Why Biden/Trudeau Lovers are Deserving of the Swastika

You want me to be honest here? If you said they are deserving of the hammer and sickle I may agree. But is it really appropriate to compare the American Democrats to the mass murderers of the Nazi party which by the way is illegal in Germany today.

They're baby murderers. Doesn't that count? And btw, I truly don't want to offend you as you're really nice and I don't want to upset you,.. but we can't help but feel the way we do about them for the most part. I'll try not to call them Nazis around you though. :) (Oh and what's a hammer and sickle for?)
They're baby murderers. Doesn't that count? And btw, I truly don't want to offend you as you're really nice and I don't want to upset you,.. but we can't help but feel the way we do about them for the most part. I'll try not to call them Nazis around you though. :) (Oh and what's a hammer and sickle for?)
Funny how dead people have more body autonomy in red states than women do.
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You whiney Biden voters want to talk about it, let's talk about it.

There is a clamp down on basic freedoms. 100% comes from the LEFT.

By that whiney thread in "Announcements" you're trying to CANCEL my basic right to even MOCK you.

Your government wants to silence all opposition to what you lefties BELIEVE is THE "truth" on covid. You want anyone who opposes you to be silenced and "you" are even willing to confiscate the opposition's beloved pet and KILL them, just to FORCE your political opposition to COMPLY.

No, Biffy, the swastika on the Democrat Jackass Is NOT hyperbole. It reflects where the modern Democrat Party is today. It is ACCURATE.

Who doesn't see that virtually all antisemitism comes from the left?

The Democrat Party needs to go the way of the Nazi Party. It disgusts any real American

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Liberals, not the left, but yes.
i still have not seen any swastika avatars, besides those that have been forced on me. can i be a moderator now, please? i think i qualify.
They're baby murderers. Doesn't that count? And btw, I truly don't want to offend you as you're really nice and I don't want to upset you,.. but we can't help but feel the way we do about them for the most part. I'll try not to call them Nazis around you though. :) (Oh and what's a hammer and sickle for?)
Hammer and sickle was on the Soviet flag. Communist symbol.

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