Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

The FBI corruption now being exposed should concern any sincere citizen, regardless of their politics. This corruption is the stuff of banana republics and third-world dictatorships. It smacks of the KGB and the Gestapo. Democrats, and many Republicans, became alarmed when Nixon's corruption was exposed, but where are the Dems who are willing to condemn what was being done at the FBI, NSA, and the DOJ?
So if you hate corruption among high level bureaucrats you hate law enforcement?

If you believe in justice you're whoring for Russia?

You guys have lost it.

You are literally kicking and screaming over the American people being informed about what their government is doing. What is up with that?

Isn't an issue of Justice. We went well beyond that when we ignored the will of the people.

This is about Trump attacking the people investigating him because hes probably as guilty as shit, never really thought anyone would investigate his money laundering.
We ignored the will of the people or adhered to the Constitution, which protects the people. Which is it?
He is GONE

Fired = GONE.

Forced Out = GONE

'Booted' = GONE

'Shown The Door' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Placed on Terminal Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to Leave' = GONE

'Pressured to take Terminal Leave' = GONE


'Given an Ultimatum' = GONE

'Relieved of Duty' = GONE

'Stripped of Position / Title' = GONE

'Buh-BYE' = GONE

Those all have very different meanings, dope.

But coincidentally all the same result you ignorant twat ... :cul2:

Trump is apparently under a BULLSHIT investigation BECAUSE of McCabe.

Imagine that.

Except he and his cronies really did meet with the Russians.

Imagine that.

The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

The fact is that it is Republicans who are trying to corrupt the FBI and DOJ. They swear a oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States not Donald Trump. All we have are the lunatic ravings of RW nut jobs who see conspiracies around every corner. The fact is that our law enforcement officials and intelligence officials work to protect us in a unbiased manner. Just because they do not worship Trump, they are now under attack from Trump crackpots.
you know meeting foreign leaders is part of secstate's job, right, guido?
Yes, the FBI is just one big hippy drum circle, to hear the right wing tell it.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

The only corruption and treason that I see is under Trump. Wray fired McCabe after pressure was brought to bear on him by Kelly. Wray has proven he is a weak FBI Director who has sold his soul. The new President in 2020 should fire Wray for corrupting the FBI.
The FBI corruption now being exposed should concern any sincere citizen, regardless of their politics. This corruption is the stuff of banana republics and third-world dictatorships. It smacks of the KGB and the Gestapo. Democrats, and many Republicans, became alarmed when Nixon's corruption was exposed, but where are the Dems who are willing to condemn what was being done at the FBI, NSA, and the DOJ?

Another RWNJ. The corruption is coming under Trump and the Republicans. It is Republicans who are trying to create a new KGB and Gestapo. It is Trump who wants to turn this into a banana republic.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...
The answer is because nothing is proven. It is nothing but partis@n politics at the moment.
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

Because the left is only interested in GOP corruption, not Democrat corruption,
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...
The answer is because nothing is proven. It is nothing but partis@n politics at the moment.

it's funny how comey, mueller and mccabe all switched from being republicans to being leftist deep state traitors, innit?

'Thanks for the Uranium'......................
..................... 'Thanks for the $145 million'
The answer is that Democrats are traitorous scum who hate America. They support dicatorship so long as they are running the show.

Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?

It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA. Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes. These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server. They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity). And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President, this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!

Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat, not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted. Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should be equally horrified. This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official. But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans. Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President? "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left. The Constitution be damned.

Among these culprits, who include Obama, Hillary Clinton ...

The fact is that it is Republicans who are trying to corrupt the FBI and DOJ. They swear a oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States not Donald Trump. All we have are the lunatic ravings of RW nut jobs who see conspiracies around every corner. The fact is that our law enforcement officials and intelligence officials work to protect us in a unbiased manner. Just because they do not worship Trump, they are now under attack from Trump crackpots.
You failed to expain how Republicns are "trying to corrupt the FBI and DOJ." Are they using malicious gossip purchased from Russian spies to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president?
Yes, the FBI is just one big hippy drum circle, to hear the right wing tell it.
Their leadership was corrupt, treasonous...Wray immediately fired McCabe after seeing what is in the Summary of Evidence. I applaud him for acting quickly on what he thought was improper behavior by NcCabe. Now we will find out if McCabe got off too easily...

The only corruption and treason that I see is under Trump. Wray fired McCabe after pressure was brought to bear on him by Kelly. Wray has proven he is a weak FBI Director who has sold his soul. The new President in 2020 should fire Wray for corrupting the FBI.

What "pressure" did Kelly apply to wray to fire McCabe? You are aware, BTW, that the Constitution gives Trump authority to fire McCabe anytime he wants and for any reason.
The FBI corruption now being exposed should concern any sincere citizen, regardless of their politics. This corruption is the stuff of banana republics and third-world dictatorships. It smacks of the KGB and the Gestapo. Democrats, and many Republicans, became alarmed when Nixon's corruption was exposed, but where are the Dems who are willing to condemn what was being done at the FBI, NSA, and the DOJ?

Another RWNJ. The corruption is coming under Trump and the Republicans. It is Republicans who are trying to create a new KGB and Gestapo. It is Trump who wants to turn this into a banana republic.
How is Trump "trying to create a new KGB and Gestapo?"

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