Why Blacks Cannot Trust Trump, MAGA and Black Conservatives

“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.” -Mike King

Trump and the MAGA movememt is fueled by the beief in aggrieved whitesness. Dr. Carol Anderson has called this phenomenon. She has accurately noted that acts of white racial violencce do just describe white rage. She states that white rage happens in the courts, the legislatures, city councils, and school boards. It’s not about a Klan rally. It’s about the passing of laws and policies. The rise of Donald Trump amd his cut like hold on a portion of the American population is based on white rage. In this video the individual speaks the truth about how Trump, MAGA, and so called black conservatives are working for the same thing, the maintenance of white male hegemony.

I bet you wish you could make a living race baiting the guy in the video does. Kind of make you wonder what he'd be doing if he had to get an honest job. But hey, race baiting is a multi, multi billion dollar business, I guess everyone has to get their piece. You ever noticed the modern commie race baiters never talk about "equality", the way the civil rights leaders of old did? Nope, it's all about "equity" now, denoting equal outcome, not equal opportunity.

Don't know about you children, but I don't feel aggrieved by anyone or any damned thing. I've always acknowledged everyone I've encountered and have no problems striking up conversations with anyone I've met, regardless of age or race. So just keep on pushing your commie bullshit, fewer and fewer people of all races are buying it. ROFLMAO at the race baiter.

Dang, dumber than a rock.

Obama, Clinton honor Byrd
Nah. IM2 is just an angry old white guy with a black wife whose only joy is to stir the racial pot. If you said the sky is blue, he'd argue that it is green and that you're RACIST to believe it was blue. Then he'll back that up with fictitious "FACTS."

Proof of that is his amusing defense of Sen. Byrd and President Biden—both rabid racists who later in life changed their outward appearance in the interest of votes, power, and wealth!
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I posted it in the appropriate area. This ain't crap. Its truth. You right wingers say everything this man talks about.

Then why did the guy lie about Trump starting the questioning of maobama''s citizenship. That was started by the bitches campaign more than 8 years before Trump entered politics. Yeah, he pushed a button or two on the subject, but it didn't originate with him. And that's just one of the many lies he told.

I bet you wish you could make a living race baiting the guy in the video does. Kind of make you wonder what he'd be doing if he had to get an honest job. But hey, race baiting is a multi, multi billion dollar business, I guess everyone has to get their piece. You ever noticed the modern commie race baiters never talk about "equality", the way the civil rights leaders of old did? Nope, it's all about "equity" now, denoting equal outcome, not equal opportunity.

Don't know about you children, but I don't feel aggrieved by anyone or any damned thing. I've always acknowledged everyone I've encountered and have no problems striking up conversations with anyone I've met, regardless of age or race. So just keep on pushing your commie bullshit, fewer and fewer people of all races are buying it. ROFLMAO at the race baiter.

I get tired of you white racists calling everybody else but yourselves race baiters. You guys are the race baiters. You guys are the race pimps. You guys are the race hustlers. The man in the video is a lawyer, that's something you aren't You are an example of the aggrieved white male. That's why you support trump. This ain't about who you can talk to son, nor is it about who you acknowledge. It is about the current right wing disposition of opposing anything providing equal opportunity for non white people in this country based on a zero sum belief that if a black person gets hired, it means a white person loses a job. It's about your whining about how unqualified non whites are gettiing hired because of DEI and the assumption thst every pasty white person in America is more qualified for a job than blacks or other non white people. Its about your race baited whining about some kind of reverse discrimination or anti white racism that does not exist. All of these t hings are part of white grievance as well as the white right wing race hustle and you have been race pimped to believe all of it.
Then why did the guy lie about Trump starting the questioning of maobama''s citizenship. That was started by the bitches campaign more than 8 years before Trump entered politics. Yeah, he pushed a button or two on the subject, but it didn't originate with him. And that's just one of the many lies he told.

No it wasn't started by the Clinton campaign and Trump was indeed the one to continue pushing it long after Obama was president. The man told no lies.
Meanwhile Democrats are planning to replace black folks with 40 million immigrants from around the world at a rate that is reckless.. cant take care of the problems at home so have to import more. Thats your party. Blacks as a group have no reason to trust DEmocrat grifters.
Democrats are not planning to replace blacks with anything. But here again, we see the white rght wing race hustle. Why in the HELL do you right wing stooges continue insulting our intelligence with this ----? The republican party is anti black. So the just STHU with this bs.
Of course. Most of the MAGA-Hats, are just mostly, old, angry white conservatives who were once arguing that Obama was born in Kenya and wasn't born in America.

I sympathize with their complaint about the illegal immigration, being that I'm from NYC and I see how this influx of illegals is taking resources away from Americans that need it. Unfortunately these MAGA-Hats, along with the liberals don't realize that much of this illegal immigration from Latin America is coming due to our foreign policy towards Latin America and our refusal to allow them to develop their countries, creating a middle class that is unionized and demands higher wages.

