Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

McCabe announced his retirement months ago. He's on terminal leave, dope. Still on the payroll.
So all the Liberal media is lying, snowflakes who continue to claim he was 'forced out' not 'fired' are lying, and you are the only one right?! :p

Several news agencies, including in the one I linked to, states McCabe was TALKED INTO taking 'terminal leave'. 'Talked Into' = had not decided to. What you are describing is 'Forced Out'...

'Forced Out is a sleight-of-hand designed to give the appearance that the person being 'booted' has some say in the matter, as if they have an option. It is being given an ultimatum - GTFO by your own choice / hand or you will be forcibly removed / officially FIRED.'

'TAKE TERMINAL LEAVE AND DISAPPEAR' ... while the DOJ is conducting at least one investigation on McCabe ... or be CANNED' is only the APPEARANCE that McCabe had a choice. ...

Same thing....different approach to getting rid of someone - same result.'

How is he fired if on terminal leave, dope.

Post up anything that has confirmed he was fired.
He is GONE

Fired = GONE.

Forced Out = GONE

'Booted' = GONE

'Shown The Door' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Placed on Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE


'Given an Ultimatum' = GONE

'Relieved of Duty' = GONE

'Stripped of Position / Title' = GONE

'Buh-BYE' = GONE

Those all have very different meanings, dope.
and only you care. gone is gone. next we'll see if he committed a crime. can't wait. got popcorn,

We know you don't care. You twist words in every post.
So all the Liberal media is lying, snowflakes who continue to claim he was 'forced out' not 'fired' are lying, and you are the only one right?! :p

Several news agencies, including in the one I linked to, states McCabe was TALKED INTO taking 'terminal leave'. 'Talked Into' = had not decided to. What you are describing is 'Forced Out'...

'Forced Out is a sleight-of-hand designed to give the appearance that the person being 'booted' has some say in the matter, as if they have an option. It is being given an ultimatum - GTFO by your own choice / hand or you will be forcibly removed / officially FIRED.'

'TAKE TERMINAL LEAVE AND DISAPPEAR' ... while the DOJ is conducting at least one investigation on McCabe ... or be CANNED' is only the APPEARANCE that McCabe had a choice. ...

Same thing....different approach to getting rid of someone - same result.'

How is he fired if on terminal leave, dope.

Post up anything that has confirmed he was fired.
He is GONE

Fired = GONE.

Forced Out = GONE

'Booted' = GONE

'Shown The Door' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Placed on Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE


'Given an Ultimatum' = GONE

'Relieved of Duty' = GONE

'Stripped of Position / Title' = GONE

'Buh-BYE' = GONE

Those all have very different meanings, dope.
and only you care. gone is gone. next we'll see if he committed a crime. can't wait. got popcorn,

We know you don't care. You twist words in every post.
so tell us what the difference is and why it matters big guy! In the grand scheme of things, gone is gone right?
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

Q. Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

A. Because it is fake news!
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...
I could read no further than the bit about Hillary`s many crimes. That`s a Birther kind of stupidity.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

i'm not a democrat, but i'm also not stupid enough to believe the neverending stream of horseshit that the republicans in congress are putting out.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

Q. Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

A. Because it is fake news!
so why do they care if it is released or not? are you saying americans can't make up their own minds? let's see your insults to americans.
Innocent men don't fire the people investigating them.

Presidents who have the Constitutional and Legal authority to fire Mueller can...

Presidents can fire exposed biased extremists who have been proven to have committed crimes...who hid Russian crimes

Presidents can fire Special Prosecutors' who have a history of prosecutorial misconduct in the past, whose current team has been exposed as having extreme bias that effected their judgment and caused them to commit crimes - like Obstruction

Presidents can fire Special Counsel leads who have been identified in 'Summaries of Evidence' as having committed crimes, illegally spied on Americans, who are identified as members of a treasonous 'Secret Society' whose goal it was / is to take down the President.

Presidents can fire Special Counsels who proves his bias by putting together the ultimate Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary team to attempt to take down the President...and then is forced to fire 2...3...4 team members who are exposed to have criminal extreme Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary bias....

Presidents can fire Special Counsel leads who, going into his 2nd year of Investigations, still can't even prove a crime was committed warranting his investigation.....

Democrats / Mueller have decided, even though the 'Jig Is up', they are going to ride this flaming wreck right into the ground, even if it means many of them will be exposed and possibly go to jail...

Good luck with that...
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

because the DOJ and FBI aren't.

why aren't you horrified by the corruption of the GOP and the orange white supremacist and his buddies:?

you're amusing.

If the fbi and doj aren’t corrupt why do you oppose the people seeing the memo?

How about we see all the facts related to the alleged corruption so we can decide?
What are you afraid of?
I’m not the one that is yelling and screaming about how horrible it is that we are getting more evidence released
Why aren't you?

Because I want all evidence shown so corrupt actors can be rooted out
Remember when conservatives didn't hate law enforcement and weren't whoring for Russia?


remember when the insistence that the fbi is full of deep state leftists would get you laughed out of the room?
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

Q. Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

A. Because it is fake news!

...except for that huge mound of ever-growing EVIDENCE ... something snowflakes / Democrats have not been able to find / prodice to support their witch hunt since day 1.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

i'm not a democrat, but i'm also not stupid enough to believe the neverending stream of horseshit that the republicans in congress are putting out.
like russia interfered? let me know what the russians interfered with will you?
because the DOJ and FBI aren't.

why aren't you horrified by the corruption of the GOP and the orange white supremacist and his buddies:?

you're amusing.

