Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

Yes, the FBI is just one big hippy drum circle, to hear the right wing tell it.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

no.... he was harassed by the orange sociopath til he left. that is not the same thing.
well actually, the news media stated he was removed.
Yes, the FBI is just one big hippy drum circle, to hear the right wing tell it.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

You have no way of knowing that, dope.
It was REPORTED on multiple media platforms yesterday.

Methinks snowflakes are pulling a 'Slick Willy', attempting to debate the definition of 'forced out'. :p
removed is removed. it means it wasn't his call.
Yes, the FBI is just one big hippy drum circle, to hear the right wing tell it.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

You have no way of knowing that, dope.
well then why are all the news outlets reporting that? you can look it up.

It's your assertion, dope.
Post it up.
hey all you leftists in here, what is it that russia did? can you even name anything? it's obvious it wasn't election interference so what is it?

It's well documented, including ON USMB, that the Russians interfered with our election. Stop demanding answers to questions that have already been answered.
no it isn't, I haven't found one item in here that says what russia did. how did they interfere? that is the question dumb ass. you not too bright.

BTW, we will learn who did interfere with the election when the memo comes out. I can't wait. internal coup.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

because the DOJ and FBI aren't.

why aren't you horrified by the corruption of the GOP and the orange white supremacist and his buddies:?

you're amusing.

We can tell you have no argument when you call Trump, or anyone else for that matter, a white supremacist.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

You have no way of knowing that, dope.
It was REPORTED on multiple media platforms yesterday.

Methinks snowflakes are pulling a 'Slick Willy', attempting to debate the definition of 'forced out'. :p

So 'forced out' is the same as 'removed' Mr Webster?
what is the difference?
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

You have no way of knowing that, dope.
well then why are all the news outlets reporting that? you can look it up.

It's your assertion, dope.
Post it up.
already in another thread.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

You have no way of knowing that, dope.
It was REPORTED on multiple media platforms yesterday.

Methinks snowflakes are pulling a 'Slick Willy', attempting to debate the definition of 'forced out'. :p
removed is removed. it means it wasn't his call.

No, dope.
Removed means a higher authority made the official call to relieve them of their position.

Forced out means he left on his own terms.
McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

You have no way of knowing that, dope.
well then why are all the news outlets reporting that? you can look it up.

It's your assertion, dope.
Post it up.
already in another thread.

Just not here where you made the stupid assertion. Post it up.
Yes, the FBI is just one big hippy drum circle, to hear the right wing tell it.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

no.... he was harassed by the orange sociopath til he left. that is not the same thing.
Wrong. Wray forced him out. He was canned.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

because the DOJ and FBI aren't.

why aren't you horrified by the corruption of the GOP and the orange white supremacist and his buddies:?

you're amusing.

If the fbi and doj aren’t corrupt why do you oppose the people seeing the memo?

How about we see all the facts related to the alleged corruption so we can decide?
What are you afraid of?

Facts? You want facts?

This is the part that amazes me! If Democrats are not terrified of what is in the memo, then why have so few Democrats in the House outside of the committee even bothered to read the FISA memo?

Do they believe in the old "head in the sand" tactic that, "if I can't see it, it can't harm me"?
ORIGIN of CORRUPTION - Dem's were infuriated that uppity voters took the House away from them in 2010 stopping the Obama agenda in its tracks. That's when lawlessness and corruption began infesting government agencies. Dem's had to sidestep congress and push their agenda forward via other means.
It's well documented, including ON USMB, that the Russians interfered with our election. Stop demanding answers to questions that have already been answered.
Liberals say that all the time but have never been able to actually define 'interference / interfered'.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians attempted to hack senior members of the US govt...and that Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it....and did nothing.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians were running a PsyOp campaign using social media and got liberals to organize and march for them....and Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it - they even gave the Op a code name...and they did nothing about it.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians PAID liberal groups to spread racial division and violence...and Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it...and they did nothing about it.

Barry did not do anything about it because he was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria and did not want to do anything to make him say 'No'.

It is being proven that Hillary, her bought and paid for DNC, Comey, Lynch, and Obama did more to interfere and attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever THOUGHT about doing:
- Rigged Primaries

- Cheated in Debates

- Engaged in Election fraud in primaries

- Bought the DNC - used conations for other candidates for Hillary's campaign (a crime)

- Illegally bought and used in a US election a fake news report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians

- Used that document to get illegal warrants / approval to spy on a political opponent during an election

- Illegally leaked classified

- Illegally unmasked Americans / Trump's teams

- ATTEMPTED TO HACK INTO STATE ELECTION SYSTEMS in an attempt to make the case for the Obama administration taking over all state elections weeks before the election

- Obstruction of Justice / Protected a proven felon from indictment / prison so she could continue running

- 'Secret Societies', 'Insurance Policies', etc...