American, Canadian, and European companies love their cheap, un-unionized, Latin American labor, working in unregulated markets. Foreign manufacturers opening factories in Central America, spend five times less in filtering CNC machines that emit dangerous fumes into the air than in the US, Canada, and EU. These are unregulated workplaces, where foreign companies can make a killing due to the lower overhead and regulations. Who the hell wants to live in a country where you're getting paid peanuts and you need to breathe toxic fumes at work because your foreign employer wants to save money on the filters? Many politicians in these Latin American countries have to play ball with Washington, or they lose the next election to an American-backed candidate.

These MAGA-Hats and Liberals forget to identify why so many of these Latin Americans don't want to live and invest in their own countries. They lose hope and they leave, to the great empire of the north, to earn some US dollars and send them home to their families. Our foreign policy towards Latin America contributes to all of the illegal immigration and of course, the greed of capitalist employers who want cheap labor. Continue to ignore this fact and you can expect more illegal immigration from Latin America. Learn Spanish and eat tacos.
Spot on. I think many liberals understand the problem. Our foreign policy has destabilized a lot of places and people end up coming here to get away from what our foriegn policy has created. And people from Latin America eat more than tacos.
Of course. Most of the MAGA-Hats, are just mostly, old, angry white conservatives who were once arguing that Obama was born in Kenya and wasn't born in America.

I sympathize with their complaint about the illegal immigration, being that I'm from NYC and I see how this influx of illegals is taking resources away from Americans that need it. Unfortunately these MAGA-Hats, along with the liberals don't realize that much of this illegal immigration from Latin America is coming due to our foreign policy towards Latin America and our refusal to allow them to develop their countries, creating a middle class that is unionized and demands higher wages.

American, Canadian, and European companies love their cheap, un-unionized, Latin American labor, working in unregulated markets. Foreign manufacturers opening factories in Central America, spend five times less in filtering CNC machines that emit dangerous fumes into the air than in the US, Canada, and EU. These are unregulated workplaces, where foreign companies can make a killing due to the lower overhead and regulations. Who the hell wants to live in a country where you're getting paid peanuts and you need to breathe toxic fumes at work because your foreign employer wants to save money on the filters? Many politicians in these Latin American countries have to play ball with Washington, or they lose the next election to an American-backed candidate.

These MAGA-Hats and Liberals forget to identify why so many of these Latin Americans don't want to live and invest in their own countries. They lose hope and they leave, to the great empire of the north, to earn some US dollars and send them home to their families. Our foreign policy towards Latin America contributes to all of the illegal immigration and of course, the greed of capitalist employers who want cheap labor. Continue to ignore this fact and you can expect more illegal immigration from Latin America. Learn Spanish and eat tacos.

Spot on. I think many liberals understand the problem. Our foreign policy has destabilized a lot of places and people end up coming here to get away from what our foriegn policy has created. And people from Latin America eat more than tacos.
It’s Lib-fashionable to make this claim…that ‘America is evil and destroying the world’…..Why can’t you parrots ever explain what “foreign policy” causes people of dark cultures to behave like people of dark cultures do?
Which policies cause dark people to make babies they can’t feed or afford at the same pace as cockroaches and rodents?
It’s Lib-fashionable to make this claim…that ‘America is evil and destroying the world’…..Why can’t you parrots ever explain what “foreign policy” causes people of dark cultures to behave like people of dark cultures do?
Which policies cause dark people to make babies they can’t feed or afford at the same pace as cockroaches and rodents?
I think whites need to shut up about the behavior of others.
“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.” -Mike King

Trump and the MAGA movememt is fueled by the beief in aggrieved whitesness. Dr. Carol Anderson has called this phenomenon. She has accurately noted that acts of white racial violencce do just describe white rage. She states that white rage happens in the courts, the legislatures, city councils, and school boards. It’s not about a Klan rally. It’s about the passing of laws and policies. The rise of Donald Trump amd his cut like hold on a portion of the American population is based on white rage. In this video the individual speaks the truth about how Trump, MAGA, and so called black conservatives are working for the same thing, the maintenance of white male hegemony.

You are a hate-peddling WINGNUT.
“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.” -Mike King

Trump and the MAGA movememt is fueled by the beief in aggrieved whitesness. Dr. Carol Anderson has called this phenomenon. She has accurately noted that acts of white racial violencce do just describe white rage. She states that white rage happens in the courts, the legislatures, city councils, and school boards. It’s not about a Klan rally. It’s about the passing of laws and policies. The rise of Donald Trump amd his cut like hold on a portion of the American population is based on white rage. In this video the individual speaks the truth about how Trump, MAGA, and so called black conservatives are working for the same thing, the maintenance of white male hegemony.

