagers is another problem.

so funny that your ilk thinks the victims are too young to be speaking up, but the killer can have a semi auto at 18.

but thanks for the NRA propaganda.
Police in Leon County (where white supremacist Republic of Florida group is based), say there is no connection between Cruz (a Hispanic) and any white supremacist group. This dopey fake news was obliterated a few days ago.

Of course Lax security is the problem. If the school had been properly secured, Cruz would never have gone there to attack it, and if he did, he wouldn't have even made it to the front door, without being riddled with bullets. What do you propose for the nut shooter who may show up tomorrow morning ? Passing a gun law ?

And I won't accuse you of lying. My guess is you are actually this stupid. :rolleyes:

If he was not bolstered by the ability to take that AR-15, maybe he would not have tried. I mean you people get so excited by the firepower, why not Cruz?

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