....and now the hate-driven sedition and treason fueled by a refusal to accept the results of an election.

Obama, as I said, and his administration did more to interfere in the 2016 election than the Russians did, by far!
The FBI is the most conservative agency in all of our Government

If they are corrupt.......it is conservative corruption

So all of those Hillary supporters are actually conservatives?

Too funny!

I am amazed that your brain cell has not died of loneliness by now!


How many Hillary supporters are in the FBI? Two?

I bet if you polled FBI agents, you would find most are staunch conservatives
Why not release all the emails from FBI agents so we can see where they stand
It's well documented, including ON USMB, that the Russians interfered with our election. Stop demanding answers to questions that have already been answered.
Liberals say that all the time but have never been able to actually define 'interference / interfered'.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians attempted to hack senior members of the US govt...and that Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it....and did nothing.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians were running a PsyOp campaign using social media and got liberals to organize and march for them....and Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it - they even gave the Op a code name...and they did nothing about it.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians PAID liberal groups to spread racial division and violence...and Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it...and they did nothing about it.

Barry did not do anything about it because he was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria and did not want to do anything to make him say 'No'.

It is being proven that Hillary, her bought and paid for DNC, Comey, Lynch, and Obama did more to interfere and attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever THOUGHT about doing:
- Rigged Primaries

- Cheated in Debates

- Engaged in Election fraud in primaries

- Bought the DNC - used conations for other candidates for Hillary's campaign (a crime)

- Illegally bought and used in a US election a fake news report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians

- Used that document to get illegal warrants / approval to spy on a political opponent during an election

- Illegally leaked classified

- Illegally unmasked Americans / Trump's teams

- ATTEMPTED TO HACK INTO STATE ELECTION SYSTEMS in an attempt to make the case for the Obama administration taking over all state elections weeks before the election

- Obstruction of Justice / Protected a proven felon from indictment / prison so she could continue running

- 'Secret Societies', 'Insurance Policies', etc...


....and now the hate-driven sedition and treason fueled by a refusal to accept the results of an election.

Obama, as I said, and his administration did more to interfere in the 2016 election than the Russians did, by far!

Yes, the FBI is just one big hippy drum circle, to hear the right wing tell it.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

McCabe was not fired, dope.
yep he was removed.

no.... he was harassed by the orange sociopath til he left. that is not the same thing.

They told him not to go to his office, they took everything work related from him, including his phone, and shoved him out the door. I don't know where you work, but that looks like he got canned to me!
No, dope. Removed means a higher authority made the official call to relieve them of their position. Forced out means he left on his own terms.
Thank you for that 'definition' 'slick willy'. :p

Fired is 'canned', 'ousted, 'terminated', 'removed from the payroll', 'no longer employed by decree'...

Forced Out is a sleight-of-hand designed to give the appearance that the person being 'booted' has some say in the matter, as if they have an option. It is being given an ultimatum - GTFO by your own choice / hand or you will be forcibly removed / officially FIRED.

Same thing....different approach to getting rid of someone - same result.
It's well documented, including ON USMB, that the Russians interfered with our election. Stop demanding answers to questions that have already been answered.
Liberals say that all the time but have never been able to actually define 'interference / interfered'.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians attempted to hack senior members of the US govt...and that Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it....and did nothing.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians were running a PsyOp campaign using social media and got liberals to organize and march for them....and Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it - they even gave the Op a code name...and they did nothing about it.

From EVIDENCE we know the Russians PAID liberal groups to spread racial division and violence...and Comey, Lynch, and Obama knew about it...and they did nothing about it.

Barry did not do anything about it because he was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria and did not want to do anything to make him say 'No'.

It is being proven that Hillary, her bought and paid for DNC, Comey, Lynch, and Obama did more to interfere and attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever THOUGHT about doing:
- Rigged Primaries

- Cheated in Debates

- Engaged in Election fraud in primaries

- Bought the DNC - used conations for other candidates for Hillary's campaign (a crime)

- Illegally bought and used in a US election a fake news report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians

- Used that document to get illegal warrants / approval to spy on a political opponent during an election

- Illegally leaked classified

- Illegally unmasked Americans / Trump's teams

- ATTEMPTED TO HACK INTO STATE ELECTION SYSTEMS in an attempt to make the case for the Obama administration taking over all state elections weeks before the election

- Obstruction of Justice / Protected a proven felon from indictment / prison so she could continue running

- 'Secret Societies', 'Insurance Policies', etc...


....and now the hate-driven sedition and treason fueled by a refusal to accept the results of an election.

Obama, as I said, and his administration did more to interfere in the 2016 election than the Russians did, by far!

Don't beg...it's embarrassing. :p

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