If the fbi and doj aren’t corrupt why do you oppose the people seeing the memo?

How about we see all the facts related to the alleged corruption so we can decide?
What are you afraid of?
I’m not the one that is yelling and screaming about how horrible it is that we are getting more evidence released
Why aren't you?

Because I want all evidence shown so corrupt actors can be rooted out

unless of course they're the corrupt and criminal actions of the orange one.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

i'm not a democrat, but i'm also not stupid enough to believe the neverending stream of horseshit that the republicans in congress are putting out.
like russia interfered? let me know what the russians interfered with will you?

dude, it's not up to us to educate you about things that are public knowledge. but I notice that's a way you and some of the other trump trolls like to avoid addressing the actual issues.
If the fbi and doj aren’t corrupt why do you oppose the people seeing the memo?

How about we see all the facts related to the alleged corruption so we can decide?
What are you afraid of?
I’m not the one that is yelling and screaming about how horrible it is that we are getting more evidence released
Why aren't you?

Because I want all evidence shown so corrupt actors can be rooted out

unless of course they're the corrupt and criminal actions of the orange one.
not at all, post the evidence and we'll say the exact same thing. Now tell me what russia interfered with. can you?
How is he fired if on terminal leave, dope.

Post up anything that has confirmed he was fired.
He is GONE

Fired = GONE.

Forced Out = GONE

'Booted' = GONE

'Shown The Door' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Placed on Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE


'Given an Ultimatum' = GONE

'Relieved of Duty' = GONE

'Stripped of Position / Title' = GONE

'Buh-BYE' = GONE

Those all have very different meanings, dope.
and only you care. gone is gone. next we'll see if he committed a crime. can't wait. got popcorn,

We know you don't care. You twist words in every post.
so tell us what the difference is and why it matters big guy! In the grand scheme of things, gone is gone right?

If the end result is the same, then why do you all feel the need to represent it in a way that is not accurate?
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

i'm not a democrat, but i'm also not stupid enough to believe the neverending stream of horseshit that the republicans in congress are putting out.
like russia interfered? let me know what the russians interfered with will you?

dude, it's not up to us to educate you about things that are public knowledge. but I notice that's a way you and some of the other trump trolls like to avoid addressing the actual issues.
ahhh that same old line. So you can't. thanks and then you ask why. well there's your answer. you won't inform us. I have no knowledge of what russia did. None. no one on the left is aware of it either. you all post party line puppet shit that it isn't your job to educate. well no it isn't, however, if you make a claim, back it up. just saying you don't believe in that conceptually eh?
If the fbi and doj aren’t corrupt why do you oppose the people seeing the memo?

How about we see all the facts related to the alleged corruption so we can decide?
What are you afraid of?
I’m not the one that is yelling and screaming about how horrible it is that we are getting more evidence released
Why aren't you?

Because I want all evidence shown so corrupt actors can be rooted out

unless of course they're the corrupt and criminal actions of the orange one.
what did russia interfere with?
He is GONE

Fired = GONE.

Forced Out = GONE

'Booted' = GONE

'Shown The Door' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Placed on Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE


'Given an Ultimatum' = GONE

'Relieved of Duty' = GONE

'Stripped of Position / Title' = GONE

'Buh-BYE' = GONE

Those all have very different meanings, dope.
and only you care. gone is gone. next we'll see if he committed a crime. can't wait. got popcorn,

We know you don't care. You twist words in every post.
so tell us what the difference is and why it matters big guy! In the grand scheme of things, gone is gone right?

If the end result is the same, then why do you all feel the need to represent it in a way that is not accurate?
what difference does it make? I asked why it matters. fk man, you can't even answer that. amazing the stupid from the left. they know absolutely nothing. they fking never answer a question. evah!!!!!!
The FBI is the most conservative agency in all of our Government

If they are corrupt.......it is conservative corruption

So all of those Hillary supporters are actually conservatives?

Too funny!

I am amazed that your brain cell has not died of loneliness by now!


How many Hillary supporters are in the FBI? Two?

I bet if you polled FBI agents, you would find most are staunch conservatives
Why not release all the emails from FBI agents so we can see where they stand

Here's two that absolutely hate Trump and they were investigating him.
Lisa Page, key player in Mueller's Russia probe, in DC | Daily Mail Online


In the whole FBI?
What about all the rest of the FBI which leans decidedly Conservative?
because the DOJ and FBI aren't.

why aren't you horrified by the corruption of the GOP and the orange white supremacist and his buddies:?

you're amusing.

If the fbi and doj aren’t corrupt why do you oppose the people seeing the memo?

How about we see all the facts related to the alleged corruption so we can decide?
What are you afraid of?
I’m not the one that is yelling and screaming about how horrible it is that we are getting more evidence released
Why aren't you?

Because I want all evidence shown so corrupt actors can be rooted out


Then lets see ALL the evidence
Not just evidence that is cherry picked for us

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