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It’s Lib-fashionable to make this claim…that ‘America is evil and destroying the world’…..Why can’t you parrots ever explain what “foreign policy” causes people of dark cultures to behave like people of dark cultures do?
Which policies cause dark people to make babies they can’t feed or afford at the same pace as cockroaches and rodents?
What causes people to have sex and get pregnant? Human nature. So-called "dark people", are the people who invented civilization. Europeans were living in caves when the so-called "darkies", were inventing and developing everything from writing to mathematics (our current number system, 0123456789, comes from India through the Arabs). Imagine doing advanced mathematics with Roman numerals. Without algorithms there would be no modern computers and it was the so-called "darkies" who invented it (the very word "algorithm" is a derivative of an Arabic word, named after the Arab who invented it) and a host of other inventions that allowed us to develop the modern world we now live in.

If you're going to pretend that I said America is evil because it's making foreign policy mistakes in Latin America (a complete exaggeration, because I never asserted that America is the most evil country on Earth or is across the board, "evil" due to its foreign policy mistakes) and resort to stupid, white supremacist, trailer-trash racist comments then you're fair game.

A non-European can just as well argue Europeans are indeed evil because, for the last 600 years, they've been pillaging the world. They even started two world wars killing more people than all of the previous wars combined, not to speak of the invention of the the nuclear bomb..etc. I can paint a very ugly picture of Europeans, just as you are of non-Europeans.

So give it a break, and go get an education, Bubba.

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Employable blacks can't stand trump. I worked for 42 years. Shutup with that ignorant trash. None of those men pictured were in atendance at a KKK leaders funeral.
You have stated in the past that you are not an "employable black" your own qwords have said that you have run "social agencies" and have a degree in (I believe) sociology. Those are not recommendations for being employable.
There are no open borders. Now try listening to the video instead of inflicting your opinion without hearing what is said.
Eight million uneducated Latinos in the last three years disproves your assertion.
I get tired of you white racists calling everybody else but yourselves race baiters. You guys are the race baiters. You guys are the race pimps. You guys are the race hustlers. The man in the video is a lawyer, that's something you aren't You are an example of the aggrieved white male. That's why you support trump. This ain't about who you can talk to son, nor is it about who you acknowledge. It is about the current right wing disposition of opposing anything providing equal opportunity for non white people in this country based on a zero sum belief that if a black person gets hired, it means a white person loses a job. It's about your whining about how unqualified non whites are gettiing hired because of DEI and the assumption thst every pasty white person in America is more qualified for a job than blacks or other non white people. Its about your race baited whining about some kind of reverse discrimination or anti white racism that does not exist. All of these t hings are part of white grievance as well as the white right wing race hustle and you have been race pimped to believe all of it.
You're "tired" of anyone that doesn't slavishly agree with every jot and tittle that you espouse. We are all racists because we dare to disagree with you. You even turn on your most ardent supports if they disagree with you.
Trump and the MAGA movememt is fueled by the beief in aggrieved whitesness.
And just like that Democrats play the RACE CARD, pathetic. Democrats have screwed over blacks for decades. Certainly the Biden regime has screwed them big time. But but but...RACE CARD that's all these shit stain Democrats have they can't win on any policy debate. :auiqs.jpg:
And just like that Democrats play the RACE CARD, pathetic. Democrats have screwed over blacks for decades. Certainly the Biden regime has screwed them big time. But but but...RACE CARD that's all these shit stain Democrats have they can't win on any policy debate. :auiqs.jpg:
Both Democrats and Republicans have seriously hurt blacks. Both.
“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.” -Mike King

Trump and the MAGA movememt is fueled by the beief in aggrieved whitesness. Dr. Carol Anderson has called this phenomenon. She has accurately noted that acts of white racial violencce do just describe white rage. She states that white rage happens in the courts, the legislatures, city councils, and school boards. It’s not about a Klan rally. It’s about the passing of laws and policies. The rise of Donald Trump amd his cut like hold on a portion of the American population is based on white rage. In this video the individual speaks the truth about how Trump, MAGA, and so called black conservatives are working for the same thing, the maintenance of white male hegemony.

Did you say goodbye to Willie Pye? I did. Don't be racist.
“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.” -Mike King

Trump and the MAGA movememt is fueled by the beief in aggrieved whitesness. Dr. Carol Anderson has called this phenomenon. She has accurately noted that acts of white racial violencce do just describe white rage. She states that white rage happens in the courts, the legislatures, city councils, and school boards. It’s not about a Klan rally. It’s about the passing of laws and policies. The rise of Donald Trump amd his cut like hold on a portion of the American population is based on white rage. In this video the individual speaks the truth about how Trump, MAGA, and so called black conservatives are working for the same thing, the maintenance of white male hegemony.

Trump did away with Clintons and Biden's law that jailed thousands of blacks.

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