Why Biden/Trudeau Lovers are Deserving of the Swastika

You whiney Biden voters want to talk about it, let's talk about it.

There is a clamp down on basic freedoms. 100% comes from the LEFT.

By that whiney thread in "Announcements" you're trying to CANCEL my basic right to even MOCK you.

Your government wants to silence all opposition to what you lefties BELIEVE is THE "truth" on covid. You want anyone who opposes you to be silenced and "you" are even willing to confiscate the opposition's beloved pet and KILL them, just to FORCE your political opposition to COMPLY.

No, Biffy, the swastika on the Democrat Jackass Is NOT hyperbole. It reflects where the modern Democrat Party is today. It is ACCURATE.

Who doesn't see that virtually all antisemitism comes from the left?

The Democrat Party needs to go the way of the Nazi Party. It disgusts any real American

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You want me to be honest here? If you said they are deserving of the hammer and sickle I may agree. But is it really appropriate to compare the American Democrats to the mass murderers of the Nazi party which by the way is illegal in Germany today. i am not European so my family was not directly effected by the holocaust. i am Jewish so it is personal for me even if my family did not have to suffer through it.

Understand that if 95% of the time, your whole shtick is predicated on the belief you are offending other people -- it takes a perpetual state of being the one who is really triggered to be that miserable...
You want me to be honest here? If you said they are deserving of the hammer and sickle I may agree. But is it really appropriate to compare the American Democrats to the mass murderers of the Nazi party which by the way is illegal in Germany today. i am not European so my family was not directly effected by the holocaust. i am Jewish so it is personal for me even if my family did not have to suffer through it.
And now they will say YOU are "triggered"!
You want me to be honest here? If you said they are deserving of the hammer and sickle I may agree. But is it really appropriate to compare the American Democrats to the mass murderers of the Nazi party which by the way is illegal in Germany today. i am not European so my family was not directly effected by the holocaust. i am Jewish so it is personal for me even if my family did not have to suffer through it.
Don't you understand that the Democrats support of Overtime Pay protection and OSHA rights are essentially the same thing as the extermination of 6 million Jews
I am still not sure how making fun of people for being proud of flying the swastika equates to anyone being triggered. It is just one more spin for them
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW........................ Please call us the "N" word again! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You want me to be honest here? If you said they are deserving of the hammer and sickle I may agree. But is it really appropriate to compare the American Democrats to the mass murderers of the Nazi party which by the way is illegal in Germany today. i am not European so my family was not directly effected by the holocaust. i am Jewish so it is personal for me even if my family did not have to suffer through it.
It became appropriate the day this poster posted this message. I've never read a more Nazi-esque post in a message board.

"I'm getting sick and tired of people who are unvaccinated. I wish them to all die and also to bypass the hospitals. Die at home."--Penelope, Jan 18th 2022
Heading to the driving range soon. Said goodbye to you as you had lost all entertainment value

Talked to sheepgirl for a bit but she does nothing but parrot you and bow down and kiss your ass so she has too lost all entertainment value
Don't let the door hit you in the ass, but don't stay gone too long. You're a fun butt monkey to play with.
It became appropriate the day this poster posted this message. I've never read a more Nazi-esque post in a message board.

"I'm getting sick and tired of people who are unvaccinated. I wish them to all die and also to bypass the hospitals. Die at home."--Penelope, Jan 18th 2022
Conservative logic: Lol, look at how triggered I made the libs...

US: Umm no, we are just wondering why you are covered in shit..

Conservative logic: Lol...you're so triggered....

US: Yea, but you are still covered in shit tho....so....
It's hard to resist. With your room temperature IQs, it's too easy to pass up, Biffy.
It became appropriate the day this poster posted this message. I've never read a more Nazi-esque post in a message board.

"I'm getting sick and tired of people who are unvaccinated. I wish them to all die and also to bypass the hospitals. Die at home."--Penelope, Jan 18th 2022
How come Penelope wasn't invited to speak at AFPAC?

I think anyone who wishes death on people are either very depraved or full of shit.....

But to let this one comment force you to go full Nazi yourself is the epitome of being "triggered"

Problem is...you were giddy for Neo-Nazis and White supremacists BEFORE that comment...so, again..you are full of shit
So its hard for you to resist the urge to cover yourself in shit??

Perhaps you have some latent scatological fetish you are trying to cope with
Nice try. I expected something more clever, however.

And YOU, Bifflette, are the one who wandered off the plantation and got mired in scatology.
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Heading to the driving range soon. Said goodbye to you as you had lost all entertainment value

Talked to sheepgirl for a bit but she does nothing but parrot you and bow down and kiss your ass so she has too lost all entertainment value
After all these posts are you still pretending to misunderstand the meaning of a democrat party donkey symbol wearing a swastka?

thats sad
How come Penelope wasn't invited to speak at AFPAC?

I think anyone who wishes death on people are either very depraved or full of shit.....

But to let this one comment force you to go full Nazi yourself is the epitome of being "triggered"

Problem is...you were giddy for Neo-Nazis and White supremacists BEFORE that comment...so, again..you are full of shit
That's the best you got.

Room temperature IQ.
After all these posts are you still pretending to misunderstand the meaning of a democrat party donkey symbol wearing a swastka?

thats sad
They are pretty obdurate. Actually, I like it. It makes them more fun to play with and more satisfying to back into a corner of their own making.
After all these posts are you still pretending to misunderstand the meaning of a democrat party donkey symbol wearing a swastka?

thats sad
What's sad is anyone thinking it's cool to self-identify with a swastika.

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